Archive for January 15th, 2020

Research Methods

Research Methods Essay:

Consider your work environment, domain of interest, or the world around you, and discuss when it might be more appropriate to use the (Mean, Median, or Mode) for Measures of Central Tendency.

Guidelines to the Essay:

a.    The essay should begin with an introduction to the topic.
b.    Organization should be logical, clear, and appropriate.
c.    You should provide strong evidence of critical thinking.
d.    Essay should end with a conclusion statement to support your essay.

** Need two (2) peer-reviewed, academic sources no more than 5 years old minimum**

Mexican revolution

Narrative of the Mexican Revolution

Use four or five murals (by any muralist) to create a narrative on the Mexican Revolution. For instance, you might want to use the murals to come up with a beginning, a process and an end of the Revolution. Or you might just want to create a narrative of the struggles and accomplishments of the Revolution. Or, you might want to create a narrative on the perils and darkness of this ten year-long battle.

This is an open topic. Just make sure you do create a narrative of the Revolution. You might want to reread the article by Abbott and the article by Lewisohn.

Your narrative should be at least two pages long.

Imagine You Have Been Asked To Create A Team At Work To Meet A Specific Need Within Your Company.

Throughout this course, you have learned about teamwork and effective teams. Now it is time to put it all together and design your own team! This assignment allows you to bring together what you have learned and apply it through creating a group plan.

Imagine you have been asked to create a team at work to meet a specific need within your company.

Create a 350- to 700-word proposal of a team to present to your manager. Include the following:

A description of what type of group/team this will be

A description of the goals of the group/team and how many team members will be needed

An outline of a plan for how this group/team will be effective, including the following:

A proposed leadership style

The characteristics that you are looking for in team members

The roles that each team member will take on

Methods for enhancing group cohesion

Strategies for managing conflict

Strategies for decision making and problem-solving

A proposed team agenda for the first meeting

Discussion 2: Optimizing Sampling And Data Collection


The data that you collect from your norm group is called normative data. It allows you to see what the results of your test instrument should be, so that you have a standardized score against which to compare others. In other words, it allows you to equate scores across different tests of the same construct and lets you compare individuals to each other. Now that you have considered sampling the population of interest for your proposed test instrument, you explore how you might optimally define your sample and collect your data if you had unlimited resources. Though it may not always be possible for practical reasons to do this in real life, this exercise nevertheless provides you with a valuable thought experiment.

As you complete this experiment, keep in mind that even with optimal sample definition and data collection, test norms are not absolute. They can change with time or with a different norm group.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a description of the information you anticipate collecting through your proposed Final Project instrument. Then explain how you would optimally define your sample and collect your data if you had unlimited resources. Finally, explain advantages and disadvantages of your chosen data collection method. Support your response using the Learning Resources and the current literature.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Literature Review

It is time to convert your Annotate Bibliography into a Literature Review. You must now do the rest of your reading and writing. The deliverable for this assignment is a completed Literature Review. You WILL NOT supply an Abstract or Methods Section. Figures and Graphs are not recommended, but if included must be at the end after References. If you provide an Abstract or Methods section now, or inline figures and graphics before the end, it will be returned ungraded.

Critical thinking is required here. Your readers expect a critique of the works that you have studied. What your annotations are missing going into this are your thoughts, logic, warrant, and assertions. Add these things now.
Combine your annotations into paragraphs. Use opening and closing sentences, bridge words and sentences to link these thoughts together. Add your thoughts, using your annotations as evidence to support your logic. Add quotes as appropriate. Remember that your readers want your critique of the literature, not just a recitation.
Move your reader through your chosen structure leading to an elegant segue to your proposed research problems or hypotheses that you will be working on.
Add opening and closing language.
This assignment is only for the literature review and reference sections. Your literature review and references must be well-formed, using complete English sentences, perfect punctuation, and capitalization, and be fully APA compliant in all aspects.
You will submit an APA style Title Page, an introduction (NO INTRODUCTION HEADER), a Literature Review (YES Literature Review Header), and a References section.



Week 4 Milestone: The Religious Approach    to Social Issues

As you have    read, all religious traditions share three basic characteristics from which    we may analyze the religion and compare it to other religions. For your    Final Project, you will focus on a single pillar of analysis from which you    will engage in a deeper study of a religious tradition. 

For this worksheet    activity, you will consider a contemporary social issue from the perspective    of your selected religious tradition within the context of your selected    pillar of analysis. Some suggested social issues for you to consider are    listed here. However, feel free to select a social issue that is of interest    to you even if it is not shown in the list. 

Suggested social issues:

  • Climate change
  • Unequal         distribution of wealth
  • Capital         punishment

In the writing    space below, identify the social issue you chose to explore. Then, write a 100-    to 150-word paragraph in which you analyze your selected religious    traditions worldview as it relates to your chosen social issue. Be sure to    explore the following ideas:

  • Why is this         social issue of particular importance to adherents of your chosen         religious tradition?
  • What actions         have adherents of your religious tradition taken to effect change         related to the social issue?
  • In what ways         have these actions affected people both within and outside the selected         religions sacred canopy?


My chosen social  issue is: 


Submit your 100-   to 150-word paragraph here. Be sure to include at least two references to an   academically relevant source, either from our classroom, the Walden Library,   or Google Scholar, that supports your exploration of this social issue.

Case Study -5 BE

 Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study. 

Please answer all questions. In the link provide.


Discussion: Prejudice

People often use jokes to test the boundaries of what is considered offensive. Under the guise of humor, the joke teller can attempt to minimize any offense taken by defending the humor as just a joke.

Clearly, an attempt to belittle or demean others as a form of humor is distasteful. And in every culture, one can encounter humor that, to be understood, relies on prejudicewhether that prejudice be about race, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, or nationality. What others might find funny, some find tasteless and indefensible. Simply because an offensive statement is clothed as a joke does not make the joke funny nor does it mean that the joke teller cannot be confronted by someone who finds the comment offensive or inappropriate. Even so, confronting someone about an inappropriate joke can present a social risk; the person being called out is likely to feel defensive and retaliate against whomever exposed them.

For this Discussion, you will draw on your own experience and social psychology theory to examine responses to prejudiced comments.

To Prepare
  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and think about how social psychology theory and research explains the responses that people have when they hear prejudiced comments.
  • Recall a time when you have been present when someone made a racist comment or joke, and no one confronted the joke teller.
By Day 4

Post a time when you have been present when someone made a prejudiced joke or comment, and no one confronted the joke teller. Were you offended by the joke? How can a decision to stay mute be explained by social psychology theory? 

Research Methods

Research Methods Essay:

Select a current issue within your workplace, social organization, or home, and briefly describe a Workable Research Design to help solve that problem.

Guidelines to the Essay:

a.    The essay should begin with an introduction to the topic.
b.    Organization should be logical, clear, and appropriate.
c.    You should provide strong evidence of critical thinking.
d.    Essay should end with a conclusion statement to support your essay.

** Need two (2) peer-reviewed, academic sources no more than 5 years old minimum**

Prof Eliud – HRM


Scenario: You are an HR manager of a company that since its inception has only operated locally. In a recent meeting your boss informed you that the company is planning to go global in the next 1 to 2 years. She would like an introduction from you on HR related issues for a global operation.

Create a 8 slide presentation, with speaker notes, including the following:

  • List and briefly describe methods for staffing global organizations. Include pros and cons for each method.
  • Identify five competencies important to selection of candidates for global assignments that are essential to success.
  • Describe pre-departure onboarding opportunities you would recommend to enhance the global experience. Onboarding examples may include the expatriate as well as family members.
  • Describe ongoing training and development opportunities that are essential while on global assignments.
  • Describe repatriation policies that will attract and retain global talent.
  • Identify U.S. employment laws and ethical responsibilities to consider in staffing for global assignments.