Archive for January 15th, 2020


This is a basic discussion post pertaining to Comparing and Contrasting Araby and A&P. The following basic instructions are below as well as an attached file with readings from the textbook/module notes to help aid in the writing of this assignment.

In a minimum of 150 words, briefly describe one character from A&P, discussing whether or not the character is rounded or flat.

M1D1: Literary Elements and Araby

This is a basic discussion post pertaining to Literary Elements and Araby. The following basic instructions are below as well as an attached file with readings from the textbook/module notes to help aid in the writing of this assignment.

In a post of at least 150 words, describe the character and point of view of the unnamed boy who narrates the story in Araby.  Discuss how the narrators description of his setting and situation illustrate the storys theme of a young man coming of age and/or experiencing a loss of innocence while also capturing a distinct setting in place and time.


    Introduction (approximately 100150 words)
    Biblical Metanarrative (approximately 150-200 words)
    Topic Example 1 (approximately 125250 words)
    Topic Example 2 (approximately 125250 words)
    Conclusion (approximately 100150 words)
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the unified and coherent nature of the Bible and the theological doctrines. One way to view Scripture is through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation. Considering biblical doctrines through these four plot movements can aid in our understanding of humanity and humanitys relationship to God.
After viewing the presentation, Understanding the Metanarrative, and completing your textbook readings, you will be equipped to demonstrate the coherence of Scripture and share some of the implications of the unified message of the Bible.
For this assignment, you must write a 6001,000-word essay addressing the following prompt:
The unity of the Bible is demonstrated through the Divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit on the human authors of Scripture. The study of theology uncovers and articulates the unity of all the biblical texts when they are taken together. From the list of approved doctrines to address, demonstrate the unified nature of the Bible by tracing that doctrine through the four major plot developments of Scripture. 
For example, The Bible describes God as love in 1 John 4:8. The way to interpret God is love is to look at the biblical story that reveals Gods character through His actions. When looking at the idea of love through the four major plot movements in Scripture we see Gods love demonstrated in His creation of humanity, His patience with humanity after the fall, His sacrificial death to redeem humanity from the fall, and His restorative work through preparation of the heavenly home. (This example would be substantiated and demonstrated with biblical support, and be elaborated on within the essay.)
Assignment Requirements:
1.    Discuss the major movement of the biblical metanarrative, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books.
2.    Choose two topics from the approved topics list that are presented in Biblical doctrine with attention on how these theological topics unfold through the through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation.
3.    Using your theological examples, share the implications that these examples provide humanitys relationship to God.
4.    Incorporate at least 2 theological references in your paper using course resources.
5.    Incorporate at least 2 relevant biblical references.
6.    Write a clear introductory paragraph including the thesis statement. A summative concluding paragraph must also be included.
7.    Refer to the “Course Policies” in the course syllabus for the formatting expectations in this course.

Stress in Aviation

In this module we covered stress and how it relates to performance.  Please find an article from a peer reviewed journal article that deals with this topic in aviation. Read through the article and provide a summary.

If you search stress aviation the Jack Hunt Library returns over 40,000 journal articles in the subject area. You should be able to find one that peaks your interest. 

Your analysis should include the following sections:

Summary of the case
Problem Statement What is the problem?
Significance of the Problem Why this is a problem?
Alternative Actions (2) How could it have been avoided?

Follow Sample

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hi! i requested you to help me to finish the portfolio, do you remember? and now theres a proposal essay requiring both draft and essay, can you finished and draft and make some change on it to make essay for me? And the prompt are attached. the topic is about beauty advertisement. just tell me if you forgot the topic, I will send you what you wrote for me b4

C. S. Lewiss The Problem of Pain

The paper will offer (1) a succinct but thorough summary of the main arguments of the book and
(2) an appraisal of it that addresses the following questions: are the arguments
convincing? Are the chapters well organized?
3 Are opponents positions treated fairly?

Lewis, C.S. The Problem of Pain. New York: HarperOne, 2001. ISBN: 978-0060652968

M1D2: Diasters

This is a basic discussion post pertaining to Diasters. The following basic instructions are below as well as an attached file with readings from textbook/module notes to help aid in the writing of this assignment.

    How might the emergent norm perspective, the systems theory, and the sociopolitical ecology theory give us different views of the same event?
    Which theory might help us describe and explain certain types of situations that occur during a disaster? Give some examples in order to explain your answer.

Identify the laws of employment practices that managers follow.

Identify the laws of employment practices that managers follow.

Introduction: In your Reading in Chapters 1, 3, and 15, you examined some of the laws impacting the human resources function. In this Assessment, you will read a scenario and identify the laws and actions to be addressed by this hospital in order to be in legal compliance.

Scenario: Wings Hospital has had a busy week. Two issues have arisen: (1) an employee was dismissed just prior to unionization, and (2) a veteran was interviewed but not hired for a position and is alleging discrimination and harassment.

The hospital has just been unionized, and an employee was dismissed who was a designated union representative. The employer said she was found chatting with other employees on social media about the union during the lunch break on company computers 24 hours before the union was voted in, and the former employee filed a charge with the regional labor relations office.

In addition, the companys CEO has received a charge of discrimination and harassment regarding a female veteran who was interviewed but not hired for an insurance coordinator position. The veteran claims the interviewer was making unseemly gestures towards her during the interview.

You can consult both your assigned chapter reading and the U.S. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) website to address the checklist items below:


Identify the labor relations law(s) pertaining to the two dismissed employees.
State the potential steps that will be taken by the NLRB regarding the charges filed by the former employee.
Identify the EEOC laws related to the alleged discrimination and harassment charges brought by the veteran who was interviewed but not hired.
State remedies or actions needed to be taken by the HR Department/Wings Hospital to comply with the EEOC and labor relations laws that applied to this scenario.
Access the MT203M1 Competency Assessment rubric. 

Write your original response in a minimum of a 2-page paper (i.e., 500 words) with additional title and reference pages in APA format and citation style, addressing the checklist items.

For additional help with APA, see Academic Writer in the Academic Tools area.

Minimum Submission Requirements

  This Assessment should be submitted in a Microsoft Word (minimum 500 words) document with additional title and reference pages and the paper should follow APA format and citation style.

  Respond to all of the checklist items in a thorough manner.

IT Governance Planning

I need help in completing an Assignment for my term.

My topic is –IT Governance Planning.

I have to select a specific governance plan that exits at a company or a plan framework from an Organization. I have to write a two page paper on three or four of the most important suggestions from the plan you select.

I will highly appreciate if you can provide a reference page of the site where you have found the governance plan.

Thank you.

Carter Racing Preparation

Read the attachment and thoroughly answer the following questions:

Carter Racing Preparation

1. Do you plan to race or not race?
2. What are the pros in support of racing? (Be specific.)
3. What are the cons associated with racing? (Be specific.)
4. How did you weight the pros and cons you identified?  In short, how did you approach determining whether or not to race?