Archive for October 20th, 2017

Search Engine Optimisation is the process of affecting the visibility of a website in a web search engine’s unpaid results


 Search Engine Optimization is the process of affecting the visibility of a website in the web search engine's unpaid results- often referred to as the "natural" and "organic" search. The highest ranked search engine results page and more frequently appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users; these visitors can then be converted into customers! 

The question is as follows: 500 words pleasewords please

 How can you improve websites ranking – APPLY SEO Checker 

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Decision Making and Capital Budgeting

Decision Making and Capital Budgeting

1 Excel spreadsheet and 1 paper of 1,500–2,000 words

Based on the following information, calculate net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback for the investment opportunity:

· EEC expects to save $500,000 per year for the next 10 years by purchasing the supplier.

· EEC’s cost of capital is 14%.

· EEC believes it can purchase the supplier for $2 million.

· Answer the following:

· Based on your calculations, should EEC acquire the supplier? Why or why not?

· Which of the techniques (NPV, IRR, or payback period) is the most useful tool to use? Why?

· Which of the techniques (NPV, IRR, or payback period) is the least useful tool to use? Why?

· Would your answer be the same if EEC’s cost of capital were 25%? Why or why not?

· Would your answer be the same if EEC did not save $500,000 per year as anticipated?

· What would be the least amount of savings that would make this investment attractive to EEC?

· Given this scenario, what is the most EEC would be willing to pay for the supplier?

Prepare a memo to the President of EEC that details your findings and shows the effects if any of the following situations are true:

· EEC’s cost of capital increases.

· The expected savings are less than $500,000 per year.

· EEC must pay more than $2 million for the supplier.

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Strategic Management, Ch. 9: Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control

Strategic Management, Ch. 9: Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control


Consider the following as you read:

· Why should a strategic plan be continuously monitored and updated?



Business Plan


Watch the "Business Plan" video.

Consider the following as you watch:

· What role should the employee play in the monitoring or development of a strategic plan?

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Cryptographic Communication Assignment

All instructions are in the attached document


Need an A grade paper only, I will not accept anything else


Pages: At least 5 Pages with at least 3 References


Deadline: 15 Hours from now maximum

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Week 8 | Signature Assignment – Part 2

Week 8 | Signature Assignment – Part 2 (SUBMIT)

Enhance the Non-Profit Organization Website

If you have not already done so, upload your non-profit organization and your non-profit organization Budget Worksheet that you created in the previous lesson to Google Drive. Select both "Convert" check boxes in the Upload settings dialogue. Review the Manual upload settings in Google Drive (opens in new window) help page to learn how to convert files to Google Docs format.
Share both the presentation and budget worksheet with your instructor to make them visible once they are embedded in your Google Sites website. Review the How to share help page to learn how to share files with Google Drive.
To access Google Drive, log in to your UC email account and click Drive.
Once your worksheet is in Google Drive, follow these instructions to add a chart or graph to it using tools in Google Sheets.
Next, follow these instructions to insert the Non-Profit Google Promotional presentation into the Organization page (opens in new window) of your non-profit organization website.
Follow the same steps to insert the Budget GoogleSheet into the Organization Information page on your non-profit organization website.
Then, make your non-profit organization website visible (if it is not already)
Finally, copy and paste the website link for your completed non-profit organization website into the text submission window below for final grading by the specified deadline.
During the dates displayed below, submit the web address to the site you create in Google Sites:
On the home page of your non-profit organization website in Google Sites, copy the web address from the address bar at the top of your browser window. 
Click Add Submission below and paste your website link into the text input window. It will be converted to a hyperlink when you save / post your submission. Click Save Changes. (This is the same URL you submitted last week in Part 1 of the Non-Profit Project)
Always refer to the syllabus course for the university's late work policy at

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SSCI “Business Management” on Vulnerability in the Leadership Relationship

It can be a mentor-minded project and we can figure out how this work and how it should charge. I can provide the necessary reference and articles. I need someone with experience to guide me through the process. thank you

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Search the literature, in your area, for the benefits of research ethics and the risks of not following research ethics


Q1) Search the literature, in your area, for the benefits of research ethics and the risks of not following research ethics.

Q2) Summarize, in no more than 2-pages, an ethical code of conduct in your area of study.

Q3) Find and then summarize three cases of research ethics violations and their consequences in your area of study.


Use appropriate references.

You have to submit all answers in one word file

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The decision a person makes often reveals a great deal about the individual’s character or philosophy of life

In a well-unified essay of 500 words, discuss the following statement: The decision a person makes often reveals a great deal about the individual's character or philosophy of life. Discuss this topic in relation to the following: Laertes in "Hamlet," Oedipus in "Oedipus Rex," Nora in "A Doll House," Richard Cory  in "Richard Cory, and Prufrock in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock."  Document quotations by page from your textbook. Be sure to use correct MLA format for these in-text citations.

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Extremely Angry

write about a time in your life when you were extremely angry. How did you handle it? what does the experience tell you about yourself now? Use a lot of details and examples to tell the story. 3 page essay

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    Sit And Think

    do you have a quit place to "sit and think"? If so describe it, and what you use it for. If not, do you wish you had one?- and what circumstances prevent you from having such a place? 3 page essay