Archive for October 20th, 2017


Discuss how you will use your current leadership skills set to advocate for change in your work place.

Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal.

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 Assume you work in the accounting department of a large software company. Toward the end of December, your supervisor tells you to change the dates on several executive stock option grants from March 15 to July 30. Why would she ask for this change? What should you do? 

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Finance Scenario

Using Websites report the current GDP, the current Federal deficit, the current Federal debt, and the bottom line of the current (last) budget approved by Congress (surplus or shortage). Note that the fiscal year for the federal government is October 1 – September 31.

What inference can you draw from the numbers collected?

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Law, Regulation And Ethics Questions And Answers Essay

Please answer to each question is limited to 300 words, including your in-line citation(s). Include a single Reference List at the end of your questions with all the sources you consulted. The word limit is firm. (I stop reading at the word limit.) 


These criteria will be used to evaluate your submission: a. Quality of the response to each question b. Research reflected in each response (at least one citation and one reference are required for each response) c. Grammar/spelling/communications style. 


1. Under what circumstances are different federal courts bound by conflicting interpretations of the law? How can such disagreements be resolved? 


2. Explain “fair use,” how it is determined and what purpose(s) it serves. 



3. In the United States, what is the legal basis for privacy protection? What privacy is protected? How? 


4. Why would an application (app) license agreement indicate that the certain laws apply? What does that mean to you as user? Are you obliged to accept the specified venue? Why?


 5. Johnny is an especially good hacker. He can exploit zero-day vulnerabilities, find a key file, and modify it without detection. Sally is running for dogcatcher in her local town and wants to ensure that she will win. She asked Johnny to hack and change enough votes (on the tally kept online by the town) to ensure that she gets the job after election day. He agreed, via email, when she offered to pay him $1000. Sally was so excited that she won by 11 votes, but she no longer thinks she needed Johnny to change votes. When she refused to pay, Johnny sued her for breach of contract, what was the result? 

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Western Cilivization (Roman History 2)

Q1: Discuss the Roman division of social classes. How did Rome attempt to reconcile these differences in law and culture? What problems did these divisions cause? How could Rome have stopped these problems? Your response should be at least 300 words in length.


Q2: Detail of the decline of the Roman Republic. Why were the two triumvirates established? Were Julius Caesar, Octavian Caesar, and Marcus Brutus heroes or villains? What could have been done to prevent this collapse into autocracy? Your response should be at least 300 words in length.autocracy?  Your response should be at least 300 words in length.

Q1: Discuss the Roman division of social classes. How did Rome attempt to reconcile these differences in law and culture? What problems did these divisions cause? How could Rome have stopped these problems?  Your response should be at least 300 words in length.


Q2: Detail the decline of the Roman Republic. Why were the two triumvirates established? Were Julius Caesar, Octavian Caesar, and Marcus Brutus heroes or villains? What could have been done to prevent this collapse into autocracy?  Your response should be at least 300 words in length.

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3 Phase Assignment

During Phase 1, each individual will submit their own idea for an innovation along with a model they find useful for evaluating its merits. Each team member is responsible for completing research on various models. While there are several models in circulation for evaluating innovations, such as The Lean StartUp Plan, NOMMAR, SNIFF, and the linear and mental models of innovation, innovators should not feel constrained by any particular model. Feel free to borrow elements from multiple models to develop one that would work best to most effectively evaluate your own innovation.


Teams will then review all of the submissions and choose the most promising idea to pursue. The idea should be selected by application of one of the evaluation models submitted by team members. You will then write a report of 1,500-2,500 words that describes the team’s selection process and identifies the final choice. The report must contain the following components:


-A one- or two-paragraph summary of each team member’s idea, a description of the model used to evaluate the idea, and the results of the evaluation. Specifically, the evaluation should identify the merits, drawbacks, and challenges associated with the idea.

-Identification of the selected idea for the project accompanied by a description of the model used to evaluate the idea. Include the results of the evaluation, which will serve as the justification for the team’s selection. Preliminarily forecast the most significant challenges that could impede the development of the selected idea.—

A project plan that summarizes the roles or tasks assigned to each team member that must be accomplished to complete Phase 2 of the project due in Module 6.

-In-text citations from at least five reputable secondary sources. Each person on the team must contribute an article from the research that was completed on innovation implementation/evaluation models.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.


In Phase 2, your team will work together to develop a detailed description and implementation plan for the innovation you selected to pursue in Module 3. Each team member must research and describe a product development or management process, methodology, or model that could be utilized to implement the innovation. The group should select and use one of these models for developing its own implementation plan.


For this assignment, write a paper of 2,000-3,000 words that addresses the following:


-Finalize the name and include a one- or two-sentence description of the innovation.

-Describe the value the new product or service will provide to customers and describe the need it will meet.

-Utilizing the model selected by the team, create the detailed implementation plan for the innovation. Make sure the plan accounts for contingencies/risks in the implementation process and includes realistic timeframe and budgeting considerations.

-Use graphics such as organizational charts, process maps, and/or budget tables as appropriate to increase the readability and professional appeal of the plan.

-Include in-text citations from at least six secondary sources.  Each person on the team must contribute an article from the research that was completed on product development or management processes, methodologies, and/or models.

-Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.


In Phase 3, your team will prepare a presentation to recommend your implementation plan to the appropriate audience for your innovation (e.g., venture capitalists, your CEO, your board of directors, etc.). Your goal is to persuade the audience to back your plan. Prepare 10-15 professionally developed presentation slides that accomplish the following:


-Describe the innovation and its value to both customers and the organization/entity to which you are pitching your idea.

-Review the implementation plan in significant enough depth to demonstrate your thorough understanding of the implementation process.

-Include a cost/benefit analysis appropriate for your particular audience.


Ensure your slides are visually appealing and conform to conventions of effective slide design. Include a reference slide with a minimum of three secondary resources utilized in the development of your presentation.


While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment,

solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. 

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Global Health

Question: From global health perspective, how do researchers measure the global burden of the disease and discuss the policy of increased aid funding to low-income countries (e.g: arguments, merits and constraints) with recommendations for rationing this issue.

Word limit: 500

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Leadership Challenges

this is a take home final exam, please please write very professional !!! the case and questions you need to answer are as a file names: wechatimg2. the four quesitons are in the first page, the rest 8pages are case itself. the total words you need to reach are 1000 words. you need to write each answer seperately not as a whole paper. and you can not google anything, the only citation and knowledge you can refer to are powerpoint and case itself. and you must connect the case with the powerpoint knowledge, which means you must go over the powerpoint. do not write the answers based on case itself and based on your own knowledge, you must refer back to the powerpoint !!!! and please do not grammar and spelling mistakes. the deadline is within 24hrstake home final exam, so please please write very professional!!! the case and questions you need to answer is as a file names: wechatimg2. the four quesitons are in the first page, the rest 8pages are case itself. the total words you need to reach are 1000 words. you need to write each answer seperately not as a whole paper. and you can't google anything, the only citation and knowledge you can refer to are powerpoint and case itself. and you must connect the case with the knowledge in the powerpoint, which means you must go over the powerpoint. don't write the answers based on case itself and based on your own knowledge, you must refer back to the powerpoint!!!! and please no grammar and spelling mistakes. the deadline is within 24hrs

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“Hail To The Chief” Of Social Media

How has social media impacted presidential or congressional elections? Does social media provide alternative outlets for candidates to push their agenda(s)? If so, how? To get the discussion going what form(s) of social media does president Donald Trump use to his advantage. ( 5-7 sentences)

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Imagine yourself a little into the future

 Imagine yourself a little into the future. You just got  your graduate degree from  and landed a job as the assistant  budget director of your agency or organization. You learned some budgeting methods  from your textbook that you would like to put into practice, but the budget  director is very fixed in his ways and does not like to take risks.           


 Write  a 3- to 5-page persuasive essay for your boss explaining the potential problems  with a line-item budget trying to convince him to accept a better budget  method. Your essay should include the following:            A  description of line-item budgeting.A  description of the new method you would like to implement.Potential  benefits of the new system compared to the old.Possible  cost changes in implementing the new method.An  example of an agency that implemented the new method and the results demonstrating  that the theory can also be put into practice.Potential  persuasive analysis of how the changes could save budget dollars and reduce  waste and abuse.                Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document. Cite sources in the  correct APA format

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