Category: Undergraduate

writers choice

2.    A short critical analysis (500 words strict limit) of the following research article.  Please comment particularly on the research methodology.
Title: Educators for Change: Supporting the Transformative Role of Teachers in Contexts of Mass Displacement
Published by: Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Authored by: Tejendra Pherali, Mai Abu Moghli, and Elaine Chase

Available at:

MIDI Sequencers

How and who were MIDI sequencers started by and how they helped the development of creating and making music. Also describing how MIDI sequencers are used in the current music world. How did these sequencers change the way we make music and how fast it takes? How also now sequencers are made as online plugins instead of buying the physical instrument. I also want to share how sequencers have helped me make music. All in all, I want to share the past, present and future I predict for MIDI sequencers for music makers.

organization theory and Management

1.      What does it mean when we say leadership is socially constructed?
2.      How do followers see their role in leadership?
3.      How does the norm of reciprocity work in relationship development?

4. Your roommate is student government president and has been having trouble getting others to listen to him. Each night it is a different complaint about how terrible the other people in student government are, and how they are lazy and not willing to do anything. You really want to help him figure out this problem. How do you go about it?

( include all references and citations)

free college for everyone

Topic is free college for everyone

This week, you will conduct an issue review for your selected topic for your project. Present a brief report of your research on both sides of the issue. This should include the following:

Citation of your sources
Links to the sources where available
Brief description of the content of each of the sources (50 to 80 words for each source)
Your research review should address at least three (3) aspects of the issue that is the subject of your paper and must present at least one pro and one con article review on each aspect. Sources should be scholarly or of very high substantive quality.

The first aspect is written out completely, with APA citation and brief description of content. The next two aspects should be completely written out by you in your report, including correct APA citation and brief description of content.

Butler’s Message in Parable of the Sower

This essay asks that you understand the genre of Dystopic/Utopic fiction. You should quote the novel in your analysis. Many of the books in American Literature have looked at the idea of the world as either a utopia or dystopia. Octavia Butler’s work, in particular, explores the notion of a future, apocalyptic world plagued by our nation’s past choices.  Discuss Butler’s vision of America and state what you believe is her message to the younger generation.  What does it mean to vision a world that is ‘upside down”?  You might want to consider the work of Mikhal Bakhtin and his notions of the Carnivalesque or Grotesque in your answer.Your paper should be four pages.

your choice!

Commenting and/or raising questions about the event summarized.
Explaining why you either agree or disagree with that student’s analysis of the situation. Remember, your comments should refer to the information and ideas presented NOT the individual who posted them.
Be thoughtful and considerate in your responses by always exercising respect and civility.
I would use the following student example as a template for your analysis.

Student Example:

Summary: In Pam Constable and Michelle Boorsteins article Americans still favor immigration reform, despite political friction, study finds, explains the results of a survey questioning Americans view on the United States immigration reform. Although there is a lot of national debate and congressional indecision, the majority of Americans agree that illegal immigrants should be allowed to remain in the United States and be able to get some type of legal status. According to a study by Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution, the majority (62%) of Americans are in favor of illegal immigrants to become citizens. This poll shows that Americans have a positive outlook on the role of 11 million immigrants living in the United States (9-10).

This is a huge transformation from 2013s survey, where 56 percent (12) felt there was a negative economic impact on wages because of low-cost immigrant labor. The new survey found that 58 percent (16-17) of people agreed that the growing immigrant population makes the American society stronger. On the other hand, Republicans support illegal immigrant deportation.  Republicans are three times more likely than Democrats (37) to search for and deport illegal immigrants. The upcoming midterm congressional election will most likely benefit the Republicans because Hispanics and young adults are less likely to vote because of their dissatisfaction with President Obama. 

Analysis: This article also touched upon the medias biased influence on the immigration reform. There is strong correlation between television news negative or positive view about immigration. For example, most people who watch MSNBC are in favor of citizenship, but those who watch Fox News have conflicting views about immigration. Which TV news is most trusted and viewed by Americans? One quarter of Americans (36) say that they trust Fox News, while only 5 percent (37) trust MSNBC. 

This article talks about majority rule, which is one of the key tenants of political culture (vocabulary term). This article was based off a survey, but imagine if people actually voted in favor of making immigrants legal. Perhaps there can be an immigration reform in 2014-2015 because of the changing tenants of the American public. Chapter one of The Essentials of American Government text, it states that the American electorate is always changing and evolving because of family, ethnicity, population, growth, race, religion, and age. Additionally, political ideology of conservative Republican and liberal Democrats will continue to influence the United States people through government, media, and other forms of resources.

Evaluation: I want immigration reform because illegal immigrant can be helpful to the economy. There are so many immigrants that do not pay taxes and receive state welfare. If the country makes them legal, they would be obligated to pay taxes and contribute to our countrys economy. My family friend is an undocumented Mexican immigrant that has lived in the United States for over 25 years, she pays her taxes, and is a law-abiding citizen, but the government has continuously denied her citizenship. There are those who do not make an effort to be good citizen, they take their citizenship for granted. My friend would like to travel in the United States, but she fears deportation. Immigrants should be given a legal status, so they can contribute to American society.


Constable, Pamela, and Michelle Boorstein. “Americans Still Favor Immigration Reform, despite Political Friction, Study Finds.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, 10 June 2014. Web. 10 June 2013. URL here.


MIRS 3452 Principles of Radiation TherapyAssignment 4:  Comparison and Contrast PaperThe intent of this assignment is to have you synthesize what you’ve learned about radiation therapy into a short paper comparing and contrasting Nuclear Medicine  to radiation therapy. Content areas should include therapeutic and imaging capabilities, discuss future developments in the field of radiation oncology, professional issues, certification, licensure and accreditation

Transgender Legal Policies for Recreation or Athletics Programs

Transgender Legal Policies for Recreation or Athletics Programs:

Students will select a legal issue in the sport/recreation field of their choice, conduct research on the topic using library resources, and compose a 5-7 page paper. Students must cite 6 articles, including at least 2 legal case briefs. Students should not use Wikipedia or other unreliable opinion-based web resources. The paper should have a title page and a reference page (these are not included in the total page count, and each should be on a separate piece of paper); all content must be formatted in current APA style (font, page numbers, citations, reference page, etc.). Please note that this is a research-based paper and the arguments presented in the paper should be supported by the resources found (not personal opinion).

In the attachment is the purposed topic of discussion, the grading rubric, and a sample of what is expected.

Bio Sensors In healthcare

the paper should be 7 pages not including cover/references/bibliography and any appendix
paper content:
I. Abstract
An abstract is a fifty to two-hundred-word summary of your paper that appears at the beginning of the paper.
II. Introduction.
Objective (why is your topic worthy of treatment?)
Contribution (what is your particular take on this topic?)
Organization (what specific areas will you explore in each section?)
III. Related work
Descriptive or explanatory paragraphs following the introduction, setting the background or theme. A summary of the contributions of related works.
Analysis and argument paragraphs/sections
All figures should be clearly readable and scaled properly to match the font size used in the text. Figures must include a caption (usually placed below the graphic) that contains the figure number followed by a brief description of what is shown. All figures must be explicitly discussed in the text by referencing the appropriate figure number.
Should be ordered according to the sequence they are cited in the paper; and you should add the reference number in the corresponding texts.

Perspectives in Humanities: Cultures & Artifacts

This is a continuation order from last week. Please review the attached “Short Answer_Human Culture & Experiences” and follow the steps to in the attached, “Two Short Answer Guidelines” to complete this order.

Please follow the steps in the guide to complete this order. Thank you.