Category: Undergraduate

Carbon Tax

Consider only creating two separate sections speaking on the two questions asked. I do not need and intro or conclusion. You may use the document attached.

Many consider carbon dioxide capture and sequestration is a viable option for reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Your paper is to discuss conditions under which the world would see wide spread implementation of CO2 sequestration with special emphasis on a carbon tax.

1.) If you are the Government and considering a carbon tax, what would a carbon tax value have to be that would lead to more wide spread implementation of methods to reduce CO2 discharges into the atmosphere (reducing CO2 production, capture and sequestering).

2.) What are the barriers for the imposition of such a carbon tax.

Analytical paper over international business

The Company will be Royal Dutch Shell the oil and gas company.

Use the concepts of Supply chain management, competitive strategy, marketing, accounting/ finance, labor, or business ethics. Use up to two concepts.

1. Introduction: Introduce the companywhat are they and what do they do? What is its
history? How did they develop? How are they structured (multi- domestic, truly global, etc.)?
2. Problem: What problem(s) did the businesses face and what were theprimary causes?
What additional factors affected the situation? How did the businesses work to solve the
problem(s)? Were the businesses successful in solving the problem(s)? Why or why not?
3. Implications: What are the potential implications of the issues the companies faced? In
other words, how did (or how will) the problem impact thebusinesses?
4. Analysis: How can the theories and concepts we have learned in class beapplied to or
explain the situation?
5. Conclusion: What is the international outlook for the companys future (if you do not
think your company will expand internationally, you must give a reason why using the
concepts we have studied this semester.)
6. References Page (One page that is in addition to your 4-6 page requirement): List each of
the sources you used to write your paper at the end of your paper. This page does not count
as a page of written text. Theseshould be in MLA format. Sources MUST be properly cited
throughout the paper using MLA format (in-text citations).

Compare and Contrast Please choose from one of the following topics in which to base your prewrite and final paper: Two different drinks or foods (ex. Coke vs. Pepsi) Two different animals (ex. Dogs vs. Cats) Fruits vs. Vegetables Childhood vs.

The purpose of an outline is to organize or structure your ideas so you effectively communicate them to the reader and support your thesis statement. An outline can help you see how your ideas fit together and may reveal places where you need to add supporting information. As you work through the outline, make sure your body paragraphs tie back to your thesis statement to support it. In this assignment, you will be using the topic you chose during your prewrite and complete the thesis and topic sentence outline for your compare/contrast assignment (the final draft of this is due in week 12 and will be your final exam). Using the topic you chose for your prewrite in this weeks discussion, you will now complete the thesis and outline. Think about all aspects of the topic. Keep your comparisons and contrasts balanced and relevant.

Short Answer History

The last quiz entitled “essay questions for Thinking Through Sources 11 has three questions that ask you to draw conclusions about the Black Death from the sources as a whole. Please write a short paragraph to answer each of the three questions. No outside sources can be used for the assignment. Please remember to cite any direct quotes, but you do not need to cite your own summary of the sources.

1. Making comparisons: What similarities and differences can you identify in how people experienced and understood the plague, both between and within particular societies?
2. Religion and the plague: How might you assess the role of religion in shaping responses to the plague? In what ways might religion have been helpful? And how might it have exacerbated the suffering associated with the plague?
3.Reflecting on disasters: What can we learn about how humans react to natural disasters from studying the Black Death? What do these sources reveal about the extent to which humans are in control of their own lives and their own history? In what ways do larger impersonal forces shape our individual lives and our collective histories?

Renaissance Humanism

During the Renaissance, beauty was given priority and buildings were often treated as works of art. Symmetry was important. Rhythm was accomplished through the use of repetitive forms, such as columns, pilasters, windows, or even niches that were directly referenced from ancient Greek and Roman examples.  Humanism and the role of the individual became increasingly important.

Choose one Renaissance architect, artist or designer (Leonard Da Vince) Create a visual timeline providing important works in chronological order by your chosen person; select a minimum of 6 examples of their work to include.

Provide the following for each example:

Dates of creation
Item type (cathedral, basilica, painting, sculpture)
Medium/materials used
Dimensions (if artwork or decorative object)
One important fact for each (what did you find most interesting?)

Accompany your timeline with a three-paragraph minimum description of why you selected your particular examples, how your chosen artist/architect/designers work reflects the classicism of ancient Greece and Rome and how the examples also encompass the idea of Humanism.

I’ve attached an example for reference.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.      Find an example of the use of Freuds Ego Defense Mechanisms (that we discussed in class) from a newspaper. (It can be an online version of a newspaper like,, or Do not use sources such as CNN, Fox News, Psychology Today, MSNBC, etc.). Be creative with the article you choose! 🙂 The article must have been published within the past 2 months.

2.      Discuss what defense mechanism is being used.

3.      Provide example(s) of the persons behavior that demonstrates the defense mechanism.


Please refer to book in order to be able to complete the assignment:

Read and give your opinion in writing of the the following Cases. Your opinion must be at least a well formed paragraph or two for each case.

Page 69 Tuskegee Study

Page 70 Death Of Karen Ann Quinlan

Page 71 Surrogate Mother

Page 86-87 Drugs Devices and Disclosures

Page 89 Steven Jobs Liver Transplant

Page 116 Unmarried in Saudi Arabia

Page 120 Egyptian Doctor

Page 132 Global Violence Against Women

writers choice

please connect the essay with education or children’s education.

This assignment involves taking a critical media literacy approach to a contemporary media product. First, you will need to select a media product to analyze. This may be an advertisement, a television show or movie, a video game, an app, a piece of educational software, newspaper article, viral Facebook post, etc.

When selecting your media product, keep in mind that you will be using strategies (such as those listed in the Key Questions to Ask When Analyzing Media Messages handout (Links to an external site.) and in the course materials) to critically analyze the content of your media product. Be sure to choose a form of media that lends itself to this type of analysis.

Length of written assignment: 500-750 words
Should include at least three references (at least 2 academic) to provide rationale or support for your analysis.
Be sure to conduct a well thought-out analysis and use MLA to cite your sources.
The completed assignment should include examples from the original media product and written or spoken analysis.

hills like white elephant

Doing research on Ernest Hemingways short story Hills Like White Elephants.

In this brief story by one of Americas great writers, very little occurs on the surface. A man and woman are waiting for a train and having beer. But there is real tension beneath their words and the woman is very upset though tries, not always easily, to not show it, to not be afraid. But afraid of what?

And thats it, thats the story, as if were sitting at a table nearby and overhearing (which is how the story came to Hemingway). So whats to research? In this case, research will be merely to supportand not the main intentionof the short paper. Here are some suggestions:

Perhaps some brief research about the author: when he lived and died, a little about his remarkable life, what are his most famous works, where/when did this short story first appear?
The story begins The hills across the valley of the Ebro Where is Ebro? Tell more about where the story occurs, how its setting highlights the storys purpose. Other cities are mentioned: get a map and see exactly where the story occurs and tell about that.
The girl says, Everything tastes of licoricelike absinthe. Whats absinthe? Theres much to tell about that famous and notorious liqueur. If you research this, youll find yourself in Paris!
Although very subtly told and never directly mentioned, the woman will soon get an abortion. Considering when the story was written (about 1925), what was the traumatic (and illegal) procedure like? It certainly wasnt, as the man says, a simple operation that involved far more than merely letting in a little air.

writers choice

1.    Please write an essay of a maximum of 500 words (strict limit) addressing an example of a research idea about early childhood education and development in global contexts and equity in educational access and learning and how you would like to go about it (for example which research question may you explore, what readings may you do, what methods might you use, etc.)?

Please write this as an essay rather than as a research proposal.