Category: Undergraduate

Discussion post

Part I:

Download the attached Survey document by clicking on this link: Survey  Evaluate your household for the hazardous products listed and report on how you’re doing.  Research and provide a brief report, in your own words, on two of the hazardous chemicals listed on the survey, focusing particular attention on what effects these chemicals have on both human health as well as on the streams, lakes, rivers and bays around where you live.

Then download the Recipes document by clicking on this link: Alternative Recipes

Compare two of the recipes or suggestions listed in the document to the over-the-counter options.  Evaluate each for efficacy, cost and ease of use and explain which you’ll use in the future and why. If you have used or know of other recipes or products that are environmentally friendly, you are encouraged to share those with the class as well.

Part II:

Answer the following question:

Based on your observations and research performed on the Internet, is carbon dioxide a pollutant or a natural resource? You must choose either pollutant or natural resource but you cannot choose both. Be sure to both cite and vet your sources, explaining clearly the credibility of your sources.

Free college For

This week, you will complete your argumentative paper. Following the directions in assigned textbook reading on how write an argumentative essay on the issue you chose in Week 1. Be sure your essay contains the following:

An opening paragraph that states a clear thesis that is focused, plausible, and arguable and that gives direction and purpose to the paper
A fair-minded, balanced, and objective development of the pros and cons of the issue in a well-organized sequence of ideas, free of mechanical errors
Credible, reliable, and authoritative evidence in support of the points made
A strong conclusion that summarizes your views, reminds the audience of the issue and its importance, and shows in brief that you have successfully defended your thesis

Length: 4-6 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page

This week, all the hard work you have done in researching your topic and issue will come to fruition in your argumentative paper. Once you feel you have got the final draft, try to put the paper aside, even for a few hours, and then read it again.

Did you address at least three aspects of the issue you chose?
Does each aspect have relevant and authoritative evidence in support of your point?
Have you included a view that is in opposition to your viewpoint, and have you answered that opposing view, pointing out its flaws in such a way as to refute it?
Edit your paper look for wordiness, repetition, vagueness, ambiguities. Check the organization of the paper as a whole; make sure each paragraph maintains focus. After you are satisfied that the content of your paper is good, carefully proofread it and correct mechanical errors.

Interest rate risk (Banking coursework )

Calculate ( interest rate risk and Interest Sensitive Ratio and Relative IS GAP ) and calculate  the standard deviation of 2 banks at Saudi Arabia for 5 years on excel sheet
and analysis and explain  the answers on word file (900 word on word for analysis and explain)


1/Problem solving depends on a questioning attitude that involves critical thinking, imagination and creativity.
2/You are required to write an extended academic problem-solution essay of 1500 words
3/You need to use 5 to 7 reliable sources.
4/In your essay, you will focus on solving the problem by evaluating the previous solutions that were attempted to address it. You must also propose the best solution(s) to the problem employing appropriate methods of persuasion.

Knowledge Management

Company is ( Google )
1000 Word please on my project
1/ Research Methodology ( one  or two paragraph (150 to 200 word)  )
2/ Discuss the 4KMs impact on the employees, work process, end product and Organization
performance. ( 800 to 850 word)

Apply 1 and 2 on Google company

Chapter 10

Read Chapters: Chapter 10, 11 and pages 33 to 36: The Humanistic Model 
Read the scriptures: Daniel 4:3334.
Select 1 or 2 topics or concepts from the weekly reading from Week Five to include in your Learning Journal. Be sure to include reflections on the scriptural reading for the week in your journal as well. Use the template provided each week to organize and create your Journal by typing your responses into each section. The template for each week can be found on the Introduction page of this course in the Additional Resources. When you are finished, copy and paste what you have written from each section of the rubric onto a WORD document in paragraph format and upload your completed document into the assignment area to submit for grading. (Do not submit the rubric, this is just a guide for you to use). Title the document “Week Five Journal Entry,” double space, 12″ Times New Roman font. Your response in each section must be at least 100 words. Your sections must be labeled, bold, and flush left. You must write in the 3rd person for the first two sections and write in the 1st person for the last two sections because it is reflective. There is a handout explaining this in the additional resources on the introduction page. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers to these weekly entries. Your instructor is looking for your ability to think critically and incorporate your reflections with the course materials.

Weekly journal assignments represent academic work, and as such, should follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing sources and use standard American English and proper grammar. Points will be deducted for writing that does not reflect appropriate college-level writing, answering all elements of the question, and appropriate APA citations including a reference page.

Each week’s Journal must be submitted by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST. You can earn up to 50 points for this assignment.

Discussion surrounding anxiety in higher education

ICSM 10800-04 / Fall 2020 S.A. Delaney
Unit 2: What Do We Mean When We Talk About Anxiety? upd. 10/6
According to a national survey published in February 2019 by the Pew Research Center, anxiety and depression rank as one of the top concerns for US teenagers. Numerous reportsincluding this one from Pewassert that anxiety was on the rise among college students prior to the pandemic, and we know that our current situation has only exacerbated this state. But what do we mean by anxiety? What feelings and experiences are encompassed by this term? What does it mean to identify as a person with anxiety? Well draw on ideas from disability studies and intersectionality in our conversations. The Unit will conclude with a formal analytical argument of 1200-1500 words worth 20 percent of the overall course grade.
What Do You Mean By A Formal Analytical Argument?
We often use the word argument to mean the exchange of strong opinions, and when writing for school, it generally refers to a persuasive essayone that has a clear thesis statement and relevant supporting evidence. In Unit 1, I pushed you to step away from that thesis-support (e.g., five-paragraph essay) style of writing in order to more fully explore and explain your thinking. The analytical argument Im asking you to write for Unit 2 will combine these modes to create a richer, more complex essay.
What Do You Mean By Analysis?
In their textbook Writing Analytically David Rosenwasser and Jill Stephen offer this four-part definition of analysis, which is worth quoting at length:
1. Analysis seeks to discover what something means. An analytical argument makes claims for how something might be best understood and in what context.
2. Analysis deliberately delays evaluation and judgment.
3. Analysis begins in and values uncertainty rather than starting from settled convictions.
4. Analytical arguments are usually pluralistic; they tend to try on more than one way of thinking about
how something might be best understood. (Rosenwasser and Stephen 6-7)
Analysis, then, starts with inquiry: questions followed by careful observation. To delay evaluation and judgment requires that we acknowledge and bracket our gut reactionswe must stay with the problem longer, seeing it from every possible perspective, considering what may seem counterintuitive. Only then can we arrive at a reasoned, thoughtful conclusion.
Whos Our Audience For This Essay?
Beyond the obvious answerme, your professoryour imagined audience for this essay is the journal Inquiries, which describes itself as an open-access academic journal that highlights the work of students at the undergraduate level and above. Consider this assignment an opportunity to prepare a scholarly essay for possible submission to this journal. As part of our activities, well look more closely at the journals website and its expectations.
What Kind Of Research Will We Have To Do?
Your analysis will focus on one specific conversation about anxiety. That conversation may have taken place in a more traditional magazine or newspaper, on social media, on a cable news show, or elsewhere. It needs to be a conversation that you can capture and study in detail. As with your first essay, you may find it necessary to narrow your focus to make your analysis more manageable.
How Should I Cite My Sources?
Youll need to use formal MLA citation style for this essay. That means that in addition to including all sources on the Works Cited, you need to fully and formally introduce all of your sources, as weve been practicing. Any and all ideas and details should be directly attributed to the appropriate source (According to political reporter Joe Blow of the New York Times…). In addition, youll want to provide parenthetical in-text citations (or PITCs) as needed.

ICSM 10800-04 / Fall 2020
S.A. Delaney
Works Cited
Horowitz, Juliana Menasce, and Nikki Graf. Most U.S. Teens See Anxiety and Depression as a Major Problem Among Their Peers. Pew Research Center, 2019.
Rosenwasser, David, and Jill Stephen. Writing Analytically 6th Ed. Wadsworth/Cengage, 2012.
1) Does the writer respond to the assignment, composing a thoughtful Analytical Essay of 1200-1500 words?
a) Does the writer select and describe a specific representative example of the term anxiety in use in
relation to higher education?
b) Does the writer analyze the use of this term, identifying assumptions and implications?
2) Does the writer use all sources (print, web, or other) ethically and effectively?
a) b) c)
3) Is a) b) c)
4) Is a)
b) c)
Does the writer formally introduce sources, clearly attributing ideas and quotations? Is there an MLA style Works Cited page?
Are parenthetical in-text citations used correctly when needed?
the essay well developed and effectively organized?
Does the writer include a clear and effectively placed thesis statement?
Is the essay organized in a logical, cohesive manner, with helpful transitions? Does the writer employ an effective introduction and conclusion?
the essay well prepared?
Does the writer follow submission guidelines, such as double-spacing, 12-point font, MLA heading, and title?
Is language clear and specific, employing a voice that is natural and appropriate for essay?
Are there minimal grammar and punctuation errors?

final project

Final Project Instructions

For your final project, you will choose the side of the defense attorney or the prosecuting attorney. You can only choose one side. With your role in mind, read the fact pattern and then read the instructions below.
A murder was committed in a small town and John B. Bad is the main suspect. After visiting the scene where the victim’s body was found, the police find a library card for John B. Bad nearby. The victim’s body was found in a wooded area with a lot of mud and vegetation around. The police go to John B. Bad’s house and knock on the door.  The police ask John B. Bad if he has a moment to talk about the murder that occurred.  John B. Bad invites the police in to the living room area. While in the living room, one of the detectives sees shoes on the ground that have mud on the soles. The detective takes the shoes as evidence and John B. Bad is asked to come to the station for questioning. John B. Bad agrees to come to the station and drives in his own vehicle. When he arrives at the police station, he is not handcuffed and is asked if he would talk to investigators in an interview room. John B. Bad agrees and he is led to an interview room. Again, he is not restrained in the interview room, but there are three detectives in the room and one of them is sitting in a chair blocking the door to go out of the room. John B. Bad is not read his Miranda rights, but the investigators begin to question him about his relationship with the deceased victim. John B. Bad denies having any relationship and says that he was at home alone during the time of the murder. While in the interview, a witness comes forward and says that they saw a person running away from the wooded area earlier in the day. The witness is asked if they would view a photo lineup and they agree. A detective who is not involved in the case shows the lineup to the witness. In the lineup are 6 individuals, with one of the 6 being John B. Bad. Five of the filler photos are of people who are similar in features and age, but John B. Bad’s photo shows him as quite older and having solid gray hair. The other people in the lineup are young, with not a single gray hair visible. The witness views the lineup but is hesitant to make an identification. The detective showing the lineup, who is sitting across from the witness, says to just make your best guess. After viewing the lineup a bit more, the witness circles John B. Bad’s photo and signs and dates the lineup. Shortly after, John B. Bad is arrested and charged with the murder of the victim.

Instructions for Your Paper:
1.    Pick a side. You are either acting as the defense attorney for John B. Bad or you are acting as the prosecuting attorney.
A.    DEFENSE ATTORNEY: If you are acting as the defense attorney, write at least two pages on issues in the fact pattern that you could argue in a motion to suppress to have the evidence SUPPRESSED/MADE INADMISSIBLE. Make sure you address each issue you see that you think can be suppressed. If you need more info on one issue, then talk about what information would be necessary to know in order to make your argument that the item or evidence should be suppressed. You must support your argument with case law or a statute or a constitutional amendment(s). You can use cases we learned within the course or (if familiar with WestLaw) you may find other case law. Make sure you cite any case/statute/amendment with the proper citation so I can check it!
B.    PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: If you are acting as the prosecuting attorney, write at least two pages on issues in the fact pattern that you could argue SHOULD NOT be suppressed. Make sure that you address each issue you see and argue why it should not be suppressed. If you need to add more information (or assume more information) to make your argument, then you can do so. You must support your argument with case law/statutes/constitutional amendment(s). You can use cases we learned within the course or (if familiar with WestLaw) you may find other case law. Make sure you cite any.

Proposition 13

Research Proposition 13 and public education funding in California by reading about it in your textbook and on the Internet. Analyze and evaluate the issue and write a one-page paper. Answer and follow the FOUR STEPS when writing the paper. The instructions and the 4 major steps are uploaded. Please make sure to follow and answer all the questions in the paper.

Civil Liberties Case Studies

Purpose: Civil liberties are natural rights and freedoms of individuals that cannot be taken away by constitution, law or judicial interpretation without due process; that is, when restricting individuals freedoms for the sake of maintaining order in society, members of government must follow pre-established procedures that have been consented to by the governed.  In this assignment, you will investigate the legal (i.e., Constitutional) situations in which peoples freedom is protected and the circumstances under which government may take action.

CASE STUDY (my topic): The College Student

1.  Read the Simulation Activity: You are a Police OfficerPreview the document. Also found in Unit 4 in Modules here.

While going through the simulation, pay particular attention to the case you were assigned.  To complete this assignment, you must be able to describe the circumstances of the case, identify the legal response to the case, and explain why it is the legal response.
2.  Review the U.S. Constitution and Chapter 4 in American Democracy Now (ADN), focusing on the specific amendments and chapter sections relevant to your assigned case.  You will be required to correctly use specific key terms of the case you have been assigned during the class discussion (see the specific questions below).
3.  Conduct research about previous U.S. Supreme Court cases related to your assigned case (see the specific questions below) by using the following site:

OYEZ: U.S.Supreme Court Multimedia ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.))
At this website, use the search feature in the top right corner to find abstracts for the relevant court cases listed for your assigned case.
Abstracts for each case will include the facts of the case, the question(s) presented to the U.S. Supreme Court and a summary of the Courts decision.

Type your responses to the questions for your assigned case study.  Be prepared to discuss your answers.
NOTE:  It is important to accurately understand key terms, make specific references to the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Supreme Court cases, and to be specific in explaining the logic of the rulings and your conclusions.

For Question #2, be sure to incorporate the following bold terminologies and U.S. Supreme Court cases in your answer for full credit to explain why you arrested or did not arrest in your assigned group above.

The College Student (questions to be answered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-A comparison of the standards of probable cause versus reasonable suspicion
-Examples of situations in which the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a warrant-less search may be legal
-References to the facts and rulings in each of following cases:

-Bond v. U.S. (2000)
-Georgia v. Randolph (2006)
-Arizona v. Johnson (2009)

After completing the above directions, similar to the research briefs you have completed, you will use the text box below to answer the three questions. Number your answers from 1 to 3 then type your answers for each question.  Please remember to maintain academic standard of writing and paraphrase your answers. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the websites. Write your answers with clarity in paragraph form with complete sentences.

1. What is the legal response for your assigned case study based on the Simulation Activity: “You Are a Police Officer” you read above? Only indicate “Arrest” or “Dont arrest” for your answer. (10 points)
2. Why? Write a legal brief (3 to 4 paragraphs) that explains why you arrested or did not arrest. NOTE: Be sure to define all the bolded terms as well reference all the U.S. Supreme Court cases included in your case study.  Failure to include them will result in point deductions. (30 points)
3. Based on your study, do you agree with the Supreme Court’s decisions or established precedent(s)?  Why or why not?  Be sure to explain your justification/rationale clearly. (1 to 2 paragraphs) (20 points)
No plagiarism