Category: Undergraduate

Media Influence

I have attached the main instructions as a file – Paper instructions- but also consider this:

You are expected to summarize and reflect upon how your actual experience compares to course topics and Applied Studies learning objectives, and very specifically, to elaborate on the intersections of media, culture, politics, economy and new professional markets as grasped through course content, readings, multimedia. Own experiences on media influence about/form current 2020 challenges related to social justice activism, public health crisis and voting rights are encouraged.  Please refer to the Course Requirements section .

I also have attached course content, papers and the book used for you to understand better what we have talked about in this course and write the paper based on that.

5 full pages paper.

Learning journal

It’s a learning journal for a “Digital Online Solution” class. I have attached the instructions in BLACK. I wrote a little bit in BLUE to navigate you or help. You can either delete my blue input and write your own. Or just expand on it. No reference needed.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A 3-4 page essay includingAn instructor-approved work/piece of mediaArticulation of why you think the media is importantA thesis that helps orient readers to the purpose and major claims of your essay (Detailed evidence from the work that supports your evaluation (two ormore secondary sources that offer additional evidence)

Baroque style

The Baroque style was grand and extravagant, rich in new design styles. Architecture and interior design included a new emphasis on sculptural and painted forms. Shapes from nature, such as leaves, shells, and scrolls, provided a vocabulary to enrich the classical form of earlier Renaissance design.

Select one architect/designer/furniture maker from the list below. Provide a three-paragraph minimum essay on the individual and choose three examples of their work to describe. Include the following:

– Brief biography or background
– Names, dates, titles, materials used, dimensions, etc. of your three examples
– Images of all examples
– Provide description of each item, using proper terminology (for example, the chair has cabriole legs and ball and claw feet, etc.)

– Discuss how these examples represent the individuals oeuvre, or overall aesthetic/body of work
– Analyze how your artists work reflects the Baroque or Rococo movements; what makes the work representative of one movement or the other?

Architect/Furniture Maker/Designer to consider:

Thomas Chippendale
Gobelins Workshop
Andr Charles Boulle
Christopher Wren
James Gibbs
Jos Churriguera
Charles LeBrun
Franois Mansart
Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Impact of Mobile Technology

1000 words minimum, 4 pages but the fourth is a Works cited page.

Hyman, I. E., Boss, S. M., Wise, B. M., McKenzie, K. E., & Caggiano, J. M. (2010). Did you see the unicycling clown? Inattentional blindness while walking and talkingon a cell phone. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24(5), 597-607.

Misra, S., Cheng, L., Genevie, J., & Yuan, M. (2016). The iPhone effect: the quality of in-person social interactions in the presence of mobile devices.Environment and Behavior,48(2), 275-298.

These are the two sources that need to be cited

When the People You Love Dont Think Like You

Facione & Gittens (2016) state, “Strong critical thinking about complex and difficult social policies demands that we respect those with whom we disagree” (p. 344). The authors of your text ask us to take seriously the points of view of those with whom we disagree.

Should I respect the point of view of a misogynist a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women?
Should I respect the point of view of a racist?
How about someone who believes marriage is only between one man and one woman?
How about someone who does not believe that humans are contributing to the conditions that cause climate change?
How about someone who denies that the Holocaust occurred?

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, pick one point of view from the five questions above that you find particularly repugnant one that you think is completely unjustifiable. If you were in conversation with such a person, how could you ethically respond to the statement of such a point of view? Keep in mind that you are expressing a value opinion, which requires ideological reasoning, so you may want to review Chapter 13.

As you form your response, keep in mind the following; these are things you need to think about but not necessarily to write about in your initial post:

Reflect if you are using System-1 or System-2 thinking? Are your responses tinged with cognitive bias?
Do you think there is a qualitative difference between believing some races are inferior and the belief that marriage should only be between one man and one woman?
Do you think there is a qualitative difference between not believing in human contribution to climate change and not believing in the Holocaust?

critical thinking

Critical Thinking
Go back to your very first journal entry review your definition of critical thinking. After studying critical thinking for the past eight weeks, would you change your definition in any way? If yes, how and why? If no if it was perfect what parts of the text were best reflected in your definition?
Heart of the Matter
Recall in your first journal entry that you discussed the authors’ statement that the concepts in Chapters 12, 13 and 14 were “the heart of the matter.” After having studied those chapters, answer again, with renewed understanding, the question posed there: Why do you think the authors find these concepts important to critical thinking?
Ethical Decision-Making
The lecture claims that an argument is no good unless it has a “strong and reasoned ethical base.” Do you agree that ethics is an essential element of a good argument? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Looking Forward
Do you believe that you now know everything you need to know about critical thinking or is learning to think critically a life-long task? Explain your answer.

what do I value

At the very end of Chapter 13, there is a Group Exercise that asks: What ideals would you go to war to defend? We are not going to ask you to go to war, but we are going to ask you to think about what ideals or values you believe would be worth defending even to the point of risking your life in their defense.

When Nazi Germany overtook Europe in the early 20th Century, resistance movements sprung up in the occupied countries, and many civilians risked and lost their lives against Nazisim. Today, in Saudi Arabia, women who protested restrictions on the rights of women imposed by that country have been jailed, and remain jailed, even after some of the rights they asked for have been granted.

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address the following:

What core values would you risk your life and freedom to defend?
Could a nation going to war be appropriate in certain circumstances or is war never an appropriate response?
This is not a group exercise post your thoughts, considering the scenarios proposed in the text or any others you find important. Be sure to give your reasons for your answer.

Notice that this exercise requires deductive reasoning. You are stating a position and supporting it with “top down” reasoning. Be sure to review Three Features of Ideological Reasoning. Apply these concepts as you create your own arguments and evaluate those of your peers.

Remember that you are using ideological reasoning here. Is your post structured like an ideological argument, beginning with a general idea (opinion, belief, or principle) and moving down from these abstractions to their specific applications?

The text warns us that ideological arguments often fail the test of Truthfulness of the Premises. Have you tested the truth of your premises?

Facione, P. A., & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Think critically (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Antibiotic-associated Hemorrhagic Colitis Caused by Klebsiella oxytoca.

-Introduction (What is the disease about)
-Presentation of the disease (signs and symptoms)
-How is it diagnosed?
-Treatment, if available
-Cited references, minimum of at least 2. Use our database to speed up the APA format reference page.
Aim for originality report of no greater than 20%.

Prophecy- Isaiah

Choose one biblical passage (set of verses / paragraph / chapter) that we have studied in class and explain in your own words what you learned about it in this course.

Your paper should be 400-500 words, which is the equivalent of about 3-4 paragraphs.

Your paper must include:

(1) A title including the passage you chose. You must include the book, chapter, and verses.  Do not provide the quotation itself unless it is only one or two specific verses.

(2) A discussion of the meaning, in plain English, of the text you chose.  This should be the brief. The goal of this paper is not to just summarize a passage.  But you must briefly show that you are able to do a brief summary and that you understand the passage.

(3) This is the most important part: An academic analysis of the passage.  In class lecture and readings, we cover a variety of types of analysis.  Analysis means going beyond just what the text says and working on how the text came to be written, and what it meant to its authors, audiences, and later readers of the Bible.  Your paper does not have to include all of the analysis you encountered in class and in your reading about the passage you chose, but you must include, in your own words, some analysis of the passage.  An excellent paper will also describe the kind of analysis this is and why it’s important.

(4) A statement of why you chose this passage to discuss.  This is where your own personal ideas, opinions, and reflections come in.

Draw only on course materials (assigned readings, class sessions and handouts, and anything on Canvas). No outside sources or material, including anything from the internet, may be used. Rely exclusively on course material.

Your grade will be based on the following three criteria:

Accurately and clearly communicating information and ideas about the Hebrew Bible and its analysis, learned from course materials.
Following all directions above.
Academic writing style, including proper spelling, grammar, capitalization, structure, and style. For help with this, please visit the Academic Enhancement CenterLinks to an external site. before submitting your paper.
Important Formatting Instructions:

Biblical passages should be referred to by their book, chapter, and verse.  For example:

Genesis 4:14.

2 Kings 12:5.

Modern scholarship should be referred to with a footnote including the author, title, and page number.  For example:

John Collins, A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, 55.

The second time you refer to the same text, you may use a shortened citation in the footnote, such as this:

Collins, Introduction, 55.

Essays should be typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 pt. font with 1 inch (standard) margins.  Essays must have a heading including your name, the date, the course, and the instructors name.