Category: Undergraduate

Trump has Made the Covid-19 Pandemic Worse

For your final assignment, you will write a problem solution argument.  This essay is an amalgamation of everything youve learned this term.  The problem is completely up to you; use your noggin.  But remember, the problem must impact more than a few people and you want to consider your audience.  Does the audience care?  If not, you may have some convincing dramatizing to do.  Hopefully youve picked something you care about.  Feel something.  Make me feel something.

Write a 4ish page Problem Solution Argument (MLA format):
Your intro should be effective and clearly state your problem.  Define the problem and if you have some convincing to do, it will probably be in the beginning of your essay.  If the problem is not well known, you will have more showing/convincing to do.
For the majority of you, at least half of your paper should address the solution/solutions.  Be careful not to offer too many solutions.  Focusing on no more than three solutions will create a stronger essay. Even if you focus more on the problem, I need to see at least one hefty solution.  Remember, your audience determines whether you focus more on the problem or solutions
consider what your audience knows and thinks. You do not want to just breeze over the solutions, but really give them thought. I want detail; show me this is a problem.  Show me these solutions could work. Show me youve been paying attention this term. Noggin caps on! If you breeze over the solutions, there will be holes in your argument and thats not convincing. 
Watch your assumptions and watch out for holes in your argument; more evidence, rather than less, will help with this, along with understanding the complexity of the issue and what others are saying, or writing, about this problem and solutions. 
Remember, your objective is to persuade; this is not an informative paper, not a report, but an argument. Convince!
Like the intro, the conclusion should be effective.  Your thesis should creatively restate your problem and emphasize your proposed solutions.  In your conclusion, I want to see your thesis stated in 1-2 sentences. 
Your paper should display a balance of pathos and logos, and sound ethos.
For this essay, you need at least 5 CREDIBLE outside sources and these sources must be smoothly integrated within your essay wave the flag! in MLA with a Works Cited page.  Danger: Even accidental plagiarism will result in a failing grade.  If outside information lacks an in-text citation, the paper will receive zero points.  If youre uncertain about your in-text citations, make an appointment with the PCC Writing Center. 
And, a title, this must have a creative, yet relevant, title!
Essays that use you after the first sentence the hook will not receive an A. It feels personal.  When someone writes, You need to start eating more kale, I think, Come on, I already eat a lot of kale!  They should write, People need to starting eating more kale. 

You have just been named Police Chief of Las Cruces. Congratulations. The Las Cruces Police Department is undergoing the largest reform in its history and has chosen you to lead this endeavor. You will implement new policies to address current law enforce

The purpose of the final exam is to allow you to not only obtain information and knowledge about major theoretical approaches to understanding the causes of crime, but also transition you into thinking about what you do with this knowledge. You will write a (7-10 pages double-spaced) persuasive/argumentative essay. A persuasive/argumentative essay uses reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action. This type of essay must present evidence, facts, empirical data, statistics, theories, or examples, in order to defend ones claims. You are required to use information you have gathered from your readings over the course of the semester. Outside research is welcomed, but you will be graded on how well you summarize, integrate, and utilize information from the required readings from this course.
You may use any theoretical framework covered in class: Classical School, Positive School, Chicago School, Differential Association, Anomie Theory, Subculture Theory, Labeling Theory, Conflict Theory, Social Control Theory, Gender-Based Theory, Rational Theory, Critical Criminology.

Reid wrote that, It is absurd to conceive that there can be any opposition between reason and common sense. Compare this to the relevant views of one of the following authors: Stanley Rosen, Karl Popper, Marcus G. Singer, or Antonio Gramsci.

Reid wrote that, It is absurd to conceive that there can be any opposition between reason and common sense.  Compare this to the relevant views of one of the following authors:  Stanley Rosen, Karl Popper, Marcus G. Singer, or Antonio Gramsci.  Use The Philosophy and Common Sense Reader.

second amendment

I need 7 scholarly sources
I need a works cited page
This essay needs to express my view and I am totally for the second amendment.
I wanna talk about why schools and teachers should have guns.
I wanna talk about the pros and cons
I wanna talk about gun control and gun rosters in certain states.


1. What  is  meant  by  the  concept  of principlesof  environmental  law?  Explain, identifying three such principles and illustrating your answer with case-law (max 2000 words)

2. EU treaties allow for two mechanisms by which national compliance withEU law can be judicially enforced: a centralised mechanism in which the[European] Commission initiates  infringement  proceedings  against  non-complying member  states,  and  a  de-centralised  mechanism  in  which  citizens,  groupsand  companies  initiate  legal proceedings against non-complying national authorities before national courts.Critically discussthese two mechanisms, including their strengths and weaknesses,in the Irish environmental context (max 2000 words)

Psychological Effects of covid 19

I. For those who are still having difficulty in starting your assignment, YOU MUST THINK OF A PROBLEM/ISSUE PEOPLE ARE CURRENTLY EXPERIENCING.

For example, Comorbidity and the Opiate epidemic…there may be increased incidents of depression among people who are addicted to opiates.

II. Now, consider how you will approach this issue…many people who were prescribed pain medications by their medical prescribers are now experiencing addiction and this may cause depression. To address the opiate crisis, psychotherapy is an imperative aspect of treatment. Increasing self-esteem is an important first step. (this is an example of a social issue and the perspective I am going to take)

Themes in American Literature

Revise and expand your previous essay (attached below) to about 2000 words (7 pages). As before, this essay should develop your own argument about a theme of your choice in literature assigned to the class. You must articulate the theme in your thesis statement, which should be your own clear and specific argument about the text(s) that you arrived at through not only interpretation but also research.

To help you, develop questions to guide your revision and expansion of your essay using the research that you did for your Annotated Bibliography (attached below). Provide answers to these questions in your finished essay. Interpret evidence from your literary texts in ways that support, extend, or challenge your researched sources. The theme, texts, and/or thesis of your revised and expanded essay may change from your first essay. In your revised and expanded essay, you should cite and respond to at least one idea or example from each of your four researched, credible sources, including at least 3 that are scholarly, peer-reviewed.

When incorporating source material into your essay, use a signal phrase to attribute evidence to its author; describe the evidence and identify its context for readers who are unfamiliar with the source; and be sure to represent the source accurately. Avoid block quotations of sources (i.e., quotations of more than four lines in paragraph format); instead, incorporate brief quotations into your own sentences, placing quotation marks around any exact language from the source.

NOTE: I have included files of the sources listed in the annotated bibliography for your reference. I have also included links to the poems and summaries of the course readings used in the original essay. One of them is a file uploaded below (Captain Pipe).

I, Too:
I Hear America Singing:
The Slave Mother:

NFL Concussion Crisis

Please answer the following questions based on the content you observed in the PBS documentary League of Denial. Please use specific details from the film to justify your responses.  Each response should be approximately 150 words, written in paragraph format with proper spelling and grammar:

1. The NFL waged a smear-campaign against Dr. Omalu and his work. What motives did the NFL have to discredit Dr. Omalu? How would they benefit from it?

2. After watching the documentary, identify and discuss two of the most unethical actions made by the NFL.  Please provide a detailed and specific examples from the film and then discuss the why you feel this way.

3. Find one other current example which highlights decisions made by a sport organization which were not in the best interest(s) of the athlete(s).  Include enough detail to describe the issue, consequence for the athlete(s) and the outcome.  Please use outside sources and cite your sources in APA format.

World History

Answer in a well-organized essay using specific examples from the readings and lectures. A good answer should be at least 3 substantial paragraphs.NO INTERNET OR OTHER OUTSIDE SOURCES MAY BE USED. all answers must be written in your own words. Do NOT cut and paste information from the textbook, the internet, or other sources. Please remember that I am interested in your thoughts and interpretation and that there is no one right answer to the questions. You do not need to cite general information in the essay, but if you are using specific examples or information then you can cite by the author and page number. Please avoid long quotes or numerous quotes, as I am most interested in seeing your ideas and your writing. To cite the textbook simply use the author and page number (Strayer 50).

Essay should be between 300-500 words (around 1 1/2 – 2 pages double spaced). Essays will be graded on evidence, argument, and writing, so please organize your essay, use specific historical examples based on the information from the course, use paragraphs and complete sentences, and check for grammar and punctuation.

Question: What do you think were the three most important developments in world history from the beginning of human society to 1450? This can refer to an event, a technology, an idea, or a social or cultural development. Explain the impact of the event and why you think it is the most important. Use specific examples from the readings and materials from this course. At least two of your examples must include something that developed after 600. (Please note, there is no one right answer for this question.)

essentials of strategic planning

This essay has 5 questions you only have to pick 4 of them. Each question will most likely be a 2 part question. I need the paper to have no spacing that’s why I wrote a total of 4 pages. It’s really just 2 pages each question should be half a page each again no spacing. These questions are based off the text book Essentials of strategic planning the SECOND edition. mostly based on chapters 5,8,9,10 and 11, with some reference most likely to the case study about CMC in the book. I receive these questions at 5:45 pm on DECEMBER 8th.( Eastern standard time)  I live in NY. I just wanted to give the writer time to look at the text.