Category: Undergraduate

Intercultural Management in Hospitality

This essay should consist of (in that order):
1. An executive summary that will state the purpose of the paper as well as highlight the major points of the report, and describe any results, conclusions, or recommendations from the report.
2. A table of contents
3. The main body where you will be answering 10 questions that will be provided *. The aim is to answer in a way as to show that you have a deep understanding of the topic and in addition the answers should be supported with examples and sources. Each answer should have its own introduction and conclusion. The word count for each answer should not exceed 200 words.
4. A list of all the references used.
5. Appendices

Extra information:
– Use Times New Roman 12
– Spacing 1.5
– Pages should be numbered

*  Questions:

1) Using an existing industry example in tourism or hospitality, apply and discuss one dimension from Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension.

2) Why, as managers, should we understand the work-life balances in different cultures?

3) Should reward systems within one tourism/hospitality company be the same across the globe or tailored to each country? Discuss your reasonings.

4) Explain why family factors are so important when considering relocating to a different country for work?

5) Select a hospitality/tourism company. Explain how the company advertises its products/services to two different countries.

6) Why, as managers, is it important to understand the concept of low context and high context societies?

7) Using an example, explain how non-verbal communication may pose as a barrier to communication.

8) Why are ethics an important factor in cross-cultural negotiations?

9) Discuss how you would respond to someone telling an obvious lie (commonly seen as a lie in your culture), however you know that the intention is not to hurt your feelings, and explain why you would respond this way.

10) Describe how you would implement all the understanding and knowledge gained this semester in this module when going to work in a diverse cultural workplace.

In individual cases, tailoring a sentence based on not only the offence itself, but the race and origins of the defendant, seem to be a requirement of individualized justice. Yet, this might result in two people who have committed the same offence being r

This assignment asks you to research and write a 4000-word paper on a sentencing-related topic. The word count includes footnotes. This should be a concise but rich research paper.Take care in crafting your topic so that it is not too broad.Be specific.A (good) short paper does not just mean a shorter discussion of an issue, it means selecting a more focused topic so that you can still engage wit it seriously and demonstrate some depth.Relatedly, while describing issues, research, and others perspectives are important to every paper, you should be going beyond description to include your own analysis and critical appraisal.

Please DEFINITELY refer to the attached sources throughout the paper the more the possible and cite them below with footnotes. But for sure have them as the main source of extracting information about the topic.

A range: First Class
A first class answer has a thoughtful structure, a clear message, which depending on the question, may display personal reflection informed by wider reading of articles and/or other commentaries and a good grasp of detail (as evidenced by the choice of relevant examples which are well integrated into the answers structure).
First class answers are ones that are exceptionally good for an undergraduate and which excel in at least one and probably several of the following criteria:
comprehensiveness and accuracy;
clarity of argument and expression;
integration of a range of materials;
evidence of wider reading;
insight in to the theoretical issues.
Excellence in one or more of these areas should be in addition to the qualities expected of an upper second class answer. Although there is no expectation of originality of exposition or treatment, a first class answer is generally expected to spot points rarely seen. A high first is expected to display originality and excel in most if not all the aforementioned criteria.

B range: Upper Second Class
An upper second class answer generally shows a sound understanding of both the basic principles and relevant details of the law, supported by examples which are demonstrably well understood and which are presented in a coherent and logical fashion. The answer should be well presented, display some analytical ability and contain no major errors or omissions. Not necessarily excellent in any area.
Upper second class answers cover a wider band of student. Such answers are clearly highly competent and typically possess the following qualities.
generally accurate and well-informed;
reasonably comprehensive;
well-organised and structured;
provide evidence of general reading;
demonstrating a sound grasp of basic principles;
demonstrating a good understanding of the relevant details;
succinctly and cogently presented;
displaying some evidence of insight.
One essential aspect of an upper second class answer is that it must have competently dealt with the question asked. In problem questions i) all the major issues and most of the minor issues must have been spotted, ii) the application of the legal rules must be accurate and comprehensive, iii) the application of the legal rules may be insightful (i.e., the student has demonstrated that s/he can both distinguish cases on their facts and argue by analogy); iv) there should be a conclusion that summarises the legal position of the relevant parties.

Intercultural Management in Hospitality

This essay should have:
1. An executive summary ( approximately 50 words ) where you state the purpose of the paper, highlight the major points of the report, and describe any results, conclusions, or recommendations from the report.
2. A tables of contents.
3. A main body where you have to answer ten questions that will be provided *. The answers should not be more than 200 words for each question. Every question should have an introduction and a conclusion. The aim should be to portray a clear understanding of the questions and the material taught. Answers are to  be supported by examples and relevant sources.
3. A references part where you list the full list of references you used.
4. Appendices

Extra info:
– Use Rimes New Roman 12
– Spacing: 1.5
– Pages should be numbered

*  Questions:

1) Using an existing industry example in tourism or hospitality, apply and discuss one dimension from Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension.

2) Why, as managers, should we understand the work-life balances in different cultures?

3) Should reward systems within one tourism/hospitality company be the same across the globe or tailored to each country? Discuss your reasonings.

4) Explain why family factors are so important when considering relocating to a different country for work?

5) Select a hospitality/tourism company. Explain how the company advertises its products/services to two different countries.

6) Why, as managers, is it important to understand the concept of low context and high context societies?

7) Using an example, explain how non-verbal communication may pose as a barrier to communication.

8) Why are ethics an important factor in cross-cultural negotiations?

9) Discuss how you would respond to someone telling an obvious lie (commonly seen as a lie in your culture), however you know that the intention is not to hurt your feelings, and explain why you would respond this way.

10) Describe how you would implement all the understanding and knowledge gained this semester in this module when going to work in a diverse cultural workplace.

outline how core HRM activities may differ from the UK public sector, the UK private sector and the UK third sector (not for profit)

This cousework is an 8 (slides for citations) slide power point presentation which should include a total of 2000 words in the notes (250 approximately per slide).

Scenario (More explanation on pdf Coursework Assessment)

You have been invited to make a short presentation (maximum of 8 slides) with
supplementary notes and a Harvard reference list at an Undergraduate Student
Placement fair for University of Surrey students who are seeking a 12- month
Human Resource Management (HRM) placement in business as part of their
The Employability and Careers Manager (ECM) has asked you to illustrate how
the HRM function supports a range of businesses to meet their aims and
objectives through its range of HRM activities.
Specifically, the ECM has asked you to briefly outline how core HRM activities
may differ from the UK public sector, the UK private sector and the UK third
sector (not for profit).
For the presentation the ECM Manager has asked you to particularly focus on
what you consider are essential HRM activities and how these may add value to
a range of organisations. You are expected to include some real- world examples
of HRM practice.

Remember dont purely describe but critically evaluate theories/concepts
Pictures and Graphs could be included but have to be labeled

Please take a look at all the files that will be added as it includes marking criteria more explanation of the topic and many power points explaining the material. This is a Semester Project which means that the grade of the semester is based on this project, I really would really appreciate an excellent grade.


Evaluation of the current and potential future business model of an organasiation

Please read this detailed description thoroughly before making me an offer. I have
provided additional files to help you write this report to my high standards. These
files include the report brief, the rubric template, some business tools that I ask you to
include in the specific format that is needed as well as some other documents that
will make this writing easier for you. Please check all those files BEFORE starting
the writing. All those files will have a short explanation as to where they are
intended to be used to avoid any confusion as to why I have attached them. In these files you will also find more details about the rules regarding what counts in the word countand other details.

This assignment evaluates the current and potential future Business Model of an
organisation. You run your own consultancy company and have been contacted by an
agency called Fishlock Associates. Fishlock Associates represent:
– Mothercare Limited;
-Thomas Cook Limited.

The fortunes of both these companies (Mothercare and Thomas Cook) have declined significantly in recent years and now they require your help

This assignment needs to be on either Mothercare or Thomas Cook please do a quick
research to see which company you prefer depending on the available information
evethough you should be able to find all the necessary information for both of
them. Mothercare has failed in the UK so if you choose this company make sure that
you clearly state that this report talks about Mothercare’s operations in the UK.

Start the assignment with an executive summary. Then include a table of contents.

The first part of the main body is TASK 2. Start with a brief introduction of
the company. Then you need to explain the state of the company at the time it had
recognised it was in financial trouble. For any of the two companies that happened
around September 2019 so use data up to that date and not anything afterwards. In
this part you need to explain what problems the company faced internally as well
as external factors that might have impacted and led them towards this troubling
situation (CRITERION A).

In TASK 2 you also need to inlcude a Value Proposition Canvas and a Business Model
Canvas (I have attached the my preferred template for both of these you can find similar ones to download but please try to find some that are the same template as the ones i attached). These need to feature the characteristics of the company at the time it was
failing and struggling so you can make connections with the part explained above.For
the VPC I want you to model it in a way that shows that the company was not modelled
ideally and this is partially why it failed. Thus, emphasize on the problems(pains)
category in the VPC. In this part it is also required to identify what Business
Model Patterns are found in the Business Model Canvas. These patterns are found
in a website found here: Research a couple of
those patterns that seem to fit the company and briefly explain them in parallel
to the BMC previously used. All of these are stated in CRITERION B in the Rubric
I have provided.

The last part of TASK 2 is CRITERION C. Here you need to use the findings from the
two previous parts and create some observations. These need to explain why the
company faced all those difficulties in detail by summarizing the points made within
the previous parts. This concludes the TASK 2 which is about the company at the time
it was failing.

TASK 3 is called Pivot and it refers to the period between the one when the company
was struggling and the ideal future model we suggest later in the assignment. It is
required to explain what the term pivot suggests and then necessary to choose what
innovation approaches the company should implement to reach this projected future
ideal position. When talking about innovation that can be technological, marketing
social, product, process, service or business model innovation. Choose which ones
fit the chosen company and find specific changes that would help transition the
company from the current state with the financial issues to the desired future state
they are intended to push the company towards. Also explain whether these innovations
are disruptive, meaning a complete reinvention, or sustaining innovation meaning
an improvement of existing features. All the options chosen need to be justified
and correctly applied to the existing framework of the assignment(CRITERION D).

For TASK 4 you need to model the ideal future state of the company. Up to this point
you have explained the current bad state of the firm, then the necessary innovations
and changes required to reach this final ideal state. It is necessary to include a
completely new Value Proposition Canvas and Business Model Canvas without comparing
them to the ones included in TASK 2. In these new canvases you should include the
changes and innovations you suggested in TASK 3. Finally, for this task you should
also try to recognise if these changes and innovations suggested are included in any
of the business model patterns found on . This
part is covered in CRITERION E.

For TASK 4 you also need to do an evaluation of the business model you reccomend for
the future. Make sure you mention the strenghts of the business plan as well as
identify the risks and how those risks would be controlled. For example, would the
company try to distance itself from those identified, specific risks or try to engage
with them in order to create opportunitites You should include three to five main
risks that the company could face in the proposed ideal future model and how the firm
would react to those. For this part you should also conduct a SWOT analysis for
the new state of the company. For the new business model you will have to make
some hypotheses about the company (since this new model is imaginary) that are
unique to the proposed future business model suggested. These untested hypotheses
need to be evaluated by developing testing strategies.You should include maximum 5
hypotheses for this suggested new business model and use test cards as a testing
technique that see the outcomes of the used hypotheses (i have attached what a test
card is exactly in a seperate file). All of this is CRITERION F in the rubric.

The TASK 5 is the final part of the assignment and it includes the recommendations
we make to the agency that hired our consultancy. These recommendations need to be
the result of the previous criterion (F) and need to be absolutely precise and action
orientated. It is also vital that these are firmly connected to the future business
model we have created. This task is CRITERION G.

Throughout the entire assignment the language should be professional, it should be
written in third person and it needs to follow a logical structure and flow with every
part resulting from the previous part(s). Business modelling terminology should be used.


1.Briefly define Tao and define Logos within the context of Asian philosophy and Stoic philosophy, respectively. What are the aspects of each? How are they similar? How are they different?
.Explain the importance of power to Sophist philosophy, as well as how various Sophists think humans should use power in philosophies such as pragmatism and moral realism.
This assignment must be typed, double spaced Times New Roman Font Size 12. Also please include 2 citations from texts thank you


Fall 2020
Econ 3020
First Draft Guidelines
The first and final draft should be at least 4 pages, excluding the bibliography, graphs, tables, and other various visual aids. Your essay must be double spaced using Times New Roman 12-inch font.
2. Topic
You can write your paper about any topic of interest you but is related to content from Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 in the textbook. This may be an overwhelming endeavor as there are many interesting and open topics to choose from. But the fun from this project is that you have unfettered latitude to pursue an economic topic as long as it fits with the content of this course and it is a topic you are able to discuss and connect to Intermediate Macroeconomic theory.
An example of a relevant topic is the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic growth in the long term. There are different avenues for you to explore this topic, such as the effect of the pandemic on consumption, investment, international trade. Also, you can use the chapter on economic growth in the textbook (Chapter 8) to guide your investigation of the impact of the pandemic.
I will not be using a rubric to grade your essay, but I will be grading based on the quality of work that you have submitted. Specifically, how well you connect the economic theory to the discussion of your topic. Also, your paper should have a strong empirical component. This means the paper should analyze data in some way, such as using graphs or tables.
3. Empirical component
A strong essay should include the use of empirical analysis. This can be undertaken in the form of graphs, tables, summary statistics, and so forth. A popular and convenient source for publicly available economic data is provided by the Federal Reserve Bank at the following website: You can download data and create graphs on this website. If you have questions about navigating this website, please contact me.

factors affecting career planning and development

write the introduction for your research paper. Your introduction should include at least five sentences, introduce your reader to the topic you have chosen to research, and provide a strong thesis statement.

Conclude the first page by providing an outline for your final paper.

In conclusion, you are creating a document that has two sections: introduction and outline.

Argumentative Essay on how fashion models should come in all shapes, shades, and sizes

this is my thesis so far and this is what has to be built off of: Models have always been seen as skinny, size 0, pretty,  white women and i think that needs to be changed. I think there needs to be a broader size range, a bigger skin tone range, and more unique people. Things have slowly been changing over the years but their needs to be more to show people that you dont have to be a size 0 to be beatutiful


This is an exam, you have to answer these 5 questions with 500 words or less.

Compare and contrast the approaches to Senate reform taken by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

What are the arguments for and against party discipline?

Why were sections 1 and 33 included in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Under what conditions might it be acceptable for the Queen or the Governor General to refuse to take direction from the Prime Minister?

How does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms enhance the power of the judiciary?