Category: Undergraduate

cover letter

Primary Task Response: For this assignment, create a draft cover letter for your Request for Proposal (RFP) that you will develop in this weeks Individual Project assignment. The 1-page cover letter is what is sent along with the RFP to potential vendors of information systems. If you need help with writing a business letter, go to the Learning Center in the classroom, and choose the Writing Support Center. Then, click on the Writing Types tab, select Workplace Writing Types from the column on the left, and then choose Letter.

Interpersonal Communication

Guidelines for Writing Reflection Papers
The reflection paper is a personal reflection on specific material attached. The primary goal of a reflection paper is to examine how the material intersects with your lived experiences – in school, home, workplace or other.
Best Practices:
* The writer demonstrates an understanding of the material by connecting it to her own ideas, previous experience, or recent learning.
* The paper should not be a free-write or journal entry.
* The writer should go beyond a first reaction to reflect upon the material, synthesize the personal response in the material, and organize it in a concise, cogent fashion.
* Although personal response is central to a reflection paper, the work should also reflect about the content attached.
* The reflection paper should raise questions, and arrive at a conclusion or insight that demonstrates how you, the writer, was influenced by the material or by the reflective process.

The paper should be 2 full pages.

The Three Sociological Perspectives

Describe and compare the three main theoretical frameworks in Sociology including structural functionalism (or functionalism), conflict theory, and symbolic interaction. What sociologists contributed to the development of each perspective? From your point of view, which perspective makes the most sense in terms of understanding society and human social behavior?

Be sure to include a title page, references, and three additional pages of written text. Double space your papers and include one inch margins..

critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making.

Differentiate among critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Apply each of the concepts to 3 different scenarios you have observed or engaged in during your career. If you are very new to nursing, use examples from nursing school clinicals to answer this question.

All scholarly sources cited in-text and as references must be APA compliant, including direct quotations.  All sources must be within the last 5 years to be relevant evidence based practices.

Kate Milletts sexual politics lens

-Analyze one or more of the scenes read in Updike or Yuknavitch or Greenwell using Kate Milletts sexual politics lens.

-Your paper should be 3 full pages long. Begin with a clear thesis and support it with specific examples from the text or texts.

The Woman’s Hour

Book need to read: Elaine Weiss, The Womans Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote

Instructions: Please answer  the  prompt  question(s)  in  essay  form. Your paper must contain clear  and concise analysis and beat least three pages in length(no more than five), double-spaced, with one-inch margins and twelve-point font.

Prompt Question(due Saturday,March 6,2020): In your paper, discuss how author Elaine Weiss uses the narrative style to the tell the story of the quest for womens suffrage in the United States. Who does she identify as the primary characters in this historical story? In what ways did inter-movement conflicts, political opportunism, and strong personalities influence the fight for (and eventual passage of) the 19thamendment to the Constitution? Do you feel the authors narrative style strengthened or hindered the central arguments of the book?

International business strategy

Question 1

(a)    What are the major risks of internationalisation for firms? Clarify your answers with appropriate examples.
(b)    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is both expensive and risky yet many organisations prefer FDI over either exporting or licensing. Discuss with examples the various firm-level (organisational) motives for FDI

Question 2
(a)    Explain the three basic decisions that firms contemplating foreign expansion must make. Use examples where possible to clarify your answers
(b)    Outline the various roles of a foreign subsidiary and discuss the organisational and host government factors that can determine the evolution of foreign subsidiaries?
Question 3

(a)    Explain the key tenants of institutional theory. Illustrate how institutions impact corporate decision-making in international business
(b)    Discuss the pressure for local responsiveness for firms in choosing a global strategy. What are the strategic implications for a firm in responding to this pressure?

How To Win Friends & Influence People – Dale Carnegie

Read the How To Win Friends & Influence People – Dale Carnegie book.  Create a synopsis of the book (2 pages maximum)

A synopsis a summation of the book. The first paragraph should describe the overall theme or focus of the book. The book might go into multiple different aspects; however, for the synopsis, you will not be able to discuss all of them. Address three to four concepts in the book and relate them to how you can apply them to your life or career.
Find two other sources that enforce concepts from the book. Use proper APA for paraphrased or direct quotes. The final paragraph should be the conclusion and reemphasize the focus of the book and the main concepts.
Remember that you need to show critical thinking in the paper (reflections on how the book can assist you in your career or how you correlate it to past experiences or this class)
Grading will follow the grading rubric. < Check the Grading rubric file
Papers need to be double spaced, 12-point font, times new roman with once inch margins. The Title of the Paper and your name will be in the header.
The paper will then follow as described above with a maximum of two pages.
The third page will be a reference page that will list the book that was read and the two outside sources.
The fourth page will be the grading rubric found
in Assignment Header in Assignment Two Module in Canvas.

!!!!! Please read all 4 file Instructions for the extra requirements.

The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World

****The Review will only be done on chapter one****

This is not just a summary of the article or chapter, but a critical review of the reading. A good critical review will have a summary component (about 1/3rd of a page) that draws out the main thesis of the article or chapter, the evaluation of the article for strengths and weaknesses (About 1/3rd of a page), general impression or recommendations of the article, and two key questions raised. The review should take the length of a page. A critical review does not mean providing only a negative critique of the book chapter or article. It requires a reflection and the ability to develop an appropriate evaluation based on what others have written, understanding of current global health issues, and whether you agree with the author or not. The article below provides an excellent guide:

****The Review will only be done on chapter one****


in 11-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, double-spaced, and paginated with no errors. ****

Community Forensic Observation

Ok so I need you to choose an agency from below. The only info that really important here is what is in parathensess. The info directly following this is teacher instructions. It does not need to be a page. Merely 6-10 sentences, a paragraph, just properly formatted as described in the parathensses.
  you will be visiting an agency, or setting related to forensic psychology, or you will conduct an interview with a forensic professional in this field.  suggestions of forensic professionals or agencies you could visit include attorneys (criminal, divorce, family, or immigration), judges or court personnel, juvenile justice facilities, military forensic agencies, law enforcement agencies, DHHS agencies, victims advocacy agencies, psychologists or therapists who conduct forensic evaluations, or any other ideas you may have.

(Your brief proposal should be written in Word, APA style, with a cover page. Page two is the actual proposal, which should be one paragraph long and double spaced, and you should include a heading on top of paper. No references are needed. If you are conducting an interview, you may consider adding the 10-12 or so questions you will ask.)