Category: Undergraduate

What I want to be known for

Each of us is leaving a mark on our surroundings as a result of our communications as we pass through those environs or as we linger within them.  Few of us take time to contemplate the nature of that mark or our ability or responsibility to make changes so what we leave behind is something that we are deliberately and passionately shaped. Do we want to leave that mark to chance when we all can make it something of our choosing? 

In 100 words or so prepare a statement which clearly identifies what you want to be known for.  This is not to be a tombstone epitaph – this is meant to be a set of ideals by which you want to be known for today.  Don’t ramble, put some serious thought into it.  Please do not tell me the ‘why’. I just want to know the ‘what’.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

you’ll be asked to do some further exploration into the fantasy genre in order to get a better feel for what we’re going for in our games.

First read this (Links to an external site.).

Here’s a list of the 200 best fantasy movies of all time (Links to an external site.). Is this list authoritative, final, and definitive? Well, no. Any such list is probably a mixture of some smart comparisons and a few cultural or temporal biases. Of course, critics absolutely know this and so they try to solve the problem by going out and making another list. It’s ridiculous, but we can’t help ourselves. Human beings love to argue about problems with no answers. It’s why we’re awesome and doomed.

Okay, I’ll stop.

Just in case that last long paragraph made you doubt list’s authority, here’s another list (Links to an external site.). Is it better? Who knows? It’s shorter, so that’s certainly something.

Choose two films and watch ’em. STOP. READ THE ENTIRE PROMPT.

First of all, you need to approve the films with me. No one will be watching the same two movies. If you watch the same movies as someone else, you can’t complete the assignment, so make sure that you get my approval before you do anything else. Also, many fantasy films are sequels or are in some way attached to other films, so it’s importantespecially if you’re unfamiliar with the genrethat you’re not starting in the middle of a story somewhere. I can help you with that, if necessary.

Secondly, you absolutely need to choose films from these lists. I’ve seen almost all of these (except for 2)yes, seriouslyand I know them well, and that will help me to assess your writing.

Only one of the films you choose may be animated. Even then, depending upon what you’re proposing, I might refer you to something else. Animated films often have receptions that are over-simplified or which appeal to a childish sense of the world. Of course, this is sometimes what makes them appealing. But there is a “depth” issue, too, meaning that some child-oriented fiction is simply too simple.

A trope is a repeating pattern of figuration within a genre or other rhetorical context. Put more simply, it’s one of those things you see over and over again in certain movies, or read over and over again in certain texts. For example, a young woman is walking home alone through the woods at night in a horror movie. Suddenly, a monster appears. Oh no. She takes off running. What’s going to happen? If you guessed, “she’s going to trip and then the monster will miraculously be right behind her,” yep, you’d be right. And why did you guess this? Because we’ve seen it over and over. Usually, a trope is meant to represent somethingworks as some kind of metaphor or symbolbut when tropes pop up frequently, it’s almost as if they lose their original intention.

After you’ve seen both films, choose two tropes from the list of tropes (Links to an external site.) in the first linked article. Both of the tropes you use should be represented in some way in both movies.

Next, write about both tropes. Discuss how they’re used in both films and what the effect is in each. Specifically, you should find a way that both of the tropes you discuss are working slightly (or perhaps dramatically) differently. This is essentially compare and contrast, so you can also discuss how they’re similar, but remember that the point of any short essay is to be interesting. Being interesting in this case is specifically part of the assignment.

Your response should consist of a minimum of four paragraphs. The first paragraph should describe the first trope you’ll be discussing and how it shows up in both films. The second paragraph should compare and contrast the usage of the tropes in both films, especially how they’re working in both films to reinforce a particular message. Once you’ve addressed the first trope, repeat your response for the second.

You can, if you wish, write more than two paragraphs per tropein fact, if you’re writing your paragraphs correctly, you’ll probably need to. Remember this ONE VERY IMPORTANT TIP: PARAGRAPHS CAN ESTABLISH ONLY ONE SPECIFIC POINT. That’s it. One. If you’re paragraph is discussing more than one main idea, then the paragraph is incorrect. Above all, establish the main idea for the paragraph in the topic sentence. This is a critical element of good writing.

When you discuss evidence (usually, a specific image or scene) from the films, use the Three-Step Method to introduce and analyze your evidence. STEP ONE: Introduce the scene so that the reader knows what you’re talking about. You do this by briefly describing the scene, just as you would if you were discussing the film with a friendthey would need enough information to understand what you’re referring to. You can be brief, because you can assume your reader has seen the films under consideration, but you should be comprehensive enough so that there’s sufficient context to work with. STEP TWO: Briefly describe the exact, specific instance of the trope you’re going to discuss. Note that this isn’t the same as STEP ONE, so be sure to make the two steps distinct. STEP THREE: Analyze your evidence and establish the point you’re arguing for. Nothing is automatic or clear merely by describing a scene. You must assert why your point is valid.

If you’re having trouble with any of this, seek me out for a meeting.

I’m happy to help you with this. The point of this exercise is to give you some necessary context so that you can be better acquainted with the genre under consideration. The other point, of course, is to get in some more practice with your analytical writing. In order to complete this assignment to earn the extra credit, you may (most often will) need to revise your response, but I’ll let you know what you need to do.

Your response should be 1000 words, minimum.

5.6 Module 5 Group Discussion: Before the Flood

1Q: What is your carbon footprint according to the quiz? (also include a screen shot of your completed quiz score from the website above). Are you surprised by your score?  What three factors do you believe contributed the most to your score?

2Q: Describe at least five anthropogenic causes for global climate change that were discussed in the film Before the Flood.

3Q: What is the Paris Agreement?  How do you feel about President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from this agreement?  (please remember to be respectful to your peers….we are all entitled to our opinion).

4Q: Describe at least three things or changes in your everyday behavior that would allow you to reduce your overall carbon footprint in the upcoming year.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Instructions for Analysis Essay #1
Your essay must be at least 1000 words (approximately 2-3 pages long). Microsoft Word has a word count feature, and you can usually view the word count in the bar at the bottom of Word. If necessary, search Google for help on how to view the Word count in Microsoft Word.  Please download the attached template, which contains additional instructions.  The template document is formatted correctly for your essay.  Leave the centered sub-headings in the essay — they are important for organizing your essay and facilitating grading by the rubric. 

Please write only in your own words. You are encouraged to read various sources to learn more about your information system, or about information systems in general, but due to the brief length of the essay, you are discouraged from directly quoting from your sources. Instead, explain what you learned from your research and what you know from your own experience with the system, in your own words. List the references you consulted in your research at the bottom of your essay in APA format (minimum of 3 references).

In Analysis Essay #1, you will address the following: 1) introduction to your information system, 2) characteristics of the users of the information system, 3) description of the features/functions of your information system, including the inputs and outputs associated with each feature and how each feature is used within your organization, 4) impact of the information system on your organization, and 5) conclusion.  Specific details about what to include in each section can be found in the attached template.

Personal Statement

I’m an international student studying in a college and would like to transfer to a university intended to the major of early childhood and family studies with teaching and learning option.
Here are some facts about me:
I was born in Hong Kong and I’ve been studying there my whole life before I came to the U.S. and study in college. I’m passionate to stay with the kids and I have some experience volunteering with children and teaching students before. I was a Red Cross member in Hong Kong and I have some experience teaching children, I even got a certificate in youth service skills. Also, I’ve joined the reading buddy program in my high school, reading books for younger children to build up their reading and communication skills. I think I get along well with the kids.
I consider myself a good listener and a patient person. It’s my goal to become a teacher and I’ve always wanted to be a teacher since I was young. My kindergarten teacher inspired me and my experiences strengthened my idea of wanting to be a teacher. With this major, I hope to be an early educator or a pre-school educator. I’m a person who hopes to practice what I have learned and I would like to give back to society with what I have learned.


Describe the differences between hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and continuous renal replacement therapy. How do they work to clean the patients blood and/or remove excess fluids? How is it monitored to be sure it is working correctly? What are the worst side effects that can occur on the treatment?
List three benefits and three disadvantages to each type.  List the type or types of access or accesses used to give each type of treatment.  Discuss who is and who is not a candidate for each type of dialysis and why.

reflection paper about higher education law

Six-page Reflection Paper Discuss four key areas that you have chosen (the four key areas listed below) in Higher educational  Law, showing your knowledge base in those topics, your practical experience, and your reflection as to what theories or models work or do not work. Expand your discussion with at least 10 recent references outside of the textbook. The paper should be at least six double-spaced pages (12 pt. Times New Roman font) APA7. This artifact is designed to go in the Higher Ed Admin competencies. Follow carefully the guidelines of the reflection paper rubric.

The four key areas are;
1.    Legal Planning and Dispute Resolution
2.    The Colleges Authority and Liability
3.    Employment Discrimination
4.    Affirmative Action
After writing five pages about these four you need to write the fifth paper about how competency, which is shown below, is related.
Higher Education administration requires theoretical knowledge and practical application in the following core competencies:
Leadership and Organizational Development Competencies: This cluster of competencies addresses the organizational aspects of Higher Education, focusing on the achievement of goals and programs that make colleges and universities an educational enterprise.
You need to relate this competency; (Legal and policy issuesHigher Education administration applies and understands the scope of a legal and policy structure appropriate for their field) to the overall information for the reflection paper.

The first reference is
The Law of Higher Education: Student Version 6th Edition, by William A. Kaplin, Barbara A. Lee, Neal H. Hutchens, and Jacob H. Rooksby, published by Jossey-Bass; 6th Edition (March 17, 2020)
Add at least 10 recent references (between 2016 -2020).
The textbook is in the attachment and the rubric also.

The Impacts of Institutionalization

The Impacts of Institutionalization The paper should minimally discuss the effects of institutionalization on inmates, the impact on families and communities, and the difficulties faced upon reentry into general society. Emphasis should be placed on various evidence-based programs that have demonstrated positive results, either by lowering recidivistic behavior, and/or providing greater efficiencies within the correctional system. Funding of such programs, as well as gender-specific issues, and the political dynamics of program implementation should be addressed as part of the discussion.

The paper’s length should be a minimum of 2000 words of meaningful discussion (title page and reference page do not count as part of the word count). You are expected to write professionally with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar, developing your topic and providing solid examples from our readings, your own research, or your own experiences to back up your statements. The paper must include six references (outside of the course text), with at least two references from a peer-reviewed/scholarly academic journal (peer-reviewed references should be highlighted in bold type in the reference list). You should avoid writing in first person when possible. All papers must be in .doc, pdf, or .rtf format. You must adhere to APA style (although you do not need to provide an abstract). Your work should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins all around. All papers will be evaluated for originality.

Time Analysis

This is a three page assignment with an APA cover page and APA reference page for a total of five pages. Add an introduction that states the purpose of the paper. Then detail the three sections of your paper as follows (use these three subheadings).

Time Analysis.
Complete a time log in a table format (see sample below) that indicates the number of hours you spent in week one (Monday through Sunday). Be sure it totals 168. Write what you learned from this analysis. Center and label this figure in your paper Fig.1 My Weekly Analysis.

My Strengths.
Use an online instrument (you choose) or other source (properly documented) that indicates your work strengths and work preferences

My Next Professional Goal. Detail your next professional (not educational) goal with a minimum of two references and an enumerated list of steps and target dates. Be as specific as possible

A mission statement for Generation Z

Create a mission statement for generation Z based on a SWOT analysis you create. Make sure to include background and objectives for why you chose what you did. 3-5 pages in length.

(I created this mission statement, which you can use if you like or you can make another one)

“We strive for change through the experience of our elders as we are able to identify the key problems that may have not been seen as problematic in the past, while using our technological advancements to reach heights that have never been reached before.”

A SWOT i made for generation z is …

strengths= mindful approch to leadership, focused on impact, tech savy, team orientated, multitaskers, outspoken

opportunities= less risk adverse, innovative/ entreprenurial, highly educated

weakness= precived as not knowlagable or lazy, lack of real world experience, difficult to motivate, need for immidiate gratification

threats= not taken seriosuly by senior teams, competitive job market, online reputation

*** please note, you don’t have to use my SWOT or mission statement, but you can if you’d like,  i just thought i would share ****