Category: Undergraduate

choose one

All students are to write an essay as part of the module assessment. The essay topics and
evaluation criteria are listed below.
The essay should be no longer than 3,000 words (+/- 10%) and submitted with a header sheet.
Your identity will not be revealed to the marker. The work should demonstrate understanding of a
relevant theory or conceptual framework, with application to case study examples. Choose ONE
of the following four topics for your essay.
I. High street bricks-and-mortar retailers are increasingly conducting their
business online. For a while their branding can rely on their high street heritage
but how do you think the brand should be managed as the online presence comes
to dominate?
II. Mass customisation appears to offer the ideal combination of efficient mass
production with customisation to the individual customer. For a specific company
of your choice, critically analyse the challenges and limits of such a strategy.
III. Laws and attitudes to bankruptcy vary around the world. As an entrepreneur,
which country do you think has the most business-friendly approach?
IV. It might be argued that no matter how enlightened the human resource
management (HRM) strategy, the workers are still perceived as assets with
related costs and profits. An alternative approach might see workers as investors
of human capital. What lessons can be learned from HRM approaches around
the world that might resolve this argument?
The basic format of the essay should be a theory, concept or approach which is critically
analysed. Then a case study or practical example should be presented that not only illustrates
how the theory can be applied but also reveals further critical insights into the theory itself. The
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conclusion should demonstrate how the case study can lead to an improvement in the theory.
Students should make all efforts to avoid plagiarism by reading and reflecting on the information
sources before committing their own thoughts to paper. There is never a reason to copy,
although quotations may be occasionally appropriate. It is recommended that students should
take note of the Turnitin similarity score when they submit. Harvard style referencing must
always be used

Critical Reading and Analysis

Critical Reading and Analysis

1000 words (max), double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman font


This assignment asks you to follow a specific series of steps to enable you to present a cogent analysis and argument: you are to analyze two passages in the story closely and then tie the conclusions of that analysis to the larger work in which the passages appear. This process allows you to analyze narrowed elements of the story in order to better understand the story as a whole.

The presentation of your analysis must follow a specific structure:

A brief initial paragraph in which you introduce your passages by identifying the text and the topic under discussion. The passages are listed below. In your assignment, simply refer to the first as Passage 1 and the second as Passage 2.

A second section, a possible one paragraph or two for each section, in which you present your close reading of your chosen passages, namely, your analysis of each. In doing so may want to include quotations from your primary text to contextualize, illustrate and prove your claims. A Works Cited page is not required for this assignment.

In a final paragraph, move outwards and tie the specific results of your analysis to the larger text (the story as a whole): what role do the passages have in relation to the larger narrative? How does your close reading influence your understanding of the storys major themes and its ending?

Question: The Garden Party

The Garden Party is a bildungsroman which focuses on Lauras growing questioning of the bourgeois boundaries within which she and her siblings live and are protected. However, although she acquiesces to her mothers influence throughout, access to Lauras consciousness enables the reader to perceive the characters sensibility and capacity for empathy. It also prefigures her visit to the Scotts house and her subsequent epiphanic reaction to the dead man, but the ambiguous dialogue at the storys conclusion raises questions concerning Lauras capability to sustain the development of her emotional growth. This assignment asks you to look closely at two passages that contain evidence of Mansfields presentation of the above assertion and to analyze the ways in which it speaks to the larger themes that emerge at the storys conclusion.


The passage beginning:

The front door bell peeled  Heres the man.  (page 65)

Laura only wanted to get out Forgive my hat, she said (pages 81 – 82)

      A word count must be included at the end of the assignment.

Please note: you may choose to write on another theme for this question (see PowerPoint slides on The Garden Party for list of themes) but you must limit yourself to analyzing TWO passages of no more that 20 lines each and adhere to the required word limit.

Opiate abuse/ dependence

    Substance abuse:
    Opiate abuse/ dependence
The discussion points for this powerpoint presentation will include:   
a.    Role of Advanced Practice Nurse/Teaching of the Advanced Practice Nurse

Cloud Vendor Presentation

In this project, you will develop a detailed comparative analysis of cloud vendors and their services. A comparative analysis provides an item-by-item comparison of two or more alternatives, processes, products, or systems. In this case, you will compare the pros/cons of the cloud service providers in terms of security, ease of use, service models, services/tools they provide, pricing, technical support, cloud service providers’ infrastructure, and architecture model.

You will present your findings to the owner of the company in a narrated PowerPoint presentation with 10 to 20 slides. Use the Cloud Presentation Template.

Prior to beginning work on the Final Paper, read Steven Strauss article, The Connection Between Education, Income Inequality, and Unemployment

Prior to beginning work on the Final Paper, read Steven Strauss article, The Connection Between Education, Income Inequality, and Unemployment (Links to an external site.). In your Final Paper, you should address the following based on the information presented in the article and other research:

Describe how a country can measure its income inequality.
Evaluate the effect of income inequality on the U.S. economy, such as unemployment, economic growth, and other economic factors.
Estimate the gap between those who hold bachelors and higher (master or doctoral) degrees and those who do not.
Explain reasons why the inequality gap between educated and less-educated workers has been widening.
Evaluate whether increasing opportunities for higher education can reduce income inequality.
Analyze what else causes U.S. income inequality to widen.
Recommend how to reduce educationally based income inequality or other factors if you were a federal policy maker.
The Education and Income Inequality Final Paper

Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers APA Style resource (Links to an external site.).
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Causes of World War One

– the alliance system (triple alliance and triple entente)
– imperial rivalry
– the arms race
– assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the chain of events after that

also include
– the Balkan wars
– imperialism
– nationalism

Critical Reading and Analysis

Critical Reading and Analysis

1000 words (max), double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman font


This assignment asks you to follow a specific series of steps to enable you to present a cogent analysis and argument: you are to analyze two passages in the story closely and then tie the conclusions of that analysis to the larger work in which the passages appear. This process allows you to analyze narrowed elements of the story in order to better understand the story as a whole.

The presentation of your analysis must follow a specific structure:

A brief initial paragraph in which you introduce your passages by identifying the text and the topic under discussion. The passages are listed below. In your assignment, simply refer to the first as Passage 1 and the second as Passage 2.

A second section, a possible one paragraph or two for each section, in which you present your close reading of your chosen passages, namely, your analysis of each. In doing so may want to include quotations from your primary text to contextualize, illustrate and prove your claims. A Works Cited page is not required for this assignment.

In a final paragraph, move outwards and tie the specific results of your analysis to the larger text (the story as a whole): what role do the passages have in relation to the larger narrative? How does your close reading influence your understanding of the storys major themes and its ending?

Question: The Garden Party

The Garden Party is a bildungsroman which focuses on Lauras growing questioning of the bourgeois boundaries within which she and her siblings live and are protected. However, although she acquiesces to her mothers influence throughout, access to Lauras consciousness enables the reader to perceive the characters sensibility and capacity for empathy. It also prefigures her visit to the Scotts house and her subsequent epiphanic reaction to the dead man, but the ambiguous dialogue at the storys conclusion raises questions concerning Lauras capability to sustain the development of her emotional growth. This assignment asks you to look closely at two passages that contain evidence of Mansfields presentation of the above assertion and to analyze the ways in which it speaks to the larger themes that emerge at the storys conclusion.


The passage beginning:

The front door bell peeled  Heres the man.  (page 65)

Laura only wanted to get out Forgive my hat, she said (pages 81 – 82)

      A word count must be included at the end of the assignment.

Please note: you may choose to write on another theme for this question (see PowerPoint slides on The Garden Party for list of themes) but you must limit yourself to analyzing TWO passages of no more that 20 lines each and adhere to the required word limit.


Paper instructions:
a. Deconstruct Kohlbergs Moral Development theory and outline two models of moral judgement.
b. Discuss the ethical issues which surround the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in any three cultures,
explaining clearly the cultural, moral and ethical issues surrounding the debates.
c. Outline your personal ethical and moral beliefs on the distribution of these vaccines, and justify your stance,
discussing the criteria that, in your opinion, should be used in your territory to distribute the vaccines


Use ALL the links provided  Each week, you will write a reflection that include how the readings:
a)     Relate to your personal experiences, attitudes, and philosophies
b)     Inform your evolving projects; and
c)     Raise questions and issues you would like to discuss further.

In your reflections, you need to draw connections between the readings and your own experiences, and consider the ways in which your responses to the texts are influenced by your previous coursework, work experience, epistemological leanings, racial, national/ethnic/linguistic/gender identities, etc. I encourage you to draw from the readings in your current and previous courses to make connections across disciplines.

choose one

All students are to write an essay as part of the module assessment. The essay topics and
evaluation criteria are listed below.
The essay should be no longer than 3,000 words (+/- 10%) and submitted with a header sheet.
Your identity will not be revealed to the marker. The work should demonstrate understanding of a
relevant theory or conceptual framework, with application to case study examples. Choose ONE
of the following four topics for your essay.
I. High street bricks-and-mortar retailers are increasingly conducting their
business online. For a while their branding can rely on their high street heritage
but how do you think the brand should be managed as the online presence comes
to dominate?
II. Mass customisation appears to offer the ideal combination of efficient mass
production with customisation to the individual customer. For a specific company
of your choice, critically analyse the challenges and limits of such a strategy.
III. Laws and attitudes to bankruptcy vary around the world. As an entrepreneur,
which country do you think has the most business-friendly approach?
IV. It might be argued that no matter how enlightened the human resource
management (HRM) strategy, the workers are still perceived as assets with
related costs and profits. An alternative approach might see workers as investors
of human capital. What lessons can be learned from HRM approaches around
the world that might resolve this argument?
The basic format of the essay should be a theory, concept or approach which is critically
analysed. Then a case study or practical example should be presented that not only illustrates
how the theory can be applied but also reveals further critical insights into the theory itself. The
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conclusion should demonstrate how the case study can lead to an improvement in the theory.
Students should make all efforts to avoid plagiarism by reading and reflecting on the information
sources before committing their own thoughts to paper. There is never a reason to copy,
although quotations may be occasionally appropriate. It is recommended that students should
take note of the Turnitin similarity score when they submit. Harvard style referencing must
always be used