Category: Undergraduate

Anything IT

I don’t know how many pages it will take I put 6 as one page per task.

A.  Create an email or memorandum providing product information and benefits of implementation, including how it solves a business problem, for executive leadership of the organization, such as the CIO, CFO, etc.

B.  Create a fact sheet communicating essential product and implementation information, including how it solves a business problem, for the cross-functional team, including members from IT who will be implementing the product. Include each of the following points in the fact sheet:

  description of product

  rationale for implementation

  summary of implementation phases

  graphic aids that supplement product information or implementation plans

C.  Describe the writing process used to develop the artifact for each audience.

D.  Explain how analysis of the following audience attributes informed the purpose for each  artifact:

  subject knowledge

  position in the organization

  personal attitudes

  reading style

  types of readers (primary, secondary, international)

E.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

F.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Intercultural Communicati0n

Different cultures share similar categories of nonverbal message channels but use differing messages to communicate nonverbally. Focusing on three of these channelsbody language, personal space, and touch write a research paper that describes how your culture (standard american english background) uses these channels to communicate nonverbally and compare two other cultures use of these channels to your own.

    At least 3 academic resources.

Microeconomics Test

I have a microeconomic test soon and I need help with it. The test is on Feb 12, its a 50 min test.

Course Objectives: As the first class in the micro sequence, Econ 100A is designed to teach you how to set up, solve, and analyze optimization models and apply these mathematical models to the theory of the consumer (commodity demand, labor supply, and consumption/savings decisions). Finally, we will examine the fundamentals of decision making under risk and uncertainty.

I need someone to help on the test in this class. I can provide the class notes. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE BID IF YOUR NOT AN EXPERT

Connecting Past and Present

Readings: TWE, Chap. 1, 25-33, and Chap. 2, 48-59, and YAWP Chap. 3, 54-61.

This is a formal paper that “connects” at least one specific theme or issues in the readings to a contemporary issue or experiences in your life today.

After completing the notes on all the readings for that day you will then select at least one of the themes/issues in the readings to connect to something in the present.  This can be a current event or a personal experience, but you must provide examples and analysis to link the current issue directly with the readings.

TWE – file:///C:/Users/julia/Downloads/TWE.ColonialRaceandSlavery%20copy.pdf

What are the essential qualities of adulthood, the absence of which disqualify someone as an adult?

For this activity you may start by making a mind-map that represents your ideas about adulthood. Write ADULTHOOD in the middle of a piece of paper and then jot down all of the ideas you can think of that relate to this life-stage. Connect ideas that are similar with lines. Once you have finished, examine your mind-map and think about this question: What are the essential qualities of adulthood, the absence of which disqualify someone as an adult? Avoid writing about your personal ideals of adulthood. Don’t focus on your own culture — I’m looking for universal qualities.
This unit’s reflection activity is unlike the other units’ reflection activities in that it is more of an intellectual activity than a self-reflection. Don’t draw from other sources. I’m interested in your ideas.
Write a 1000-1250 word reflection after completing this activity. You do not need to submit your mind map.

Social Media

Share a personal story about when you started using social media. Include what social media you use, how you use it, and how much time you spend on it. At the end of this story, discuss with your peers:

-What you might like to see in the future of social media?
-What other communication technologies do you wish were available to you, and why?
-Is there a technological advancement, a way that people use social media, or a changed attitude toward social media that youd like to see?

Cubas Culture

Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography is a summary of books, articles, and documents within a framwork. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to help you on the research paper which is due later on.  The brief description and citation is then placed inside an outline. Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills: concise exposition, succinct analysis, and informed library research. The annotated bibliography becomes the foundation of your research paper which is due later.

The Process
First, you must get approval from the instructor regarding your topic selection.  Because this class is a Dialogue of Justice and Civic Life, the topic selected needs to reflect this emphasis.  You must choose a topic related to the first 4 chapters of the course material.

Second, locate and record citations to books, periodicals, and documents that may contain useful information and ideas on your topic. Briefly examine and review the actual items. Then choose those works that provide a variety of perspectives on your topic or will support your thesis. You must choose at least 15 sources, the majority of which must be dated within the last three years and have come from our library resources or well known news sources like the Washington Post, The New Your Times, The Wall Street Journal, etc.  Cite the book, article, or document using the appropriate style and place it within the appropriate part of your paper (i.e. introduction, body, discussion, etc.)

Third, for each source chosen begin writing concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope. Include one or more sentences that compare or contrast this work with another you have cited, or explain how this work illuminates your topic or support your thesis. You MUST open this file which further explains items for your consideration: Additional information. Preview the document


Introductory statement: The last couple of years has seen an increase in the number of bla bla bla  . (Here you set the stage and give background about the topic you plan to discuss/analyze in the thesis.) Then you list the articles you plan to use in the introduction and the main information that you plan to use from the article.


You begin this section with the thesis. A thesis statement focuses your ideas into one or two sentences. It should present the topic of your paper and also make a comment about your position in relation to the topic. Your thesis statement should tell your reader what the paper is about and also help guide your writing and keep your argument focused.

After choosing an appropriate topic and writing a thesis statement, you will need to brainstorm to get ideas on how to best support your thesis. The length of your paper will determine the level of detail you should pursue in your supporting content. When you have honed the results of your brainstorming down to a suitable number of subtopics, you can arrange them in the order you feel would be most effective in arguing your thesis statement.

First Subtopic: Bla, bla, bla ..
Supporting evidences
Second Subtopic: Bla, bla, bla..
Supporting evidences.


Introductory Statement
Thesis Statement
First Subtopic
supporting evidence
supporting evidence
supporting evidence.
      Second Subtopic
      Third Subtopic




Since 2015, an influx in human migration has caused implications within the entire European Union. Due to an increase in violent war crimes, political instability, and human torture, civilians of Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq are relocating in order to save their lives. Of the many originating nations, Syrias social and political hostility is mainly responsible for the unprecedent surge in European migration. In 2016 alone, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero.

EU migrant crisis: facts and figures. (2017). European Parliament. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)


In order to understand the current statistics regarding the European refugee crisis, definitions must be explained regarding incoming European migrants. According to the European Parliament, a refugee is defined as people with a well-founded fear of persecution for reason of race, religion, nationality, politics, or membership of a particular social group who have been accepted and recognized as such in their host countries.

Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque in nunc id metus condimentum laoreet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec mollis faucibus scelerisque. Cras semper velit sit amet ligula vestibulum, ac scelerisque est elementum. Nam lorem elit, ultricies quis fermentum id, elementum eget metus. Maecenas nec nisl urna. Fusce finibus molestie sapien a aliquam. Sed nec sapien in dui luctus interdum ut in tortor. Nulla mollis tortor id eros sollicitudin aliquet. Vestibulum euismod dui gravida mi faucibus, non malesuada eros egestas. Nunc aliquam egestas ipsum, finibus hendrerit mauris sagittis sed. Ut scelerisque ultricies dolor sed iaculis. Duis convallis dictum nulla non mattis.

Sly, L. (2015). 8 reasons Europes refugee crisis is happening now. The Washington Post.

Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)


There are many reasons backing the influx in European refugees. However, the largest influencer is the political instability in Syria. With the intensity of the Syrian war increasing and death tolls rising, many civilians are looking to escape their social hostility and torture. Furthermore, Syrian President Bashar al-Assads government has begun enlisting army reserves to serve in protecting his power in office. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero.

Ensor, J. (2017). More than 8,000 lives lost crossing the Mediterranean in the two years since

Alan Kurdis death. The Telegraph. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)


Refugees around the world engage in dangerous transportation methods in order to receive international protection. In addition to the risks associated with their livelihood in their home nations, these asylum seekers are not completely safe once beginning their journey to Europe. Since 2015, more than 8,000 refugees and migrants have died Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero.


Since  …………………………………….  , political instability and government torture have inspired refugees to search for a higher quality of life within surrounding nations. Todays mass migration of refugees towards Europe have resulted in severe breaches to national security, health, and human dignity concerns. This paper attempts to examine the European refugee crisis from the socio-political, legal, and cultural perspectives..


First Subtopic: The endless political environment in the Middle East affecting refugees. 

Supporting Evidence: To fully understand refugees desire to migrate to Europe, I will first describe the political instability in Syria, causing mass migrations and disruptions within the unity of EU.

Summers, H. (2017). War and violence drive 80% of people fleeing to Europe by sea, not

economics. The Guardian. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)

Recently, there has been a common misconception that most refugees are fleeing to Europe in order to gain more economic opportunities. However, studies have shown that over 80% of European refugees are fleeing due to the persecution, war, and famine issues within their originating nations. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero.

Why is there a war in Syria? (2018). BBC. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.) 


The majority of refugees are fleeing from the violence and terror within Syria. In order to better assist in the political implications of my paper, I will use this article to demonstrate the current political issues found in Syria. Political conflicts in Syria began to emerge in 2011 due to high unemployment and governmental corruption that lead to limited political freedom. In March 2011, several pro-democratic demonstrations began to erupt within Syria. In response to the protests, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero.

Ellyatt, H. (2018). Europe remains as divided as ever over almost impossible to solve migration

crisis. CNBC. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)


With millions of refugees migrating into Europe, the most prominent political issue is the lack of unity between EU member states. In June, European countries met at the European Union summit in Brussels to discuss the needs and responsibilities all EU member states face in fighting illegal migration. German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, discussed the need for unity by stating We all agree that we want to reduce illegal migration, that we want to protect our borders and that we are all responsible for all issues. Despite the collective desire, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero.

Second Subtopic: In addition to political instability, social implications have arisen regarding the health of migrants and citizens within European nations. 

Supporting Evidences: The previous environment and lack of medical institutions within the originating nations of refugees has enabled antibiotic resistance and immune deficiency diseases that pose implications on their physical health and the surrounding civilians within their future host countries.

Maltezou, H. (2016). Antibiotic resistance and the refugee crisis in europe – preemptive action is

indicated. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 14(2), 69-70.

doi:10.1016/j.tmaid.2016.03.009. (Links to an external site.)

This article illustrates the primary causes of the European Refugee crisis and the effects this crisis has on the health of individual residence. After completing a scientific evaluation of many European refugee migrants, this study determined that up to 25% of these refugees tested positive for antibiotic resistant bacteria. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero.

Kousoulis, A., Ioakeim-Ioannidou, M., & Economopoulos, K. (2017). Refugee crisis in Greece:

Not a one-country job. International Journal of Public Health: International Journal of Public Health,62(1), 1-2. doi:10.1007/s00038-016-0890-0. (Links to an external site.)

This article describes the detrimental health effects that Greece has endured and the need for international intervention in order to assist the potential global implications on all EU civilizations. The epidemic of health concerns is due to Syrias recent conflicts of medicine shortage, reemergence of polio, and widespread famine and malnourishment. Resulting from Syrias recent turmoil, Greece is left fighting diseases and other immune deficiencies that have entered their borders. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero..

Supporting evidence: In addition to antibiotic resistance and immune deficiency diseases, refugees continue to face sexual and reproductive health risks after their immigration into Europe. 

Finnerty, F., & Shahmanesh, M. (2016). Sexual and reproductive health in the european refugee

crisis. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 92(7), 485-486. doi:10.1136/sextrans-2016-052538. (Links to an external site.)

This article describes the sexual and reproductive health of refugees during the migration periods. In the majority of originating refugee countries, sexual-based and gender-based violence is a common trend. Due to their susceptibility, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) estimated that 1400 of the 70,000 women that crossed boarders as immigrating migrants would be at risk for sexual violence (Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero.   

Supporting evidence: Incoming refugees pose severe implications on the mental health conditions of rescue workers within their asylum-seeking nations. The largest mental health concern facing all refugees and workers are the detrimental effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 

Sifaki-Pistolla, D., Chatzea, V., Vlachaki, S., Melidoniotis, E., & Pistolla, G. (2017). Who is

going to rescue the rescuers? post-traumatic stress disorder among rescue workers operating in greece during the european refugee crisis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 52(1), 45-54. doi:10.1007/s00127-016-1302-8. (Links to an external site.)

This article also provides more data regarding the extent of the European refugee crisis in showing the percentages of originating countries. The origins of these refugees are predominately from: Syria (49%), Afghanistan (26%), and Iran (16%). In addition to the data, this article also examined the estimated cases of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) within rescue workers operating in Lesvos. In recent years, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero..


Third Subtopic: The current legal framework of the European Union regarding asylum seekers and the concerns for border security throughout all European nations.

Supporting evidence: Border control has been a concern for all European nations; however, the EU has lacked collective support leading to inefficient methods of border patrol and regulation.   

Hatton, T. (2017). Refugees and asylum seekers, the crisis in europe and the future ofpolicy. Economic Policy, 32(91), 447-496doi:10.1093/epolic/eix009 (Links to an external site.)       

This article describes the relationship between the European asylum system and the hazardous maritime and overland crossings that migrants must face in order to gain security. Furthermore, this article also illustrates the effects of lacking international support that poses severe implications on border control. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero. 

Supporting evidence: In addition to border control, the European Union has lacked unity regarding asylum seeking legislation, leading to additional concerns for some European nations.

Nancheva, N. (2015). The common european asylum system and the failure to protect:

Bulgarias syrian refugee crisis. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15(4), 439-455. doi:10.1080/14683857.2015.1093372 (Links to an external site.)

This article will be used to further explain the EU asylum system, the difficulties it presents, and the lack of unity between all EU states. The asylum system can be better described as an inverted triangle. The bottom of the triangle lies the non-refoulement principle which protects refugees from returning back to their original nation if he/she faces potential torture and death. The next level of the asylum system is the variety of customary international laws. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue libero..

Supporting Evidences: Refugees face discrimination regarding their social perceptions and employment opportunities after receiving legal protection in their host countries. Despite obtaining international protection, these refugees are seen as immigrating aliens that prevent them from receiving fair employment and social statuses.   

Mahmoud, N. (2015). The cultural challenges of the Syrian refugee crisis. Ahram.

Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)

There are many cultural differences refugees face when migrating to Europe. After acquiring asylum protection, these refugees are commonly tagged with an alien status. This status can influence their self-worth perceptions, making the transition into Europe an unsettling feat. Furthermore, the Muslim religion and culture pose several traditional differences than many European nations. One example sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue. 

Lundborg, P., & Skedinger, P. (2016). Employer attitudes towards refugee immigrants:

Findings from a swedish survey. International Labour Review, 155(2), 315-337.

doi:10.1111/ilr.12026. (Links to an external site.)

This article demonstrates the economic discrimination of refugee pay within the workforce. According to research conducted by Lundborg and Skedinger, it is shown that on average 58 percent of all refugees are employed in low-skilled jobs. Furthermore, sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue.

Supporting Evidence: In order to combat cultural discrimination towards immigrating refugees, future fellowship and mentorship opportunities need to be available. In order to receive proper support, assistance must be present within European professionals, governmental agencies, and previously established refugees.

Alisic, E., & Letschert, R. (2016). Fresh eyes on the european refugee crisis. European Journal of

Psychotraumatology, 7(1), 31847-31847. doi:10.3402/ejpt.v7.31847 (Links to an external site.)

This article not only confirms that over a million migrants have reached Europe by the Mediterranean in 2015, but also illustrates that nearly a third of these migrants were children. This information will be important when outlying the conditions of the European refugee crisis in my introduction. sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim luctus semper. Pellentesque venenatis quam sagittis condimentum finibus. Vivamus rhoncus quam nec venenatis maximus. Aliquam tempor lorem sollicitudin metus tincidunt tempor. Pellentesque vestibulum lectus laoreet congue ornare. Donec eget erat nisi. In efficitur malesuada lectus a eleifend. Nulla iaculis fermentum erat dictum blandit. Fusce maximus nunc vitae sapien pulvinar, vitae tincidunt nunc rhoncus. Sed consequat libero ipsum, rhoncus volutpat mauris fringilla non. Fusce ac purus consequat, ultricies ipsum a, congue


Alisic, E., & Letschert, R. (2016). Fresh eyes on the european refugee crisis. European Journal of

Psychotraumatology, 7(1), 31847-31847. doi:10.3402/ejpt.v7.31847

Ellyatt, H. (2018). Europe remains as divided as ever over almost impossible to solve migration

crisis. CNBC. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)

Ensor, J. (2017). More than 8,000 lives lost crossing the Mediterranean in the two years since

Alan Kurdis death. The Telegraph. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)

EU migrant crisis: facts and figures. (2017). European Parliament. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)

Finnerty, F., & Shahmanesh, M. (2016). Sexual and reproductive health in the european refugee

crisis. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 92(7), 485-486. doi:10.1136/sextrans-2016-052538

Hatton, T. (2017). Refugees and asylum seekers, the crisis in europe and the future of

policy. Economic Policy, 32(91), 447-496. doi:10.1093/epolic/eix009

Kousoulis, A., Ioakeim-Ioannidou, M., & Economopoulos, K. (2017). Refugee crisis in Greece:

Not a one-country job. International Journal of Public Health: International Journal of Public Health,62(1), 1-2. doi:10.1007/s00038-016-0890-0

Lundborg, P., & Skedinger, P. (2016). Employer attitudes towards refugee immigrants:

Findings from a swedish survey. International Labour Review, 155(2), 315-337.


Mahmoud, N. (2015). The cultural challenges of the Syrian refugee crisis. Ahram.

Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)

Maltezou, H. (2016). Antibiotic resistance and the refugee crisis in europe – preemptive action is

indicated. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 14(2), 69-70.


Nancheva, N. (2015). The common european asylum system and the failure to protect:

Bulgarias syrian refugee crisis. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15(4), 439-455. doi:10.1080/14683857.2015.1093372

Sifaki-Pistolla, D., Chatzea, V., Vlachaki, S., Melidoniotis, E., & Pistolla, G. (2017). Who is

going to rescue the rescuers? post-traumatic stress disorder among rescue workers operating in greece during the european refugee crisis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 52(1), 45-54. doi:10.1007/s00127-016-1302-8

Sly, L. (2015). 8 reasons Europes refugee crisis is happening now. The Washington Post.

Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)

Summers, H. (2017). War and violence drive 80% of people fleeing to Europe by sea, not

economics. The Guardian. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)

Why is there a war in Syria? (2018). BBC. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.) 

Benefits of Using Project Management Software in a Healthcare Organization

Adding to the previous paper written, identify either the positive or negative benefits of Using Project Management Software (matrix care) in a Healthcare Organization. 
Read the following article click the link below or copy paste on your browser. See attached paper written about what matrix care is and how it is used.

You are to use scholarly and credible resources to support your project management software decision.
APA Format
Title Page (does not count as a page)
2-3 Page
References (does not count as a page)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Context: Arthur Millers play The Man Who Had All the Luck presents different individuals who have various ideas about what happiness is while sometimes also encountering obstacles or problems standing the way of achieving happiness. 

Assignment: Write an analytical, interpretive essay in which you focus on three or four major elements relative to happiness with respect to one character in the play and explain how and why these elements are significant for this characters happiness, some of the obstacles standing in the way of this character achieving happiness, and, ultimately, whether or not this character you discuss has achieved happiness.

Advance a unified and developed thesis, and support and explain this thesis through well-constructed analytical body paragraphs, as we have been discussing in class. 

Constructing the Essay: You should use your work on our previous assignments to help build your essay.  In order to construct an effective response to this assignment, you will need to use the elements of analytical college writing we have covered in class thus far. 

You will need to: 1) construct an arguable, specific, and complex thesis statement that unifies; 2) create analytical paragraphs that relate to and help develop this thesis (subordination); 3) include and analyze appropriate evidence from the stories in these paragraphs (particularly quotations) to support your claims; 4) develop your paragraphs with sufficient interpretive explanation.  Try to do more with less.


Length: aim for 4 pages (typed, double-spaced)

Ethics in the News Reflection

The role and art of reflection has been shown to be a critical leadership skill that enhances ones ability to make ethical decisions by directly relating abstract ideas to personal values on a regular basis. Therefore, you will be asked to submit a minimum of five short mini-statements on relevant news articles (max. 250 words) throughout the term.

These will be very simple. What Im looking from you is to find a relevant Ethics in the News Article or News Story, provide me the link, and write a short 250 word reflection on this article (not just summarizing): Tell me your thoughts, how it relates to course content, and what impact it might have.