Category: Undergraduate

Network Security Policy

Your group is working for a global organization that handles highly classified intellectual property. In many situations and scenarios, the implementation and operations teams have been creating and setting up environments that violate your vision for security. After discussing the situation with various parties, they all admit they do not fully know or understand what is expected from them as they set up and configure the environment. To solve this situation, your group has been asked to create a network security policy for the organization.

Each group member will choose an element of the policy to design, and the group will collaborate on what the overall design and outline should look like and include components from end-user behavior, a training plan, file and folder access, social engineering safeguards, bring-your-own-device policies, use of external drives on company assets, security hardware, penetration testing, and affiliation of the information security department with law enforcement agencies. Students may either interview someone in the local FBI field office or research the FBI and DHS Web sites related to information-sharing programs that the government offers; this could be advantageous to the organizations information security program.

To keep the scope narrow, your group should first describe what should be included and what should not be included in the policy (remember that a policy should clearly set management’s expectations).
After the scope has been defined, research the various components, and create an appropriate policy.

Prepare a Word document of 710 pages (excluding title page, abstract, and references page) that includes the network security policy for an organization that addresses all of the stated design requirements. It should be in APA format, including an introduction and conclusion.

Policy memo of Immigration & Labor Policies and food system

Topic: Food Production, Risk, and Immigrant Labor: The Public Health Case for Immigration Reform and a Better Food System: Congress (the audience!) has asked a (National Academy of Sciences) panel of experts (YOU, the players are the experts), led by Study Directors Rose Martinez and Clyde Behney (the moderators), to advise them on immigration reform for a better food system. There will be no oppose/support sides in this deliberation. Rather, you are a panel of experts asked to present recommendations to Congress about the key issues in immigration reform as they relate to food systems. In particular, you will be asked to:

1.Provide some background on agricultural workers in the U.S., encompassing both farmworkers and meat/processing workers (who are they, where do they work, what type of work)

2.Provide an overview of the health risks associated with agricultural labor and the vulnerability of immigrant workers to health risks

3.Discuss the barriers to awareness and improvement

4.Describe the effects on security and resiliency of the U.S. food system

5.Present some policy recommendations from a public health standpoint (I expect what you will do here is make the recommendations from the reports below more digestible/understandable to the audience members and then perhaps rank them into what might be the most feasible/achievable or short-term vs. long-term.)

Audience: U.S. Senator John Cornyn, Chairman of Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration. The policy memo should be addressed to Senator Cornyn.


work ethics

Assignment Instructions

For this individual assignment, you will be assessed based on demonstrated evidence that you have read the lesson commentary, completed all reading assignments, viewed any video assigned  and competed any activity assigned. Furthermore, you will be assessed based on demonstrated evidence that you can synthesize lesson content, provide insights, draw conclusions and apply what you are learning in a cogently written manner. Briefly discuss the questions below (i.e., key takeaways):

Describe some of the common ethical problems encountered in the workplace;
Identify techniques that will help you deal effectively with these issues; and
Discuss your views on what the role of HR should be relative to facilitating the reporting of employee misconduct within an organization.
Discuss in detail the following questions. You will be assessed based on demonstrated ability to self-reflect and self-examine.

What did your learn about yourself from this lesson?
What’s important about what you learned?
What are you going to do with what you learned? Please be specific and avoid providing a generic response.
Your essay for this assignment is to be in the 750 – 1,000 word range. You are expected to demonstrate scholarship including providing a reference section, and where appropriate, in-text citations in accordance with the APA  formatting and style guide.

reading assignments:
Chapter 4: Addressing Individuals Common Ethical Problems

Additional Resources
DeSteno, D. (2014). Managing Yourself: Who Can you Trust? Before putting faith in others, consider these four principles. Harvard Business Review.

video assigned:
Webinar and TED Talk

An Innovative Approach to Values-Driven Leadership by Dr. Mary C. Gentile
Why good leaders make you feel safe with Simon Sinek.

work ethics

Use the resources available to you such as the data in the compulsory textbook, course readings, or information on the
(Links to an external site.)
website (scroll to the bottom for the “Country Comparison Tool” section).
Consider this information, and draw up a profile of your countryChina in terms of what the common HRM practices are, and why they are used (in terms of cultural or institutional reasons). You should include the following practices:
1. recruitment
2. selection
3. performance management.

reflection about led-seminar

– Talk about the power point attached and explain the limitations and strengths of it in DEPTH (details).
– Talk about personal AND professional growth in DEPTH (details).
– Explain evidence of reflective practice and application to future practice in DEPTH (details), (what I would have done differently in this presentation and WHY).
– Integrate the evidence into the paper TO SUPPORT THE PAPER.
– APA 7th
– Using BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINES (BPG) and standards of practice in the paper
– THREE SCHOLARLY references to SUPPORT conclusions drawn from their reflections (references could be taken from the reference list on the power point
— PLEASE follow rubric given and answer all the questions in detail and depth, use THREE SCHOLARLY references to support paper, and talk in STUDENT’s point of view (REFLECTION)

* Why are you interested in attending Columbia University? (200 words or fewer)

growing up in lagos, i am used to living in the city. i see columbia university as a place of oportunities because as a girl coming from the slums of nigeria. columbia provides me with with a platform to better myself with her psychology department being one of the oldest and most influential in the state and her law school ranked amongst top 5. columbia’s located situated in the heart of new york with its busy environment keeps me on your toes and what better place to get  good education amidst one of the biggest cities. Also being formally enrolled in Clarkson, the psychology department was more science and clinical based rather than social and considering my interest in law i wold not benefit from it.
coluumbia university is home to scientists like gestalt who started the theories on which social psychology was found. As a black woman i also find that Columbia has more resources such as the GSAS under the Equality and Social Justice Committee (ESJC) .

please make the essay 200 words or less

Mick Homework Assignment 3

You should have answered ONE of the Analyze questions for EACH of the four assigned articles: Haskins & Sawhill, Burd-Sharps & Lewis, Sessions and Wright.  Be sure that you have followed the example and clearly listed the question you are answering and which article it corresponds to.  Your response to each question should contain no fewer than five complete, grammatically-correct sentences to be accepted for credit.

case study: death & dying

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the focus will be on the Christian worldview.

Based on “Case Study: End of Life Decisions,” the Christian worldview, and the worldview questions presented in the required topic study materials you will complete an ethical analysis of George’s situation and his decision from the perspective of the Christian worldview. (ATTACHED)

Provide a 1,500-2,000-word ethical analysis while answering the following questions:
1. How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the fallenness of the world?

2. How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?

3. As George contemplates life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), how would the Christian worldview inform his view about the value of his life as a person?

4. What sorts of values and considerations would the Christian worldview focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?

5. Given the above, what options would be morally justified in the Christian worldview for George and why?

6. Based on your worldview, what decision would you make if you were in George’s situation?

Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. (ATTACHED)

Cultural Differences

Learning about other cultures is essential to doing business globally. What might be considered the norm in one culture may not be considered the same in another culture.

Your business deal with Sanjiv, a South Asian executive, has been proven to be difficult because of cultural differences. Sanjiv insists on dealing on a handshake and not bothering with detailed paperwork and legal processes. You, on the other hand, feel uncomfortable entering into a multi-million-dollar deal just on a handshake even after years of positive dealings with Sanjiv. Write Sanjiv an e-mail to resolve this issue while maintaining cultural sensitivity and respect.

Licensing and Logos in Sport Marketing

Overview: For this journal task, you will analyze how licensing and the use of logos support a sports marketing media campaign. You will respond to a hypothetical licensing proposal with a list of questions that you would ask before agreeing to a licensing deal.

Prompt: First, read Chapter 14 in the textbook. Then, imagine you are the marketing manager for a professional sports team and you get a phone call from a company that wants to produce versions of its electronic accessory products featuring your teams logo.

In a 3-paragraph journal assignment, address the following:

Considerations: What are some of the considerations sports organizations must make when entering into licensing agreements? Explain your reasoning.

Questions: What five questions would you ask the company to help you determine whether you should agree to a licensing deal?

As you develop your questions, consider how sports organizations employ licensing strategies and protect trademarks to maintain brand and logo integrity.

Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-
point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.