Category: Undergraduate

Marketing Resesrch

Assignment #2: Test Market Designs

Please recommend a test market design and address the associated questions for 2 of the following 5 scenarios. In your answer, be sure to label the Independent Variables (IV), the Dependent Variables (DV), and any control variables. Include the timeline and associated costs. Also, in answering the questions, you might consider using X and O to help describe your plan. See experimental designs starting on page 158. Be as specific as possible.  Your test market design for each scenario should be approximately 2-3 pages in length.

Please organize your response to each scenario using the following headings:
1.  Objective of Test-Market:
2.  Variables: Identify the main IV(s) and DV(s)
3.  Control Variables: Identify these and explain why you need to control for them.
4.  Test procedure details and justification: (briefly describe the plans to carry out the test. What will consumers do? What will the company do? How many test markets? How long should it last for? What are the associated costs? What information do you need to obtain to help answer the question of interest?) Be sure to justify your decisions.
5.  Overall Recommendation: Given the associated direct and indirect costs of conducting your proposed test market, and keeping in mind the four main factors listed in the text  to consider in determining whether or not to conduct the test market, (p. 167-168) do you recommend conducting the test market you outlined above? Please explain your answer.

a. Design a test of a new pricing strategy for orange juice concentrate. The brand is an established brand, and we are only interested in testing the effect of a 5 percent price increase and a 5 percent price decrease. All other elements of the marketing mix will remain the same.

b. A soft drink company has determined in taste tests that consumers prefer the taste of their diet product when sweetened with Splenda in comparison to Equal. Now they are interested in determining how the new sweetener will play in the marketplace. Design a test market that will achieve this goal.

c. A national pizza wants to test the effect on sales of four different discount coupons. Design a test that will do this in a way that gives a clear read. Your focus should be on the effect on sales volume. Financial analysis after the test results are in will address the revenue and profit impact.

d. A national value-priced hotel chain needs to understand the business impact of including a free buffet style breakfast to guests. Design and justify a test that will do this.

e. A credit card company needs to test its strategy for attracting college students to its card. It is going to continue using booths in student unions and other high-traffic campus locations. It has been offering free CDs from a list to those who sign up for its card, but since other card companies are using this approach, the company wants to try some alternatives. It is considering free MP3 downloads from iTunes and t-shirts featuring popular music groups. Design a test that will tell the company which option to choose if its goal is to increase signups by the largest amount.

Human Resources

Select 1-2 of the following HR management issues:
Performance Management

this paper should discusses the current situation and ways to improve the process(es) in the school system.

A book link will be provided so you can only reference the book

How History is Created by Historians Paper Assignment


This paper assignment is worth 200 points (20%) of your overall course grade. In this paper you will explain how History is created by historians. In that explanation discuss the key aspects of that creation such as: what is History, why do historians use different historical approaches as intellectual frameworks, what types of sources historians use in their research and where they find them and how they interrogate their sources, and how the historian’s view about causal factors and their own personal biases shape their production of historical explanations about the past. I also want you to explain how History is different from the past. How does a historian take evidence from the past (primary sources), interpret them, and then create an argument about why the past turned out the way it did. Remember that the past is just the past until a historian interprets it. That interpretation is “History”.

Question: Explain how History is created by historians; in that explanation discuss the key aspects of that creation such as: what is History, why do historians use different historical approaches as intellectual frameworks, what types of sources historians use in their research and where they find them and how they interrogate their sources, and how the historian’s view about causal factors and their own personal biases shape their production of historical explanations about the past.

Use an essay format with organized paragraphs with topic sentences, no bullets or outline forms. This is a formal essay so you will need a thesis paragraph with a thesis sentence as well as a conclusion paragraph and supporting points that address the paper question and key aspects of that question.

Thesis: You should have a thesis sentence in the first paragraph that tells the reader what you will argue. A thesis is a statement that provides an overarching answer to the question and introduces your main points of argument. If you do not have a strong thesis statement, then you do not have a strong paper. Generally, no paper without a clear and effective thesis earns an A in this class. Your thesis needs to address the point that History is created by historians, it does not exist on its own.

Quotes: Do not quote anything from the readings. Instead paraphrase and cite the source. The reason for that is this paper should be your own ideas rather than just a parroting of the ideas of our sources. You can and should use facts and concepts from the readings with a citation, but the aim is for you to put those facts and concepts into your own words so that this paper is your argument and thoughts as one of the key points of a university education is the ability to create your own ideas and have original thoughts.

Citations and Sources: For this paper you can use short parenthetical citations with the author(s) last name and page number. For example if you cited something from the Hayden White, “The Burden of History” article, and that fact/concept was found on page 123 your citation would look like this (White, 123). Just use the author(s) last names. Use only the course materials. Do not use outside sources as this paper is designed to measure your understanding of the course materials. You must cite any idea you found in one of the course readings. Because of that, your paper will need several citations, probably at least one per supporting point paragraph.

Chinese Culture – Marriages and Romance

This is a Cultural Psychology class. Using at least two empirical sources, write a 4-page paper describing the cultural universals and cultural variability in the romantic relationships and marriage of the Chinese culture. The four pages do not include the cover page or reference page.  APA is required.

Is the American criminal justice system prejudice?

Ensure the articles are properly applied in your analysis. That is, ensure the use of key
elements of each article are utilized. Simply using quotes and adding a sentence or two
thereafter will NOT suffice. Utilize, for example, major themes, findings, conclusions,
policies, etc. is important when integrating scholarly works. Presumably, you will
NOT agree with both publications, which is great. You will need to be objective in your
presentation of both publications, however.
Each article MUST have its own substantive paragraph. In short, there MUST be a deep
and cogent reflection for each publication.
Ensure that you have a strong introduction and conclusion for the paper. Being able to
set-up and wrap-up your position in a written format is important with academic writing.
Use quotations sparingly. The over-use of quotations is likely to detract from ones
analysis, which would result in a grade reduction.

A bibliography is not needed when using the assigned articles and textbook from the
course. When citing course readings, simply put the last name of the author(s) and the
page number you are referring to, at the end of the corresponding sentence. Here is an
example: (Monk, p. 1596). However, if you are accessing readings from outside of the
course, you MUST include a full APA citation and corresponding bibliography in your
Ensure a cover-page is included. For materials outside of the course, a bibliography
MUST be included.
In-text citation are required. The lacking or failure to in-text cite will result in a zero
for a grade.
Ensure the entire document is in 12 point, Times Roman font and double-spaced
The response MUST be at least 500 words, which does not include quotes, citations,
cover-page and bibliography. To be clear, if a posted response has 499 words, for
example, a zero will be the grade (Yes, I will do a word count.).

1984: India’s Guilty Secret & its relation to personal identity

You will be required to write an 8-10 page, single-spaced, Literary Analytical Critique(not including bibliography). Your Literary Analytical Critique is required to be directly related to the course readings, the themes of the course ie. Multiculturalism, and your selected text. YourLiterary  Analytical  Critique must identify,  analyze,  and systematically integrate synthesis of a minimum of 4 additional outside sources into your critique. For each of your sources, you are to consider the particular type of source: primary, secondary or tertiary sources. Also, a blend of sources, with primary and secondary as the most valued sources, is important for supporting the development of a strong final paper.IMPORTANT: Your minimum of 4 outside academic sources MUST be in addition to the required assigned course readings but may be the same sources that you selected for prior assignments if they remain germane to the final assign

Article analysis and review

An introductory paragraph that provides an overview of the paper and how its goals will be achieved
A brief overview of the study

Methods (dont go into too much detail)

Results summarize the main findings (focus on interpreting the tables and graphs here, but do NOT copy and paste a table or graph into your paper without summarizing the results in your own words)

A discussion of the studys potential impact and importance of the findings
A critical analysis of
Methods what did they do wrong/right?
Interpretation did they over-interpret their findings?
What else needs to be done to address this research topic?

A brief mention of another study, from any journal, that has also attempted to address this topic tie your article together with this study (similarities, differences, which is better, etc.)
Your paper should be 3-4 double-spaced pages in length

MUST use proper APA-style citations throughout AND have an APA-style references page at the end
Use proper APA formatting (title page, Times New Roman size-12 font, etc., 1 margins)

I will attach what i did so far add onto it and i will link the articles you need to use

Article from class is

Sleep deprivation and confession the other article is the comparison article

Spanish American War

From THIS COLLECTION, select one or two cartoons pertaining to the Spanish American War and write a one-page analysis of it.
Answer these questions about the cartoon:
What is the message of the cartoon?
What could have been its purpose?
What aspects does the cartoons reveal about the mindset of Americans at that time?
What details in the cartoon are relevant and why?
How can you relate the content displayed in the cartoon with what we have learned in class?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1) Please describe two examples (1a/1b) documented in the segment regarding how advances in digital technology have created challenges for journalists and news organizations.

2) News organizations feel pressure to produce content (e.g., stories about puppies) that people will want to consume in order to make profits. 2a) How does this pressure relate to the uses and gratifications perspective of media that we have covered extensively in class? 2b) How have advances in digital technology exacerbated this problem?

3) In my lecture I talked about how advances in technology have led us in society to value the immediacy of information. Please read the following article for further information on the topic: to an external site.

Please reflect on your own media habits. 3a) Please explain the degree to which you feel pressure to essentially value the immediacy of information by constantly being connecting to other people and information sources. 3b) Please explain how you deal with or minimize the potential risks of being constantly connected to other people and information sources.

comparison of personality theories


This exercise will allow you to apply your knowledge of personality theories and build your self-awareness by examining your own personality constructs.  You are required to write a 2,000-word reflective piece framed within the relevant theories of personality.  The assessment contains two parts:

Part 1: Theories of Personality (1000 words)

What distinguishes trait theory from other personality theories? Discuss similarities and/or differences in relation to at least two other theories. Remember to support your answer with evidence from the psychological literature.

Part 2: Reflective Activity (1000 words)

This exercise aims to build both your understanding of personality theory and to increase your self-awareness by requiring you to examine your own personality constructs.

For this reflective activity, you should carry out a personality test on yourself from the International Personality Item Pool.

Using Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle, you should answer the following questions:

Describe which tool you used and your experience of completing the tool (what happened?)
How did you feel when undertaking the test and on receiving the outcome of the test? Did you understand all the questions that were being asked, was it user-friendly?  (What were you thinking and feeling?)
Evaluate your experience of completing a personality test. What was good and bad about it?
Do you think it reflected your personality? Were the questions in line with theories of personality? Did you agree with the findings? Link this to your understanding of your personality traits revealed. (Making sense of this situation)
What have you learned about your personality and how that could impact on your performance in meeting your goals? (Conclusion)

“The scientist-practitioner model produces a psychologist who is uniquely educated and trained to generate and integrate scientific and professional knowledge, attitudes, and skills so as to further psychological science, the professional practice of psychology, and human welfare. The graduate of this training model is capable of functioning as an investigator and as a practitioner, and may function as either or both, consistent with the highest standards in psychology.” (Belar & Perry, 1992). 

There are a number of competencies which characterize this model, one of which is that your expert qualities should not remain a mystery and that the ability to reflect on ones actions it critical to engaging in a process of continuous learning.