Category: Undergraduate

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Summarize  the video and article that you reviewed for this assignment and cite the summaries  in APA style. (See Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing (Links to an external site.) and Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)). Compare and contrast the messages in the two web resources, including a comparison of subject, occasion, audience, purpose, and speaker (SOAPS) in each (See Action Words in Academic Writing (Links to an external site.) and Section 1.2 Understanding Context). Share what you learned from the materials this week and identify your confidence in (or concerns about) your role as a college-level writer. You are invited to share relevant audio, video, or images in your post.

Quick tip: Make sure you are *specifically* identifying SOAPS for *both* sources after you write your summary of each.  My suggestion is actually to use bullet points or some other organizational tool as you discuss what you’ve found.  For example:

Source #1 title    Source #2 title
Subject-    S-
Occasion-    O-
Audience-    A-
Purpose-    P-
Speaker-    S-
Sharing what you learned from each source and how you feel as a college-level writer is also an important part of your response, but it’s not the focus.  The majority of your critical thinking will be demonstrated in your SOAPS analysis and source summary.


Assignment 1: Journal Article Critique
Expectation: 625-700 words (not including title page and references), based on a template, using APA Style
Zimbardo, P. G. (2004). Does psychology make a significant difference in our lives? American Psychologist, 59(5), 339-351. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.59.5.339.

You are required to complete a journal article critique based on an article in the list below. This assignment is designed to help you read a research article correctly and efficiently and to practice using APA Style. These skills will be valuable in completing the research paper later in the course.

You are required to follow the Journal Article Critique Template provided, which includes the headings required, the questions that you must address, and formatting instructions. Your report must be in narrative (paragraph) form.

5 features of emotional intelligence

Professional nursing demands emotional intelligence in the five domains of emotional intelligence:  Emotional self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. 

Please also see attached article, 5 features of emotional intelligence, for more information on the domains of emotional intelligence.


Beqiri, G. (2018).  5 features of emotional intelligence.  Virtual Speech.  Retrieved from

For you which domain is the most developed and which is the least developed?  What steps can you take to address the domain that is least developed?

Utilize APA format for citations and references. You may use your textbook and/or journal articles for resources. Use at least two references.

Ethics in the News Reflection

Ethics in the News Mini-Statements (5 x 2%)
The role and art of reflection has been shown to be a critical leadership skill that enhances ones
ability to make ethical decisions by directly relating abstract ideas to personal values on a regular
basis. Therefore, you will be asked to submit a minimum of five short mini-statements on
relevant news articles (max. 250 words) throughout the term.
These will be very simple. What Im looking from you is to find a relevant Ethics in the News
Article or News Story, provide me the link, and write a short 250-word reflection on this article
(not just summarizing): Tell me your thoughts, how it relates to course content, and what impact
it might have.

Unit 6 Assignment

Identify a program in your local community that is addressing healthy living at the individual level. Examples include, but are not limited to YMCA programs, worksite wellness, local hospital or clinic wellness programs, etc.
Provide a brief description of the program and how it contributes to healthy living on both physical and mental health levels.
Discuss how this program contributes to the health of the overall community.
How can they partner with other programs in the community to provide more comprehensive interdisciplinary services?


Please write a short, research paper addressing the items below. Use examples, research, or any personal experience where appropriate.

1 In your own words define and explain how the term colonialism is defined based on your research and understanding.

2 What processes or artifacts of colonialism should we expect to discover as we continue exploring the world.

Instructions: The response should be 1500-2000 words and must be written in a formal style with proper paragraphs (double-spaced, 12-point font, and 1-inch margins).  The response must be properly cited. It must include 2 external sources. It must include a cover page with the following information; title and name.

Rhetorical Situation

One of the fundamental truths about writing is that it does not occur in a vacuum. Writing is always a response to some sort of situation that calls for a written response. Sometimes the connection between the writing and the situation is obvious: business and personal communications fall into this category. Sometimes the connection is less obvious: personal essays and academic work are harder to see as responses to a situation. But in all cases, writers produce their work in response to a need, and with an audience in mind.

For students in university, understanding rhetorical situations can help demystify the writing process (and help increase their reading abilities, too). Good writing, academic writing, and professional writing do not happen magically. Instead, they happen because a writer has understood the requirements of their task. These requirements are not secret. Sometimes they are spelled out for you often assignment sheets do some of this work for students. But even when they are not spelled out for you, you can begin to understand the requirements of a situation by looking at other work created under the same circumstances.

When we learn to see these similarities, we become better writers, and also better readers.

For this journal entry, reflect on how rhetorical situations have shaped your writing experiences. For instance, How differently have you written in different contexts, both in and out of school? How do you know what is expected of you when you begin to write something? Write a journal entry that addresses rhetorical situations and how you understand their role in your writing.

Opportunity and Consumer Analysis

See the Prompt Attachment

Develop a comprehensive Opportunity and Consumer Analysis for The Los Angeles Rams and provide a thorough analysis of the existing marketing strategies and consumers, and determine an opportunity for greater consumer reach. Outline a brief 1-, 3-, and 5-year plan for the marketing opportunity.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Marketing Focus: Use the LA Rams as the focus of your analysis and address the following:
A. Explain in detail the role your selection plays in the greater sports industry and community. For example, if you chose a local high school field, explain what the field is used for, what sports relevance it holds in the area, what uses it has, who runs it, etc.
B. Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing your selection and its form of marketing, using the provided SWOT template. These may vary greatly depending on your selection, but all selections will have SWOT considerations.
C. Expand upon and defend the potential benefit of one opportunity, identified in the SWOT matrix, for your selection.
D. Assess the extent to which the current marketing strategies are sufficient for reaching the currently intended demographic audience. What marketing strategies are currently being applied regarding your selection? Are they sufficient or insufficient for the current consumers of your selection?
E. Compare the media currently used to communicate with and market toward the current consumers in terms of their unique attributes and their success in reaching those consumers.
II. Consumer Analysis: Identify the primary consumers, customers, or followers of your selection, and the consumer audience you hope to reach with the new opportunity, and address the following:
A. Describe in detail the consumers you wish to better reach. Be sure to cover demographic information related to:
1. Location (local, national, international)
2. Economics
3. Culture
4. Race
5. Gender
6. Age
B. Analyze the behavior of the consumers you hope to reach. What are the primary motivations for these consumers? Explain.
C. Analyze the current political environment at the local, national, or international level for its impact on your selection. How is the political environment influencing your new audience?
D. Describe the social and cultural aspects that influence these consumers and illustrate your conclusions with examples.
E. Compare available media opportunities for reaching these consumers to identify aspects that may impact success with the new consumer audience. Which will be successful for communicating with and marketing toward the intended consumers? Explain.
III. Proven Strategies: Analyze sports teams, individuals, facilities, and organizations for successful marketing strategies.
A. Explain how a successful strategy was applied to a similar team, individual, facility, or organization as your selection at the same level (local, national, or international), using examples from the campaign to illustrate your claims.
B. Explain how a successful strategy was applied in a campaign aimed at a different level (local, national, or international) from your selection and opportunity, using examples from the campaign to illustrate your claims.
C. Assess how well each strategy would work for your purposes, using examples of their potential application for your intended opportunity.
D. Select and defend a third successfully used marketing strategy in terms of its relevance to your opportunity and its applicability to the intended consumers.
IV. One-, Three-, and Five-Year Plan: Describe how your selected strategy or strategies will be used over the next five years and how you will integrate specific media elements at each stage.
A. Illustrate a plan to apply the strategy you feel will be most successful for year 1, year 3, and year 5, explaining why you chose to apply this strategy in this way.
B. Define the media opportunities you will elect to use at each stage (1, 3, and 5) and explain why you are choosing to use these media opportunities in specific ways at each stage of the plan. Provide examples and reasoning.

Guidelines for Submission: Your Opportunity and Consumer Analysis should adhere to the following formatting requirements: 810 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and the latest edition of the APA manual for formatting and citations.

American Goverment

You are to find an article published in any newspaper, magazine, or credible online resource in the last two months regarding the balance of power between the state and Federal government. The article can discuss any issue (budgets, security, etc.) but it must include coverage of how the US Federal and state governments interact, or share power–and remember that sharing power can lead to either cooperation or conflict. Points will be awarded for this activity as follows:

You are to write a 350-word essay on the article. Your essay must include a summary of what the article says (in your own words), and answer these questions:

Is this an example of cooperative Federalism, or conflicting Federalism? Explain your answer.

Which of the five Federalism powers involved here (express, implied, etc.)? Explain your answer.

Are any kinds of grants involved? If so, what kind, and how much?

Is there a clear “winner” here– the states, the Federal government, neither, or both? Explain.

Points will be awarded for this activity as follows:

The essay concludes with a list of references (no points will be awarded if this condition is not met) and is submitted as a PDF (preferred) or Word document.
The essay is at least 350 words and demonstrates the proper use of paragraphs (no points will be awarded for this activity if these conditions are not met);
Your essay includes a summary of the article (0-2 points);
Your essay addresses each of the 4 questions above, with strong justification (0-8 points).

Workplace Ethics

    Analyze the following questions associated with the above article and discuss them.
o    What ideals, effects, and consequences are at stake?
o    Have any moral rights been violated?
o    What would a Utilitarian recommend?
o    What would a Kantian recommend?
    Explain your rationale for each of your answers for your chosen article, with supporting evidence.