Category: Psychology and Education


Assignment Overview
Your learning objectives:

Explore the role of advising on a specific student population
Evaluate the role of advising on inclusive practices at college campuses
Examine how advising can positively or negatively impact a students perception of the campus
Select and read ONE of the following articles:

Darling, R. A. (2015). Creating an Institutional Academic Advising Culture That Supports Commuter Student Success. New Directions for Student Services, (150), 87-96.

Simpson, R. (2018). Changing how we think about advising online students: One-stop student service advising model. College and University, 93(1), 2-9.

Roscoe, J. L. (2015). Advising African American and Latino students. Research & Teaching in Developmental Education, 31(2), 48-60.

ZamaniGallaher, E. M., & Choudhuri, D. D. (2016). Tracing LGBTQ Community College Students’ Experiences. New Directions for Community Colleges, (174), 47-63.

Read BOTH of the following articles:

Suvedi, M., Ghimire, R. P., Millenbah, K. F., & Shrestha, K. (2015). Undergraduate students’ perceptions of academic advising. NACTA Journal, 59(3), 227-233.

Hatch, D. K., & Garcia, C. E. (2017). Academic advising and the persistence intentions of community college students in their first weeks in college. Review of Higher Education, 40(3), 353-390.

Case Assignment
Write a 3-page paper that includes the following components:

Discuss the role of advising in creating an inclusive environment for a specific group of students
Reference the Darling (2015), Simpson (2018), Roscoe (2015) or Zamani-Gallaher and Choudhuri (2016) article.
How can advising positively or negatively impact a students perception of the campus?
Reference the Suvedi, Ghimire, Millebah, and Shrestha (2015) and Hatch and Garcia (2017) articles.
Assignment Expectations
Your work should be written with the following points in mind.

This paper should be at least 3 pages, not counting the title page and reference page.
A clear introduction that orients a reader to the essay main content, and the main points discussed should be provided.
A well-developed, well-balanced essay body that develops each point in its own paragraph should be included.
A concise conclusion that summarizes the whole essay should also be included.
Include at least three references. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it must be enclosed in quotes.
The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section. Follow the APA Style format; see
At least one in-text citation must be provided for each reference.
A reference page which follows APA requirements should be included.
The essay should be organized in a clear and coherent manner.
The paper should be double spaced with font size of 12.
Your writing should:
Be clear, logical, and precise
Have breadth and depth
Show critical thinking skills

APA Ethics Code: External Factors

Page 1
The APA ethics code expresses ethical standards for external factors including resolving ethical issues, human relations, advertising and public statements, research and publication, and therapy. Why do you believe the APA established these standards? What is an ethical dilemma that could arise under one of these standards? Would the dilemma still exist if there was no established standard? Support your position.

Page 2
Integrated services, collaboration, and consultation are common in the field of psychology. Psychologists work with a wide range of providers (each having their own ethical standards) in tangential fields including, but not limited to, legal entities, children and family services, counselors, educators, and those in the medical field. Should the APA ethics code regarding external factors such as resolving ethical issues, human relations, advertising and public statements, research and publication, and therapy be applied to these tangential fields? Why or why not?

Please TWO peer-reviewed references within the five years of publishing per page (no books or textbooks!)