Category: Psychology and Education

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Sleep may strengthen long-term memories in the immune system
Source: Cell Press
  Scientific Article Name: System Consolidation During Sleep A Common Principle Underlying Psychological and Immunological Memory Formation
Author(s): JrgenWestermann1TanjaLange2JohannesTextor3JanBorn4
Link :

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Emotional intelligence and communication are skills that are cultivated over time. Define emotional intelligence and compare your verbal communication from 5 or 10 years ago to how you verbally communicate now. In what ways has your emotional intelligence grown? How has this influenced your communication skills? Explain in your response how the four components of emotional intelligence relate to the growth of your verbal and non-verbal communication. Your response should be a 600-word paper, minimum, with two APA citations.

Preschool internship

1. A 4 page theory paper (double spaced) about your site and its mission, the psychological theories or methods used to create change and your critique of them.
2. My internship site is in preschool. Use knowledge of psychology. The theme of this essay is my first time working in kindergarten. The mission is to take care of the children in the class, because I have no experience, in the beginning, I felt anxious and confused, which is hard for me. I didn’t know if I could finish the mission assigned to me by my supervisor. For example, I can’t even remember the names of every child. Two weeks later, I became more confident and did better than before. You also need to critique the psychology knowledge you use.
3. Reference books are The successful internship 4th is best, if not 3rd.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Create a personal timeline to assist you with completing your Action Research Proposal.

Begin with the “end in mind” by first marking the final due date on your timeline.

Plan backward from that date, marking all the other due dates on your timeline.

Include days you will set aside to plan and work on your individual sections.

Consider the following:

What days will you set aside for reading the text?
What days will you set aside for completion of other assignments, such as individual and learning team?
How long will it take you to identify your problem (Section One)?
How long will it take you to document the problem and conduct your literature review (Section Two)?
How long will it take you to identify your action goals and selected solutions (Section Three)?
How long will it take you to write your expected outcomes (Section Four)?
Create your timeline in any format that will help you stay on task, such as calendar form, list form, linear graphic organizer, or other.

Culture and Development

2.4 Analyze current research concerning cultural influences on the development of infants and toddlers.
Search for current research about the cultural influences on child development.

Consider children in non-traditional environments such as foster children, homeless children, and children raised by custodial grandparents or other family members.

Locate at least two articles related to cultural influences on the development of infants and toddlers.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper answering the following questions:

    What factors make up a person’s culture?
    How does culture influence infant and toddler development?
    Is the influence of a person’s culture less than, more than, or as important as the biological influences? In other words, is nature or nurture stronger, or are they both equally influential? Explain the reasoning behind your opinion.

Methods to increase Self-Esteem

Your research paper should be in APA format: 12pt Times New Roman Style font, double spaced, including a cover page, reference page, and references cited with in the paper. Please be mindful that most information will be cited. If you did not coin a term or definition, it should be cited. Even if you are paraphrasing/ summarizing, the facts should be cited. There should be a minimum of 3-5 references and your paper should be 3-5 pages (not including the cover and reference page.) Please make sure to look up APA formatting. Your paper should also include a topic sentence, minimum of 3 pieces of evidence, 2-3 supporting sentences minimum for each evidence, a paragraph on limitations and direction for future study. 

My Path of Professional Development.

Submit the Personal Reflection Paper: My Path of Professional Development.

Examine the Themes in Professional Development in The Resilient Practitioner (pages 40 55).  After reviewing these themes, write a 3 pages reflection paper on your own professional development addressing the following questions:

What are your thoughts about this model of professional development?  Does it make sense?
Are you able to identify some/many/most of these themes in your own development?
What themes have you already wrestled with and what has that journey looked like so far?
What themes do you believe will be the greatest challenges as you move forward and why? 

Book: The Resilient Practitioner: Burnout and Compassion Fatigue Prevention and Self-Care Strategies for the Helping Professions.

Social Psychology of Attitudes

Application 1
Go to the website and create an account. Select one of the 12 tests on implicit attitudes. You may select any of the topics that interest you.
Complete the test and view your results. Write a paper describing your experience, results and the test. Be sure to include information from the Harvard website.

Application Assignments
Includes an APA formatted title page
Includes an APA formatted abstract
Minimum of 3 pages of content in APA style (body of the paper only)
Includes at least 3 outside sources (journal articles) and the required reading
Includes an APA formatted reference page

developmental psychology

Title: Case study of
2000 words on only one case. Reference list does not count towards wordcount

Choose one case study from the followings for your essay. Individuals in the case study cover a wide range of developmental stages.
Each case study has its own questions that you need to address in the essay to meet the learning outcomes.
You can also use research and theories related to other topics in developmental psychology to apply to the case study in your essay. Please note that there are several key points in the learning outcomes that we would encourage you to address in your essay: aspects of ethics, a lifespan prospective and the impacts of diversity in an individuals development and environment.
Case study 1: Emily aged 14 in secondary school
Case study 2: Shaun an 8-year-old in primary school
Case study 3: Paul a 50 something
Case study 4: Jack and Jessica (siblings aged 9 and 4)

Case study 1: Emily a 14-year-old going through changes
Emily has been a thoughtful and quietly determined child since she was young. She lives with her older brother and her mother and sees her father on some weekends. Ever since she was little, Emily has preferred toys and activities for boys. She spent a lot of time with her older brother and his friends when she was younger in primary school. It has been difficult for Emilys mum to get her to dress like a girl. Emily keeps her hair short and wears trousers or shorts all the time.
Now in year 9, Emily insists that she would like to be called Ed and treated like a boy. She told her mum and teachers that she would like to have gender reassignment procedures when she is old enough. She is undergoing medical and psychological assessments to pursue her wish. She refuses to wear skirt for her school uniform. She wears shirt and tie instead of the regulation blouse. As Emily goes to a girls only school, her wish to be treated like a boy has caused discussions. Ed played piano at a school concert with Ed printed on the programme. When he received his academic awards, it was Emily printed on the certificates. Most of her friends got on with their daily life as usual while some became distant. It took time for people around Emily/Ed to adjust to her/his change. The girls, teachers and some parents initially struggled to use the appropriate pronouns when they talked about her (him?). Some parents felt uncomfortable and expressed concerns to the school. Some girls attend the single sex school for religious reasons. Their parents think Emily should change school if she wants to be treated like a boy. Other parents also worry that she is making a bad example
in school and more girls will copy her behaviour. Eds close friends think these parents are being too narrow minded as we should not be limited by an old fashioned gender binary system.
Potential areas of developmental psychology to apply: gender, identity, emotion, bio/physiological
In your essay on Ed/Emilys case, you need to address the following questions:
1. What are the key developmental issues and processes underlying Ed/Emilys behaviour?
2. How useful are the relevant theories of developmental psychology in explaining Ed/Emilys case?
3. Based on the psychological theories and research you have reviewed in the essay (Questions 1&2), which theory best
explains Ed/Emilys case? (maximum 300 words)

Case study 2: Shaun, an 8 year-old boy having problems at school
Shaun is 8 with a twin sister Alice. Unlike Alice, Shaun has been struggling in school. He is slow compared to most children in his class. His SATs results put him at the bottom of his year group. He found the phonics difficult when he started learning to read in reception and year 1. He is better at reading now even though he often does not remember much of what he has just read. Nor does he understand much of the story. It took him a long time to learn his basic times tables. At 8, he still relies on counting out on his fingers or using objects to help with arithmetic questions. He gets his work mixed up and often hovers from activity to activity and never seems to finish anything. Shauns teachers often find him spacing out on the carpet when the children are instructed on the learning activities. Hes easily distracted and gets frustrated especially with maths. He can be stubborn in insisting on his own view and ideas. It can take some effort to get him to appreciate other peoples different perspective. Shaun used to put his hand up and actively took part in discussion in his reception class. He is very quiet in class in year 3 and rarely volunteers to offer his view during activity. He told his sister he is thick and no good at school work. Shaun sometimes got into scrapes with other boys when they teased him about his learning. He seems fine with other children and is a popular playmate on the playground.
Because his twin is doing well in school, Shauns teachers put his difficulties down to him not interested in school or just not paying enough attention. Some teachers complain that he does not listen to them much and it is always in one hear and out with another with Shaun.
Potential areas of developmental psychology to apply: Working memory, bio/physiological, theory of mind, emotion
In your essay on Shauns case, you need to address the following questions:
1. What are the key developmental issues and processes underlying Shauns behaviour in school?
2. How useful are the relevant theories of developmental psychology in explaining Shauns case?
3. Based on the psychological theories and research you have reviewed in the essay (Questions 1&2), what would you advise Shauns teachers about his learning? (Maximum 300 words)

Case study 3: Paul, 50 something with big changes
Paul is in his early 50s. He used to be a successful sales manager at a local car dealership. He lives with his wife and two grown up sons. He has been affected by illness in the past 18 months so has stopped working due to his frequent stays at the hospital.
Paul used to be very outgoing and sociable. He played football with his mates from work regularly and enjoyed pub quiz with his family over the weekend. He stays at home to recuperate from yet another major operation. He can no longer play football or go out easily without his wifes help. As Pauls wife works full time, he is usually at home by himself. Paul also dislikes asking his wife to help him getting out and about because he is more used to being the tower of strength for his family. He feels distant to his wife whom he met when they were both teenagers. Pauls eldest son is moving in with his girlfriend to a different county. It will take more than 2 hours in the car to visit his sons new place. Paul has been feeling bereft since his son told them about his move and has had a few arguments with his wife because of it. Paul feels conflicted because he does not want his son to move away from them. Sometimes he thinks his son is moving away to avoid seeing him in a pitiful state. Other times, he is proud of his son becoming independent and mature in a stable relationship.
Paul is coming to terms with his early retirement and his wife now being the bread winner. His wife wants him to get out more but he is reluctant about it.
Potential areas of developmental psychology to apply: bio/physiological, gender, identity, emotion, psychosocial development? Adult attachment?

In your essay on Pauls case, you need to address the following questions:
1. What are the key developmental issues and processes underlying Pauls behaviour?
2. How useful are the relevant theories of developmental psychology in explaining the Pauls case?
3. Based on the psychological theories and research you have reviewed in the essay (Questions 1&2), would Paul still feel the way he does if his illness had happened 10 years ago when he was younger?

Case study 4: Jessica a playful 4-year-old and big brother Jack who is 9
Jessica was trying to get her elder brothers attention when he was playing a video game in the living room. Jack was annoyed because he already explained to Jessica this was his only chance to play the game this week after finishing his homework earlier. He thought it was unfair that Jessica always interrupts people craving for their attention, especially when they are absorbed in their work or immersed in focused activities that need a lot of sustained attention. Their mother has explained that Jessica is still young to appreciate not everyone wants to do what she wants to do. But it was still annoying that Jacks only opportunity to play his video game was interrupted.
Because he kept on ignoring her, Jessica got increasingly frustrated and yanked the game console away from Jack. When Jack tried to pull it back from her, Jessica accidently flung it towards the TV in the tussle. It created a long crack across the screen of the familys TV. Jessica panicked and burst into tears because they only just got the new TV. She was very worried about being punished by their parents. Jack tried very hard to console Jessica and told her not to worry since it was an accident and she didnt mean it. Jack was sure when he explained what had happened to their parents, they wouldnt punish Jessica, even though they wouldnt be happy. Jessica still wouldnt stop crying because she knew her parents would see the crack on the TV that was her fault. Jack couldnt help feeling sorry for Jessica.
Potential areas of developmental psychology to apply: theory of mind, emotion, moral development
In your essay on Jacks and Jessicas case, you need to address the following questions:
1. What are the key developmental issues and processes underlying Jacks and Jessicas behaviour?
2. How useful are the relevant theories of developmental psychology in explaining Jacks and Jessicas case?
3. Based on the psychological theories and research you have reviewed in the essay (Questions 1&2), what might explain the developmental differences between Jack and Jessica in this case study? (Max 300 words)

Unit 5 Assignment: Achievement and Aptitude Assessment Evaluation

Unit 5 Assignment: Achievement and Aptitude Assessment Evaluation
Select an existing Achievement or Aptitude Test and discuss the possible sources of error that may be inherent in this instrument. Explain why some sources of error are likely to be larger than others for your selected test. Along with the text, and the two articles listed below, locate an additional two scholarly journal articles related to your selected inventory. (5 total references)

The (2) articles below are accessible through the following Library links. Respond to the corresponding topics in an essay format; summarize the salient validity issues in each article.

Roach, R. (2014). Teaching to the Test. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, 31(3), 32. Retrieved from

Describe how standardized test for college admission has become a controversial issue.
Discuss the issues with the education systems reliance on the No Child Left Behind Act and how it has come under criticism.
Barrett, J. (2011). The Aptitude Test Workbook: Discover Your Potential and Improve Your Career Options with Practice Psychometric Tests (Vol. 2nd ed). London: Kogan Page. Retrieved from

Discuss why it is important to explore a candidates abilities and true potential.
Review the advantages of a client/student learning about their strengths and weaknesses can be helpful in their future goals
Note: Find a test measuring a construct for Achievement or Aptitude assessment; do not purchase a review of any test. You will use the websites to look up the name and brief description of a test and then conduct further research on your own about this test.

The assignment should include the following:

Follow assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results).
Use correct APA formatting per the current edition of the APA Publication Manual.
Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
Be written in Standard English and be clear, specific, and error-free. If needed, be sure to use the Writing Center for help.
Be a minimum of seven pages (not including Title Page and Reference List).
Submitting your Assignment
Put your assignment in a Word document. Save it in a location that you will remember and with your full name along with the class number. When you are ready to submit it, click on the Dropbox and complete the steps below:

Click the link that says Submit an Assignment.
In the Submit to Basket menu, select Unit 5: Assignment.
In the Comments field, include at least the title of your paper.
Click the Add Attachments button.
Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.
You should revisit the Dropbox to view any helpful feedback your instructor has left for you.
Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted assignment.
Read Chapter 6 (pp. 161-181), Chapter 7 (pp. 182-209), and Chapter 8 (pp. 210-236), in your text, Foundations of Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach.

The reading for unit 5 involves what may arguably be the most important issues in validity. Several chapters (6, 7 & 8) describe the significant role of validity including terms such as content, criterion relationships, predictive, and construct. Validity essentially addresses the question Does this test in fact measure what we think it measures? There are many different ways that test evaluators attempt to establish the validity of an assessment instrument and to address whether an instrument is validly interpreted. Chapter 8 describes the test’s relation to constructs with theoretical and hypothetical interpretation. This chapter examines the value of observing and measuring behaviors to show evidence of construct validity

Validity builds on the ideas from Unit 4. A test must be reliable to be valid. Establishing that tests perform in the ways that you think they do contributes to the validity of their use. This is an important, perhaps the most important, issue in the measurement of psychological variables.