Category: Psychology and Education

Servant Leadership

Education is changing on an international scale. Amid change, leadership is required in all educational roles. In a 3- to 4-page paper (not including the title and references pages), you will describe your leadership style (SERVANT LEADERSHIP) and relate it to teaching and learning in a globalized society.

Step 1. Summarize
Summarize and describe your reactions to the reading materials presented in this module related to leadership, teaching and learning, and globalization. Feel free to include information from other relevant, scholarly articles and/or credible reports.

Step 2. Address
Address the question: What is your own leadership style as an education professional? (SERVANT LEADERSHIP) How does your style relate to a globalized perspective of modern education?

Step 3. Develop
Develop a visual (chart, table, etc.) that displays the characteristics, responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities of global teachers according to your own understandings and the material presented in this module. Insert the visual in your paper.

Step 4. Relate
Relate how you can use your leadership strengths to facilitate teaching and learning in a globalized educational environment.

Step 5. Cite
Use APA (6th edition) format for in-text citations and references. Reference at least five scholarly articles.

Analyzing components of effective lesson plainning research using AMSTAR

Effective lesson plans help teachers meet the needs of students by creating a framework. However, once the plan is developed, a teachers personality, training, and expertise produce a unique educational experience to enhance student learning.

In this modules analysis, you will design critical aspects of a rigorous and appropriate curriculum unit and lesson plan, with research-based instructional strategies to improve student performance. You will apply your research skills to locate and incorporate information from scholarly sources outside the course.

Step 1. Research
Research best-practice methods in the design of a rigorous and appropriate curriculum to improve culturally diverse student performance. Target at least five systematic reviews or meta-analyses.

Step 2. Rank
In a table, rank the systematic review research articles selected using the AMSTAR (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews) or a similar instrument. A resource is provided on the Learning Objects page.

Step 3. Evaluate
Evaluate learning outcomes of culturally relevant curricular design by:

Overarching course and program structure,
Instructional design features, and
Specific tools and strategies employed.
Step 4. Conclude
Based on your research, what factor(s) appears to have the most significant impact on diverse student learning and is a greater predictor of academic success? Write a paragraph stating your conclusion.

Step 5. Apply
Apply your research to develop a research-based lesson plan. In your lesson plan, include information on:

Subject area, grade level, objectives/goals, class size, and lesson length;
Common Core State Standards or other state standards the lesson addresses;
Higher-order thinking questions (HOT) and the associated activity or lesson and time slot, and
Assessments pertaining to content and student engagement.

Step 6. Submit
Submit an introduction to your table, your table ranking the quality of the research articles, your conclusion paragraph, and the lesson plan. Include a title page and APA-formatted references page.

Field Experience C-580

Part 1: Mini-Lesson Plan
Use the data received from the Clinical Field Experience B pre-assessment to complete the ELA Mini-Lesson Plan template. Be sure to incorporate the chosen book identified with your mentor teacher to create ELA activities in your mini lesson plan. This mini-lesson plan will be administered to the selected group of students to support instruction to meet the selected standards.

Your mini-lesson should include.
Grade level, ELA standards, learning objectives, description of the unit the field experience class is currently learning

Book that can be used to create ELA activities appropriate for the identified students.
Instructional strategies that encourage students to apply listening, speaking, and writing skills OR apply personal opinions toward the interpretation of texts.

A 100-150 word description of the ELA learning activity that is directly related to the data received from the pre-assessment

Formative Assessment (to be created and administered in Clinical Field Experience D)

Part 2: Mini-Lesson Plan Implementation
After completing the ELA Mini-Lesson Plan, share it with your mentor teacher for feedback. Provided permission, teach the mini-lesson plan to the small group of selected students. During your lesson, ensure you are answering questions from your students, asking questions that support critical thinking and problem solving, and observing the understanding from each student. (This might require formative assessments before, during, and after the lesson to determine understanding.)
If you are not able to implement the lesson, speak with your instructor for an alternate assignment.
Speak with your mentor teacher and, provided permission, use any remaining time to seek out opportunities to observe and/or assist your mentor teacher or another teacher and work with a small group of students on instruction in the classroom. Your mentor teacher must approve any hours spent observing another classroom environment.

Part 3: Reflection
In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect upon mentor teacher feedback related to your lesson plan, as well as lesson delivery. Identify successes of your lesson plan delivery as well as areas of potential growth. What accommodations, if any would you implement during testing to meet the needs of diverse students? Be sure to explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Submit the ELA Mini-Lesson Plan and reflection as one deliverable.

I have attached the ELA Mini Lesson Plan template and the Field Experience B you completed last week.


Engaging students in listening and speaking activities can include debates, discussions, presentations, and persuasive writing. All of these components are crucial to expanding students growth in communication skills.

Part 1: Listening, Speaking and Writing Activities

Use the Listening, Speaking, and Writing Activities template and Class Profile to complete this assignment.
Using a 6th grade classroom from the previous previous lesson plans or from your field experiences, select a state standard that focuses on listening, writing, and speaking skills to develop three listening, speaking, and writing activities.

Below are examples of possible activities:

Persuasive writing, speech writing, debates, class discussions, presentations on topics of student interest, persuasive advertisement, or advertisement campaign
Your learning activities should be appropriate for students detailed within the
Class Profile and include the following:

Strategies that encourage students to apply personal opinions toward the interpretation of texts
Various forms of communication (verbal, nonverbal, media, etc.) techniques to foster elementary students active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction
Accommodations related to assessment and testing conditions to meet diverse needs of students

Part 2: Rationale
In 250-500 words, rationalize your instructional choices explaining why the activities chosen are appropriate for all Class Profile students and clearly focuses on creativity and student engagement. In addition, explain the elements of effective speaking. Additionally, discuss how verbal and nonverbal communication affects the persuasive aspect of having students advertise and/or present an idea.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Please use the following Arizona state standards, and state them in the appropriate box on the template for this assignment.

For Listening: 6.SL.2 Students will be able to interpret information presented in diverse media formats and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.

For Speaking: 6.SL.5 Include multimedia components (graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.

For Writing:  6.W.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.  Support claim with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.


Engaging students in listening and speaking activities can include debates, discussions, presentations, and persuasive writing. All of these components are crucial to expanding students growth in communication skills.

Part 1: Listening, Speaking and Writing Activities

Use the Listening, Speaking, and Writing Activities template and Class Profile to complete this assignment.
Using a 6th grade classroom from the previous previous lesson plans or from your field experiences, select a state standard that focuses on listening, writing, and speaking skills to develop three listening, speaking, and writing activities.

Below are examples of possible activities:

Persuasive writing, speech writing, debates, class discussions, presentations on topics of student interest, persuasive advertisement, or advertisement campaign
Your learning activities should be appropriate for students detailed within the
Class Profile and include the following:

Strategies that encourage students to apply personal opinions toward the interpretation of texts
Various forms of communication (verbal, nonverbal, media, etc.) techniques to foster elementary students active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction
Accommodations related to assessment and testing conditions to meet diverse needs of students

Part 2: Rationale
In 250-500 words, rationalize your instructional choices explaining why the activities chosen are appropriate for all Class Profile students and clearly focuses on creativity and student engagement. In addition, explain the elements of effective speaking. Additionally, discuss how verbal and nonverbal communication affects the persuasive aspect of having students advertise and/or present an idea.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Please use the following Arizona state standards, and state them in the appropriate box on the template for this assignment.

For Listening: 6.SL.2 Students will be able to interpret information presented in diverse media formats and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.

For Speaking: 6.SL.5 Include multimedia components (graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.

For Writing:  6.W.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.  Support claim with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.

Discussion Questions

Answer the following in 100-150 words each.  Please use references when needed.

1.  Reflecting back on your personal experiences as a student in the elementary classroom, what differences do you see between the instructional strategies promoted by this topics readings, and what you experienced when you were learning to read? What strategies will you carry forward into your own teaching practices?

2.  How does close reading complement or conflict with the effective reading comprehension strategies discussed in this topics readings?
  ***This is the link to this weeks topic reading on “close reading” for you to refer to.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

During Week One you should identify a specific set of goals for the current 9-week course.  Use the space below to discuss the following:
Specific work product(s) to be completed or advanced during the term
Projected timeline for completing or advancing portions or sub-components of the identified work product(s)
Anticipated challenges to completing or advancing the identified work product(s) during the term
Strategies you will employ to stay on track for completing or advancing the identified work product(s)
Assistance or support you need from your Committee Chair or Committee members for successful completion or advancement of the identified work product(s)

Mentoring Observation

Complete a case study on an early career teacher and your own mentoring/coaching practice. The final submission includes the following pieces:
1.    Description of your mentee and the teaching context including location, type of school (Public Elementary School), grade level (3rd grade bilingual) and content taught (reading lesson),  years of teaching experience (this is her first year) and previous preparation program.
o    Do not use names or locations in this description; provide pseudonyms for your mentee and the location/school
2.    Summary of a pre-conference discussion held with your mentee that addresses the following:
o    Focus of lesson to be observed
o    Nature of feedback desired by the mentee:
o    On what area of practice would your mentee like you to focus? (e.g., classroom management, critical thinking questions)
o    What feedback would your mentee like to receive from you? (e.g., areas where an opportunity was missed to positively redirect behavior, ideas for rewording questions)
3.    Observation data collected: This might be field notes, a checklist observing particular behaviors, etc. Include the tool you used and the notes generated as a result.
4.    Debriefing conference summary and analysis that addressed the following:
o    Logistics:
o    When did you meet and for how long? (Was it right after the observation, several days later, etc.)
o    What was the teachers attitude and demeanor? Yours?
o    How did you introduce the purpose and focus of the conversation?
o    Did you take a facilitative or directive approach? Why?
o    What positive feedback did you provide to the teacher? How was it received?
o    What constructive criticism did you offer and how was it received?
5.    Reflection:
o    Reflect on the experience and the process. What went well with the process of engaging in a pre-conference, observation, and post-conference? What would you do differently next time?
o    What impact do you believe this mentoring experience had on your mentee? Why do you think so? How did this experience impact you personally?
o    What goals do you have for your mentoring practice as a result of this case study?
The case study must be APA-style, 5-part paper (identify each section of the paper as you address it) and include any necessary support materials as an appendix in the paper. This final project must be 5 pages.
Support your statements with evidence from your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.


What are the underlying causes of academic dishonesty? Why do students cheat? Is cheating in school an ethical issue or are there more complex social and cultural factors driving this behavior?

Address these questions with a clear thesis statement, factual support, recognition of contrasting views, and a strong conclusion. Use only scholarly research and credible journalism in support of your argument.

Customer Note: Please no plagiarism! Only original work. And I need this by the deadline. Thank you!

10 Sources Please!

Psychology and film

IMPORTANT NOTES:  You need to write only 3-5 page paper is fine, rest of it you will make a 5-slide PPT of presentation based on the topic of paper.

I choose “Freud and the Neurotic conflict” this topic.

*Final Research Paper and Presentation Prompt. The presentation is based on your paper.
MLA8 Final Paper
Pick a subject that we covered in class and explain how this will help you as a filmmaker. Your needs to be 3-5 pages max. 3-4 research sources. This paper needs to be related to psychology and film.

Freud and the Neurotic conflict
Car Jung
Dream analysis
Dream Sequence
Symbolic Annihilation
Character Psychology and behavior, for example villains in films, or specific villains/characters with mental illness/character types.
Body Language (Body Language and the brain /subtext in film related to body language.)
Personality types and their use in film.

You will be graded on:

Clarity (20%)
Introduce your theme and the main things you will focus on.

Content (25%)
Present your ideas in a logical way. Avoid repeating the lessons covered in class and expand on the theories we learned, bring something new to the table!

Research (25%) This is not an opinion piece. Support your thesis through research: something you have read, psychological theories, articles , books etc.

Form (20%)
The devil is in the details. Avoid typos, ONLY MLA 8 format is acceptable!!

Conclusion (10%)
Why are you drawn to this film and how will it help you as a film maker?

Plagiarism is not only morally reprehensible but will also result in an automatic-F
Presentation 5 slides
Slide 1 Thesis Statement
Slide 2-4 support of thesis- this can include images and film clips
Slide 5 conclusion and wrap up.