Category: Psychology and Education


Using the textbook and the CSU Online Library, answer the following questions in a two-page essay:

John B. Watson is responsible for what we often call The Behaviorist Manifesto. Prioritize and defend at least three lasting principles from the work of John B. Watson.
Present the theories of classical and operant conditioning in two strong paragraphs. Assume that your reader is new to these theories, and you need to expound on the process and merits of each.
Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length; in addition to the two pages of content, include a title page and a reference page. You are required to use your textbook and at least one other source.

Please consider the following in your essay:

The introduction should engage the reader, clearly present the essays thesis, and provide a summary of the main points that clarify the writers point of view.
The organization of the paper should clearly present logically arranged points.
Your writing should be clear and concise with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
The number of sources should meet or exceed the expressed assignment requirements, and the sources should be peer-reviewed or academic in nature.
APA formatting guidelines should be used for reference entries and in-text citations.

Shaterring Stigma

CHAPTER 1:  Introduction
[The Topic]
[For this section, fill in the topic in the heading. What is the topic for your project? Provide a brief description of the issue you plan to address. Be sure to use at least one source and cite it in this section.]

[The Topics] Social Significance
[For this section, address these questions: How widespread is your topic? Who is impacted by it? What are the costs and benefits? Be sure to use at least two sources by paraphrasing, summarizing, and using direct quotes in this section. Cite your sources in the APA style.]

[The Topics] Personal Significance
[For this section, explain why this topic is important to you. Discuss how the topic relates to your core values and personal experience. You may use and cite outside sources in this section.] From my personal experience working with my organization over the last seven years, I find combining storytelling coupled with music relaying an individual’s struggles with addiction to be an effective tool to bring awareness to the issues associated with addiction and to address the stigma felt by those that are battling addiction.
Note: Use the personal experience section for the relevant topic.
Resources may be given after winning bid

Education Human Resource Department

1: The Human Resources Function

In a 3 page paper with a minimum of two references, identify 2-3 problems teachers face today. Explain how human resources personnel should address these issues following school and district policy.
You can check this website for ideas

School Budgeting Learning and Technology

In this experience, the candidate investigates and reviews with the mentoring school leader a multi-year and current year budget of school fiscal, human and technology needs and resources.  The candidate will research alternative, potential for grant initiatives and community resources.  The candidate will experience promoting, using, communicating, monitoring, analyzing and evaluating data for the most effective use of technologies for teaching and learning in the school.  The candidate needs to use technology to enrich school curriculum and instruction. 
Long term budgetary processes and innovative plans for alternative funding sources
Short term budgetary processes and innovative plans for alternative funding sources
Staffing plans, constructs and creative and flexible usage of personnel
Monitor, analyze and evaluate school data for accountability reporting
Technological expertise in the fiscal budget management platform
Technology platforms and usage for enriching teaching and learning

Gender discrimination in our society

Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
APA format –

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer the following sections, please do not repeat the question

Section 1
I’d Hate to Lose My . . .

Clearly, the brain is a vital part of the body.  But suppose you were the subject of a diabolical experiment looking at the functions of the various brain areas.  A mad scientist wants to do “removal studies” in order to isolate these functions.  The mad scientist does have a heart though–he lets his subjects decide which brain structures they’d like to give up.  If you were a subject in this heinous (and thankfully fictional) experiment, which three brain structures would you be willing to give up?

section 2
Chapter 4
TV Characters and Erikson’s stages
In this exercise, it’s your assignment to watch TV!  Look over Erikson’s stages and the “psychosocial conflicts” that he claims are encountered by people entering various stages of life.
Television shows are filled with people in different stages of life (although you will find more TV shows focusing on the 20-50 set than on any other).  Pick out four characters (or real people, in the case of talk shows) from TV shows that differ substantially in age, covering different parts of the life span.  These characters might be in four different shows, or might all be in the same show.  What are the everyday trials and tribulations experienced by these characters?  What are their main concerns or worries?  Do they fit in with Erikson’s stages of development?  Explain.
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Essay: Address all of the following statements in one cohesive narrative:

Thoroughly discuss a current social issue that is relevant to social work practice and fostered or confirmed your interest in the social work profession. You may mention additional reasons for deciding to pursue graduate social work study at this time.
Discuss your career interests and/or objectives and how you will use the resources at Fordham Universitys Graduate School of Social Service to support your goals.
Please explain how you plan on balancing the demands of our online platform, including the 8 week class structure and field placement(s), with responsibilities you would have outside of school.

Four to five double-spaced pages
Times New Roman, 12-point font
American Psychological Association (APA) style


I need to turn in a literature review for a psychological writing class. There is a thesis template given to us. The topic is depression. The purpose of the paper is to show the ability to write in APA format (not depression). Instructions and samples are in the documents below.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The student will be responsible for preparing a 2-3 page typed summaries* of a reading related to issues of human diversity in working with individuals of minority status. The readings will be chosen by the student, but must be from social work journals.

*The student may choose an alternative format.

The summary must include the following elements:
a. Title, author and source of the reading.
b. The main issues and findings reported in the reading. Special attention
should be given to issues of human diversity and populations at risk as presented in the reading.
c. The relevance of the reading in understanding human behavior in the
in the social environment.
d. The potential relevance of the reading for generalist social work practice.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This paper is to be 5-7 pages, 10 maximum. This paper should be typed, double spaced, using 12 point font and in APA style. Spelling, grammar and writing style count heavily in the grading and therefore special attention should be made in completing your work.

Developmental and Environmental Influences

This assignment is intended to allow you to address the impact of various issues related to human behavior in the social environment on your personal and professional development.
To complete the assignment, write a paper which includes at least the following

a. A general description of yourself as a bio-psycho-socio-cultural being.
b. A general description of your progress through the life span to this point in
time. In other words, in terms of the various phases of the life cycle outlined in this course, where are you now and what phases have you passed through?
c. A brief discussion of your predictions for your progress through the
phases of the life span which remain.
d. A description of related social systems in the larger environment which
have influenced your progress (personal and professional development) through the life span.
e. A description of major environmental events and factors (current and
historical) which have influenced your personal and professional development.
f. The consequences of diversity, discrimination and oppression (personal
and professional) on your progress through the life-span and on the development of your personal and professional values.