Category: Psychology and Education

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Citing specific sources from the readings as well as the videos The Arguments for and Against School Choice and Waiting for Superman, respond to this question:  Are vouchers and school choice part of the solution to equal access to a quality education for all? Why/Why not? Be specific. You must cite at least two sources from the readings/videos, using APA format.  Your response should be no less than three paragraphs.

Video link:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use this weeks Discussion Forum to comment on your progress towards completing or advancing portions or sub-components of your identified goals for the 9-week course.

You should also use this week’s discussion forum to ask questions, get clarification, and enter into a dialog with your committee members.

Effective leaders make people feel that even the most difficult problems can be tackled productively. (Fullan, 2004, p6) In what ways is this true in relation to change management?

Please use this link: to access x2 research papers and all reference books. References must be made in Harvard format. Smith (et. al., 2004), says, ‘please cite like this.’ (p. 1)

Consider the following:
Different views of change management
What changes in a school and why?
What makes for successful change in a school?
Does managing change require certain leadership qualities?
Links with strategic thinking

Brief Literature Review

Brief Literature Review
The literature review is intended to familiarize you with literature pertaining to the community that you have chosen. Find literature relevant to the community that you are learning about; what you choose to address may depend specifically on the community. Some possible considerations are mental health utilization rates, cultural values, mental health stigma, treatment, or implications for working with this community; these ideas are not exhaustive. Be sure to address aspects that are salient to that specific community. You must highlight a current body of work or theory(ies) relevant to professional practice with this community. Resources must be recent
(within the past 10 years; resources must be from peer-reviewed journal articles).

I have uploaded an example paper from last year, get an idea of how this paper should look like but please note that this (uploaded example paper) is NOT a templet. It’s just there to help you write this new paper.

I have also uploaded a rubric for this order. Please look closely at ( Exceeds Expectation 100% ) this paper should get an A

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Each reading response should be two double-spaced pages and must include a detailed response to the assigned reading. Include at least three things you liked or disliked about the reading as well as why you had these reactions. Offer two to three questions about each reading that you would like to discuss with the class.

Ted Kaczynski

Additionally students are required to include in this research paper 3 additional peer reviewed journal articles. The paper length should be 7 to 9 pages.

Student are required to utilize APA writing style.

This assignment is worth 100 points and no late papers will be accepted. Additionally, any paper that does not have proper notation and cited sources will be considered plagiarism thus a failing grade will be submitted.

An International Literacy Associations Position Paper

ASSIGNMENT #1: An International Literacy Associations Position Paper

go to

get resources

position statements

archive of position statements

expand all. Choose:

Literacy Leadership Brief: Content Area and Disciplinary Literacy: Strategies and Frameworks. (included as an attachment)

Retrieve the ILAs position paper on content area and disciplinary literacy (website above. Choose 2017.  The title is Literacy Leadership Brief: Content Area and Disciplinary Literacy: Strategies and Frameworks.

Read the literacy and discuss their position on:

Content area literacy –

Disciplinary literacy

Combining both approaches in practice

Describe two strategies you could use in the classroom to combine both in a relevant and useful way.

Scoring Rubric for Assignment #1

Discussion Question

Please answer the following question in 150-200 words.  Please cite your references.

1.  Explain the physical setup of books in your future classroom. How will you categorize books? How will students know which books to select? Will students have one or more reading books in their desk or reading bag?

Inventories and Assessment

In a 500-750-word essay, select two wellness inventories or emotional assessment tools, such as two depression inventories, that mental health professionals may use to determine wellness or emotional well-being. Be sure to address the following in your essay:
How does wellness and emotional well-being impact the body, mind, and spirit of an individual?
What are the basic features of each assessment tool you are analyzing?
What are the similarities and differences between these assessments? In other words, what are their benefits and limitations?
How is information from these assessments used to inform the treatment process?
What might cause a mental health professional to select one over the other in different contexts?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question 1.
“Non-traditional Learners and Providers of Adult Education, Training, and Lifelong Learning”  Please respond to the following:

Based on the readings and / or your own professional experience, identify one (1) post-secondary institution that professes to meet the needs of adult learners in your local area. Next, research the institutions mission statement, vision, core competencies, and publications. Examine the extent to which each institution focuses on nontraditional older students, and then give your opinion on how effective you believe any accommodations are that the institution makes to assist their nontraditional older students balance family, work, life and school. Respond to at least one (1) other student. (Note: If you are unable to locate information on post-secondary institutions in your local area, use the Internet to explore institutions online.)
Based on the readings and / or your own professional experience, identify one (1) organization in your community that provides training and / or lifelong learning opportunities to adult learners. Your selected organization should include a representative from one (1) of the following categories: a corporation or for-profit business; a local community service organization; a national non-profit organization; or a local, state, or federal governmental agency. Next, review the selected organizations mission, vision, and strategic goals. Then, analyze the extent to which the training or lifelong learning activities support the organizations mission, vision, and strategic goals. Provide a rationale for your response. Include the web link to the organizations you chose, and respond to at least one (1) other student. (Note: If you are unable to locate information on organizations in your community, use the Internet to explore organizations online.)

Question 2.
“Adult Learning Theories”  Please respond to the following:

Watch the video below titled, Andragogy (Adult Learning)”
Next, from the readings and video, use Knowles six (6) assumptions about adult learning to critique one (1) course or class in which you recently participated as either a student or instructor. Determine which, if any, of Knowles assumptions were used in designing and delivering the instruction. Provide one (1) example from the instruction for each assumption used. If none of Knowles assumptions were used, speculate about the possible reason(s) for not using his assumptions. Respond to at least one (1) other student.
Use the Strayer Library to review the Research Starter topic Philosophies of Adult Education. (Note: Refer to the Genius Navigator for instructions on locating Research Starters.) Then, choose the adult learning theory or theories that most closely align with your philosophy of education, providing a rationale for your selection. Respond to at least one (1) other student.