Category: Psychology and Education


A. Country of Origin Issues:

Describe and discuss the specific diversity and differences of the target population that resulted in
their experiences differential treatment in the country of origin which shaped their life experiences
and social injustices at the micro mezzo and macro levels, and significantly influenced the decision to
immigration or seek asylum in the United States or another country.

(Note: The response to this item needs to address how the populations diversity and  differences
changed their:

a) access to basic goods, services and education;
b) participation in groups and community life;
c) resulted in neglect or targeted violence and other human rights violations;
d) limitations regarding employment, economic stability, and environmental injustices; and e) political

Identify the country of origins approach (type) to development. That impeded the target
populations social and economic well-being at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Note:
Students must correctly use the theoretical models and terminology presented in class to address
this content.

B. Transitional/Migration Issues:

Identify and discuss the forms, mechanisms, and interconnectedness of oppression and discrimination experienced by the target population as part of their transition to the United States or another country.

(Note: Students need to discuss how theories of justice and strategies that promote human and
civil rights can support amelioration of these issues and experiences.)

Identify the strengths of the target population that illustrate resiliency
and positive one- or two-way engagement in institutions, neighborhoods, and communities, as well as
examples of successful engagement (e.g., access to social, economic, political, and/or
environmental resources that have had a positive effect on human and community well-being).
Use both the concepts of cultural humility and intersectionality to explain how the application of these
frameworks would have had a positive effect in supporting members of the target population as they
transitioned to the United States or another country.
(Note: For this item students must correctly define each concept and discuss how the
appropriate application of these frameworks (at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels) could have
affected [or affected] the target populations transition to the United States or other final destination
as related to social, economic, political or environmental access to resources and
participation in normal need meeting institutions.)

C. Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation:

Identity issues and engage in a discussion of self-reflection and self- regulation regarding potential
personal biases, as well as social and political influences that may negatively influence your
(or other social workers) ability to professionally and ethically engage with and support members of the
target population.

Published professional references (web resources, journals, books). All references must demonstrate the selective use of relevant content. The textbook for this course is not to be used as a reference for the papers.

Identity Paper

I’m Chinese, and I’m from Beijing, the capital of China. My family can be considered middle-class in China. I’m a female, and I’m the single child in our family. We don’t have a religious belief in our family, even though my dad is considered a Buddhist but he doesn’t follow the rules of Buddhism strictly. All Chinese are considered communists. I’m the first generation attending college, but my parents believe receiving higher education is necessary. But they were too poor to go to college when they were young.
You will be required to write a short paper documenting your social identities. You should consider your background by reflecting on your behavior, expectations, and values resulting from your family (values and behaviors from now and when you were growing up), nationality, ethnicity, religion, language, gender, geographic region, socioeconomic status, education, and political orientation.
Please let me know if you need more information.

Forum 1

Write two separate responses to discussion that I have written. Each response should be at least 150 words. Write it like a discussion. Below I have labeled each discussion as 1 and 2. Please label your responses as that as well. I will also provide an example of what the responses should sort of look like. Please also use this textbook reference in each: Psychological Testing and Assessment by Cohen & Swerdlik, 2017.

1. In my current job, people who have barriers to employment, whether that is mental or physical, are referred to me. I look for jobs that match the individuals interests and ability, train them on the job, and help them stay in the workforce. One of the things I do is called an intake process, where I interview the individual. During the intake process, I will ask the individual a series of questions about their experience (if they have any), their interests, goals, and skills. After compiling the answers along with social-emotional cues, I decide what kind of jobs I would look for. Another part of my job is that I do situational assessment. In a situational assessment, I will bring the individual to the employer and have them perform the job, so that the individual, the employer, and I get an idea of what the individual is capable of doing. In my opinion, psychological assessment is supported by the Scripture. In the Bible, God consistently tests his people over and over again. Trials are what God uses in us to prepare us for his kingdom through the process of sanctification. Though trials are indeed negative for us in the moment, in the grand scheme of Gods plan, trials helps us grow to love God and pursue holy lives as he has called us to. In the same, we treat PTSD patients by exposing them to their worst fears. What may raise the blood pressure of PTSD patients and brings back tragic memories alleviate their symptoms long term (Foa et al., 2018). The dose of exposure and the setting among other factors are controlled so that the PTSD patients are not put in danger. Similarly God is soveign and is in control, meaning he allows just enough to happen to us as we can handle. For instance, in the story of Job as recorded in Job 1:12, God allowed Satan to bring misery upon Jobs life. But in the end, Job was rewarded by his faithfulness and righteousness. The trials Job face made proved his fear for the Lord but also showed God ultimately allowed for it to happen to strengthens Jobs faith.

2. The psychological assessment tool that I will use is behavioral observation which includes monitoring the actions of others or oneself by visual or electronic means while recording quantitative and/or qualitative information regarding those actions, (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018). I will also use the similar psychological assessment tool of naturalistic observation which includes observing in the setting in which the behavior would typically be expected to occur, (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2018). I will use behavioral observation as an intern at a center for survivors of sexual abuse. As an intern, I am there to observe and make notes so that I am educated to understand how to help survivors once I am in the position full time. I take notes as I observe in order find out what steps the person should take in order to adjust their situation to become well and then to measure in future observations as to whether the steps are producing the changes needed. I will use naturalistic observation when I am called to an Emergency Room visit for a survivor who has just been sexually abused or when I am called to support the survivor at a court trial to ask for a restraining order for safety and peace of mind.
I believe psychological assessment is a Biblically-supported practice that Christian professionals can use to serve others. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us, All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, That the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work (ESV). God is our ultimate teacher. He is the reason we have the knowledge of psychology to use to help others. It is all part of Gods ultimate plan to love and help all beings. John 14:17 tells us, Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you (ESV). Even if a person does not know God personally, because they have never been informed, he or she will be helped by God through me because I am doing His will in using psychological assessment to help them.

Hello! Getting to know a clients history is an important piece of building a strong course of treatment. I agree that psychological assessments are biblically supported for Christian professionals to use in helping others. Many of the tools explained in our textbook are utilized in a wide range of uses in the educational, counseling, and business world. I think we do have to be careful because psychology is not rooted in biblical or spiritual beliefs, but I believe they can still be used in addition to biblical and spiritual psychology practices.  Using psychological assessments provide details for many intellectual and emotional problems that would be difficult to diagnose without the use of these tools. Different types of assessments have been extremely beneficial whether used for education, business, military, or clinical purposes. As you mentioned, many Christian counselors use these same tools in their practices such as marriage counseling. Sometimes issues that arise in marriages are rooted deeper into an individuals history. Using these assessments, a Christian counselor can better help their clients restore their marriage by dealing with the results of their assessment while integrating biblical truths.

contrast content and process knowledge and describe them as two sides of the same coin

Read Chapter 1 of the text. 
Review the PowerPoint for the chapter. (Use the link to the PowerPoint). Preview the document
Respond to all aspects of the following prompt in your discussion thread.
The authors compare and contrast content and process knowledge and describe them as two sides of the same coin.  Do you agree with this analogy?  Why or why not?  Do the results of the How Teaching Matters report from ETS correlate with any of the elements of the Read to Be Ready Initiative?  If so, how?  Based on your experience and observations, do you think most teachers embrace the mantra “Every teacher is a teacher of reading”?  If so, what makes you think so?  If not, on what are you basing your opinion?  Do not have book, but was advised that I could just use powerpoint for information.  I have included the book title with uploaded material


essay of no less than 500 words on the differences between looking at the world from the mindset of a creator and taking responsibility for it and the difference between that and looking at life as if it just happens to us and we have no control over it at all. And use examples of this from an objective viewpoint .

dq1 res to gail 2050

Discussion 1: More information about self~ Initial Post Due 1/19/20

Please briefly introduce yourself.  For the RC, please be sure to trigger your attendance in the course shell by taking the attendance quiz. Be sure to order your text books ASAP if you haven’t already.
1) Mention if you are or hope to be a clinician and the population you would like to serve. (If you are already diagnosing, please share a bit about how you experience it.)
2) Briefly define psychopathology in a way your grandmother could understand.
3) Please discuss any early thoughts, ideas or hopes you have concerning identifying, conceptualizing and treating psychopathology. What do you know and think about diagnosing in general?And, what about the new diagnostic manual, the DSM-5? Any thoughts about it at this point of the course?
Your initial post should always be due by the Sunday night. Your responses (at least two) should be posted by Wednesday night.  You will not have discussion posts due on the weeks where you have a paper due.  Those will generally be due on Wednesdays.  You are responsible for your level of engagement with your peers. My hope is that you will want to engage in the discourse that arises from these topics.


Manage Discussion Entry

Hi Class! My name is Gail Lewis. I have been an Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC or LPCC) for 22 years. I have a Masters Degree in Clinical Counseling. I am licensed in Colorado and California and see clients in my private practice. I am interested in seeing elders, who have Medicare insurance and to perform psychological assessments, both cognitive and projective.
I enjoy diagnosing and have been licensed to diagnose since earning my Masters in Clinical Counseling. However, there is always something new to learn about the practice of diagnosis. The DSM is always changing, and clinicians do need to diagnosis both to help inform themselves about treatment options or suggestions for referral to psychiatry for medication and to bill insurance.
In diagnosing, I am concerned about how my client will react to the diagnosis I have given, especially when the client has a major mental illness such as borderline personality disorder (BPD), schizophrenia, bi-polar, dissociative identity disorder, autistic spectrum disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), among others.  BPD still has a high amount of stigma in the world of psychological treatment, and although there is DBT (Dialetical Behavior Therapy) and other approaches which have improved the lives of people with BPD, there are those with profound symptomology that defy therapy and medical management. I do take people with BPD, and this population is still quite a challenge to work with. The stigma remains surrounding this diagnosis. Some people are diagnosed with bi-polar disorder instead because there is less stigma attached.
In diagnosis, there is often comordity and co-occurring disorders, so diagnosis can be very complicated. I still know its necessary. It is important that we remember that these are foremost people, not the diagnoses they have been labelled with.
I do not like the newest DSM-5 as much as previous versions, like DSM-4. There were changes in how autism is diagnosed and labelled, grouping  people whose diagnosis was Aspergers Syndrome to the broad spectrum of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I personally know clients and friends who prefer to refer to themselves or their associates as having Aspergers Syndrome and continue to use that terminology, although it no longer exists in the new DSM. Another change in the DSM-5 was to rearrange the personality disorders so that there are no longer clusters of personality disorders with similar or related symptoms, such as Clusters A, B or C. I found that organization to be useful in my conception for treatment modalities for my clients.
Psychopathology includes any mental illness diagnosis that exists. It may be depression, anxiety, personality disorders, dissociative disorders, developmental disorders like autism, eating disorders, schizophrenia and more.  How I would explain psychopathology to my grandmother would be to ask her to remember what she called her nervous breakdown.  There was even more stigma attached to even depression or anxiety in her middle adulthood. My grandmother took to her bed, over-sleeping and eating very little, with many tears and no motivation to get up for anything, including personal hygiene or housework or for a leisurely walk around the house or outdoors.  Because of the stigma, I believe medical doctors blamed mental illness on the nervous system, thereby averting attention to a physical illness. My grandfather was told to ignore my grandmother and her symptoms. He was told to ignore her tears and sadness! Over time she recovered, but she would openly refer to her nervous breakdown to family members whenever a friend of hers would die (as my grandmother far outlived her friends and family as she lived to age 96). My grandmother obviously knew her nervous breakdown was due to psychic distress and profound sadness, an emotional illness.  Psychopathology was referred to a nervous breakdown by laypeople far into the late part of the twentieth century, and took many different forms. There was scant medication for mental illness in the early part of last century. Psyche means the mind and pathology means illness.

Craighead, E. W., Miklowitz, D. J., & Craighead, L. W. (2013). Psychopathology: History, diagnosis and empirical foundations (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. (2013). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. (Saybrook University library: PsychiatryOnline database.

You will be able to choose topics in instructions.

Papers will be evaluated for meeting the criteria stated below, as well as for grammar, thoughtfulness, logic, and pertinence to the topic. Each paper must be ONLY one (1) page long using a 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1 margins (top, bottom, and sides). Your paper should be written in paragraph format (not bulleted), and should address all parts of each of the questions below. The entire assignment should only be one page long, no title page and no separate page for the reference. It usually takes me about two weeks to grade and provide feedback on these assignments (depending on how many submissions there are).

You will get to choose one of the topics from the list:
Beckwith, H. D. & Morrow, J. A. (2005). Sexual attitudes of college students: The impact of religiosity and spirituality. (Links to an external site.) College Student Journal, 39(2), 357-366.

Brown, U. J. III, Jara, U., & Braxton, E. (2005). College students and AIDS awareness: The effect of condom perception and self-efficacy. (Links to an external site.) College Student Journal, 39(1), 178-191.

Edman, J. & Yates, A. (2005). A Cross-Cultural Study of Disordered Eating Attitudes Among Filipino and Caucasian Americans. (Links to an external site.) Eating Disorders, 13(3), 279-289.

Jessop, D. C., Herberts, C., & Solomon, L. (2005). The impact of financial circumstances on student health. (Links to an external site.) British Journal of Health Psychology, 10(3), 421-439.

Sung-Kyung, Y., Michael, G., & Eunju, Y. (2005). Psychological and Cultural Influences on Koreans’ Help-Seeking Attitudes. (Links to an external site.) Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 27(3), 266-281.

Valeri-Gold, M.T. (1996). College developmental learners’ perceptions, knowledge, and experiences with aged persons. (Links to an external site.) Educational Gerontology, 22(4), 303-316.

When you choose the topic, you can tell me the topic you choose, then I will send the article about the topic.

In each Article Review the following questions must be addressed:

What was the author(s) hypothesis(es) of the study?
What are the ethical considerations in this study?
How did the researchers collect the data (i.e., what were the methods)?
How many participants were used? What was the breakdown by age, ethnicity, sex?
What were the results? What statistics were used to analyze the hypothesis(es)?
Was/were the hypothesis(es) supported? Explain.
Describe two strengths of this study.
Describe two limitations of this study.
Explain some of the implications of this study?

Domestic Violence among African Americans


The outline should clearly state the thesis of the paper and should cite 10 peer reviewed journal articles, which will be used in the research paper.  You will not get credit for the citations unless the articles are peer reviewed journal articles.  It should also include a full APA style reference page. Your outline should be more descriptive than one word headings but should be brief phrases that make it clear what will be covered.  Start your outline with a brief paragraph that summarizes your paper and addresses potential solutions to your issue (if your paper is about an issue or problem).  Also, in the introduction section of your outline, you should address why your paper topic is important.  An example is under the Helpful Tools link and is attached here.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Students will complete an annotated bibliography including 10 peer reviewed articles.  Each entry should be at least five sentences that include a summary of the article (at least three sentences), your evaluation–positives and negatives–of the article (at least one sentence), and how it will be used in your paper (at least one sentence).  The use in the paper is very important as it will let me know if you are on the right track for your research paper.  If a peer reviewed article will not be useful in your paper, you should not include it in your annotated bibliography.  Please include your approved paper topic at the top of the assignment. An example of an annotated bibliography is under the Helpful Tools tab and you can view the grading rubric once you click on the assignment.

Answering Science questions

Why do you think science is not emphasized as much as math or English in elementary education? Do you believe that this difference negatively impacts students? Why or why not?
2- Give two examples of how science skills can be utilized throughout the school day. Make sure to identify the subject, as well as the skill, and how they connect.
3-after googling the end of education reform, or a new beginning it should be a Forbes article.
How do you believe this information impacts the way you, as a science educator, would teach science to your students? Do you think the author is correct in her assertion that skills are not as beneficial to our students as content is? Explain your answer.