Category: Psychology and Education


you are going to find two (2) research articles published on the effectiveness of conversion therapy for homosexualityone article that finds the treatment is effective, and one that finds the treatment is not effective.  You are going to address each of the following questions for both articles and conclude with which article you feel makes the stronger case.

1.  What are the researchers credentials? Are they affiliated with reputable institutions (research centers, academic institutions, etc)? Are they associated with any special-interest groups that may favor a particular research finding or conclusion?

2.  Through what type of media were the results published: reputable scientific journals, scholarly textbooks, popular magazines, newspapers, blog posts, Internet sites?

3.  What approach or type of research method was used, and were proper scientific procedures adhered to?

4.  Were a sufficient number of subjects used, and is there any reason to suspect bias in the selection method?

5.  Is it reasonable to apply the research findings to a larger population beyond the sample group? To what extent can legitimate generalizations be made?

6.  Is there any reason to believe that the research methods could have biased the findings? (e.g. Did the presence of an interviewer affect how the participants responded?  Was anonymity guaranteed for the participants? Was there anything in the study that would have affected how the participants responded?)

7.  Which article makes the more solid case for their findings?  How does it address conflicting research?

3015 dq2 resp Adria


Discussion 2: Reflect on the current course readings, your recent experiment, and Ted Talk video. Discuss something that intrigues, challenges or bothers you. What are you learning about our cognitive processes and the way the brain works? Cite the texts and use outside sources if appropriately integrated. Please post any questions or requests for clarification you may have regarding any of the concepts covered in the assigned readings for this week. The first post is meant to be a bit more scholarly or formal. Always use references here. The responses can be more casual but should also cite references when appropriate. Remember, this is your chance to demonstrate to me that you are reading the material and to engage in academic discussions about the reading material. Use personal examples if you like but link them to the literature. 
Remember, initial discussion posts are due by Thursday of each week, with response posts due by Saturday.

Manage Discussion Entry

Hello everyone,
The sensory system is really fascinating. In clinical work, I have patients who seem to exhibit improvement when we work with their sensations. This often looks like having them do body scans in order to notice and experience sensations which then serves to decrease the Sympathetic Nervous system arousal response and bring a greater sense of calm which decreases muscle tension. Sometimes we use breathing techniques for this as well. In the TED Talk Titled, STROKE of Insight, by Jill Bolte Taylor (2012) the experience of here and now versus past and future was discussed. Dr. Bolte Taylor explains that the Left Hemisphere is constantly engaged in a linear process of sorting details from our past, projecting to our future, calculating, judging and predicting. In contrast, the right hemisphere is about the present moment, sensations, energy, connecting to space within and around with no differentiation between the two (Bolte Taylor, 2012). In considering this in the context of therapy, when one spends too much time in the left-brain, they also seem to have high SNS arousal. Conversely, bringing them into their senses activates the right-brain, lowering SNS and activating more PNS. It seems to me that balance in life is important: a balance of our nervous system and balance in our hemispheres. Dr. Bolte Taylor implores the audience to shift from a pervasive left-brain dominance into more of an appreciation for what the right-brain has to offer (Bolte Taylor, 2012).

Bernard J. Baars (1997), In the book titled, In the Theater of Consciousness; The Workspace of the mind, also discusses the sensory system in our need to be in the present while thoroughly experiencing our senses. Baars(1997) explains, Instead of having one stage in our theater of consciousness, we may have five, switching rapidly back and forth several times per second. We can then suggest a sensory consciousness network to provide the basis for qualitative conscious experience (Baars, 1997, p. 73). He goes on to describe the importance of our sensory system for both our input and our output. He asserts that our senses are vital to consciousness and, conscious ideas empower us to transcend the sensory moment (Baars, 1997, p. 86). Baars (1997) is essentially saying the same thing as Dr. Bolte Taylor in that it is vital that we experience the present moment with all of our senses in order to create balance and opportunity for our left brain to reach its potential in creating our time, our expression, and our interaction.

The book titled, Smart Moves; Why Learning Is Not All In Your Head, by Carla Hannaford, Ph.D. (1995) discusses the sensory system and how it relates to learning. She explains that The richer our sensory environment and the greater our freedom to explore it, the more intricate will be the patterns for learning, thought and creativity (Hannaford, 1995, p. 30). As a therapist, I do recognize the importance of our sensory system and its influence on how we experience the world around us and our internal environment which has a significant effect on our physical and mental health.


Baars, B. J. (1997). In The Theater of Consciousness. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Bolte Taylor, J. (2012). STROKE of Insight. TEDTalks.Retrieved January 19, 2020, from
Hannaford, C. (1995). Smart Moves; Why Learning Is Not All In Your Head. Arlington, VA: Great Ocean Publishers, Inc.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a short essay on your perception of the differences between “materials management” and “purchasing” (in public schools). These terms tend to be used interchangeably in course text and that’s okay, but there are some subtle differences.

Here are 2 references to use:

You can use 2 additional references if need be.

3025 dq 3 resp to ab


For this discussion board, provide an overview of each of the following types of imaging/assessment measures:
1. Computerized Tomography (CT)
2. Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI)
3. Functional Magnetic Resonance Image (fMRI)
4. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
5. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
6. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Which imaging technique would you select if you suspected a brain tumor? Why?
The following article may be helpful in answering this discussion board:
Camprodon, J.A., & Stern, T.A. (2013). Selecting neuroimaging techniques: A review for the clinician. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, 15(4), 12f01490. doi: 10.4088/PCC.12f01490
(Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)
**Discussion board posting requirements: For each discussion board, be sure to have one main post of at least 400 words and two reply posts of at least 200 words in order to demonstrate sufficient depth to your responses. To receive the highest grade for the discussion board posts, be sure to integrate the textbook as well as additional scholarly sources to support your contributions. Take a look at the empirical literature and include peer-reviewed journal articles to support your posts. Please have your posts submitted on at least two separate days (e.g., don’t post your main post and reply posts all on the same day). This will be worth one point per discussion board and falls under the “Advances Conversations” portion of the discussion board rubric. This helps to spread out the conversation over the course of the unit, and it gives every student the chance to respond to the discussion at a time convenient to their schedule (instead of most of the discussion occurring on the due date). Reply posts can be to either your peers’ posts or to the instructors posts.


Manage Discussion Entry

Computerized tomography:
According to the assigned book in this class it is commonly known as a CT scan where the “patient’s head is placed in a large doughnut-shaped ring. The ring contains an X-ray tube and, directly opposite it (on the other side of the patient’s head), an X-ray detector” (Carlson & Birkett, 2016, p. 130). There is an x-ray beam that scans the head in every angle. The information gathered from these beams are made into pictures of the skull. The goal of this method of brain scanning is to find the location of a lesion in the brain.
Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI)
This is very similar to a CT scan by finding the location of lesions in the brain.  The MRI finds slices in the brain, but with better detail in contrast to the CT scan. They use a magnetic field and radio waves to find the lesion location. Instead of using x-rays, the MRI uses a magnetic field . Here the MRI analyzes the signal taken by the magnetic field and then pictures are prepared of slices of the brain.
Functional Magnetic Resonance Image (fMRI)
An fMRi records the metabolic activity happening in regions of the brain. This type of scan measures measures the brain’s regional metabolic activity of living. It detects blood flow and oxygen levels.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
This type of scan “visualizes activity of brain regions that are metabolically active in a living brain” (Carlson & Birkett, 2016, p. 141). The PET uses radioactive 2-DG as well. This type of scan also shows how one’s tissues and organs function and also has the ability to show traces of certain diseases.
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
This type of scan looks at blood flow to tissues and organs throughout the body. The types of tracers used are  iodine-123, technetium-99m, xenon-133, thallium-201, and fluorine-18.
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
These can often be described as writings of electricity from the head. This is often used to watch the stages of sleep and to diagnose epilepsy. This is because sleep patterns are associated with electrical activity. This test happens when an experimenter attaches electrodes to the scalp for the purpose to monitor the brain’s activity.

Lam, P. (2018, July 24). Mri scans: Definition, uses, and procedure. Retrieved January 21, 2020, from
(Links to an external site.)
Devlin. (2018, October 08). What is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri)? Retrieved January 21, 2020, from
(Links to an external site.)
Mayfield Brain & Spine. (n.d.). SPECT scan. Retrieved January 21, 2020, from
(Links to an external site.)
Carlson R., & Birkett, M. A. (2017). Physiology of behavior. Harlow: Pearson.

status of research in the Arab world

status of research in the Arab world (e.g., UAE could be used as an example) in terms of challenges that researchers face, initiatives that tackle these challenges, funding opportunities (e.g., UAE ICT Fund), research priorities according to countries needs, and other aspects that you see relevant.

(UAE, and Gulf region countries to be used),
Reference minimum of 4-6.

Week 5 discussion

What considerations should you make in your first round of coding your data? How will you determine what data should be coded and how?

Do you have experience that answers the question?

At different points in your career, would you have answered this question differently? Why?

Include your own experience as well as two citations that support your assertions as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources. Cite your sources using APA formatting.

Week 4 discussion 1

Based on the Coding Manual by Saldana (2015), briefly describe coding and the appropriate coding approaches for the phenomenological inquiry. Which of these coding approaches will help you select the most relevant categories for your data? Explain your response.

Include your own experience as well as two citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources. Cite your sources using APA formatting.

If you found contradicting information to what your experience tells you, explain why you agree or disagree with the research.


Saldaa, J. (2015). The coding manual for qualitative researchers (3rd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

organizational behavior

QUESTION: Does the culture of an organization have an effect (both positive and negative effect) on work behavior and performance? Discuss. How might one define organizational culture?

Requirement: please read the textbook: chapter 4 “culture”, and read the PowerPoint before your writing. maximum 4 references.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Locate one research study from the last 3 years on the science of “Learning” and read through the study carefully.

Write a short paper (Two pages for the body of the paper, double spaced, plus a title page and reference page). 4 pages Maximum

Discuss the following: 

1. Why did they conduct the study? ( 3 marks)

2. Was the study conducted in an ethical manner? Explain. (3 marks)

3. What were the major findings? (3 marks)

4. What conclusions can you make from the study? (3 marks)

5. Your paper should be in proper APA format (e.g. be sure to properly cite the article you use. Also, you should have a properly formatted title page and reference page in APA format). ( 3 marks)

You will be given a grade out of 15

Enjoy the assignment. There are an infinite number of very interesting studies to choose from in this exciting field!

Benchmark- Going Global

In support of your academic success, Abstracts are required on each of your papers. Your Abstract needs to identify specific changes you have made in your paper based upon your previous paper and your professors reviews. For your first paper in our course, please use the review of one of your papers from another course. Your Abstract needs to be comprised of 150 to 200 words and placed at the beginning of your paper.

Please write a thesis statement in the introduction and restate the thesis statement in the conclusion.This paper needs to be presented in active voice. For additional information and clarification, please review page 77 of the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the APA for additional information and clarification

Globalization affects the educational environment, requiring a sense of international mindedness through cross-cultural awareness and experiential learning. Global literacy expands the traditional social studies approach beyond the study of international geography thus creating and mobilizing a deeper level of international connectedness. For sustained success, teacher leaders must synthesize the notions of cultural literacy and global awareness into a model of global literacy. In this assignment, you will discuss global education.

Write a paper (1,150-1,500 words) in which you discuss global education. Address the following themes with support from the extant literature:

The current status of education in the global arena. How do cultural literacy and global awareness display in the current environment?
The challenges of literacy in the global arena.  Is a model of global literacy possible?
The challenges created by regulation in the global arena. How does regulation influence student outcomes? (Benchmarks C3.3: Evaluate the implications of internal and external regulations on outcomes.)
Proposed means to educate for and in the global community. How should teachers respond to the challenges of a global educational environment? (Benchmarks C4.2: Develop a response to the challenges and opportunities of teaching and learning inherent in a global environment.)