Category: Psychology and Education

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Online Written Assignment
Childrens Television Report:
  Your assignment is to watch
30-minute programs for children during weekday
    and/or weekend mornings.   
  Briefly summarize what the programs were about.  Include the title of the programs,
  the channels watched, and the time slot in which they were seen. 
  Discuss specifically the presence or absence of racism, sexism, negative messages,
  violence, and prosocial (positive) behavior. 
  Use specific examples to support your comments. 
  Also, be sure to watch the commercials in the time slot (before, during, and after the
  program) and comment on their category (junk food, toys, adult, etc.), their value, and
  your reaction.
  Evaluate how appropriate these programs and commercials are for children, in
  your own opinion. 
  This written report should be typed/double-spaced and about 3 full pages to 4 pages in
  This assignment is due
on date stated in Canvas.

Problem Statement Revision

Please see professors revision note below:

This is really good just one minor change- see my highlighted comments in the document attached.

The data is very strong for the general statement – which is the hard part
Now just have the same argument for the specific problem…

Case Study

Review the Case Studies from Worden (2009) .  Select one case study and assign 1 2 cultural characteristics to the individuals involved in the case.  For example, you could determine that the first person mentioned in the case study is an immigrant from Latvia, the deceased person was LGBTIC, or that the counselor is African American.  This is a good opportunity to potentially explore cultural characteristics to which you have not had much exposure.
Next, identify the potential ethical and cultural considerations in the case.  Ground your considerations in the ACA Code of Ethics (2014) and in current scholarly literature.  How would these considerations impact the work you would do with the client(s)?

Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy
A Handbook for Mental Health Practitioner
Fourth Edition
J. William Worden, PhD, ABPP
Selected -(Case Study)- Chapter 10 Training for Grief Counseling 265

Widow: You are a widow age 75 whose husband died 6 months ago. You are ill and in a nursing home. You feel sad and lost without your husband. Your children are living on the coast, and you feel all alone. You have a very strong desire to give up and die so you can join your husband. You see nothing left to live for. You just keep telling the staff taking care of you, “Leave me alone and let me die.”
Social Worker: ln a nursing home you are assigned to take care of a75year-old widow who lost her husband 6 months ago. Your task is to help her with her grief, to get over the loss, and to get back to living again.
From Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy (4th ed.), by J. William Worden, PhD, Copyright @ 2009 by Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

The film Fatal Attraction

Describe any relevant psychological disorders in the characters of Fatal Attraction. Does the film accurately portray these disorders.

The paper must contain a critical evaluation of how the film portrays the relevant topic.  For example, if the film portrays a therapeutic treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, there are several questions that a reaction paper might touch upon. Does the film provide a fair representation of the disorder?  How does it relate to the readings?  What other elements could the film include to provide a better portrayal?  What does the films depiction reveal about how the disorder is portrayed in society?  What elements of the film were done well?  How does this film relate to other areas of psychology and other disorders?  The important part of the reaction paper, and the basis for grading, is that any opinion presented must be supported with well thought out arguments supported by independent research (reference pages are required for each paper).

Chapter 2/The Language You Cry In

After viewing the video and reading Chapter 2, think about  the culture and heritage of African Americans in this country.  What are some aspects of African culture that appear to have persisted into African American culture?  Consider what has been lost in terms of culture.  How do you think this has impacted the African American population?

Link to Video

-Attached Textbook Chapter 2—

Summative Assessment: Motivation and Intercultural Management

Presentation format of your choice (PPT, Prezi, etc.) that includes all of the details noted in Part 3 of the assignment
Submit no more than 20 slides, not including a reference slide, with an overview and conclusion slide
Use voice-over or the notes section to write the full discussion or thoughts that would be presented in person
Provide at least 4 pieces of supporting (or challenging) evidence from the literature that details how leadership should handle cross-cultural business with this country
APA reference slide with the list of references you used to create your presentation
This assessment will build on all the cultural research you have done up to this point in the course. As you complete each portion of the assignment, continue to ask yourself how this would impact the workplace, how you would handle cultural differences, and what are the key items leadership and organizations must keep in mind. 

It is encouraged that you conduct an interview with someone from another culture, but if you struggle to find a contact to interview you can conduct research on a culture other than the one you did in 4.1 discussion board.

Part 1: Interview/Research

Identify a person from a different culture than yours. Ask if you might interview him/her about what motivates that individual, and how their cultural upbringing has played a role in what they value at work and when choosing a place to be employed. Remember, the person who you are interviewing may already be influenced by living in the United States and has assumed this cultures values and beliefs. See if you might be able to tease out of your participant his/her specific cultural beliefs and values that motivate his/her work ethic. If you are doing the research you must collect information on work ethic, motivation, and cultural differences from at least 3 different sources.

Part 2: Training Presentation

Design a training presentation on this country/ethnicity for leadership. No more than 20 slides that incorporate the information you discover from your interviewed participant or research.

Details to include in your presentation:

A brief summary of who you interviewed, their cultural background, and insights you gathered from this discussion. If you just did research, be sure to provide a thorough overview of the cultural norms and sources you used.
The unique dynamics of working with the ethnicity/country of origin so as to be prepared to deal with potential problems or differences.
Discuss how motivational drivers might differ and how this would impact the organization.
Do not only address the differences but also recommendations for motivation and cross-cultural business.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the video “Writing Your Teaching Philosophy.”

In a 4- page paper, explain and analyze the lessons you learned from the video. Summarize the role human resources personnel and school leaders play helping to facilitate the implementation of teaching philosophy goals. How do they support and value educators? Show evidence of critical thinking and provide specific examples.

child and family policy

read the Chapter 2 Lesson on TopHat, on Chapter 2 of your text, AND the article Partnering and Parenting in Poverty: A Qualitative Analysis of a Relationship Skills Program for Low-Income, Unmarried Familiy
and answer 6 questions
each 100words!
not in essay!
please mark which question is in the work

Material Reletavism

By.Legacy Blanton
We all like to think of ourselves as a moral individual. An individual who has virtues, and ethics, that was raised to uphold. We like to think of ourselves as good people. Granted it may seem that way, you will soon learn that’s far from the truth. Let’s imagine that you are a vegetarian, youve never touched meat before, never wanted to, never believed in having to use animals for our consumption. Are y’all feeling like a vegetarian yet? Ok. So now let’s imagine someone sat a nice plate of ribeye steak in front of you and offered to pay you money to eat it. Now, remember you are a vegetarian you don’t eat meat so what are you gonna do. $100 may not be enough, $1000 may not be either, but let’s imagine they offered you $10,000 just to eat that piece of steak. That’s all you gotta do. Would you do it? I would. So let’s say we all gave in and decided to just eat the steak. We all know we gain something which was money; but what about the things we just lost. You lost your lifestyle of not eating meat. All those years you had put in having the mindset that meat-eaters are wrong and you just become one for the great price of $10,000.
This brings me to my thesis statement C.R.E.A.M. C.R.E.A.M was an acronym created by Method Man, who was a rapper from the Wu-Tang Clan; C.R.E.A.M stands for Cash Rules Everything Around Me. Now today I will be presenting to you all no matter how many ethics and virtues and character you may think you have for the right price you won’t have it anymore. Before I get deeper into my thesis I would first like to put my thesis in syllogism form. It is your classic A is B, B is C, so A is C.
Premise 1 being everyone has a price, premise 2 price rules, therefore price rules everyone.

Reflective Journal: Mindset

It is a worksheet I wrote some answers on Part 1 question 1. The writer  needs to edit, add, or do better than what I wrote…sorry
There are 2 part two the worksheet Part 1 has 3 questions that need  help and you will see part two I hope it is not confusing
let me know