Category: Psychology and Education

What babies want psychology

Watch the following documentary and video clips and write a 2-3 page summary sharing your insight and lessons learned from the videos. Was your perspective changed? What did you learn? What did you appreciate? How were you able to relate? What did you disagree with? Please include a title page in addition to your 3 page paper.                                                          

What babies want psychology

Watch the following documentary and video clips and write a 2-3 page summary sharing your insight and lessons learned from the videos. Was your perspective changed? What did you learn? What did you appreciate? How were you able to relate? What did you disagree with? Please include a title page in addition to your 3 page paper.                                                          

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Which Type of Memory Do You Use Most?

In the chapter on remembering and forgetting, the author cites several different types of information that reside in memory.  Episodic memories are composed of particular events that happen to someone personally.  Semantic memories are essentially “general knowledge.”  Procedural memory is our knowledge about how to do things, like ride a bike.

Think about these three types of memory and how you use each on an everyday basis.  List a few examples of each, taken from your daily life.  Which of these types of memory do you think is the most important?  the least important?  Explain.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Which Type of Memory Do You Use Most?

In the chapter on remembering and forgetting, the author cites several different types of information that reside in memory.  Episodic memories are composed of particular events that happen to someone personally.  Semantic memories are essentially “general knowledge.”  Procedural memory is our knowledge about how to do things, like ride a bike.

Think about these three types of memory and how you use each on an everyday basis.  List a few examples of each, taken from your daily life.  Which of these types of memory do you think is the most important?  the least important?  Explain.

Family Context

Prompt: Family Context

Family interaction is complex and can be a developmental risk factor for children. As your resource, please locate a video clip from a movie or television program as an example of familial relationships and include the link in your post. In your discussion, please provide an analysis of the interaction of family patterns and your perspective about possible developmental outcomes for the child(ren) in the clip. Do you believe that a strong spiritual foundation within a family is a protective factor against negative developmental outcomes? If yes, how so? If not, explain why.

Read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your response: star

Read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your response:

    start by greeting the class-mate by name
    contribute to one or two of his/her discussion point with your view
    Pose any related questions you might have

Read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your response: star

Read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your response:

    start by greeting the class-mate by name
    contribute to one or two of his/her discussion point with your view
    Pose any related questions you might have

Read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your response: star

Read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your response:

    start by greeting the class-mate by name
    contribute to one or two of his/her discussion point with your view
    Pose any related questions you might have

Read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your response: star

Read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your response:

    start by greeting the class-mate by name
    contribute to one or two of his/her discussion point with your view
    Pose any related questions you might have

Read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your response: star

Read your class-mates posts and reply to at least two of your classmates. Your comments should be meaningful (not simply “Yeah, me too” or “I agree”). (2.5 pts for each full meaningful response). Make sure you include following in your response:

    start by greeting the class-mate by name
    contribute to one or two of his/her discussion point with your view
    Pose any related questions you might have