Category: Psychology and Education

3015DQ 2 RES

Discussion 2: Reflect on the current course readings, your recent experiment, and Ted Talk video. Discuss something that intrigues, challenges or bothers you. What are you learning about our cognitive processes and the way the brain works? Cite the texts and use outside sources if appropriately integrated. Please post any questions or requests for clarification you may have regarding any of the concepts covered in the assigned readings for this week. The first post is meant to be a bit more scholarly or formal. Always use references  here. The responses can be more casual but should also cite references when appropriate. Remember, this is your chance to demonstrate to me that you are reading the material and to engage in academic discussions about the reading material. Use personal examples if you like but link them to the literature. 

StevenS POST

Hello everyone,
The brain and its functionality is remarkably complicated, and endlessly fascinating. New discoveries are being made every day by neuroscientists, discoveries that provide deeper insight into neural structuring, operationalization, and ultimately human behavior.
Previously assumed conclusions have been disproven, and with new discoveries were constantly adjusting our understanding of neural processes, however so slightly. There were early assumptions about the extent to which human functionality was determined by certain areas of the brain (localization)(Galotti, 2017, p. 41). While most human operations of thinking, acting, and being arent necessarily determined by only one area of the brain, we can certainly identify particular areas of the brain that are largely responsible for certain human behaviors, and when missing or damaged, all but remove the ability of the person to carry out certain functions (Taylor).
Plasticity is the process by which the brain continually changes (within the confines of its genetic capacity) as an adaptation to experience (Galotti, 2017, p. 46). Neural networks are seemingly just waiting for the need to reach out beyond their current capacity and to accommodate for the need to process more, to make greater connections (Hannaford, 2005, p 28). It almost appears to be driven by a divine intelligence.
The theatre metaphor (Baars, 1997) provides an interesting perspective to how the conscious mind might work. In this model it appears that the senses (both inner and outer) and ideas compete for the attention of the conscious mind. This model does well in capturing how so much is happening in and around a stage, but during the performance there is really only the ability to focus on a few things consciously while observing a performance. Even less when there is a spotlight on a performer and all else is dark. It is also interesting how Baars invites the reader to read the words inchoate; Papa Doc; and infundibulum without the inner voice echoing the words as theyre read. There appears to be an inner dialogue required for the reading and comprehension of words. In this, Baars attempts to detail the complexities to the executive functioning of merely one element of the vast array of experience we have everyday, and how consciousness seeks a way through it all.
One thing that stands out from the reading from Hannaford (2005) is the idea that new nerve cells are derived from stem cells, every day. I was sure that I had learned somewhere that new nerve cells in the brain did not form, and that once you reached adulthood, and when you lost your brain cells through certain activities, that they were never to return or to be replaced. However, Hannaford does detail that under certain circumstances new brain cells can be lost, particularly under moments of stress and struggle.

Baars, B. J. (1997). In the theater of consciousness: The workspace of the mind.New York: Oxford University Press.
Galotti, K. M. (2017). Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory (6th ed.).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Hannaford, C. (2005). Smart moves: Why learning is not all in your head (2nd ed.). Salt Lake City, Utah: Great River Books.
TalkDocumentary – Jill Bolte Taylor. (2012, March 11). Retrieved from
Jill Bolte Taylor: STROKE of insight: TED TALKS: documentary,lecture,talk:
(Links to an external site.)



Discussion 3,
Similarly to last weeks discussion about the Wests relationship to the East regarding ideologies and practices of psychology, what has been the Wests relationship to Caribbean, African or Indigenous traditions related to categories such as person, suffering, health, and the good life?  How have other-than-Western traditions been silenced on these topics?


Clara  Discussion Entry

It seems one could look at the Wests relationship to Caribbean, African or Indigenous traditions related to categories such as person, suffering, health, and the good life by examining various points of reference, importantly, in view of cultural distinctions.  From the assigned reading for this week, Larsson (2017) describes aspects of Eastern and Western society that indicate relative values held over time in relation to, for example, social life.
For example, the conception of time and personal existence (Larsson, 2017, p. 67) I would argue has contributed to the proliferation and stratification of economies and industries dominated by Western linear conceptions; which may include categories of person, suffering, health, and the good life.  This distinction of conception, Larsson (2017), describes in relation to East and West, where Eastern conceptions of time and personal existence, philosophically, differ with regard to the conception of the life cycle from birth to death (e.g., considered in view of Hindu and Buddhist conception of reality).  It seems in relation to Caribbean, and African traditions the conception of time and personal existence are important to examine in relation to Western philosophy, and where harmonious relationships may be mostly difficult to find, historically (e.g., in view of colonial rule).
The distinction in our conceptions of philosophical questions seems an important area to explore when examining the Wests relationship to, Caribbean, African or Indigenous traditions/ silencing on issues.  Where additionally, values of social life (Larsson, 2017) may have also determined the extent to which the West has adopted healing traditions, and when traditions have been silenced on such topics.
However, despite the implications of relative values held by societies, it seems important to suggest the implications of transmission of healing practices, inter-culturally.  Where Larsson (2017) argues that the movement and interaction of people (e.g., tourism or immigration) may encourage us to adapt at the inter-cultural level, which would seem to involve the transmission of practices to varying extents.
Larsson, P. (2017). Psychological healing: Historical and philosophical foundations of professional psychology. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.

Can marijuana make it better? Prospective effects of marijuana and temperament on risk for anxiety and depression.

Answer these questions by reading the article attached.

What is the title of the article (in APA format)?
What is the purpose of the article? (Addresses critical elements I-A through I-C.)
What is the hypothesis of the study? In other words, what claims do the authors make in the article? What are the outcomes of the study, that is, the
conclusions that the authors made as a result of the study? (Addresses critical elements I-A through I-D.)
What variables (factors) are being looked at as an influence on abnormal behavior?” (Addresses critical elements I-A through I-D.)
If these variables or the relationship between these variables have been studied before, what have other studies found? This shows historical
significance. (Addresses critical elements I-C and I-H.)
Describe the research design that was used in the study. (Addresses critical elements I-E and I-F.)
Do you think the research in this article was conducted in an ethical manner? Why or why not?

Wellness Strategies Brochure and Reflection


Imagine the agency you created in Topic 4 to provide mental health services for individuals suffering from mood disorders is expanding to reach out to the community by educating citizens about wellness strategies. In order to get the word out about your new services, create a brochure that does the following:
Identify life events that might motivate an individual to seek wellness services.
Develop a mission statement for the clinic.
Provide an overview of services offered.
Describe an itinerary for two days of treatment.
Explain how assessments will be utilized at the clinic.
Use a brochure format of your choice that is appealing to your target audience. (graphics and color are encouraged). You do not need to submit the brochure to TurnItIn.
In a separate document, write a 250-500 word reflection that does the following:
Who will be your key audience/target population?  Examples include clients with mood disorders and their families, age groups, or cultural backgrounds.
Why did you select these methods for your agency?
Describe your rationale for why this information is useful in the brochure.
Describe your rationale as to why you designed the brochure the way you did (e.g., photos, key focus areas).
Use at least two scholarly sources to substantiate your rationale. The sources and reflection should be in APA format.

The Impact of Online Graduate Students Motivation and Self- Regulation on Academic Procrastination

After reviewing the following instructions, read, summarize, and critique the attached article.

In Week 1 and Week 2 students began to learn the basics of APA Style. In Week 3 students transition from learning basic APA Style formatting to learning the basics of reading and writing about scholarly research. Students will critique many articles throughout their program; therefore, the skills addressed in this assignment are important to learn.  Your ability to critique a research article will improve considerable over time as you learn more about research methods and statistics. Focus on quality by limiting unnecessary “filler” information (the stuff many freshmen do in an undergraduate program).  Be very direct, factual, logical, and clear.

Assignment Instructions:
For this assignment, include the following: 1) cover page, 2) introduction, 3) two main sections (use section headings) including a summary (e.g., background, methods, results) and an article critique (e.g., strengths, limitations), 4) a conclusion (use a section heading), and 5) a references list (separate page).

This paper should be two pages long.  Students are encouraged to review the Grading Rubric to better understand the exact criteria they will be graded on.

“Post-traumatic stress disorder

Describe the chosen research topic.
Identify three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles from the Ashford University Library that directly relate to the topic. Read each with the intent of understanding what it reflects about your topic.
Evaluate how each article relates to your topic.
Properly cite all articles within your paper. (For assistance see the Ashford Writing Centers Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.))
Upload the full text PDFs of the articles with your paper.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need help with an essay exam question. First, you must summarize arguments for and against the question that is being asked. you must define what is genetic determinism. you will need to start on page 6 of the reading to answer the question. I only need a half-page, not a whole page please make the writing simple I don’t want to struggle to try and understand what your talking about making it in laymen terms. I will upload the question and reading once I choose a writer. it is a simple question I just don’t know how to argue well. I prefer a psychology major to help me with this.

Discussion Questions

Please answer the following using 150-200 words each. Use the attached references for your information.

1.  How will you incorporate digital tools and resources into your classroom that are learner-centered, provide equitable access, and develop cultural understanding and global awareness?

2.  How does technology play a role in literacy development? How do technology, digital tools, and resources improve English language arts skills and foster students engagement in various literary and writing genres?

Use these sites for your research:

Integrating Multimedia in ELA Instruction

It is important to integrate multimedia into ELA instruction and assessments when applicable in order to enhance the instruction in order to foster active engagement in literacy and create a supportive learning environment.

For this assignment, create a 250-500 word digital brochure to give to families to highlight TWO MULTIMEDIA TOOLS that can be used to enhance literacy instruction. Your digital brochure should show how these tools would engage students in literacy and accommodate students with diverse needs.

For EACH multimedia tool, include:

Title and description
How the tool will foster students learning and active engagement with the subject matter.
How the tool creates a literate environment to engage students in high quality texts.
How the tool can be adapted to meet the diverse needs of students in order to create a supportive learning environment.
The role of family in supporting the learning activity and the use of this tool.

***Support your brochure with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

***Appropriate and thematic graphic elements are used to make visual connections that contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships. Differences in type size or color are used well and consistently.


Answering Science questions

1- What is the difference between knowledge and understanding?
2- Describe inquiry-based instruction and some advantages of it.
3- Check out the Foss website.Pick one of the lessons for a grade of your choice/interest. Explain the Foss experiment and any strengths/weaknesses you feel are apparent.
  4- Explain how likely you would be to use a Foss kit in your own classroom..