Category: Psychology and Education

Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace

Please feel free to choose whichever country you prefer.

Submit a brief paper (no more than 3 pages double-spaced), presentation, or audio/visual format to discuss details for Part 1 and 2 of the assignment
Explain what you did for your cultural experiences and what you learned
Conclude the paper or presentation with how the cultural experience and research applies to the business interactions and understanding
Be sure to highlight what you have learned from your own research, and something new your peers have shared with you and how this all ties back to I/O and the workplace

Part 1

Your supervisor wants to expand business operations to a country with which you are unfamiliar. She asks for a culture report so she doesnt make any missteps in the process of expansion. Write a brief, three-page report covering the critical differences between the unfamiliar country and the United States or your country of origin.

Choose a country or national region with which you are unfamiliar.
Research the cultural differences of this country or region.
Outline key questions or topics that should be asked/answered when learning more about another country, and how this translates to business relations.
Identify the difficulties and/or adjustments with which your supervisor must be aware of.
Discuss the potential positive outcomes for expanding the business to this country.

Part 2

Think about how engaging more directly with everyday norms, like food, of another country that could create a common ground for cross-cultural communication.

Choose one of the following:

Choose the same country or a different one of interest and/or availability and go to its ethnic grocery store. Look at how the food is presented including the ingredients with which comprise its larder. If there is no ethnic grocery store in your area, go to the ethnic aisle in your grocery store. Discuss the differences and similarities in food ingredients between what you eat on a regular basis and what is consumed by the other culture.
Instead of the previous, go to a restaurant of an unfamiliar culture or make a recipe from the Internet or library resource and share it with your family or friends. Is how it is eaten even different: are the utensils different or does the culture even use utensils? Discuss the differences and/or similarities of the dish. What were the reactions of your family and/or friends? Have some fun with this!


Research and Writing Tips:

For help getting started with research, use the Jerry Falwell Library.

For an explanation on scholarly sources and a tutorial on how to search the library, visit this link.

For APA formatting instructions and examples, visit this link.

Personal Statement – Online Counseling Program

College of Education and Human Services: This is an opportunity to highlight the experiences that distinguish you as an applicant. You should also include your reason(s) for applying to this program and your short and long term career goals. Please limit your response to 2-3 pages.


Provide a detailed outline for your research paper. Include section headings and subheadings, as well as brief descriptions of the topics you intend to address in each section.

As you complete your outline for Module 3, keep in mind that there are a number of writing resources listed on the background information pages.

MODULE ONE: Overview of Issue and Annotated Bibliography
MODULE TWO: Introduction
MODULE THREE: Detailed Outline of Paper
MODULE FOUR: Final Paper
SLP Assignment Expectations
Before submitting your work for my review, be sure to review and refine your work in accordance with the following expectations:

Does your outline give a sufficiently detailed overview of the extent and manner in which your paper will be addressing the issue you chose and the related research question(s)?
Does your outline reflect college level writing skills/abilities?


Module 3 – Case
Case Assignment
In this Case Assignment, examine the situation and answer the questions below:

Andrew is a 32-year-old married man. He has a very demanding, high-stress job as a junior partner in a large law firm. He has always been a high achiever. He graduated with top honors in both college and law school. He has very high standards for himself and can be very self-critical when he fails to meet them.

Lately, he has struggled with significant feelings of worthlessness and shame due to his inability to perform as well as he always has in the past. Andrew has felt unusually fatigued and found it increasingly difficult to concentrate at work in the past few weeks. His coworkers have noticed that he is often irritable and withdrawn, which is quite different from his typically upbeat and friendly disposition. He has called in sick on several occasions, which is completely unlike him. On those days he stays in bed all day, watching TV or sleeping.

At home, Andrews wife has noticed changes as well. Hes shown little interest in intimacy and has had difficulties falling asleep at night. His insomnia has been keeping her awake as he tosses and turns for an hour or two after they go to bed. Hes overheard her having frequent tearful phone conversations with his mother and his grandmother, both of whom have struggled with depression throughout their lives. When she tries to get him to open up about whats bothering him, he pushes her away with an abrupt everythings fine.

Although he hasnt ever considered suicide, Andrew has found himself increasingly dissatisfied with his life. Hes been having frequent thoughts of wishing he was dead. He gets frustrated with himself because he feels like he has every reason to be happy, yet cant seem to shake the sense of doom and gloom that has been clouding each day as of late.

Prepare a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following questions:

Does Andrew meet the criteria for suffering major depression? Be sure to support your answers.
Describe what the biopsychosocial model would say about the cause of his struggle, applying the information you were given in the scenario.
Andrews family is concerned with the stigma that is attached to mental illness. How might you approach a situation in which someone you know might need psychological counseling?
Briefly describe what treatments might be effective in helping him overcome his disorder.
Assignment Expectations
Use a minimum of three scholarly references in support of your ideas for this submission. Be sure to review the background materials. This submission should be 3-4 pages long and should be submitted to the Case 3 dropbox after completion.

bonus question at the end of assignment with title (bonus question)

What are some coping methods for dealing with stress? What works best for you and why? Be sure to comment on a classmate’s post as well.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The first 30 pages of the text are what is required for this paper.

You may choose to read or review the following as well

Neal, M., Weeks, G., & DeBattista, J. (2014). Locus of control: A construct that warrants more consideration in the practice of couple therapy. The Family Journal, 22(2), 141147.
Sue, D. W. (1978). Eliminating cultural oppression in counseling. Toward a general theory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 25(5), 419428.

Solve an Ethical Organizational Dilemma

For this task, consider you are facing an ethical dilemma at a company where you are in a position of an I/O psychologist.  Create a transcript for a mock podcast where you would address people working in a specific organization that is working to improve their organizational working climate. In your transcript of your mock podcast, be sure to address the following questions:

How can I be honest with this client and thus not jeopardize my values of openness and honesty?
How can I be helpful to this client?
How much do I know about quality improvement processes?
How do I satisfy the requirements of my employer?
What obligations do I have?
Whos going to know if I do or dont have the credentials to perform this work?
What if I fail?

Your transcript should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to the topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be careful to adhere to Northcentrals Academic Integrity Policy.


Essay 1

Write an essay for the prompt below. It must be at least 500 words. You must support your assertions with at least 3 citations in current APA format. Use the course textbook, scholarly articles and the Bible as sources.  Please include a title page and reference page. Textbook is Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity by David Entwistle

Topic: Epistemology

Define epistemology and describe the 3 models of how certain we are that our perceptions mirror reality. Which position do you hold, and why? What are the different methods of knowing (see Entwistle chapter 5)? What are the limitations of these (or any) methods of knowing? What methods of knowing are appropriate for Christians, and why?


Inferential Statistics to Analyze Data

In Assessment 1, you documented typical responses to your survey, along with your question formulations. You did not know it at the time, but you were hypothesizing about the future survey results. Now that you have survey data, you can go back and apply the tools of inferential statistics to test your hypotheses.

For this assessment, analyze data using inferential statistics for your previously defined survey questions. Before you begin your analysis, note the following:

Use the population proportions for questions 14 and the population means for questions 56. The sample statistics were calculated for each survey question in Assessment 2. Use this prior work to help complete this assessment. Keep in mind that you have already calculated the sample proportions for questions 14 as well as the sample means and standard deviations for questions 56.
Use the Inferential Statistics to Analyze Data Template located in the Resources under the Required Resources heading. The template has two pages. Be sure to review each one carefully. The first page is the blank template that you will complete, and the second page is a completed example. Almost every type of situation is shown, so try to model your results after the ones shown.
Calculate a 95% confidence interval for each of your survey questions (16). Your final product should have six confidence intervals.
Perform a hypothesis test for each survey question (16). Your final product should have six hypothesis tests.
When determining the two hypotheses for each question, how do you know what to compare the population parameter to? Honestly, we do not know, but we can make an educated guess. First, since we have sample proportions and means to consider, remember that the sample statistics always support the alternative hypothesis. Why? Hypothesis testing always tries to reject the null hypothesis; thus, we must have some evidence (the sample statistics) that the alternative is correct. Outside of this requirement, feel free to use any logical value in your hypothesis test.

A few notes, however:

We always think the alternative hypothesis is correct! This means the sample statistics (the sample proportion or mean) support the alternative hypothesis.
You probably want to write the alternative hypothesis first. Then, the null hypothesis is just the opposite of the alternative.
The two hypotheses must be the exact opposites of each other. We cannot put one value for the null and another for the alternative; that simply is not logical.
For questions 14, we are using the sample proportion to estimate the population proportion. For questions 56, we are using the sample mean to estimate the population mean. Thus, we use different formulas for their confidence intervals and for their test statistics in the hypothesis tests.

Week 4 Reading Response Memo

After reading and listening to the selections on charter schools, please respond to the following questions completely:

i) what is the strongest argument in favor of a substantial number of charter schools of a school district?

i) what is the strongest argument against having a substantial number of charter schools of a school district?