Category: Psychology and Education

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. How do modern historical conditions allow for the emergence of a psychological subject?  Aspart of your answer consider the following questions:  How does the modern subject differfrom the ancient one?  How did modern socio-historical trends i.e., in philosophy, commerce,and in religious, family, and everyday  life create a modern human subject suitable forpsychological science?  In your answer, make sure to address Charles Taylors understanding of the making of the modern identity.  (long essay)

2. Historically trace the early naturalization of the human mind in philosophy, medicine and the emergent discipline of psychology. As part of your answer address the following: The Cartesian mind/body divide, Kants challenge, the  roles of mechanism and brain localization,  the significance of psychophysics,  the importance of Wundts laboratory and research, the achievement of behaviorism (see Watsons text), and the continuing role of Darwinian thought. (long essay)

Make sure to fully answer both questions and have well developed ideas and organized paragraphs.

New Literacies

Discussion #3
Topic:  New Literacies
Read Chapter 2 of the text.  The authors indicate that new literacies are transforming how we teach content.  Students are considered “digital natives” while many teachers are considered “digital immigrants.”  How familiar are you with the suggested multimodal learning strategies and applications described throughout this chapter?  Provide examples of those you have used and those for which you were less familiar.  What challenges do we face as we integrate and assess more learning opportunities with new literacies? 
PowerPoint of Chapter 2:  Vacca CAR 11e PPT_Unit 02 REV.ppt
Vacca CAR 11e PPT_Unit 02 edd-1.ppt   
I encourage you to read and watch the video found at (Links to an external site.)

to see how to use Socratic questioning with Twitter.  You may comment on that as well.

Learning Theories

A learning theory provides a framework for how individuals learn. In turn, teachers design instruction based on the learning theory, so that all students are able to learn effectively. There are many popular learning theories, such as social constructivism, behaviorism, connectivism, and cognitive learning theories.

When learning theories are successfully implemented, teachers are able to develop useful methods that support students as they advance their learning, as well as address student strengths and needs and provide opportunities to demonstrate understanding in various ways. Teaching methods, then, are the specific approaches teachers utilize to actualize learning theories and bring them to life in the classroom.

Complete the Learning Theories Template” based on four of the most prominent instructional theories.

Support your work with 3-5 scholarly resources

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Organizational Issue Improvement Proposal

ISSUE: Veteran Services / St John’s University

In order to facilitate development and thinking of your organizational change and improvement, students will submit a two to three (2-3) page proposal memo that defines a particular institutional issue and begins to describe what improvement looks like for that issue at your selected institution.  The institution can be your current place of employment (if postsecondary) or any postsecondary institution of your choosing.  The memo should follow traditional conventions of writing a workplace memo and follow APA guidelines for citing when necessary.

By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
Institution Release Statement
Instructors may use a range of strategies (including plagiarism-prevention software at the university) to compare student works with private and public information resources in order to identify possible plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Comparisons of student works may require submitting a copy of the original work to the plagiarism-prevention service. The service may retain that copy in some circumstances. Academic units or programs may establish a more rigorous standard of review or consent, which will be noted in the relevant guidelines.

child and family policy

read the article and answer two questions, 275+words each! please not in essay

For these assignments, answer the questions to the best of your ability. Full points are given for answers that are complete AND demonstrate your full grasp of the material. Avoid using the exact same contents from the article to answer the questions. Instead, rephrase the contents and answer completely and succinctly, if possible. Your answers DO NOT need to be long (NO ESSAYS PLEASE). Your answers to this assignment will be confidential.

Organizational Issue Improvement Proposal

In order to facilitate development and thinking of your organizational change and improvement, students will submit a two to three (2-3) page proposal memo that defines a particular institutional issue and begins to describe what improvement looks like for that issue at your selected institution.  The institution can be your current place of employment (if postsecondary) or any postsecondary institution of your choosing.  The memo should follow traditional conventions of writing a workplace memo and follow APA guidelines for citing when necessary.

By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
Institution Release Statement
Instructors may use a range of strategies (including plagiarism-prevention software at the university) to compare student works with private and public information resources in order to identify possible plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Comparisons of student works may require submitting a copy of the original work to the plagiarism-prevention service. The service may retain that copy in some circumstances. Academic units or programs may establish a more rigorous standard of review or consent, which will be noted in the relevant guidelines.

do notneed it

I just need my homework done for Psychology – only 3 paragraphs
Collect your thoughts and ideas and write about 3 paragraphs that address the option you selected. If you use any outside references, textbook included, make you note that in your response.
Option 2

This option covers the vast array of genetic influence as well as the idea of nature vs nurture, genes vs environment, as well as epigenetics and how the environment influences the expression of genes.    Can two people with identical genes ( genotype) have different  gene expression ( phenotype)?  Do you know identical twins or are you an identical twin? Do you see differences between the individuals?  How do you understand the relationship and complexity between the recessive, dominant and multifactorial form of inheritance?  How about the idea that Identical twins raised in different environments still have some similarities yet have some differences?

do not need it

I just need my homework done for Psychology – only 3 paragraphs
Collect your thoughts and ideas and write about 3 paragraphs that address the option you selected. If you use any outside references, textbook included, make you note that in your response.
Option 2

This option covers the vast array of genetic influence as well as the idea of nature vs nurture, genes vs environment, as well as epigenetics and how the environment influences the expression of genes.    Can two people with identical genes ( genotype) have different  gene expression ( phenotype)?  Do you know identical twins or are you an identical twin? Do you see differences between the individuals?  How do you understand the relationship and complexity between the recessive, dominant and multifactorial form of inheritance?  How about the idea that Identical twins raised in different environments still have some similarities yet have some differences? 

Midterm paper

Select a cultural group and write a literature review examining one of their rituals. Be sure to discuss the similari5es and differences between that cultures ritual and a ritual within your own culture. Finally, discuss your perspec5ves about these rituals in terms of universality.

Agents of Socialization: Assessment of trends related to the family

Project 1.  E-Book Essay on a topic of your choosing from the textbook
Each student will select a topic ( Please research your topic and gather several references (at least five references).
1. Use the MLA writing guidelines from the lecture-I will attach these here as a course document.
2. The written page will comprise a Title Page with your name, section, time of class and Student Code Number, the Body of the Text and References Any Tables/Figures should be placed at the end in an Appendix. Place a notation in the text where these should appear such as  ‘Insert Table 1 Here’
3. The body of the text should be at least four but not more than six pages of content.
4. Use Bold Type 14 point Font for the Title and Sub-Headings (Sub-headings help us organize our content) Use Times New Roman style
5. The text (1000-1500 words) should be cast in Time New Roman 12 point Font and Double-spaced.
6. Place references at the end of the paper in alphabetical order.
7. Use 1 inch margins all around the paper.