Category: Psychology and Education

Losing a Client to Suicide: Self-Reflection

explore the incredible challenges that arise when someone attempts suicide, and even more challenging, if a client dies by suicide. For the first part of the paper, describe how you would apply what you have learned about grief counseling to a client whose family member, partner, or close friend of someone who has died by suicide. Incorporate scholarly resources in your assignment of how you would begin counseling with the client, what interventions you would utilize, and what ethical and cultural considerations would be applicable.

In the second part of the assignment, you will put yourself in the position of being a counselor who has lost a client to suicide. Based on your own insights and self-reflection, discuss the impact this loss would have on you as a counselor and person. What do you expect your primary and secondary emotions might be? How would you handle working with your other clients? How would you reach out for support, to whom you would reach out (people and organizations), and what might get in the way of you doing so? Finally, include a paragraph on what you can do from this point forward to help yourself to prepare for this devastating occurrence (e.g. training, supervision, self-care). Please note, this paper will likely be quite challenging to write and may bring up difficult emotions and reactions. Please be mindful of these reactions and intentional about your self-care practices while completing this assignment.

Lifespan Development

focus on the questions about development the research from the attached article answered or raised for you; you may also want to comment on the methodology and potential application of the research described, but the focus will be on what you thought about as you read the articles. Did the studies help you understand something better or confuse you? Did they explain a situation you experienced? What questions did you want to ask the researchers who conducted the studies?
use 2 scholarly sources & include title and reference page

Lifespan Development

focus on the questions about development the research from the attached article answered or raised for you; you may also want to comment on the methodology and potential application of the research described, but the focus will be on what you thought about as you read the articles. Did the studies help you understand something better or confuse you? Did they explain a situation you experienced? What questions did you want to ask the researchers who conducted the studies?
use 2 scholarly sources & include title and reference page

Grief Movie

Watch a movie that highlights a character who is dying or has died.
and identify:
(1) who is in experiencing grief or bereavement (there may be more than one, but highlight the primary one)
(2) what are the traditions, attitudes, beliefs, and understandings about the loss expressed in the film
(3) describe the course of the grief
(4) the impact the grief or bereavement had on the individual/group/family
(5) identify potential resources needed
(6) discuss the persons attempt at coping with the grief or bereavement (whether effective or not)
(7) identify potential issues that the grieving person might need to address in counseling, or with other professionals and why. Some latitude will be given for interpretation, as this is just a hypothetical situation and an opinion of how you might proceed as a professional.

Child Psychopathology Case Study

After you read the case study, answer the questions below. Please clearly number each question and submit your answers as a word document. The goal of the assignment is to demonstrate that you can apply knowledge from class to the case study, so you should use concepts from your text and class notes to support your answers. Make sure to cite only your notes and text using APA format, and include a reference page.

1. How does Neesha’s case demonstrate the concepts of risk and resilience? Discuss at least two specific examples of risk factors and at least two specific examples of resilience factors.

2. Identify factors of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory that are illustrated in Neesha’s case.

3. How do Neesha and her brother, Tyrone, demonstrate the concept of multifinality? What factors may be contributing to the differences in their behavior?


Research the American civil rights leader Dolores Huerta Address the following:
1.    Provide a short summary of your civil rights leaders biography. Include their birth and death dates, state(s) of residence, major accomplishments, etc.
2.    State the influence or implications of your leader’s impact, prominence, and life’s work for educators:

3.    The ability to lead positive change is dependent on ones organizational position and hierarchy.
Based on your selected person (Dolores Huerta), do you believe this statement to be true or false? Briefly explain.

4.    Identify the primary frame (Bolman & Deal, 2017) your civil rights leader may have worked from. Please consider all four frames in your response. Did your civil rights leader seem to operate more from a structural, human resource, political, or symbolic frame? Explain your reasoning.

In the long run, how did this orientation seem to help or hinder the persons ability to institute change? Explain.
Give one example of how reframing (e.g., viewing situations from multiple perspectives) might have helped the organizational change efforts of the key character in your selection.

5.    Based on your selection:
What does it take to make fundamental and lasting change?
What do you think are identifiable conditions that distinguish successful change efforts from unsuccessful ones?

6.    If you were serving as a consultant to Dolores Huerta,
What three fundamental elements of advice from your review of organizational theory or your text readings would you provide for his or her success or continued success?
Based on theory and readings, what would you tell them they are doing right and what would you tell them they are doing wrong? Explain.

websites provided on the PDF American civil rights leaders (Dolores Huerta)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

my topic is depression and then write a essay, and include those question.

First, what is your topic? Why are you personally interested in the topic? What do you hope to learn through the process of researching and writing this paper? What is the lens through which you will view development across the lifespan?  For this example a student has chosen to write about the impact of having dyslexia.  An introduction is needed that acquaints the reader with what dyslexia is, how and why it develops.  Thinking developmentally – at what age is dyslexia usually identified?  Is there a benefit to earlier diagnosis? What is the lifetime progression of dyslexia?  Does it get better? Worse?  What kind of intervention is helpful, and at what life stage?


1) You need to teach a student to tie her shoelaces.  Describe how you would program for generalization 

2) Provide 1 example of stimulus generalization, related to one of your learner’s and one example not related to a learner

3) Provide 1 example of response generalization, related to one of your learner’s and one example not related to a learner


Develop a contract – one for yourself or one for one of your learners.  You pick the desired behavior to target.  Ensure all of the necessary components are in the contract. If you do not know what is included in a contract, look it up in a resource and speak with your supervisor.


answer: 3. Discuss the “popular” image of psychology from the perspective of your own observations as well as from those noted by Benjamin (1986), and from things we talked about in class. Address the following questions: (a) Do the media present psychology more as a science or more as a form of common sense? (b) Do the media present the diverse fields of psychology or only a few? (If only a few, which are overrepresented and which are underrepresented?) (c) Do the media rely more on psychologists or self-proclaimed experts for information? (d) Do the media present psychological information more in a sober manner or in a sensationalistic manner?