Category: Psychology and Education


Find a peer reviewed research article that is a casestudy. Focus on the introduction and methods sections of the article. Describe what information was collectd to conduct the case study. Were there other pieces of information you feel could have helped the study and why? Why you choose this case study. Cite references


A.The Service Profit chain is important to organizations. The real bottom line of any organization is the creation of customer value, which means pleasing customers as the bottom line. Research and describe the Service Profit chain and discuss if you agree or disagree and why. How does a focus on the service profit chain aid in the development of customer vslue and a customer service culture.

B. Describe what you have learned about Custmer Service in a local supermarket. cite references. APA guidlines for refence

Critical Response

Write at least 1 full page, 5 points

4 points – Accurately and thoughtfully identifies articles key arguments or ideas using YOUR OWN words. This is not a summary of the article. Writes clearly and uses specific examples. Concludes by answering any of the following: *What do you think about the ideas presented in the reading? *How does this relate to your life and/or schooling experiences? *What questions do you have
1 points – Uses correct APA format to reference quotes, page numbers, and ideas from the readings.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a topic you would be interested in researching. (Ex: bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc).

In your initial post, provide some background information that shows why this is an important topic to be explored further. Apply the scientific method by identifying one or more appropriate research areas of psychology that your topic might align to (for example, a study about treatment for bipolar disorder would align with clinical psychology, or a study of relationships in which one party is bipolar could come under social psychology). Does it fit into more than one? If so, which do you feel is the closest fit, and why?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a topic you would be interested in researching. (Ex: bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc).

In your initial post, provide some background information that shows why this is an important topic to be explored further. Apply the scientific method by identifying one or more appropriate research areas of psychology that your topic might align to (for example, a study about treatment for bipolar disorder would align with clinical psychology, or a study of relationships in which one party is bipolar could come under social psychology). Does it fit into more than one? If so, which do you feel is the closest fit, and why?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a topic you would be interested in researching. (Ex: bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc).

In your initial post, provide some background information that shows why this is an important topic to be explored further. Apply the scientific method by identifying one or more appropriate research areas of psychology that your topic might align to (for example, a study about treatment for bipolar disorder would align with clinical psychology, or a study of relationships in which one party is bipolar could come under social psychology). Does it fit into more than one? If so, which do you feel is the closest fit, and why?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a topic you would be interested in researching. (Ex: bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc).

In your initial post, provide some background information that shows why this is an important topic to be explored further. Apply the scientific method by identifying one or more appropriate research areas of psychology that your topic might align to (for example, a study about treatment for bipolar disorder would align with clinical psychology, or a study of relationships in which one party is bipolar could come under social psychology). Does it fit into more than one? If so, which do you feel is the closest fit, and why?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a topic you would be interested in researching. (Ex: bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc).

In your initial post, provide some background information that shows why this is an important topic to be explored further. Apply the scientific method by identifying one or more appropriate research areas of psychology that your topic might align to (for example, a study about treatment for bipolar disorder would align with clinical psychology, or a study of relationships in which one party is bipolar could come under social psychology). Does it fit into more than one? If so, which do you feel is the closest fit, and why?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a topic you would be interested in researching. (Ex: bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc).

In your initial post, provide some background information that shows why this is an important topic to be explored further. Apply the scientific method by identifying one or more appropriate research areas of psychology that your topic might align to (for example, a study about treatment for bipolar disorder would align with clinical psychology, or a study of relationships in which one party is bipolar could come under social psychology). Does it fit into more than one? If so, which do you feel is the closest fit, and why?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a topic you would be interested in researching. (Ex: bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc).

In your initial post, provide some background information that shows why this is an important topic to be explored further. Apply the scientific method by identifying one or more appropriate research areas of psychology that your topic might align to (for example, a study about treatment for bipolar disorder would align with clinical psychology, or a study of relationships in which one party is bipolar could come under social psychology). Does it fit into more than one? If so, which do you feel is the closest fit, and why?