Category: Psychology and Education

Child Observation Assignment

First, you need to read the assignment, then analyze part 3 observation notes.  In part 3, you must identify 3 of Brandon Chvezs strengths and write the evidences, in part 4  for example on strengths is fine motor skill he able to hold the cars and hold toy box Then write the 3 Brandon Chvezs strengths in 4. Analysis of Data.  In part 5 you need to write the teaching Implications in Based on the strengths.

Science questions

1) How do you view your approach to instruction in science education?
2) What is the most important aspect of the objectives you write for your classroom?
3) What aspects of classroom management for science are you most concerned about?

Please identify which question is which?

christian counseling

Friedman’s Theory of Self-Differentiation (video less than 7min)

After watching the video, please post you reflections here.
What do you think about this perspective on leadership? Where might you disagree? Agree? What are contested narratives in your own life, or in the church? That is, where might this prove difficult for you or for church (and other) contexts?

Behaviorism or Behavioral Theory

Must be an original work. This is a 2 part paper and must use at least 4 references.

Part 1: My Theory of Counseling
Part ll: My Journey to Self-Insight and Personal Growth

Part 1:

Discuss how you could use behavioral theory in your work and life.
Include a bit about the history of this theory including the major theorists.

Part Il:

Describe what events in your own life have brought you to your own self-insights and personal growth.
Explain how you intend to continue developing your own personal growth.


Assignment #1: Schemas. Visit and find a product that is of interest to you. Read two conflicting reviews for the product.
1) Describe the schema you might form about the product after reading the first review.
2) Describe the schema you might form about that same product after reading the second review.
3) Do you think that the person who wrote the first review would change his/her opinion if he/she read the second review?
4) What problems can arise when schemas are used?
5) Do you think reviews on sites like Amazon influence peoples perceptions? If so, how?

Provide the URL for the product from which you are obtaining the reviews. Submit your assignment (with your responses and the URL of the reviews) via E-campus by typing your assignment into the Submission textbox (or pasting it from a word document into the textbox. You assignment should be approximately 2-3 pages, typed and double spaced (not including reviews or references).

Cognitive Development Issues

First identify what is going on at this stage of cognitive development. Be specific.  Now look around and identify how we entertain and teach our children between 2 and 6.  What tools and activities are we actually using with children at this age? How does this fit with what is appropriate? If you were tasked with creating books, reading material, toys, activities, games and entertainment for this age range what would you create?  In your responses, how do you respond to the fact that the parents who work in silicon valley and the tech industry prohibit their children or highly monitor their children’s screen time? What’s that all about?  Please note- not all questions need to be addressed in your initial post. Feel free to address some of the questions in your follow up posts.

article for silicon valley question:

cultural differences in development between birth and two years of age

This assignment is intended to be relatively short written submissions allow you to collect your thoughts on a particular topic and practice critical thinking.

    Identify the cultural differences in development between birth and two years of age ( walking, talking, parenting styles).  What are the differences you identified in the text, videos or other resources you are referencing?  How does the concept of milestones apply to this? Why do you think these differences exist? What do you think about the entire idea that culture influences development?

Optimal Parenting and The Effect of Time

Optimal Parenting and The Effect of Time
Homework – 1 page
Understanding the concepts of attachment, bonding, and social bonds with caregivers, parents, family.  Think about parenting and discuss what makes a great parent or caregiver. What makes a great parent? Include your reactions to the video clips on Gopnicks video as well as the still faced experiment.  How were you parented?



Find a peer review research article related to your propsed research queation that uses ecxperimental research methods. Please discuss in detail their methods and how that is experimental. What groups/levels did they use? Was there random assignments and how did they accomplish that? Hou would this article help you develop yout proposed research study as an experimental study? cite references


Find a peer rewiewed research article that uses survey research. Focus on the introduction and methods sections of the aeticle. Describe what information was collected to conduct the case study. Were there other pieces of information you feel could have helped their study? How? Reason why you chose this case study? Cite references