Category: Psychology and Education

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. To what extent, if at all, do social, emotional, and cognitive skills define the parameters of the special population spectrum in the 21st century global environment? Justify and and support your view with citations from the current empirical research.

2. Does a global awareness of special populations influence universal teaching strategies? Why or why not? Justify your position with support from the empirical research.


1. Sinclair, J., Hansen, S. G., Machalicek, W., Knowles, C., Hiran, K. A., Dolata, J.,…Murray, C. (2018). A 16-year review of participant diversity in intervention research across a selection of 12 special education journals. Exceptional Children,84(3), 312-329.

2. Barnard-Brak, L., Johnsen, S. K., Hannig, A. P., & Wei, T. (2015). The incidence of potentially gifted students within a special education population. Roeper Review, 37(2), 7483.

3. Paniagua, A. (2017). The intersection of cultural diversity and special education in Catalonia: The subtle production of exclusion through classroom routines. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 48(2), 141-158.

4. Caputo, A. (2017). Where do the students come from? Possible teaching strategies to address the culture gap in the classroom. Ohio Social Studies Review, 54(2), 7-12.

5. Obura Ogange, B., Agak, J. O., Odhiambo Okelo, K., & Kiprotich, P. (2018). Student perceptions of the effectiveness of formative assessment in an online learning environment. Open Praxis, 10(1), 2939.

6. Chakowa, J. (2018). Enhancing beginners’ second language learning through an informal online environment. Journal of Educators Online, 15(1), 1-14.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In support of your academic success, Abstracts are required on each of your papers. Your Abstract needs to identify specific changes you have made in your paper based upon your previous paper and your professors reviews. For this paper, please use the review of one of your papers from another course. Your Abstract needs to be comprised of 150 to 200 words and placed at the beginning of your paper.

Please write a thesis statement in the introduction and restate the thesis statement in the conclusion.This paper needs to be presented in active voice. For additional information and clarification, please review page 77 of the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the APA for additional information and clarification

This assignment requires 4 additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and  in-text citation from each source be included. Please include the pages when citing the resources.

Cultural diversity has implications beyond basic understanding of and respect for other cultures. Today, teacher leaders must engage with the analysis and synthesis of the elements of cultural diversity to develop global competency. Further, this engagement must include the elements of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural sensitivity, and cultural action. In addition, global awareness of special populations includes a multitude of distinct circumstances and environmental parameters that expand the traditional brick and mortar classroom/student definition. To effectively reach these populations, teacher leaders must re-conceptualize the nature of these populations leading to revised teaching strategies. In this assignment, you will discuss cultural diversity and its influence on teaching strategies.

Write a paper (1,100-1,500 words) in which you discuss cultural diversity and its influence on teaching strategies. Address the following themes with support from the extant literature:

The nature of global competency. How do teacher leaders analyze and synthesize the elements of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural sensitivity, cultural action, and cultural diversity to develop the notion of global competency?
The nature of special populations in the global educational environment. How and to what extent do teacher leaders re-conceptualize their understanding of the nature of special populations given the global educational environment? How and to what extent does the classroom/student relationship change when examined in the global educational environment? What are the ethical implications of this re-conceptualizing?
The influence of global competency and special populations on teaching strategies. How and to what extent do teacher leaders reflect upon and revise teaching strategies in consideration of the global educational environment? (Benchmarks C4.1: Suggest methods of teaching and learning for culturally diverse recipients.)

temperament/growth of knowledge/piaget’s theory

*developmental psychology

description of assignment is located in attachments. this is a 2 part written discussion.

*link for video. it’s called the growth of knowledge: crash course psychology #18 (copy and paste link in browser)–ok

*name of textbook for chapter reading is ” THE DEVELOPING PERSON THROUGH THE LIFESPAN 10TH EDITION” -BERGER (instructions listed in attachment.)

this professor is very precise with her instructions so please follow it exactly the way she has it written.

if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me and I will reply as soon as possible. thanks.

IRB: Tools for Success

Page 1

What do you believe are the most significant ethical considerations you must address in your research proposal? Why? Since a research proposal must be completed prior to conducting the research, how can a researcher assure the information presented in a proposal regarding the ethical treatment of human subjects is accurate? Explain. In what ways does the APA Code of Ethics help to address the ethical issues that arise in a research proposal?

Page 2

Consider Chapters 4 and 5 of the Vangilder (qualitative) and Wigton (quantitative) dissertations (will provide after writer selection). What general observations did you make regarding the structures of these chapters? How might you apply these observations to your intended dissertation study? Explain

Please TWO peer-reviewed references within the five years of publishing per page (no internet articles, books or textbooks!)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In your opinion, how common are hidden biases, and how important are they compared with other biases?

Based on this weeks readings, what evidence do we know from social psychology research about IATs? Based on this evidence, how much weight should we put into these tests? How valuable are they, and for what purposes?

Assignment 3 Draft an academic paper (34 pages) that applies psychological theories and research findings to practical, real-world issues or problems.

Choose one scenario from given 4 scenarios in the assignment instructions file and write on it. I have attached paper template as well as example. Please see the instructions carefully to write the good paper. I also attached the checklist so please complete the checklist file as well and attach when you complete this assignment.

Assignment 2 Create a PowerPoint (1214 slides) to present your application of developmental theory to a case study that you have selected and analyzed.

Review the attached case studies After you have reviewed the two case studies, select one to analyze, either Thomas or Imani.
Human Development Case Studies.
Next, imagine that you are a caseworker or any other psychology professional gathering information from a client represented by either Thomas or Imani. Based on the information presented, consider the developmental challenges the person is facing. Then identify at least two developmental theories (such as attachment, cognitive development, moral development, psychosocial development, et cetera), and apply the theories to understand the person in the scenario.
While it is not possible to fully understand the person in the scenario based on the limited information provided, there are a number of developmental theories that can provide context and offer a possible framework for understanding the person’s attitudes and behaviors.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

My annotated bibliography is due Sunday. I need to have 3 resources that I will be using for my research paper which is due is 3-4 weeks. I’ve included the instructions for both the annotated bibliography and the research paper. I’m doing my research paper on OPTION 4: INCLUSION. Please read both attached files before doing the annotated bibliography. If more information is needed or new further instructions on the assignment please let me know ASAP.

Genetics, Environmental Factors, Behavior

Discuss how genetics and environmental factors account for individual differences in behavior.
Keep it concise
Double spaced, 12 ft
Organize essay, with right information
Make sense of the processes, topics
Answer the HOW
Use biology language, dont use too much description
Address mechanisms and underlying causes
No works cited if only on lecture, but can use outside resources

Walking Meditation

This practice can be done at any time and in any space. This exercise is particularly useful as a way to bridge the gap between sitting, still mindfulness practice and how we live our lives, in motion. When practicing mindful walking, the point is not to get anywhere, but instead to pay attention and notice each step one takes. The outcome is not so important as the process of moving through space and being aware of the activity we are participating in.

First Attempt

In preparation to walk mindfully, you may want to find a “lane” to walk back and forth in; this path should be unobstructed and only needs to be about 10 feet maximum. You will walk to the end of your path, turn around, and return to your starting point, and repeat. The object is not to get anywhere, but instead to practice being mindful while in movement.

Once you have found your path, take a moment to establish a mindful posture, back straight with shoulders relaxed, facing forward, feet making contact with the floor, hands resting easily at your sides or together near your belly. Let your eyes gently close for a moment and take one or two mindful breaths. Notice the breath come in and leave, paying attention to the sensation of breathing.

When you are ready and feel grounded in the present moment, begin to walk. You may walk at whatever pace you wish. Some people may take a considerable time to cover the distance. Pay attention to what the ground feels like beneath your feet. You can use a mantra to gain a walking rhythm, “heel, ball, toe” or “lift, move, place.” If you notice your mind has wandered from the breath or the feeling of walking, congratulate yourself for noticing, and then gently place your attention back onto the breath or the sensations of walking.

As your mind wanders, which it surely has or will, notice that it has wandered, and maybe note what it’s wandered to (e.g., planning, anxiety, boredom, what happened previous to this), and then ask your mind if it would return to the present, becoming aware again of the breath or your feet contacting the floor.

Remember, the idea is not to get anywhere, but to simply be walking, to know what it is to walk, to investigate and be curious about this activity.

Notice the sensations of walking such as the weight placed on one foot as the other is lifted, the shift in balance, and the pressure placed on different sections of the foot.

The breath is always available as an anchor to the present. If you find your mind wandering a lot while paying attention to walking, see if you can just stay with the breath for the next few moments.

Second Attempt

The next time you attempt the walking meditation, find a safe outdoor location to take a brief 10-15 minute walk. Instead of walking back and forth on a short path, extend your walk to a loop or trail where you slowly walk in a pleasant outdoor setting. Again, the goal is just to appreciate moving your body in an environment and to focus as much as possible on the act of walking. During this 2nd attempt you might spend time focusing on sounds in the environment, smells, or other visual stimuli.

For this assignment, please complete the following:

Write a written reflection in Microsoft Word or another program, and save and attach the file as a Microsoft Word or pdf document.
Address some of the following questions in your paper:
What did you notice about the experiences?
How was this activity different from any seated/still mindfulness exercises you have done?
What barriers or negative experiences occurred?
How is this exercise related to being mindful in life?
How could you incorporate mindful walking into your day?

Student must list and describe in detail at least 5 specific components for each assignment with depth