Archive for May, 2020

Work 430


Identify an experience you had that may have been difficult to overcome and process.

Identify a scenario in the corrections environment when an inmate or offender may have experienced a similar situation.

Consider how this may trigger an emotional response for you.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper regarding this experience. Include the following:

  • Briefly describe the experience.
  • Describe how you may be emotionally affected if an inmate or offender discusses the same experience with you.
  • Describe how you would maintain professional boundaries in this situation.
  • Describe the steps you would take to maintain individual self-care.

Include a minimum of two sources. (Remember to include in-text citations in your essay for every resource you are including on your reference page. Points will be deducted if citations are not properly used.)


Create a 2-page pamphlet/brochure using the Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft PowerPoint, , or another brochure building tool. Include the following details:

  • A title.
  • Define carbohydrates and outline the basic functions of sugars, starches and fiber in the body.
  • Describe the differences between simple and complex carbohydrates, stating healthy carbohydrate sources.
  • Describe how sugars are broken down and used in the body.
  • Explain the difference between soluble and insoluble fibers, stating how the difference can be applied to food selection and consumption so as to improve health.
  • Include Information on one of the following disorders related to carbohydrates: lactose intolerance, diabetes, or hypoglycemia.

Include a definition, how it affects the body, and some courses of action used to treat and manage the disorder.

Include a reference with citations in APA format.

Include clip art and a background image.

Asking the Right Types of Research Questions

Imagine you are applying for a job where your career goals and academic research interests will be critiqued. Develop a professional profile of research interests that lists the scientific and humanistic creativities that most interest you. Furthermore, what types of problems most interest you? Who do these problems impact, and how? Are these broad ideas that affect everyone, or are they more personally centered? Does this research impact your current career goals?

Cultural And Linguistic Competence

1. 250+ word count 

What is cultural and linguistic competence? How does this competency apply to public health? Why is this important to the practice of public health?

2. 250+ word count

Reflect on your own cultural and linguistic competence. How confident are you in your ability to address the needs of diverse communities? How do you think you could improve your level of cultural and linguistic competence? 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

*Read Banhams Los Angeles: The Architecture of the Four Ecologies, paying special attention to Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 11.

*Watch Thom Andersens Los Angeles Plays Itself (transcript posted on BB)
*You are to select a specific scene from Los Angeles Plays Itself that particularly relates to some idea mentioned in Banhams Four Ecologies or LA Plays Itself  you find interesting.
*Produce a 800-word analysis of the film scene that you find compelling and then relates this theme to Banhams assessment of Los Angeles, using critical detail. How it relates is up to you (it could reinforce Banham, or contradict, or add to his assessment). 300 words about what the book and the film talks about, and 500 should be your own thoughts about one specific scene you find interesting.
Within text, supply one quote from Banham as well as one other quote from our assigned readings for the term. Cite both fully (Last Name, Title of Book or Article, page)

T6 W2 D1

T6 W2 D1
Discussion Prompt

Select 1 diagnosis from the following list  and provide an in depth presentation on the pathophysiology of the diagnosis: Lung cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, retinoblastoma, gangrene.

Initial Post:
    Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
    Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years
    Citations need to be within 5 (Five)  years
    Context: Nursing in the USA

I Need Help With This Assignment: Assignment 3: Helping An International Friend Develop As A Team Leader. I Need It By Tomorrow 8 AM Please

Your company has just hired your foreign friend to work in a middle-management position. Since you have lived in the United States for many years, your friend believes that you understand job coaching for a traditional American company. She wants to work with you and has many questionssome of which concern the manner in which cultural nuances related to religious customs, verbal and nonverbal communication, etc. may affect leadership roles.

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

  1. Recommend whether or not your friend should insert herself as a coach from the beginning. Provide a rationale for your response.
  2. Determine two (2) conflicts that could possibly arise as a result of asking people to work on days of religious significance. Propose concrete solutions for these two (2) possible conflicts. 
  3. Determine whether or not cultural quirks could restrain the foreign manager from expressing his or her ideas readily. Provide a rationale for your response.
  4. Determine two (2) actions that you can take in order to prepare yourself and your friend to become multicultural leaders. Provide two (2) examples to support your response.
  5. Predict two (2) major conflicts that may arise out of nonverbal communication misunderstandings (e.g., words misinterpreted, hand gestures, looks, shoulder shrugs, names of objects, etc.). Suggest two (2) actions that your friend could take in order to diffuse these types of misunderstandings and thus make the workplace more harmonious. Justify your response.
  6. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine how leadership influences organizational performance.
  • Determine key leadership qualities that contribute to leadership effectiveness.
  • Determine basic approaches to resolving conflict and negotiating.
  • Write clearly and concisely about leadership strategies using proper writing mechanics.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in leadership strategies.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Click to view the grading rubric for this assignment.


Stereotypes, as we have come to understand, are assumptions that some individuals have about certain groups. Stereotypes can span across race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, and many other areas. In this discussion, we will explore one group that is often stereotyped and victimized by “othering.” 

Please watch the Disability video. This video explores the many ways we can celebrate and correct the misperceptions concerning disability. 

In your initial post, please address the following:

  • Describe an experience you had that involved someone with a disability.  This can be yourself or someone else.  How did others respond to the person with the disability? 
  • How could a video like this change that response?
  • What do you think is the hardest part of responding to a person with a disability as a person rather than as a disability?
  • What one step would you recommend to others to avoid othering those with disabilities?
  • Did this video change your core understanding of disability?
  • In your view, which created the biggest impact–the words that were spoken or the images the viewer saw?  Defend your choice. 
  • How did this video change your core understanding of stereotypes?

Developmental Psychology

Write a 950- to 1,150-word paper in which you describe changes that occur during middle childhood and adolescence concerning family and peer relationships, and how they might influence future development. Be sure to include the following items in your description:

-Evaluate the effect of functional and dysfunctional family dynamics on development (e.g., family structure, function, and shared and nonshared environments).

-Determine the positive and negative impact of peers and changes in peer relations from middle childhood to adolescence.

-Examine additional pressures faced in adolescence compared to middle childhood.

-Discuss the development of moral values from middle childhood into adolescence.

-Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.

Format paper consistent with APA guidelines.

latino health poverty

Paper that argues that we need change in our healthcare system to improve the health of the disadvantaged. Disparate access to affordable healthcare, food and safe places to exercise contribute to higher rates of obesity and related illnesses in Latino communities. Focusing primarily on how low poverty and discrimnation contribute to these illnesses.