Archive for May, 2020


The media has had a significant impact on how we view human sexuality. Do you believe that television has helped or damaged our view of what constitutes a healthy relationship?  How has television affected the family unit? Explain/document your position.  Give specific examples and include your book references. (I realize that the motion picture and newspaper industries have also had an impact, but have limited the question in the interest of time.)

Week 1 Journal

Summarize and reflect on material that interests you from the PowerPoint lectures and from the Introduction and chapters 1 and 2 in Fiero. Organize your summary and reflection around any particular subject(s), such as archaeology, art, architecture, religious beliefs, etc.

The following grading scale applies per question:
3.0: The entry meets the 200-word minimum, summarizes well particular elements from the lectures and from the textbook chapters, and also reflects on the information.
2.5: The entry meets the 200-word minimum and summarizes well particular elements of the lectures and the textbook chapters.
0.0: Anything less than the above
Fiero, Gloria K. (2015). The humanistic tradition, volume 1: Prehistory to the early modern world (7th edition). Boston: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781259360664

Divine Discontent and Social Reform

125 words each
-What reasons does Addams give for the popularity of the Settlement House Movement? (She gives three reasons, dont just give me the quote, you should describe and elaborate. Your answer should include a discussion of Social Democracy and Social Gospel).

-How does Day justify non-violence (hint: you might look at the discussions at the beginning of Chs 3 & 6)? This justification leads her to describe love as harsh and dreadful (13 and 18). What does she mean by this (you might contrast this kind of pacifism with un-manly pacifism on p. 9)?

250 words each
-Hamington describes the utopian vision of these two women and compares their underlying philosophies. Briefly summarize the position of each woman, then explain which Hamington prefers and why. Do you agree with Hamingtons conclusion? Which do you prefer and why?

The American Promise and Our Sacred Documents


The American Promise – Who we are, What do we believe and Where we are Going? Our Appendix holds the documents that our generations and much of the world considers Sacred Texts. When the world calls for human rights, liberty, equality it is often our documents that are held up before the people. In China and in Russia, in the Middle East and the continent of Africa, you will see our texts, and you will see the Statue Of Liberty in a thousand different renderings. Why?
From page 1 and through the Index discuss what this means historically, politically, culturally.
Our sacred documents that are at the heart of the nation came from somewhere earlier? Trace and discuss the origins of our founding father’s documents. What did the men and women of that time understand these documents to mean?
When and why did we protest, fight, write and rebel in order to move the American Promise a bit further toward full realization?
When and why did these documents seem to fail in our history, rather, when did we fail these documents?
Discuss the compromises, philosophies and sacrifices that were made in order to keep the American Promise alive.




After observing the Real-World Application of Leadership Theory video in Week 4, interacting with the Riverbend City: Communication and Organizational Effectiveness simulation in Week 3, and using the readings so far in this course, address the following:

week four video   

  • Analyze two leadership styles and corresponding communication skills that drive organizational effectiveness.
  • Analyze a theory that corresponds to your personal leadership style and communication skills.
  • Describe how leadership styles can affect organizational culture that drives innovation.

Additional Requirements

The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:

  • Use the [DOC] for this assignment.
  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards. (Using the APA Paper Template will help you with formatting.)
  • Number of resources: Use a minimum of three scholarly sources outside of the course text. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years. The is the best place to find credible, scholarly resources.
  • Length of paper: 46 pages, double spaced.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Drugs and Crime

After 9/11, the extensive amount of money generated from illegal sales of narcotics in the United States to fund Taliban activities was discovered. Afghanistan is intertwined with drug lords as well. Post 9/11, the war on drugs also became the war on terrorism or narcoterrorism. Foreign aid to Colombia increased so they could fight insurgent groups in the country that were funding terrorists. Do you think this increased foreign aid has been helpful to the United States?

The major drug route from Mexico to the United States was also bringing in and funding terrorists. Are you in support of President Trumps wall efforts and do you think this infrastructure will help deter drugs and terrorists?

Why the subject (Cusco- inca and colonial) is significant.

Paper 2 is to focus on the significance, or importance, of your research topic.  The ‘life of’ project began with the origin story of your subject, the second will focus on the impact of the topic. The part that I focused on is Civilization


Part One–What is the scientific method? Explain its importance with human sexuality research.
Part Two- Review the various research techniques (i.e. experimental research, surveys, case studies, and participant-observer research) found in Chapter Two. Scenario— If you were going to conduct research on the sexual activity of suburban teens, which two (2) techniques do you feel would be most successful and why?
Part ThreeSuppose you discovered someone you supervise acting unethically when the research was conducted.  How would you handle it?  What criteria would you use in designing such research so that only the highest ethical standards would be upheld? In other words, could you prevent unethical behavior from appearing in your research by putting certain checks in your design?


Social Change Discussion

Watch the speech by former leader of the United Farmworkers movement Cesar Chavez: . Discuss Chavez’s defense of nonviolence. Do you find his arguments compelling? Is civil disobedience an effective and ethical means of effecting social change?

250 words



Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder that many do not fully understand. In order to assist individuals with this disorder, it is important to understand its causes and symptomology. This assignment will enhance your understanding of this disorder, and provide you with general knowledge of possible interventions.

Imagine you have been asked to write a journal article on schizophrenia and the correctional system.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on the relationship between schizophrenia and crime. Include the following:

  • Describe the symptoms related to the diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia.
  • Explain the physiological factors that are related to the development of schizophrenia.
  • Explain the relationship between schizophrenia and crime.
  • Describe interventions specific to treating schizophrenia in a correctional setting.

Include a minimum of three sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.