Archive for May, 2020

Research Manuscript

Research on Human error management in flight operation, through proper team performance training techniques and system approaches where individuals work together as a team to mitigate accidents and incidents. 

Note from Instructor

Just make sure your research it is not too top-level and has a rigorous methodology


Your task is to develop an integrated design for examining or investigating an issue or problem involving human factors in the aviation/aerospace industry as it might apply in a human-centric environment, model, simulation, work situation, or other application for use that would apply in industry, research, or operational environment. The purpose of this design is to demonstrate that you comprehend, understand, and can integrate the key elements of the Learning Outcomes for this course. Note, you can find the Learning Outcomes in the course syllabus. Hopefully, the topic will be inspired by some of the studies or issues that you have heard about or read about in this course. Although you will not be conducting the study or investigation that you propose, you will construct a research design in APA journal format (see the APA style manual) that is between 8 and 10 pages in length. Your introduction and background will explain the research statement or question and justify it by reference to previous research found in the scientific literature, and by logical argument. The method will describe data sources, participants (where applicable), variables, metrics, and procedures. The results should explain how you would analyze the data and the discussion should present possible outcomes and their applied implications.

Essentially, you would work toward constructing a design for an existing or emerging technology or situation, employing a human factors perspective that incorporates elements from each of the course Learning Outcomes. An essential aspect of this design, and the manuscript you write to describe it, is citing relevant research that supports your approach and explains the rationale used. Be certain your manuscript integrates topics covered in the modules of this course and that you address all the course Learning Outcomes. This may involve only a few sentences for some of them, but each outcome must be addressed to some extent.

The Course Research Manuscript must:

  • Comprehensively cover the application and design you select. Generally, the body will be between 8 to 10 pages.
  • Appropriately and clearly support the study design and proposed research findings (including in-text citations and references).

 In addition, the manuscript must include:

  • A proper title page
  • An abstract
  • A reference page
  • Proper APA style throughout (current edition)
  • A final submission in Word, Times New Roman font, 12-point size 


You were talking to members of your favorite local band after a recent show. The topic of software came up, and the leader said she has a love-hate relationship with it. She loves the recording software they use, and is okay with QuickBooks for the bands financial records. But, she does not like the available options to track bookings and create set lists that draw from their entire repertoire. 

In addition to their regular weekly gigs, the band performs for many school assemblies and community events. They have to pick music thats appropriate for the audience and the theme without being repetitive. They are constantly adding new songs to their catalog, and putting others on hiatus.  The band likes to take requests, so they frequently update the set list after a gig. The band does not want to bother entering chords or lyrics because they dont use computers or phones on stage.  

You offer to put together a system design to address the bands needs. Its okay to collect ideas by looking at off-the-shelf solutions, but the design must be your own for this assignment.  Include the following in your design: 

  1. A list and short explanation of each function to manage: 
  2.  the bands song catalog, 
  3. bookings, 
  4. set lists, and 
  5. any other category you believe is important for this application. 
  6. A logical data design that supports all of these functions. Use either an entity-relationship or a UML class diagram, which should be in the third normal form. Indicate all primary keys, relationships, and cardinalities. 
  7. Recommend a system architecture that identifies the hardware and software components and how they interact. Include a short (not more than 500 words) description and rationale. Illustrate using your choice of a static functional decomposition or object-oriented diagram. 
  8. Identify security concerns and other nonfunctional requirements for this system. 
  9. Propose at least three distinct and measurable criteria to evaluate the quality of the finished software. 

Media globalization

Hello, this is my final essay for a course called intro to media globalization.
i have to create a 3,000 word essay about a question that has to do with the following topics

Please choose ONE of the following themes:
(1) Media and globalization
(2) Media imperialism and/or cultural imperialism
(3) Contra-flow of the media
(4) Media consumption and everyday life
(5) Media globalization and identity
(6) Diaspora and the media
(7) Cosmopolitanism
(8) Nationalism and globalization

attached i will post the exact instructions, i need you to be very careful with meeting the professors criteria,  please use trusted sources and follow the syllabus. I think the topic that i am most interested in is media globalization and identity.

also from that essay i will have to create a presentation.
i need you to plesae answer the following questions based on the paper

(1) What is your key question?
(2) What is your argument?
(3) How is your argument supported? (e.g. where is evidence?)
(4) Why is your essay important, intellectually?
(5) How does your essay intervene in the existing literature and make a (small) contribution?

Assessment is based on intellectual content ONLY (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) above, nothing else.

please let me know if you have any questions.

thanks a lot!

Emmys Toys Ltd business progress

Emmys Toys Ltd has recently expanded and started trading on the stock exchange. The business was previously a family owned company, and now the newly appointed chair intends to also act as chief executive of the company. Some members of the board have disagreed with this idea and want to offer a well-known business leader share-options in the company and a large salary to join the board and act as the chair.
Write a report to advise the company how the board should be structured and whether the salary package suggested for the chair is appropriate.




This assignment is designed to help students analyze and interpret primary and/or secondary data and research. First, students will be provided with a marketing report that allows for preparing basic executive level data insights. Second, they will be allowed to pick a company and product or service. This assignment will help prepare students for the development of their marketing plan. Students will be creating a marketing plan (refer to Marketing Plan and Outline document) so they may want to choose a company and product or service that has data readily available or where they can use demographic/psychographic data to provide insights. 

Assignment Steps

Part 1:

Analyze the Week 1 Business Growth Overview dataset. This is a marketing report generated by an analyst for the Senior Vice President (SVP) of Marketing at a large corporation. The analyst is new and has provided summary data but no insights or commentary for the SVP.

Construct a minimum 525-word memorandum for the SVP providing insights and commentary. The memorandum should include your analysis of the following:

Major areas of increase and decrease in revenue or type and/or category of business

Trends that are evident in terms of revenue or type and/or category of business

Insights that would help formulate marketing strategies to either continue growth or reverse decline

Additional analysis you (if you were SVP) would like to build a marketing goal and strategy or strategies (and why) 

Part 2: 

Select a global or multi-regional (does business in more than one country) company and one of its products or services that will serve as the basis for your marketing plan. You should obtain two years of annual reports as well as two years of 10K reports (provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s business and financial condition and includes audited financial statements) for your data source. Once you have selected your product or service, you must define the size and type of your selected company that provides the product or service (available from annual reports). This need not be elaborate but must include total number of employees, production volume, distribution methods, and so forth. Record this information in a summary document as outlined below. 

Company and product selection is a critical part of this project. You must ensure your proposed company can implement the marketing methods discussed in Marketing Management. 

Prepare a minimum 175-word summary document and send it to your instructor as a record of your selection. The summary document should include the following:

Name of Company

Location of Company Headquarters

Name of Product or Service selected

General description of company (number of employees, revenue, type of ownership, web page, etc.)

General description of product or service

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. 

Submit your assignment.


To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers’ buying influences and behaviors. This week’s assignment is the first part of the development of a marketing plan. It provides the foundation of the marketing plan and introduces the student to a variety of diagrammatic tools for understanding a business. 

Assignment Steps 

To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers’ buying influences and behaviors. In Week 2, create the Research section of your plan. 

Create the research section of your marketing plan in minimum of 700 words.

Include at least 3 elements of the Research List of Topics (see list below):

Research List of Topics:

Primary Research

Secondary Research

Consumer Analysis

Customer Profile

Continuous Consumer Monitoring & Research

Environmental Scanning

Identify Market, Economic, Technological, Regulatory, Legal, Social, and Ecological Forces

Current Opportunities

Potential Future Opportunities

Current Threats

Potential Future Threat

Diagrams are not required but can be used to provide clarity and conciseness. Diagrams (and subsequent discussion) can include SWOT (emphasizes internal market–Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) TOWS (emphasizes the external market–Threats, Opportunities, Weakness, Strength), PEST (Political, Economical, Social, Technological), SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results), and/or STEEP (Social, Technological, Environmental, Economical, Political). All diagram(s) should be in APA format and must include a subsequent discussion of the diagram(s) providing insight and clarity.

Develop the first two parts of the Target Market section, which includes an overview of the demographics (age, income, family members, and birthdays) and psychographics (activities, interests, and opinions) analysis. This is not a detailed analysis but an overview (basic trends and insights from the data that is presented in annual reports and other SEC type filings).

Explain the insights you have gained from your inspection and analysis of the demographic and psychographic information you have found. 

This assignment will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


Purpose of Assignment 

All products/services go through a life cycle of NPI (new product introduction), growth, maturity, and decline. These various stages affect the marketing strategy and promotional efforts for a particular product or service. In Week 3, you will incorporate a product strategy that addresses at least 3 areas of the product life cycle. The primary objective of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate an understanding of the factors that can affect the launch of a product or service.

Assignment Steps

Create a minimum 700-word product strategy in Microsoft Word. Complete the following:

Select a product strategy.

Address at least three areas of the product life cycle (e.g., NPI, growth, maturity, and decline).

Discuss two types of media methods you could use to highlight your product or service.

Determine how you will measure the marketing activities (i.e., what metrics will be used to determine success or failure).

Address three elements of the following product and promotion list:

Integrated marketing communication

Advertising strategy/objectives

Push and pull

Media strategy

Advertising execution

Direct marketing

Public relations/strategies


The plan will be a continuation of the global or multi-regional company you chose in Week 1 and will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.

Note: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. 


This assignment is designed to help students analyze and understand how price setting and go to market (distribution) are interrelated and affects the profitability and growth of the business. It has been designed to be a short overview on purpose: the concepts of pricing and distribution are complex and a general understanding is what should be absorbed in one week of study. 

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Marketing Plan and Outline

Construct a minimum 700-word plan for setting price and a distribution model (place/distribution) in Microsoft Word. This plan should address at least three elements (from the Price and Place/Distribution list below) of the Price and Place/Distribution section of the marketing plan.

Price and Place/Distribution:

Distribution Strategies

Channels, Mass, Selective, Exclusive

Positioning within channels

Dynamic/Static Pricing Strategies

Channel tactics (Pricing)

Daily pricing, promotion pricing, List pricing

Note: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.

The plan will be a continuation of your global or multi-regional business you chose in Week 1. This will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


This assignment is designed to help students understand the interrelationships between brand strategy and the communication message to the target audience.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Marketing Plan and Outline

Develop a minimum 700-word branding strategy and marketing communication plan in Microsoft Word. This document should address at least 5 elements of the Situational Analysis and the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies (modified below) sections of the marketing plan (from the Situational Analysis and the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies lists below). The five elements you select should only come from the options provided below. You must include a measurement of customer loyalty and retention in your strategy document. You may include more than the minimum to provide clarity and coherence to your document. 

Situational Analysis:

Vision , Mission, Strategic objectives, Values


Competitor’s Strengths/Weaknesses

Market Segments

Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies:

Creating a Brand Image

Maintaining Brand Image

Branding Concerns

Promotion/Integrated Marketing Communication

Advertising Strategy/Objectives

Push and Pull

Media Strategy

Advertising Execution

Public Relations/Strategies

Note: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.

The plan will be a continuation of your global or multi-regional business you chose in Week 1. This will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.

Format your assignment according to APA guideline


Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students think through the importance of social, legal, and ethical issues that may arise with their product or service and the implications of decisions made within those frameworks. It is designed to help the learners understand ethical and legal issues related to marketing practices. This knowledge helps to prevent such issues when developing the marketing strategies in their marketing plan. The executive overview of the marketing plan is not a summary and conclusion, but an overview of what the plan entails and what it does not address.

Assignment Steps

Note: the Social, Ethical, and Legal Implications assignment is part of the total marketing plan as outlined in the grading guide. It is not a separate paper.

Resources: Marketing Plan and Outline

Producing and marketing a product without regard to ethical, legal, and social considerations is detrimental to the overall success of any company.

Assess in a maximum of 700 words the ethical, legal, and social issues affecting your product or service in two markets: the United States and one international market. Domestic market generally means the market where the company headquarters are located. If you choose a domestic market that is not the U.S., then your other market is required to be the U.S. marketplace. This will be added to the Target Market section of your Marketing Plan.

Include the following:

Develop a process to monitor and control marketing performance. This process could be a flowchart but a flowchart is not required (flowcharts do not count towards your word count requirement).

Formulate a maximum 350-word executive summary including at a minimum the following elements to include in your marketing plan:

Required executive summary elements:

Strategic Objectives 

Products or Services 

Optional executive summary elements:

Resources Needed 

Projected Outcomes

Integrate the previous weeks’ sections, and incorporate corrections and suggestions from the instructor’s weekly feedback. The marketing plan should contain elements from each week of the course, including:

Understanding Target Markets (Week 2)

Promotion and the Product Life Cycle (Week 3)

Price and Channel Strategy (Week 4)

Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy (Week 5)

Executive Summary, Legal, Social and Ethical Considerations (Week 6)

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Marketing Plan

You are expected to develop a marketing plan, according to the outline below, for a product or service of your choosing. The product or service must be identified by the end of Week 1. The product or service you select is used to develop the assignments for Weeks 2 through Week 6. References must be included for each section. 

There are no defined standards for the length of the marketing plan; however, your plan must disclose complete marketing strategies and provide reliable and valid references and data supporting the strategies to convince the target audience. The plan must be written in plain language that would be easily understood by stakeholders.

Marketing Plan Outline

Your final marketing plan must consist of the following sections. Refer to the timeline for due dates for each section and subsection. Assignments may include modifications to these lists. Please use lists provided in assignments only.

Executive Summary:

o Strategic Objectives

o Products or Services

o Resources Needed

o Projected Outcomes

Situational Analysis:

o Vision, Mission, Strategic objectives, Values

o Internal Analysis 

o Strengths/Weaknesses

o Capability/Capacity

o Competitors Strengths/Weaknesses

o Technological Competency 

o Product or Service Analysis 

o Market Segments 


o Primary Research 

o Secondary Research 

o Consumer Analysis 

o Customer Profile 

o Continuous Consumer Monitoring & Research

o Environmental Scanning

o Identify Market, Economic, Technological, Regulatory, Legal, Social, and Ecological Forces

o Current Opportunities

o Potential Future Opportunities 

o Current Threats 

o Potential Future Threat

Target Market(s):

o Demographics 

o Psychographics 

o Ethical Issues

o Legal Issues

o Social Issues

Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies:

o Product Descriptions and Product/Service Mix Strategies

o Product/Service Determinants

o Creating a Brand Image

o Maintaining Brand Image

o Branding Concerns

o Distribution Strategies

o Channels, Mass, Selective, Exclusive

o Promotion/Integrated Marketing Communication 

o Advertising Strategy/Objectives 

o Push and Pull

o Media Strategy 

o Advertising Execution

o Sales Promotion 

o Direct Marketing

o Public Relations/Strategies

o Positioning

o Dynamic/Static Pricing Strategies

Marketing Plan Timeline

Week 1: Marketing Plan Topic 

Consider your company and product or service selection in Week 1. You may select an existing type of product or service or a new product or service but it must be global or multi-regional. Once you have selected your product or service, you must define the size and type of company that provides the product or service (available from annual reports). This need not be elaborate but must include total number of employees, production volume, distribution methods, and so forth. Company and product or service selection is a critical part of this project. You must ensure your proposed company can implement the marketing methods discussed in the text. 

Key to creating an effective marketing plan is the ability to analyze the environment in which the product or service will be offered. The Week 1 assignment allows you to begin to understand various reports and how they can be used in your marketing plan.

Week 2: Understanding Target Markets

To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers buying influences and behaviors. In Week 2, create the Research section of your plan. In addition, create the first two parts of the Target Market section, which includes performing the demographics and psychographics analysis.

Week 3: Promotion and the product life cycle

All products/services go through a life cycle of NPI (new product introduction), growth, maturity and decline. These various stages affect the marketing strategy and promotional efforts. In Week 3, you will incorporate a promotion strategy that addresses at least three areas of the product life cycle.

Week 4: Price and Channel Strategy

How one goes to market and the influences of the channel (channel power, strength of channel, speed of channel, etc.) affects the pricing strategy of the product or service. In Week 4 your pricing and distribution strategy will be incorporated into the marketing plan.

Week 5: Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy

Brand strategy and the communication of the brand is essential to understanding the various phases of a product or service (viz a viz the life cycle). Brand recognition is based in the marketing communication efforts of the firm. When you hear or see the word Coke, you immediately know it is Coca Cola. When you see five interlocking rings of different colors you know that is the symbol for the Olympics. In Week 5, you will develop a brand and communication strategy for your product.

Week 6: Executive Summary, Legal, Social and Ethical Issues, Final Plan

Review your final plan. Does the plan effectively analyze market strategies? Are the social, ethical, and legal considerations valid and accounted for? What is the relationship among quality, price, satisfaction, and perceived value within the plan? 

Marketing Plan Outline and Timeline

Marketing Plan

You are expected to develop a marketing plan, according to the outline below, for a product or service of your choosing. The product or service must be identified by the end of Week 1. The product or service you select is used to develop the assignments for Weeks 2 through Week 6. References must be included for each section. 

There are no defined standards for the length of the marketing plan; however, your plan must disclose complete marketing strategies and provide reliable and valid references and data supporting the strategies to convince the target audience. The plan must be written in plain language that would be easily understood by stakeholders.

Marketing Plan Outline

Your final marketing plan must consist of the following sections. Refer to the timeline for due dates for each section and subsection. Assignments may include modifications to these lists. Please use lists provided in assignments only.

Executive Summary:

o Strategic Objectives

o Products or Services

o Resources Needed

o Projected Outcomes

Situational Analysis:

o Vision, Mission, Strategic objectives, Values

o Internal Analysis 

o Strengths/Weaknesses

o Capability/Capacity

o Competitors Strengths/Weaknesses

o Technological Competency 

o Product or Service Analysis 

o Market Segments 


o Primary Research 

o Secondary Research 

o Consumer Analysis 

o Customer Profile 

o Continuous Consumer Monitoring & Research

o Environmental Scanning

o Identify Market, Economic, Technological, Regulatory, Legal, Social, and Ecological Forces

o Current Opportunities

o Potential Future Opportunities 

o Current Threats 

o Potential Future Threat

Target Market(s):

o Demographics 

o Psychographics 

o Ethical Issues

o Legal Issues

o Social Issues

Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies:

o Product Descriptions and Product/Service Mix Strategies

o Product/Service Determinants

o Creating a Brand Image

o Maintaining Brand Image

o Branding Concerns

o Distribution Strategies

o Channels, Mass, Selective, Exclusive

o Promotion/Integrated Marketing Communication 

o Advertising Strategy/Objectives 

o Push and Pull

o Media Strategy 

o Advertising Execution

o Sales Promotion 

o Direct Marketing

o Public Relations/Strategies

o Positioning

o Dynamic/Static Pricing Strategies

Marketing Plan Timeline

Week 1: Marketing Plan Topic 

Consider your company and product or service selection in Week 1. You may select an existing type of product or service or a new product or service but it must be global or multi-regional. Once you have selected your product or service, you must define the size and type of company that provides the product or service (available from annual reports). This need not be elaborate but must include total number of employees, production volume, distribution methods, and so forth. Company and product or service selection is a critical part of this project. You must ensure your proposed company can implement the marketing methods discussed in the text. 

Key to creating an effective marketing plan is the ability to analyze the environment in which the product or service will be offered. The Week 1 assignment allows you to begin to understand various reports and how they can be used in your marketing plan.

Week 2: Understanding Target Markets

To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers buying influences and behaviors. In Week 2, create the Research section of your plan. In addition, create the first two parts of the Target Market section, which includes performing the demographics and psychographics analysis.

Week 3: Promotion and the product life cycle

All products/services go through a life cycle of NPI (new product introduction), growth, maturity and decline. These various stages affect the marketing strategy and promotional efforts. In Week 3, you will incorporate a promotion strategy that addresses at least three areas of the product life cycle.

Week 4: Price and Channel Strategy

How one goes to market and the influences of the channel (channel power, strength of channel, speed of channel, etc.) affects the pricing strategy of the product or service. In Week 4 your pricing and distribution strategy will be incorporated into the marketing plan.

Week 5: Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy

Brand strategy and the communication of the brand is essential to understanding the various phases of a product or service (viz a viz the life cycle). Brand recognition is based in the marketing communication efforts of the firm. When you hear or see the word Coke, you immediately know it is Coca Cola. When you see five interlocking rings of different colors you know that is the symbol for the Olympics. In Week 5, you will develop a brand and communication strategy for your product.

Week 6: Executive Summary, Legal, Social and Ethical Issues, Final Plan

Review your final plan. Does the plan effectively analyze market strategies? Are the social, ethical, and legal considerations valid and accounted for? What is the relationship among quality, price, satisfaction, and perceived value within the plan? 

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Border & Coastal Security

Assignment Instructions

The topic for your research paper can be anything pertaining to border and coastal security. Once you have decided on a topic, develop a research question and hypothesis to support it. There is no need to submit your question and hypothesis for approval. A minimum of 10 outside references are required.


Cover Page
Abstract (no more than 150-250 words)
Introduction (include the specific research question and hypothesis which are presented at the end)
Literature Review Critical analysis is the key here
Methodology (This needs to more than a single sentence that states I used qualitative methods. Take the time to explore what type of qualitative method you used. Content Analysis and Case Study are the two approaches that seem most likely for this course.
Analysis What does your research tell you? What are your conclusions??
Conclusion ensure you include what future research should cover that has not been explored.
Reference List

Your paper should be at a minimum of 10-12 pages (the Title Page and Reference page will be additional pages).
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Use scholarly or other relevant sources.
A minimum of 10 outside references are required.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize: books, peer reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
Your responses are to be in your own words with minimal quotes.

CSR & customer loyalty

Proposed Title:

what kind of CSR practices of cosmetic companies appear to generate larger shared value and customer loyalty (re-purchasing power/ intention / customer loyalty )?

(do some research on existing examples and make an conclusion)

(such as 1.environmental type,ex. protect environment, green materials,
2.humanism type, ex. good enterprise culture, type, ex. charity donation)


Your learning objectives:

Discuss the role of shared governance in strategic planning.
Reflect on shared governance and its role in strategic planning at your work site.

Chapter 7: How Academic Ships Actually Navigate (p. 165 208) in:
Ehrenberg, R. G. (2016). Governing Academia: Who Is in Charge at the Modern University? Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Use the reading to compose a 2 page paper with the following components:

Discuss the role of shared governance in strategic planning
Reflect on the structure of shared governance at your work site
Is there collaboration between leaders and faculty in the strategic planning process?
Are there any challenges to faculty participation in strategic planning?
How is shared governance at your work site impacted by institution type (public, private, or for-profit)?
In conclusion, discuss one finding from the article that surprised you or reflects your experience with strategic planning at your work site.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your work should be written with the following points in mind.

This paper should be at least 2 pages, not counting the title page and reference page.
A clear introduction that orients a reader to the essay main content, and the main points discussed should be provided.
A well-developed, well-balanced essay body that develops each point in its own paragraph should be included.
A concise conclusion that summarizes the whole essay should also be included.
Include at least three references. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it must be enclosed in quotes.
The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section. Follow the APA Style format; see
At least one in-text citation must be provided for each reference.
A reference page which follows APA requirements should be included.
The essay should be organized in a clear and coherent manner.
The paper should be double spaced with font size of 12.
Your writing should:
a. Be clear, logical, and precise
b. Have breadth and depth
c. Show critical-thinking skills


“Electronic Surveillance” Please respond to the following:

Use the Internet or the Strayer Online Library ( to research, identify, and examine a case involving suspected terrorist activities where electronic surveillance was used from within the last five years. Summarize the case and the circumstances. Then, support your opinion for or against the use of electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens without court orders in cases of suspected terrorist activities. Provide support for your opinion.