Archive for May, 2020

DQ-The Best Model

Considering entrepreneurial, mandated insurance, and national health service models:

a. Which model do you think results in the greatest equity of access to health services? Why?
b. Which model is most likely to deliver the highest-quality care?
c. Which is the best model? Would this model work in the United States or your own country of origin (if not the US)? Why or why not?

Text Book: Fried, BJ and Gaydos, LM. (2012). World Health Systems: Challenges & Perspectives (2nd Ed.). ISBN:978-1-56793-420-5

My culture (Turkey

Hello, my name is Amir. live in Holland but this essay has to be about my own hometown country (Turkey, stanbul). t doesn’t have to be about Istanbul in particular. This essay is my exam so it is really important to me. All the instructions are on the attachment below
Please read the instructions really carefully because there a lot to keep in mind. f you can send me the assignment before the deadline, it will be so appreciated.

Following a simulated patient interview in which you have participated, write a reflective account of how this experience has developed your understanding of clinical communication and medical ethics. You should also refer to key aspects of professionalis

Following a simulated patient interview in which you have participated, write a reflective account of how this experience has developed your understanding of clinical communication and medical ethics. You should also refer to key aspects of professionalism and well-being, cultural competence and collaborative practice to provide a wider context for your writing. (Maximum 1000 words excluding references).

It is suggested that you use Gibbs Reflective Cycle (see ‘Adapted reflective cycle’ below) to structure your assignment. Your account should be supported with reference to relevant literature.

Please see my reflective feedback from peers, myself and the ‘patient’/actor.

Outside Perspectives

Pick one of the following job-related attitudes for this assignment:
    Job satisfaction
    Organizational commitment
    Happiness at work
    Self esteem
Interview at least 3 people and ask all of the questions below. It would be best to interview
people at work, but if you arent working you can interview friends or family members who
work full time. Write a paper summarizing the perspectives obtained in these interviews. Do
not include any identifying information instead use 3rd person professional voice and be
descriptive (e.g. Subject 1, a 40-year-old Caucasian female who is employed as a manager in a
retail store).
    Ethnicity / Race
    Job title
    Area of employment (i.e. government, retail, service, professional)
    What does [your choice of job-related attitude] mean to you?
    What have you learned about [your choice of job related attitude] that you didnt know when you started?
    What advice would you give someone who wanted to increase their [your choice of job related attitude?
Be sure to include examples (quotes) of what the respondents said as well as an analysis of any
themes or ideas that were repeated across the 3 interviews.

Application Assignments
Includes an APA formatted title page
Includes an APA formatted abstract
Minimum of 3 pages of content in APA style (body of the paper only)
Includes at least 3 outside sources (journal articles) and the required reading
Includes an APA formatted reference page

Required Reading: Brief, A.P. (1998). Attitudes in and Around Organizations. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (power point attached)

IST309 Power Point For A Term Project

I have a term presentation of class ISt309. I need help for creating the paper of my part. I just have 8 hour to do it, but the content is very few. It’s 2 slides, could anyone  help me? I already post the other slide of my term and some text PPT for the topic CRM. You don’t have read the PPT, but I hope the slide what you do is contacted to other’s slides. Thank you!

Discussing The Bulleted Pointers Below


Create an initial post discussing the bulleted pointers below. You will need to cite at least one academic reference in APA or IEEE style:

List of advanced materials used in making microprocessor chips (in addition to single-crystal, high-purity silicon): Interconnects, ohmic contacts, diffusion barrier metals, oxides and other insulators, doped films, organic insulating films, resist materials, bonding wires and leads, high thermal conductivity pastes, chip packaging materials such as nanocomposite insulators with high thermal conductivity, etc.

Methods of making at least two of these materials from their starting precursors, with attention to the specifications of material quality, uniformity, consistent production, and their final incorporation in the chip, highlighting their final dimensions. (When selecting the two materials, you should take care that others in the class havent selected the same. This will promote diverse nanomaterials issues to discuss.)

The common ground of nanotechnology in all this: Studying the properties of many kinds of advanced materials (metals, semiconductors, organic and inorganic insulators) at the nanoscale, optimizing and integrating them all, and finally producing the packaged IC chip.

Prior to the invention of electricity, applications such as computing, communications, energy storage, controls, and actuations were done non-electronically (largely by mechanical means that took many football fields in terms of space and days in terms of time). Exploiting electrons for these applications using nanomaterials in a handheld gadget has been advantageous to us (humans) and, possibly, disadvantageous to the planet. 

Strategic Plan Analysis


For this strategic plan analysis case study, you will read the strategic plan for Preview the document.  They are a public healthcare system that serves Dallas County, Texas and includes a Level I Trauma Center, the second largest civilian burn center in the U.S. and a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.  They also operate community-based clinics providing primary care and womens health services and school-based clinics.

Assignment details:

  1. Read the Parkland Health & Hospital System strategic plan (can be found in the module section)
  2. Identify and discuss in DETAIL the benefits stated in their strategic plan that pertains to the following 4 categories (hint: read chapter 2 for explanations of the categorical benefits below):
    1. Product and market improvement
      1. Think about the benefits to the market or service area, market share, product scope and extent, continuity of care
    2. Financial benefits
      1. Think about operating margins, non-operating income, access to capital, value of care
    3. Operational benefits
      1. Think about patient satisfaction, quality of care, access to care, human capital
    4. Community needs realization and benefits
      1. Think about how the organization is meeting community needs and how it is contributing to the improvement of their communitys health, how they partner with their community, and the management of their population health

Assignment requirements

  1. Between 1-2 pages (can use bullet form, but must be in your own words)
  2. Have a cover page with the individuals name, title of assignment, and due date of assignment
  3. Use headers for each section
  4. Typed, using 12-point font, Times New Roman
  5. Double spaced with 1 margins all around
  6. Page numbers in the top right corner of all pages except cover page.
  7. Use an APA format for citations and references. Make sure you give proper credit to the sources you are using. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.
  8. Have a list of references in correct format at the end of the paper
  9. Be error free make sure you do a spell-check/grammar-check before submitting!

Exhibition Of World Art

Exhibition of World Art

Imagine you are a curator at your local citys Museum of Art. You have been asked to organize a small exhibition of objects of art from the cultures of Asia, Africa, and Oceania. Your exhibition should include representative objects that highlight significant and essential ideas of each culture. You may plan to include actual objects in your exhibition, or photographs or models of larger structures or sculptures.

Survey your course textbook and reliable internet websites to locate two art objects from each of the following five cultures: India, China, Japan, Africa, and Oceania (the Pacific Cultures), that you would like to include in your exhibition. Your objects must date to the time period we are studying in this course (1300-Present Day). You will select a total of ten objects for display in your Exhibition of World Art.

Then, write a museum label for each object within a Microsoft Word document. The following should be on the label for each object:

  1. A photograph of the object
  2. Identifying information:
    1. Name of the artist (if knownotherwise, attribute the culture)
    2. Title of the work
    3. Date of the work
    4. Medium/materials used to create the work
    5. Current location
  3. A paragraph of 4-5 sentences describing why the object is representative of its culture and is culturally significant. Briefly explain why you have selected the object for display.

Finally, in a paragraph of 8-10 sentences, write a summarizing overview of your Exhibition of World Art, highlighting key similarities and distinctions between the objects you have curated. Imagine that visitors to your exhibition will read this overview as they enter your Exhibition of World Art, and provide them with any information or context they may need to fully appreciate the objects on display.

Offer a citation of your sources for each image and the information provided as appropriate.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Assignment 3

ASSIGNMENT 3: POWER, POLITICS, AND CULTURE Due Week 9 and worth 190 points 


In Assignment 2, you created a professional development plan using EI building blocks and motivation.  In this last assignment, you will examine how politics and power influence an organization and its culture. 


In business, power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture and may hinder organizational productivity.  In your role as consultant you observed power and politics influence on the corporate culture. 


INSTRUCTIONS  Following SWS standards, write a 5 to 7 page report that addresses the following: 


1. Influence of Politics and Power Explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the organizations culture. 


2. Sources of Power Explore the sources of power and describe how management could use this influence to benefit the department and improve organizational performance. 


3. Leadership Behavior and Culture Make recommendations that support how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and improve the organizations culture. 


4. Leadership Influence Discuss the importance and complexity of leadership behavior in solving the issue you identified. How does it influence organizational structure and performance? 


5. References and Citations Go to to locate at least two resources. In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source. 


6. Formatting and Writing Standards Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade. Align your formatting to the Strayer Writing Standards. 


*Grading for this assignment will be based on the following criteria and evaluation standards:   


Criteria Exemplary 100% – A 

Proficient 85% – B 

Fair 75% – C 

Unacceptable 0% – F 

1. Influence of Politics and Power 

Weight: 20%  

Completely explains how politics and power-play may have influenced the organizations culture. Accurately identifies the core issues and strongly connects them to the impact on culture. The explanation is wellsupported by research.  

Satisfactorily explains how politics and powerplay may have influenced the organizations culture. Identifies some core issues and connects them to the impact on the culture. The explanation uses research support. 

Partially explains how politics and power-play may have influenced the organizations culture. Identifies some issues but does not fully explore them or make a strong connection to their impact. Uses little research support.  

Does not explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the organizations culture. 

2. Sources of Power 

Weight: 20%  

Completely identifies the sources of power and describes how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. Uses relevant key concepts and makes valid connections to enhanced performance that are well-supported by research.  

Satisfactorily identifies the sources of power and describes how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. Most key concepts are accurately identified and there is a connection to enhanced performance with research support.  

Partially identifies the sources of power and describes how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. Not all key concepts are identified and there is a loose connection to performance. There is little research support.  

Does not identify the sources of power or describe how management could use this influence to enhance organizational performance. There is no reference to research. 

3. Leadership Behavior and Culture 

Weight 25%  

Provides excellent recommendations as to how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organizations culture. Recommendations are credible and relevant with a strong connection to the impact on culture backed by wellsupported research. 

Satisfactorily recommends how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organizations culture. Recommendations are clear and mostly realistic; there is a connection to the impact on culture. Research support is evident.  

Partially recommends how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organizations culture, but the recommendations are unclear or unrealistic. There is no clear connection to the impact on culture. There is little or no research support.  

Does not recommend how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and impact the organizations culture. There is no reference to research. 


Criteria Exemplary 100% – A 

Proficient 85% – B 

Fair 75% – C 

Unacceptable 0% – F 

4. Leadership Influence  

Weight 20%  

Thoroughly discusses how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. Relevant key concepts are presented with strong research support.  

Satisfactorily discusses how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. Most key concepts are presented with research support.  

Partially discusses how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. Some key concepts are missing and there is little or no research support. 

Does not discuss how the importance and complexity of leadership behavior influences organizational structure and performance. There is no reference to research. 

5. Reference minimums; Reference quality  


Weight 5%  

Meets or exceeds required number of references; all references high-quality choices. 

Meets required number of references; some references may be poor-quality choices. 

Does not meet the required number of references; some references may be poor-quality choices 

No references provided or all references poorquality choices.  

6. Follows writing standards; Meets page minimums  

Weight 10% 

Followed all writing standards. Met page minimums.  


Followed most writing standards. Met page minimums.  

Followed few writing standards. May not have met page minimums.  

Followed few to no writing standards. Did not meet page minimums.  


Methodology Section

Please use the attachment below they help build-up to this point and they are crucial in making this paper.

 You will create the Methodology section of your hypothetical study. This assignment is going to allow you to present your research design and develop and present the details of how your hypothetical study would be conducted. 


Next, make sure you include the following essential information that pertains to the Method elements: 


Reiterate your research question. What is the purpose of your hypothetical study?

  •  Determine an appropriate research design that addresses your research question regarding your chosen topic and explain why this design was chosen. Also, what will your dependent (DV) and independent (IV) variables be for this study?

 For your Participants section describe the following:

  • o  How many participants do you envision having for this hypothetical study and how will you select them (where will you be gathering your participants from)?
  • o  What type of sampling method will you use and why?
  • o  Will you be assigning participants to groups? Yes, no and explain why
  • o  What will the demographics of your participants be (gender, ethnicity, age range(s), SES, educational criteria (if relevant), history of medical and/or mental health diagnosis (if relevant) )?

 For your Procedures section describe the following:

  • o  Where the study will take place (e.g. online, a lab, a university, a medical or mental health setting, a natural environment, etc.)? Explain why you have selected that particular setting.
  • o  Over what period of time will data be collected?
  • o  If you are using an intervention, you must describe it in terms of content and also dose parameters (e.g. groups will meet once per week for 60 minutes for 10 consecutive weekly sessions).

 For your Measures section describe the following:

  • o  You MUST include at least one survey (make sure to include relevant citations and references if you are employing existing measures)

 To find surveys, go to PsychTESTS

  1. Explain what the measures purpose is and what it studies
  2. Explain what type of measure it is (self-report, therapist, rating, teacher rating, parent rating, etc.) and explain why you consider it appropriate for your research study
  3. Describe how many items the measure has and any subscales it might include
  4. How/when will this measure be used and why (e.g. at the beginning of the study (pre-test), at the end of the study (post-test), etc.)
  5. Explain how you will account for ethical issues associated with your proposed research. In other words, how will you ensure that ethical guidelines will are followed appropriately and adequately?

 It must follow APA paper guidelines. Your submission should not exceed 3-4 pages (excluding the cover and reference pages). It should include a cover page and reference page, be written with 12-point Times New Roman font and double spacing, and you will follow proper APA citation and reference format.