Archive for May, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please follow up all the instructions.
The Training Module
Prepare this assignment on a Microsoft Word document and submit it as an attachment with your name and the title: The Training Module in the comments section. For this assignment, you will design one complete internal (meaning it will not be an introductory or closing) module for your training.  In your previous training design task, you learned and applied some of the elements of a training module.  You will apply them and others here in greater detail.  This assignment requires you to conceptualize your actual performance in the training that you are designing this semester, so it must be as complete and thoughtful as possible.  In grading the assignment, I will be looking for inclusion of all items listed below, if the module appears to fit into your overall training outline and if it falls at an appropriate time or phase in the training day.  As always, good writing counts. 

Think: How would you need to write your module so that another experienced trainer could teach it with a minimum of preparation time if you were called away and were unable to teach it.  I will be looking for detail.  I have provided an example of a training module below.  Use it as a guide, but please dont imitate it.  Your module should be your original creation, and I want to see your inspiration and inventiveness reflected in your creation.

In writing your module, be sure to include:

Training Design Items:

A.    The title of your training: Is Your Teens Life in Good Hands?
B.    Your target audience: Parents
C.    Your overall training goal: To provide parents with the knowledge and skills to enhance family bonds and strengthen parents to prevent teen alcohol abuse.
Topic: Alcohol abuse prevention

Module Items:
A.    A module title headed by a roman numeral and including the duration:
B.    1-3 modular behavioral objectives written PWBAT (Participants Will Be Able To)
C.    A modular synopsis: (A one-paragraph description of what will take place in the module):
D.    A list of documents such as handouts, worksheets, etc.  (Attach at least 1 to this assignment)
E.    Trainer notes: (Information you would want another trainer to know about your procedures)
F.    Procedures including opening, methodologies and summations
G.    Processing questions
Following is an example of a module from the NYC DOE HIV/AIDS Curriculum training for public school teachers of students in grades 6-12:
IV.    Critical Concepts                            10:15am – 11:15am

Behavioral Objective
    Participants will be able to state ten of the critical facts regarding the nature, transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS as revealed in the Critical Concepts worksheet used in training
Trainer note    The Critical Concepts worksheet is divided into three sections: Nature, Transmission and Prevention.  The entire module should take about 1 hour (15-20 minutes for each of the 3 topic areas.)  The answers are attached to this design.
Documents    Critical Concepts worksheet (1 for each participant)
Critical Concepts answer sheet for the trainer

Module IV synopsis: The training process for this module is an individual task followed by review and discussion.  This is to be done separately for each of the 3 sections of Critical Concepts.  The trainer gives the participants 5 minutes to complete a section followed by 5-10 minutes for the trainer to provide the correct answers, clarify and misunderstandings and answer questions. 

    A.    Critical Concepts #1:  The Nature of HIV/AIDS
        1.    Trainer introduces the task by distributing the worksheet titled Critical                 Concepts and directs participants to complete section 1 Nature.                      Participants work for 5 minutes
        2.    Trainer elicits answers from the participants, filling in critical                     information – 5-10 minutes.

    B.    Same instructions for Critical Concepts #2 Methods of Transmission

    C.    Same instructions for Critical Concepts #3 Methods of Prevention

    D.    Trainer summarizes by stating that is it not necessary for teachers to become             medical professionals.  However, teachers need a good grounding in the                 medical/technical aspects of HIV/AIDS in order to teach this curriculum.
    E.    Processing Questions (from the E.I.A.G. Model):
        1.    Identifying
            a.    What are some of the critical concepts that stood out for you or                     seemed surprising?
            b.    What are some questions that you expect your students will have?

        2.    Analyzing Questions
            a.    Why do students need to know the information presented in                     Critical Concepts?
            b.    How will your students react to these concepts and why?   

        3.    Generalizing Questions
            a.    Have you taught sensitive topics to your students before, and how                     is this similar or different?
            b.    What concerns do you have about teaching critical concepts to                     your students?
    F.    Q and A to the end of this module (11:15)

Leninger’s culture care theory

Write a one to two-page summary on key assumptions of Leiningers Culture Care theory and summarize the implications of this theory for your chosen advanced nursing role.


    Due: Monday, 5:00 pm central
    Length: 1-2 pages, excluding title page and reference page
    Format: APA 6th ed. formatting and citation rules are required for all written assignments in this and all graduate courses.
    Research: A minimum of one, recent (past five years) scholarly, peer-reviewed reference citation is required.

business Analysis research presentation for training

Module 06 Project
Business Analysis Research

Presentation for Training

Explore techniques, tools, and approaches to design and produce an effective professional presentation for an appropriate business audience.
You work in a training department at a large bank. Your marketing department regularly gives presentations based on research they produce for new product development. Your manager has attended several of these presentations and feel they fall short based on the material they are covering. The presenters dont seem to be reaching the intended audience, which are senior managers. Additionally, they contain too much marginal material with slides that overload the audience.
You and your manager agree that there are essential elements that should be considered when developing a presentation for a professional audience. One of the keys to success is understanding who your audience is. A presentation to senior management will be different than a presentation to your customers. Also, a good presentation should have an introduction, a clear statement of objectives, an overview of the topic, data to support your ideas, and a conclusion. The way data is presented can make a big difference as well.
Your manager has tasked you with creating a presentation for training purposes that will help your marketing team create professional presentations that are visually pleasing and content appropriate.
Create a presentation using either Microsoft PowerPoint that provides a guide for creating successful professional presentations.
* Introduction that includes your name and the topic you will be covering. (slide 1)
* Explain how to prepare for a specific audience. Include two examples of different audiences and how your approach will be different. (2-3 slides)
* Describe the type and amount of information to be included when you are presenting your objectives and overview of your project. (2-3 slides)
* Discuss how to effectively display data. Give two examples of tools that allow you to successfully display your supporting data using. (2-3 slides)
* Demonstrate how to give a succinct conclusion to end your presentation. (1 slide)
* PowerPoint
Library Resources
Business Source Complete
Business via ProQuest

School Admission process

Use Handout 1, Creating a Flow Chart, and Handout 2, Conducting a Brainstorming Session”. You will act as a continuous-improvement manager for the school; Your task will be to flow chart the schools process for being admitted to the school, then come up with ideas for streamlining the process. (You may also choose any other process impacting students that you think the school could improve.) As a reminder, you can find an example of a completed flow chart on page 123 of the textbook, and the material on flow charts on pages 121125 may be of help to you. You should end up with two flow charts: one showing the process as it is now, the other showing the improved process that you came up with.

Handout 2, Conducting a Brainstorming Session, may be helpful if you has trouble structuring your meetings.

Program Audit

Assess an actual justice or justice-related program from a restorative perspective. Begin by describing the program that you have chosen.  Using the restorative concepts we have explored, evaluate the program based on its restorative approach or lack there of.  Does it utilize a retributive or restorative philosophy?  Identify ways that the program could become, or be part of, a more restorative approach.  Be sure to apply specific course theories and concepts. 

You are not required to report on how effective the program has been in its restorative approach.  However, if you have this information, please include it in your paper. Rather, you should look at how the program was created and designed, then do an “audit” in which you measure it against restorative justice principles.

To help with this assessment process, you will create a restorative justice yardstick or standard.  This yardstick should consist of 4-12 criteria and should help to measure how restorative a program is in its goals and design.  Then, use this created yardstick as a measurement and guideline in evaluating the approach or program you have selected.

Here are some suggested programs/topics: school or church disciplinary procedure a post-conflict justice approach such as a truth commission specific restorative justice program traditional approaches to justice 

Week 1 Discussion

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

How do learning outcomes and curriculum planning go together? What considerations must be accounted for during this process?


Include your own experience as well as two citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources. Cite your sources using APA formatting.
If you found contradicting information to what your experience tells you, explain why you agree or disagree with the research.

Does Capital Punishment helps or hurts America ?

There should be 1 argumentative paragraph.

Articles for work cited ( 3 sources at least ) :

Data Engineering and Presentation

Text file network_analysis_data.txt is available on EE2702 Moodle, in Section Coursework.
This file contains the data from an experiment conducted on a network testbed. The experiment
measured the data rate on two different network paths, path_1 and path_2.
Your task is to develop a program in Python which will extract the values for the data rate on path 1
and the data rate on path 2 and will plot these values.

Week 1 Discussion Board

In your own words, define employment-at-will. Why did this doctrine become viewed as harsh, immoral, or unfair, from an employees perspective? Research the Internet and find a legal case that involves a wrongful termination claim. Briefly cite/describe this case, the final ruling, and if you agree with the case outcome. Review the cases posted by your fellow classmates, respond to at least three of your classmates posts, and discuss the outcomes and the applicability of the employment-at-will doctrine.

Minimum 2 paragraphs to 1 full page

Choose a small or medium fishing company e.g cuulong fish company (VIETNAM)

The report will be assessed on the following criteria:
1.    Use of models – applicability to the chosen Service systems For example, this might include:
Application of concepts, further reading? Competitive information?
Clarity of business/management research question/s and formulation of clear aims, objectives and scope.
Identify and provide relevant academic and practitioner literature, to draw inferences from the literature
2.        Depth of analysis – as opposed to description:  For example, this might include:
    Evidence of understanding of links between business strategy, the market  and service strategy  and its operating systems
    The scope of data used in the analysis and the quality of the analysis conducted, for example: Tools and Process analysis? Lean Six Sigma?Analysis of both number of mentions and importance?
    For your analysis, you need to apply at least 3 tools  : Visual Management , SPC, SIPOC, VSM, FMEA Gemba, Swim Lane Flowcharts, 5S, VOC and CTQ Tools, Changeover (SMED) procedures, CMMI, Benchmarking, Brainstorming, Affinity Diagram
    Reporting and appropriate presentation of the data generated.
3.    Extent to which the recommendations and conclusions flow from the prior analysis :
    Recommendations derived: Comprehensive, for example in terms of Strategy/services/customer/improvements8/ service innovation /business model?) Lean? Visual Management? Design for Six Sigma? Agile developments? SCRUM Model?
    Synthesis: Development of a coherent argument and critical analysis of the findings
    Relates the analysis to the academic and practitioner literature
    Findings:  generalizable, critical and/or original application of knowledge
    Conclusions/recommendations based on the analysis:
4.    CONCLUSION THE ELEVATOR PITCH  (50 words max.)
Imagine you have just bumped into the CEO of your company while travelling in the lift of your building. Suddenly you have the opportunity to convince the most powerful person in your company that your plan is a good one.  Write a brief 50 word statement of the benefit of your plan to your organisation.  Make sure you take into account the analysis and objectives youve set in this document.  This chance meeting may have a profound impact on whether your plan wins financial support but remember he/she is a busy person and wont have more than 30 seconds to listen to you!

5.    Quality of report
    Presenting professionally and integrating the sections of the plan so that it makes a coherent and persuasive argument. Well-structured? Clear text? Good appendices? Well-integrated sections?
    Coherent and concise writing? Appropriate and accurate referencing?
    Effective and well-presented figures and tables? Grammar, spelling and appropriate vocabulary?

Qualitative Assessment Criteria

Mark Range & Standard     Criteria / Descriptor
(N.B. not all may apply for each piece of work or type of assessment)
80% – 100%

Excellent     Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields.
All stated intended learning outcomes exceeded.
High capacity for critical evaluation.
Novel application of the subject matter to a specific context.
Requiring a student to have:
    Undertaken extensive further reading.
    Produced a well-structured piece of work.
    Demonstrated excellent communication skills.
    Exercised a high level of original thought.
70% – 79%

Very Good     Demonstrating an extensive knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields.
Many stated intended learning outcomes exceeded.
Very good capacity for critical evaluation.
Effective application of the subject matter to a specific context.
Requiring a student to have:
    Undertaken substantial further reading.
    Produced a well-structured piece of work.
    Demonstrated very good communication skills.
    Exercised a significant level of original thought.
60% – 69%

Good     Demonstrating a good knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields.
All stated intended learning outcomes met, with some exceeded.
Good capacity for critical evaluation.
Competent application of the subject matter to a specific context.
Requiring a student to have:
    Undertaken some further reading.
    Produced a well-structured piece of work.
    Demonstrated good communication skills.
50% – 59%

Satisfactory     Demonstrating a satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields.
All stated intended learning outcomes met.
Standard critique of the subject matter.
Adequate application of the subject matter to a specific context.
Requiring a student to have:
    Undertaken adequate further reading.
    Produced an adequately-structured piece of work.
    Demonstrated basic but satisfactory communication skills.
40% – 49%

Poor     Demonstrating an inadequate knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields.
Most stated intended learning outcomes met.
Lacking critique of the subject matter.
Limited application of the subject matter to a specific context.
Requiring a student to have:
    Undertaken some relevant reading.
    Produced a piece of work with a simple structure.
    Demonstrated marginal communication skills
0% – 39%

Very Poor     Demonstrating a lack of knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields.
Many stated intended learning outcomes not met.
Absence of critique of the subject matter.
Lacking application of the subject matter to a specific context.
Requiring a student to have:
    Undertaken inadequate reading.
    Produced a poorly-structured piece of work.
    Demonstrated poor communication skills.