Public Health

In the upcoming annotated bibliography and reflection papers you will be required to do research on a public health topic of your interest. Before we get to those assignments I want you to choose a public health issue of your interest.

Based on your chosen topic, you are then required to do research on an organization that provides services to improve public health.

Type a report that contains the following information about your organization:

– Name of the organization

– Mission

– Vision

– Values

– Budget

– Strategic Plan (If found)

– Strengths and weaknesses

– Your overall opinion about the organization

Please upload a document in a report format using Microsoft Word that is at least 5 pages but not more than 20. You are encouraged to be creative, but the report needs to look professional. If the report is not in Microsoft Word it will not be accepted.

Rubric for grading is:

– Document organization:                  15 points

– Document presentation:                  10 points

– Grammar, spelling, writing style      35 points

– Quality of content and sources:      40 Points

Use of enriching Text, graphs, tables, referencing, footnotes, photos, table of contents is encouraged.

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