Category: Websites, web programming

HTML/CSS Website

I have attached the components of my final project website that I have completed thus far. I have also attached a Requirements checklist. The Website needs have each element outlined from Requirements checklist on the site and the Requirements checklist needs to be filled out. If there is an element missing from y website that is outlined on the Requirements checklist, I need to add that element to the website.
1) I need to have the Requirement’s Page filled in with the data requested.
2) if the current site is not meeting a requirement I need to have it added to the website.

Web project

Choose one of the following website topics
1. Clickbait website
2. Fake news website
3. Fashion blog

The first 3 topics generate revenue from a one-2-many e-business model – follow the logic of profit maximisation within legal boundaries.
There is no fixed number of HTML pages. A clickbait website might use 10-20 or even more pages for the click-through. A fake news website or a fashion blog might feature 3-5 articles or blog posts, plus some other pages (mission statement, about, contact etc.). The design of a fashion blog might be rather sophisticated (background video loop) compared to the cheap look-and-feel of many clickbait websites or many fake news websites. However, there are also fancy clickbait websites such as Astrology Answers, which work differently, not by using sensational images but sensational promises.
You choose one of the topics, then read the literature specified for the topic (below) and start your independent research. Look at comparable sites, check the library catalogue and based on your findings.

Again, not every topic might use both a left and right sidebar, for example, or all of the social media listed above, or other. A fake news website and a fashion blog might have a Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. A fake news website might not use Instagram but a fashion blog would. You take these decisions based on the requirements of your concept and profit maximisation.

The format: plain word doc with student name and ID and URL

HTML/CSS Assignment

The Final project instructions Microsoft word document has all of the instructions needed.

The Jpg. images are used to write the HTML codes.

The Home.png, products.jpg, and contact.png are the screenshots of what the finished products should look like

This is for my Business Systems final project with a short deadline.

Advanced front end web development

Really you need to do three things in this assignment:

Build a responsive UI using HTML and CSS
Implement suitable functionality using JavaScript (this must include the use of Ajax).
Demonstrate understanding of advanced tools, techniques and approaches.
My advice is to do (1) and (2) first and then re-write your code to do (3).

Heres a possible work flow:

A key requirement is Ajax. Do this first.

Have a look at week 9, do some research, make sure you understand what Ajax is.
Next think about your data.
Are you using an API?
If yes, have a look at the documentation, you may have to sign up and get a key, understand how the API works before writing your own JavaScript.
If you arent using an API create an example JSON file. Dont make this too big, four or five objects will be fine to start with. Paste your JSON code into to make sure you have constructed it correctly.
Now have a go at loading your JSON data using JavaScript.
Remember you will need to use a web server.
Use the examples in Week 9 to guide you
Now think about how you can use this data to actually build an app. If you look at week 10 and the link to simple-app-architectures there are some examples you can modify for the assignment. The easiest ones to work with are passing-data-querystring and passing-data-web-storage. Get these examples to work but use your data.
Now think about the UI.

Start a new project, separate from your JavaScript work.
Build a static (HTML and CSS only) version of your website.
Make sure the site is usable across a number of different screen sizes, and especially on mobile.
Dont get too perfectionist, CSS and design will suck your time away.
Integrate you work from (3) with your work from (2) and you should have the basis for a good app.

Now think about the tools, techniques and approaches.

Here are some examples of things you could do:
Re-write your CSS using a CSS methodology
Instead of relying wholly on your own CSS, use a CSS library to style some aspects of your design
Implement techniques to optimise page speed performance
Use a mapping library to show data on a map
This list isnt exhaustive, it is up to you to choose suitable tools, techniques and approaches. My advice is to focus on one new approach at a time, and to use the technology properly e.g. if you simply change a couple of CSS selectors to use BEM, it doesnt really show understanding.
You will get a much higher mark if you use a limited range of tools, techniques and approaches and show you really understand them, rather than using a wide range of techniques superficially.

Keep experimenting with using different tools, techniques and approaches to build a better assignment piece. Make sure you give yourself enough time to do the final piece of written work.

Web scrapping and modification

The PHP page provided generates the board and places tiles. There is also a selectable link called ‘Action 4:’, this button places shrimp on the board.

Part 1
Provided with the following code file, modify the Game Log link so that it displays a text file called GameLog.txt. When shrimp are added to the board, append the board location to GameLog.txt. It should read something like “A shrimp was placed on D3”. Whenever a new game is started the GameLog should be cleared.

Part 2
Add another link next to the GameLog link called Save Game. Whenever this is activated it writes the contents of the board to a text file called SavedGame.txt. Create a new PHP page that displays the contents of this file that is linked to the main PHP page.

Special note: This assignment is turned into a Linux server with special read and write permissions

Website Build (Template Starting Point Provided)

Create two more pages (a faux shop and a faux cart) for the website provided. You have been given a .psd wireframe with three artboards. Each artboard represents one
page of the website. With the home page already provided as a starting point, you will create a three-page fixed-width website.

(Detailed instructions provided in folder)

HTML Bootstrap 4 partial assignment

I’ve included the spec pdf for this.  I’ve completed half of the assignment but need help with the second half.  This work will be exclusively working with Bootstrap 4 and CSS to achieve the outlines results, and it’s not that much work remaining. 
Please see that the assignment is also attached and fully built and linked, as I said bootstrap 4 html code and minor CSS needed to finish.  Thanks!

Simple Java Program (4/6 tasks already completed)


There are a total of 6 tasks….4 are completed. You only need to do the last two (Tasks 5 and 6).

There is a pdf that has all the information and the tasks labeled. There a total of six tasks that are labeled in it (reminder, first 4 are completed, only do last two). Shouldn’t take long.

There is zip folder that has the four tasks done, using the starter code. So use this file (Project 5_4 tasks to work on. is is just for reference. It was the one I used to work on at first.

Read the gradingRubric after completion and make tweaks accordingly if possible. It is on last page of pdf.

Social media marketting website

Need a social media type website

People register using an email address, username and password.

All emails used to register an account must end in

Users can follow each other like on websites like instagram etc.

On their profiles they can see how many people follow them and how many people they follow. If they click on the followers or following, they will see all the people who follow them/they follow.

They should be able to change their password and username,

They can have a small biography that tells others about themselves/the items they post pics of.

People can post images of the stuff they want to sell and could leave tags under their posts. For example for a bike they could use #bike for the post. They should also say what university they go to under the photos.

Others can search items through the tags and or can search by university.

A homepage where there should be a time ordered feed of the pictures posted by the people they follow.

There should be an explore page where all items posted by all users are seen.

Users can like and comment on each others photos

Users can message each other about the items they are selling. But if someone wants to message someone they can only do so if they follow each other. If someone wants to send a message to someone who doesnt follow them it will send as a request where the other user can accept or reject.


This project needs to be able to tell me the time it will take to get from one latitude and longitude to another for example (26.2146 N, 98.1415 W) to (26.1911 N, 98.2060 W) the functions name it should have are Time, Position, and what i mean by position i mean just call it Position A, Position B, etc. and a compass that tells you in what direction you will have to go from Position A to Position B