Category: Websites, web programming

Real-time action in C# .NET

A simple real-time auction where users can bid on an offered product(no database link needed, just mock data). 20 users can participate at the same time in the auction(20 clients, its enough if i can run it in localhost). They can only offer within a given time(example > auction continues for 1 hour, and every time someone offers time extends with 2 minutes). The user interface is not important, it can be a very simple html page. The most important aspect is that it has to be real-time, so the users can see each others offer and the remaining time.

Web Application Assignment

the “TWAassignment_Autumn2020.pdf” file is assignment sheet. this may require special credentials to a web server to run PHP files ( its just a website that you upload the work into and run the html etc.., labeled in the assignment paper as TWA server), i can provide this once the offer is accepted. skills needed are HTML, PHP. Javascript and CSS. Thank you.

Technologies for Web Applications

Hello,  This work is multiple weekly workshops we do for the subject Technologies for Web Applications. This involves HTML, PHP and CSS. the task is in the folders is a PDF files. there are three of these one in each folder. Thank you

Track COVID-19 in New Jersey

I am assigning you a project to track COVID-19 in the state of NJ according to the following initial criteria: (Please see the following link to give you an idea:
The application must be written in C++ as a Web based application!
There has to an integration with NJ Map.
The application must take into consideration all health facilities in the state and tracking COVID-19 patients
The application should provide statistics in terms of death rate and the recovery rate
There has to be an update every 1 – 5 minutes using external feeder systems.
More options and modifications can be considered as you progress in this C++ project.
Please provide your feedback ASAP! You may use the techniques of Waterfall (iterations) software development model. Only half of this project is due on friday noon( 5/15/2020). The rest is due on next month.

bootleg space invader assignment

Make a bare-bones space-invader game using Javascript and HTML-5. Use the sprites attached, add some fitting sound effects. Be thorough with code documentation, state what the purpose is for each class/section in the code. If possible, write all the code into a single HTML-5 file. Make as few additions as possible. When I say bare-bones, I mean BARE. BONES. Write the code as if you’re a high school student who can maybe scrape together a B- on a good test.

JavaScript lab

Write JavaScript Programs to do the following:(jsps2)

(1) Create a change-counting game that gets the user to enter the number of coins required to make exactly one dollar. The program should prompt the user to enter the number of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. If the total value of the coins entered is equal to one dollar, the program should congratulate the user for winning the game. Otherwise, the program should display a message indicating whether the amount entered was more than or less than one dollar.

(2) A software company sells a package that retails for $100. Quantity discounts are given according to the following table:

Quantity Discount
1019    10%
2049    20%
5099    30%
100+      40%
Write a program that asks the user to enter the number of packages purchased. The program should then display the amount of the discount (if any) and the total amount of the purchase after the discount.

(3) Write a program that asks the user to enter a number of seconds and works as follows:

There are 60 seconds in a minute. If the number of seconds entered by the user is greater than or equal to 60, the program should display the number of minutes in that many seconds.
There are 3,600 seconds in an hour. If the number of seconds entered by the user is greater than or equal to 3,600, the program should display the number of hours in that many seconds.
There are 86,400 seconds in a day. If the number of seconds entered by the user is greater than or equal to 86,400, the program should display the number of days in that many seconds.
(4) The colors red, blue, and yellow are known as the primary colors because they cannot be made by mixing other colors. When you mix two primary colors, you get a secondary color, as shown here:

When you mix red and blue, you get purple.
When you mix red and yellow, you get orange.
When you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
Design a program that prompts the user to enter the names of two primary colors to mix. If the user enters anything other than red, blue, or yellow, the program should display an error message. Otherwise, the program should display the name of the secondary color that results.

Write JavaScript programs to do the following:(jsps4)

(1) A county collects property taxes on the assessment value of property, which is 60 percent of the propertys actual value. For example, if an acre of land is valued at $10,000, its assessment value is $6,000. The property tax is then 72 for each $100 of the assessment value. The tax for the acre assessed at $6,000 will be $38.40. Write a function that accepts the actual value of a piece of property and displays the assessment value and property tax.

(2) Suppose you deposit a certain amount of money into a savings account that earns compound monthly interest, and you want to calculate you will have after a specific amount number of months. The formula is:
F = P * (1 + i)t

Where the terms in the formula are as follows:
F is the future value of the account after the specified amount of time.
P is the present value, or the amount that you want deposit.
i is the monthly interest rate.
t is the number of months that you plan to let the money sit in the account.
Write a function called futureValue() that takes on three arguments: P, i and t which returns the future value.

(3) Write a program that asks the user to enter five test scores. The program should display letter grade for each score and the average test score. Write the following functions in the program:

calcAverageThis function should accept five test scores as arguments and return the average of the scores.
determineGradeThis function should accept a test score as an argument and return a letter grade for the score based on the following grading scale:
Score    Letter Grade
90100    A
8089    B
7079    C
6069    D
Below 60    F
(4) A painting company has determined that for every 112 square feet of wall space, one gallon of paint and eight hours of labor will be required. The company charges $35.00 per hour for labor and $15.00 for a gallon of paint. Write a function that takes in the number of square feet of wall space and displays the following data:

The number of gallons of paint required
The hours of labor required
The cost of the paint
The labor charges
The total cost of the paint job

JavaScript Lab

Write JavaScript Programs to do the following:(jsps2)

(1) Create a change-counting game that gets the user to enter the number of coins required to make exactly one dollar. The program should prompt the user to enter the number of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. If the total value of the coins entered is equal to one dollar, the program should congratulate the user for winning the game. Otherwise, the program should display a message indicating whether the amount entered was more than or less than one dollar.

(2) A software company sells a package that retails for $100. Quantity discounts are given according to the following table:

Quantity Discount
1019    10% 
2049    20%
5099    30%
100+      40%
Write a program that asks the user to enter the number of packages purchased. The program should then display the amount of the discount (if any) and the total amount of the purchase after the discount.

(3) Write a program that asks the user to enter a number of seconds and works as follows:

There are 60 seconds in a minute. If the number of seconds entered by the user is greater than or equal to 60, the program should display the number of minutes in that many seconds.
There are 3,600 seconds in an hour. If the number of seconds entered by the user is greater than or equal to 3,600, the program should display the number of hours in that many seconds.
There are 86,400 seconds in a day. If the number of seconds entered by the user is greater than or equal to 86,400, the program should display the number of days in that many seconds.
(4) The colors red, blue, and yellow are known as the primary colors because they cannot be made by mixing other colors. When you mix two primary colors, you get a secondary color, as shown here:

When you mix red and blue, you get purple.
When you mix red and yellow, you get orange.
When you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
Design a program that prompts the user to enter the names of two primary colors to mix. If the user enters anything other than red, blue, or yellow, the program should display an error message. Otherwise, the program should display the name of the secondary color that results.

Write JavaScript programs to do the following:(jsps4)

(1) A county collects property taxes on the assessment value of property, which is 60 percent of the propertys actual value. For example, if an acre of land is valued at $10,000, its assessment value is $6,000. The property tax is then 72 for each $100 of the assessment value. The tax for the acre assessed at $6,000 will be $38.40. Write a function that accepts the actual value of a piece of property and displays the assessment value and property tax.

(2) Suppose you deposit a certain amount of money into a savings account that earns compound monthly interest, and you want to calculate you will have after a specific amount number of months. The formula is:
F = P * (1 + i)t

Where the terms in the formula are as follows:
F is the future value of the account after the specified amount of time.
P is the present value, or the amount that you want deposit.
i is the monthly interest rate.
t is the number of months that you plan to let the money sit in the account.
Write a function called futureValue() that takes on three arguments: P, i and t which returns the future value.

(3) Write a program that asks the user to enter five test scores. The program should display letter grade for each score and the average test score. Write the following functions in the program:

calcAverageThis function should accept five test scores as arguments and return the average of the scores.
determineGradeThis function should accept a test score as an argument and return a letter grade for the score based on the following grading scale:
Score    Letter Grade
90100    A
8089    B
7079    C
6069    D
Below 60    F
(4) A painting company has determined that for every 112 square feet of wall space, one gallon of paint and eight hours of labor will be required. The company charges $35.00 per hour for labor and $15.00 for a gallon of paint. Write a function that takes in the number of square feet of wall space and displays the following data:

The number of gallons of paint required
The hours of labor required
The cost of the paint
The labor charges
The total cost of the paint job

Javascript slot machine

When the button ‘Run’ is clicked the images from the 3 slots have to change cycle really fast and stop only when the ‘Stop; button is pressed.
Field ‘Score’  has to go up 200 points if two slots are the same and 300 points if all the slots are the same.
Field ‘Score historiek’ has to have the points history Eg:200 — 300
Field ‘Aantal rolls’  should go up by one every time the button roll is pressed.
Game has to stop after 3 rolls.
Button ‘Replay’ resets the game; sets all the fields on 0.


Using Node.js, write a simple online store with whatever it is that youre interested in. The main page should display a list of products on offer with an option of adding each product to the shopping cart. From the main page the user can also decide to checkout and is then transferred to the checkout view which presents his/her shopping cart where each product can be removed from the cart. The whole purchase can be either cancelled (which simply clears the shopping cart) or finalized (which permanently removes the products from the list). In either case, the user is redirected to the main page and an appropriate message is displayed. If the purchase is unsuccessful (e.g., one of the products was bought by another user in the meantime), the user should be redirected back to the shopping cart page with an appropriate message. The shopping cart view also allows the user to simply go back to the main page.
The products should be stored in a database (e.g., MySQL, MongoDb). Heres a link that should help with that. A single table (e.g., products) with a single column (e.g., name) is sufficient, but you can obviously play around with it a bit more if you want to (id, image, description, quantity, etc.). When executing queries with parameters, make sure to use data binding rather than simply concatenating the parameters with the query string. If you dont know why, read this.
The users do not need to be identified in any other way than through session, so theres no need to write the register/login functionality. New session = new user. Session should also be used to store the shopping cart. Once a product is added to the cart it is not removed from the list other users can still see it and add to their carts. It is only after the purchase is finalized that the products are removed. Keep that in mind when testing your application! Watch out for cases when two users have some of the same items in their baskets and both want to finalize the purchase (critical section).
You can use a templating engine like EJS introduced in the presentation or one of many other compatible with express.
Remember to use the HTTP protocol correctly!  Test your website thoroughly to make sure everything works as it should: refresh the page after finalization and adding to cart, use the browsers back and forward buttons. Also, dont forget to use the POST REDIRECT GET pattern (redirecting in express is extremely easy simply call res.redirect instead of res.send and thats it)!
Potentially useful modules include: express, express-session, ejs, body-parser, mysql/mongodb.


Using Node.js, write a simple online store with whatever it is that youre interested in. The main page should display a list of products on offer with an option of adding each product to the shopping cart. From the main page the user can also decide to checkout and is then transferred to the checkout view which presents his/her shopping cart where each product can be removed from the cart. The whole purchase can be either cancelled (which simply clears the shopping cart) or finalized (which permanently removes the products from the list). In either case, the user is redirected to the main page and an appropriate message is displayed. If the purchase is unsuccessful (e.g., one of the products was bought by another user in the meantime), the user should be redirected back to the shopping cart page with an appropriate message. The shopping cart view also allows the user to simply go back to the main page.
The products should be stored in a database (e.g., MySQL, MongoDb). Heres a link that should help with that. A single table (e.g., products) with a single column (e.g., name) is sufficient, but you can obviously play around with it a bit more if you want to (id, image, description, quantity, etc.). When executing queries with parameters, make sure to use data binding rather than simply concatenating the parameters with the query string. If you dont know why, read this.
The users do not need to be identified in any other way than through session, so theres no need to write the register/login functionality. New session = new user. Session should also be used to store the shopping cart. Once a product is added to the cart it is not removed from the list other users can still see it and add to their carts. It is only after the purchase is finalized that the products are removed. Keep that in mind when testing your application! Watch out for cases when two users have some of the same items in their baskets and both want to finalize the purchase (critical section).
You can use a templating engine like EJS introduced in the presentation or one of many other compatible with express.
Remember to use the HTTP protocol correctly!  Test your website thoroughly to make sure everything works as it should: refresh the page after finalization and adding to cart, use the browsers back and forward buttons. Also, dont forget to use the POST REDIRECT GET pattern (redirecting in express is extremely easy simply call res.redirect instead of res.send and thats it)!
Potentially useful modules include: express, express-session, ejs, body-parser, mysql/mongodb.