Category: Websites, web programming

easy loops

You are to create a loop built inside of a table that will convert miles to kilometers. The table conversion list is to begin at 1 and continue through 75. The background of each row is to have have an alternating color. 

tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #f0f;

(Look up This is not intended to be a rainbow. The final result must have appropriate column headings.

The page background must be colored and it is desired that the text within the cells must also be colored (hint: in-line CSS). The font size must be at least 1 and a half times larger than the default font. The page must be laid out in an aesthetic fashion.

I have some done

WEBSITE CASE STUDY Implementing a CSS Two-Column Page Layout

I have been doing this assignment for a few weeks now and I am totally lost at this point. I attached my files that I had created from the previous steps in the assignment. The book is Web Fundamentals in Chegg and I will provide screen shots or my log in to whoever accepts the assignment. Basically you will need to modify the files I have attached and add on to them.

You have five tasks in this case study:

Create a new folder for this JavaJam case study.

Modify the style rules in the javajam.css file to configure a two-column page layout, as shown in Figure 6.48.

Modify the Home page to implement the two-column page layout, as shown in Figure 6.49.

The JavaJam menu page is shown in a browser window.

The new JavaJam two-column layout (index.html)

Modify the Menu page (Figure 6.50) to be consistent with the Home page.

The JavaJam home page is shown in a browser window.

The new JavaJam Menu page

Modify the Music page (Figure 6.51) to be consistent with the Home page.

Project 11-1 Batting Statistics

Project 11-1: Batting Statistics
Create an application that calculates batting statistics for baseball players.

Welcome to the Batting Average Calculator

Enter number of times at bat: 5

0 = out, 1 = single, 2 = double, 3 = triple, 4 = home run

Result for at-bat 1: 0

Result for at-bat 2: 1

Result for at-bat 3: 0

Result for at-bat 4: 2

Result for at-bat 5: 3

Batting average: 0.600

Slugging percent: 1.200

Another player? (y/n): y

Enter number of times at bat: 3

0 = out, 1 = single, 2 = double, 3 = triple, 4 = home run

Result for at-bat 1: 0

Result for at-bat 2: 4

Result for at-bat 3: 0

Batting average: 0.333

Slugging percent: 1.333

Another player? (y/n): n


The batting average is the total number of at bats for which the player earned at least one base divided by the number of at bats.

The slugging percentage is the total number of bases earned divided by the number of at bats.

Use an array to store the at-bat results for each player.

Validate the input like this:

For number of at bats, the user must enter an integer from 1 to 30.
For each at bat, the user must enter 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Format the batting average and slugging percent to show three decimal digits.

Calculate the statistics for another player only if the user enters ‘y’ or ‘Y’ at the ‘Another player?’ prompt. Otherwise, end the application.

ENTD200 Week 8 Assignment


You will complete this assignment in Python 3.x. Make sure you have downloaded the software, and it is installed correctly. You will download it from this site:

You will code the following and submit it in one file. Use the information in the Lessons area for this week to assist you. Save it as a python file (.py), and upload it into the Assignments area.

      Create a comment block (starts at line 1 in the code) with the following information:

                Your Name

  Course Name, Section (example: ENTD200 B002 Spr15)
  Instructor name
  Week  #
  Date completed
      Problem 1: Create a list (or tuple only, no dictionary) that contains the months of the year. ( do not hardcode the month number)
      Problem 2: Create a loop to print the number and the months of the year from the list.
      The output should like this:

  Month 1  is  January

  Month 2 is  February



  Month 12 is December

Optional 1
Month 1 is January, …Happy new year ( Do not use if-then. Do not add the messages to the months list), create another list for greetings.
The output will look like this
Month 1 is January , …Happy New Year!
Month 2 is February,  …Happy Valentine!
Month 3 is March
Month 4 is April
Month 5 is May
Month 6 is June
Month 7 is July,  …Happy Fourth of July!
Month 8 is August
Month 9 is September
Month 10 is October,  …Happy Halloween!
Month 11 is November,  …Happy Thanksgiving!
Month 12 is December,  …Merry Christmas!

              Optional 2
              Modify the Payroll  and/or the MPG program from week5/6 to store the results in a list/dictionary. Print the list/dictionary when no more calculation is selected.
              The output will be something like this for the payroll

              Payroll for week xyz
              James Bond      …….  21,500
              Al Bundy            …….        500
              Johnny English  ..    1,200

              Total Payroll    …….  23,200       

              For the MPG will be something like

              MPG for zyz truck
              Week 1    …..  12
              Week 2    ….. 33
              Week 3    ….. 27
              MPG Ave ….. 24

ENTD200 Week 7 Assignment

Week 7 Assignment: Pseudocode and Flowchart Solution 


Create a PowerPoint that contains a FLOWCHART and a PSEUDOCODE for each problem (You may use a different application if PowerPoint is not available).

Use the information below to create a pseudocode (which can be a text-based description for solving the problems) and a flowchart (using flowchart symbols to illustrate how you would program) to solve each problem. Use Microsoft PowerPoint for Pseudocode and the flowchart (You may use a different application if PowerPoint is not available)..

    Problem 1: Create a list that contains the months of the year.
    Problem 2: Create a loop to print the month number and name (do not hard code the month number)
    Consider using the attached enumerate method to help!

    Just for clarity, write the pseudocodes and the flowchart. Use the Python List to list the months of the year. Write another set of commands to print the list using pseudocodes and flowchart only in WK 7.

ENTD200 Assignment 6

Assignment Instructions

Week 6 Assignment: Variables, IF/THEN/ELSE, Loops 


You will complete this assignment in Python 3.x. Make sure you have downloaded the software and it is installed correctly. You will download it from this site:

You will code the following and submit it in one file. Use the information in the Lessons area for this week to assist you. Save it as a python file (.py), and upload it into the Assignments area.

1. Include comment block on line1 of your code with the following information:


    Your Name
    Course Name, Section (example: ENTD200 B002 Spr18)
    Instructor name
    Week  #
    Date completed

2.    Create  2 Python programs  based on week 5 flowcharts and requirements. You must use loops, do not use function call
Here is a SAMPLE  run for a simple calculator to add to numbers (this is for reference only)

Simple Calculator

What is your name –> Supa

Enter first number –> 7

Enter second number –> 5

Total of  7.0 + 5.0 = 12.0

Supa do you want another calculation ? (y/n) y

Enter first number –> 21

Enter second number –> 11

Total of  21.0 + 11.0 = 32.0

Supa do you want another calculation ? (y/n) n

Thanks for using my calculator

Very easy task

— Display your full name in an alert box.

–Provide the result of a calculation in an alert box that will involve three numbers; you will decide what the variable names are and what the values and math operations will be. You must supply labels to inform the viewer what the numbers represent (See concatenation below)

–Display the values of the screen size you are using to write your code.

The third bullet above requires you to use the JavaScript functions of screen.height and screen.width plus the concatenation symbol of ‘+’. Look it up using the link.

Internet Application Development

Assignment 2 – Form Validation PHP Introduction.

This assignment assumes that you are relatively familiar with HTML forms and that you use JavaScript functions to validate them. The goal here is essentially to create a dynamic form that will submit the POST object containing these values to a server. Using PHP, you’ll do some manipulations on this data to return a result set to display to the user.

This assignment is also built to assignment 1, which I previously completed because it will serve the function of your layout. Assignment 1 is already attached  for your reference.

Enquiry Page

– Only required to make a page for admins to respond to the customer’s enquiries, under Enquiry Status > Update (staff will reply to customer’s enquiries from here)
– Page for customers to view their own enquiry and check if it has been answered by admin
– If enquiry has been answered, display admin’s answers
– Only using SQL, shelve, python, java, css, jinja, flask

-from Constance’s portions only

Enquiry Page

– Only required to make a page for admins to respond to the customer’s enquiries, under Enquiry Status > Update (staff will reply to customer’s enquiries from here)
– Page for customers to view their own enquiry and check if it has been answered by admin
– If enquiry has been answered, display admin’s answers

-from Constance’s portions only