Category: Websites, web programming


// TODO: Q1(c)(iii)
  // Make an event listener to save text when it changes:
  // …get the textarea element’s current value
  //    (getting HTML input values is in Block 2 Part 2 Section 6)
  // …make a text item using the value
  //    (demonstrated elsewhere in this file)
  // …store the item in local storage using the given key
  //    (local storage is in Block 3 Part 5)

  // Connect the event listener to the textarea element:

// TODO: Q1(c)(iv) Task 1 of 3
  // Instead of adding a dummy image:
  // …trigger the click event of the hidden file input element
  //    (demonstrated in Block 3 Part 4)

// Function to handle a new file being selected
function processFile(event) {
  // TODO: Q1(c)(iv) Task 2 of 3
  // Complete this event listener to read the file when it is selected:
  // (reading files into a data URL using FileReader is demonstrated in Block 3 Part 4)
  // …then rather than using the data URL as src for an Image element,
  // …use it to add a new image entry, using the current timestamp to make a key
  //    (demonstrated elsewhere in this file)
  // TODO: Q1(c)(iv) Task 3 of 3
  // In the same event listener, make an image item using the data URL
  // (demonstrated elsewhere in this file)
  // Store the item in local storage using the given key
  // (demonstrated elsewhere in this file)

Browser Extension

I need a simple browser extension for chrome. It must do the following things:

1) have a user sign-in with username and password and verify user info against a SQL database. keep the user signed in even after closing the browser. Have a logout button once signed in.

2) when the extension detects you are on a specific site have it overwrite & autofill info into a sign-in form using database information only if the user hasn’t exceeded the maximum number of active sessions allowed by the database.

3) display users active sessions for that site in the extension.

4) once user signs into site track users active sessions on the site and report back to the SQL database and close sessions once the user leaves the site or clicks to sign out on the site

5) when a user deletes the extension open up a specific page

Unit 6

Unit 6 Build a Registration Form   
In this unit we will build a registration form so that business representatives can register the business they work for and then be eligible to use our conference center. This exercise will enhance our knowledge of HTML forms, CSS, and allow us to dive deeper into JavaScript.

WordPress and Features


Part A Reviewing WordPress and its Features

After completing your website shell in WordPress, take a screenshot of the shell in a web browser or from WordPress, and paste the image in a document. Include a title page.

Part B Using WordPress for Building Websites

Insert at least one social media button and one plugin on your website in WordPress. Take a screenshot of each item (or together if they are on a single web page) from a web browser or from WordPress, and paste the image or images in the same document.

Part C Submitting Your Work To Your Instructor

Copy and paste your website address from WordPress into a new document and include the following items:

    a brief description of what you included in your website,
    a discussion of how you would use social media content in your website, and
    a discussion of the plugin you chose and how this will be useful for your website.

APA is not required for this assignment. Upload these documents as separate documents or as a ZIP file for grading. If you have questions, please reach out to your instructor for help.

Please click here to view the video tutorial on how to create and upload a ZIP file to Blackboard. (Click here to view the transcript for the tutorial.) 

Building your Website

In this unit, you will start building your website in either Notepad ++ or BlueGriffon. Before you start, complete the following homework assignment. Use diagrams and illustrations as needed:

    Discuss the table(s) and form(s) that you will include in your website, including their purpose.
    Discuss the internal and/or external links you will use in your website.
    Discuss the multimedia and interactivity element(s) you will use in your website, including their purpose.
    Upload the document for grading. This document needs to be a minimum of two pages in length. APA is not required for this document.

Begin working on this project; it is due in Unit VIII.

Using the documentation you completed throughout this course and the Toolwire labs as a guide, begin building your website in the HTML editor that you chose. The completed website will be due at the end of Unit VIII.

Your website must include the following elements:

    at least four web pages,
    HTML and/or CSS,
    a Home or Landing page.
    visual consistency (color and text),
    at least one image,
    at least one table,
    at least one form (interactive element),
    at least three valid internal and/or external links (no broken links or dead ends), and
    at least one multimedia element.

Your website must be mobile friendly.

As you add your text and position your optimized images in the HTML editor, complete the tasks below.

    Use responsive web design techniques to ensure your website will be effective on multiple devices and screen sizes.
    Apply the rules of good typography.
    Include alternative text descriptions for images and follow other WAI accessibility guidelines, please visit the following websites for more information:
    Develop your home page and underlying pages according to your chosen website structure.
    Establish and apply a consistent page layout and color scheme for all pages at your website to achieve unity.
    Limit the color scheme to no more than three complementary colors.

Download from the web, purchase, link to, or create any multimedia you want to include on your web pages. Insert the elements into your pages following the guidelines for multimedia. Give proper credit where necessary. Develop any web-based forms you want to include on your web pages following the guidelines in the Toolwire labs for creating usable forms.

object-oriented php

part 1: The company “Visitors” wants a website for a guestbook. They want the guestbook to work so that it can create and delete posts.
The guestbook should contain the entries

who made the post (name or alias),
The post (the text that was written) and
date and time when the post was made.
The created posts should be stored in a text file in serialized form.
NOTE! You do not need to be able to update these posts, but it is enough to create new and delete any posts.

Your solution should be object oriented with PHP and be able to store / read all information against a serialized file on your server.
The features to be implemented in your solution on the guestbook website should be:

possibility to create and delete posts in the guestbook
Information that should be in each record should be:
username / signature, post, date + time for created post

Part 2:

Following a request from the client, they want to change the storage of the posts to work against a database instead of storage against a text file.
It is your job to implement this solution.

The created posts should be stored in a relational database where each post is stored as a separate record.

Your solution should be object oriented with PHP and be able to store / read all information against a database on a server.
The features to be implemented in your solution on the guestbook website should be:

possibility to create and delete posts in the guestbook
Information that should be in each record should be:
User name / signature, post, date + time for created post
The interface to the site is up to you to create using HTML, JavaScript and style templates where the appearance may be optional.
Keep in mind that you should be able to test all features of your solution from this interface.

object-oriented php

part 1: The company “Visitors” wants a website for a guestbook. They want the guestbook to work so that it can create and delete posts.
The guestbook should contain the entries

who made the post (name or alias),
The post (the text that was written) and
date and time when the post was made.
The created posts should be stored in a text file in serialized form.
NOTE! You do not need to be able to update these posts, but it is enough to create new and delete any posts.

Your solution should be object oriented with PHP and be able to store / read all information against a serialized file on your server.
The features to be implemented in your solution on the guestbook website should be:

possibility to create and delete posts in the guestbook
Information that should be in each record should be:
username / signature, post, date + time for created post

Part 2:

Following a request from the client, they want to change the storage of the posts to work against a database instead of storage against a text file.
It is your job to implement this solution.

The created posts should be stored in a relational database where each post is stored as a separate record.

Your solution should be object oriented with PHP and be able to store / read all information against a database on a server.
The features to be implemented in your solution on the guestbook website should be:

possibility to create and delete posts in the guestbook
Information that should be in each record should be:
User name / signature, post, date + time for created post
The interface to the site is up to you to create using HTML, JavaScript and style templates where the appearance may be optional.
Keep in mind that you should be able to test all features of your solution from this interface.

object-oriented php

part 1: The company “Visitors” wants a website for a guestbook. They want the guestbook to work so that it can create and delete posts.
The guestbook should contain the entries

who made the post (name or alias),
The post (the text that was written) and
date and time when the post was made.
The created posts should be stored in a text file in serialized form.
NOTE! You do not need to be able to update these posts, but it is enough to create new and delete any posts.

Your solution should be object oriented with PHP and be able to store / read all information against a serialized file on your server.
The features to be implemented in your solution on the guestbook website should be:

possibility to create and delete posts in the guestbook
Information that should be in each record should be:
username / signature, post, date + time for created post

Part 2:

Following a request from the client, they want to change the storage of the posts to work against a database instead of storage against a text file.
It is your job to implement this solution.

The created posts should be stored in a relational database where each post is stored as a separate record.

Your solution should be object oriented with PHP and be able to store / read all information against a database on a server.
The features to be implemented in your solution on the guestbook website should be:

possibility to create and delete posts in the guestbook
Information that should be in each record should be:
User name / signature, post, date + time for created post
The interface to the site is up to you to create using HTML, JavaScript and style templates where the appearance may be optional.
Keep in mind that you should be able to test all features of your solution from this interface.

object-oriented php

part 1: The company “Visitors” wants a website for a guestbook. They want the guestbook to work so that it can create and delete posts.
The guestbook should contain the entries

who made the post (name or alias),
The post (the text that was written) and
date and time when the post was made.
The created posts should be stored in a text file in serialized form.
NOTE! You do not need to be able to update these posts, but it is enough to create new and delete any posts.

Your solution should be object oriented with PHP and be able to store / read all information against a serialized file on your server.
The features to be implemented in your solution on the guestbook website should be:

possibility to create and delete posts in the guestbook
Information that should be in each record should be:
username / signature, post, date + time for created post

Part 2:

Following a request from the client, they want to change the storage of the posts to work against a database instead of storage against a text file.
It is your job to implement this solution.

The created posts should be stored in a relational database where each post is stored as a separate record.

Your solution should be object oriented with PHP and be able to store / read all information against a database on a server.
The features to be implemented in your solution on the guestbook website should be:

possibility to create and delete posts in the guestbook
Information that should be in each record should be:
User name / signature, post, date + time for created post
The interface to the site is up to you to create using HTML, JavaScript and style templates where the appearance may be optional.
Keep in mind that you should be able to test all features of your solution from this interface.

object-oriented php

part 1: The company “Visitors” wants a website for a guestbook. They want the guestbook to work so that it can create and delete posts.
The guestbook should contain the entries

who made the post (name or alias),
The post (the text that was written) and
date and time when the post was made.
The created posts should be stored in a text file in serialized form.
NOTE! You do not need to be able to update these posts, but it is enough to create new and delete any posts.

Your solution should be object oriented with PHP and be able to store / read all information against a serialized file on your server.
The features to be implemented in your solution on the guestbook website should be:

possibility to create and delete posts in the guestbook
Information that should be in each record should be:
username / signature, post, date + time for created post

Part 2:

Following a request from the client, they want to change the storage of the posts to work against a database instead of storage against a text file.
It is your job to implement this solution.

The created posts should be stored in a relational database where each post is stored as a separate record.

Your solution should be object oriented with PHP and be able to store / read all information against a database on a server.
The features to be implemented in your solution on the guestbook website should be:

possibility to create and delete posts in the guestbook
Information that should be in each record should be:
User name / signature, post, date + time for created post
The interface to the site is up to you to create using HTML, JavaScript and style templates where the appearance may be optional.
Keep in mind that you should be able to test all features of your solution from this interface.