Category: Vancouver

COVID-19 vaccine in saudi

A paragraph
That includes.
1- the emergence of covid-19 vaccine and its composition ( example: mRNA and how does it work on the cellular level)
2- When the government of saudi arabia started to provide these vaccines to the citizens

Please note:please make sure that there is no plagiarized writing and the references needs to be from scientific and proven studies(articles)

health economics

As an economic situation, market failure refers to an economic situation characterized by the inefficient distribution of services and goods within a free market. In the healthcare sector, a market failure entails inefficiency in service delivery and distribution of goods. Externalities entail the selected form of market failure explored in this case. Dewar notes that externalities can lead to inefficiency in the healthcare sector (p.75). The role of externalities in enhancing inefficiencies as the external costs fail to reflect the value of services offered (p.75). The value of services yet to be offered within the healthcare sector fails to reflect on such costs.

Taxation, more precisely sin taxes, is one of the healthcare issues that can be addressed and explored with the aid of market failures (distinctively using externalities). In a 2020 article in the New York Times, Austin Frakt uses the example of Obamacare to show the impact of mandatory taxation in reducing the cost of medical coverage. Frakt (1) states that Sin tax, as the article explains, entails taxing unhealthy habits to encourage individuals to show a willingness and commitment towards adopting healthy habits and living conditions (p.1). Smoking is an example of an unhealthy habit that is mentioned in the ACA as taxable.

Furthermore, the American healthcare system’s externality that relates to this issue of mandatory taxation is reliability and complete coverage. Frakt (1) states that the value that patients and beneficiaries of the Affordable Cara Act expect is complete and reliable coverage (p.1). Efficient insurance coverage is characterized by limited interferences such as unanticipated taxes and charges that limit people’s ability to access the proper medical care they deserve and expect. On the same note, there is a need to ensure that the insurance coverage for patients is affordable, as was stipulated in the fundamental features that defined this issue. Austin Frakt’s article (1)  argues from an economic perspective as his remarks are based on professionals’ views within the sector of taxation (p.1)

In this case, externality entails seamlessness in transition for proper care with limited interference and without overcharge in the name of sin taxes. Addressing the issue of incidental taxation charges can be addressed if it is also considered the value in the costing of medical coverage. There should be a willingness to create a spectrum that is an accurate representation and indication of the features and habits of the consumers. The healthcare market in the United States depends on its medical coverage dynamics. Articulation of mandatory taxes with an outline of the aspects of sin tax would immensely help address this externality

There are, thus, a policy intervention to address a market failure. Maybe you can reframe your contributions to address the task for this part of the assignment more clearly – identifying one of these markets where there is market failure and outline why/how the market fails; then describe how a Government can react to address the market failure…

health economics

In this activity we will primarily focus on the implications different market structures have on the behaviour of firms, and the issues these raise in relation to the supply of health.
For this activity, please think about the four key market structures that were outlined in Chapter 4 of the textbook:
    Perfect Competition
    Monopolistic Competition
Write a 600 word post to give concrete examples of specific healthcare/healthcare products for two of the different market structures. This may require some additional research. Please also comment on any implications the different market structures may have, such as for pricing, availability, access etc. Is there a role for other actors, such as regulators or the government in relation to any of these specific types of market structures?

Health literacy and its outcome in HTN males between the ages of 30-65 in the New Providence

I would like just the literature review part of this proposal to be done. I would like for a systematic approach to be carried out so that research paper can be organized. The topic for this research is Health literacy and its outcome in HTN males between the ages of 30-65 in the New Providence(Bahamas)’ so therefore, I would like the literatures to related to the topic. This section of the paper is worth 50% of this proposal

Assignment: Suspicion Beyond Reason

Review one psychological therapeutic intervention for paranoia or psychosis. In your review you
will also need to describe: the intervention; what it aims to achieve; and any limitations it may have.
To help with formatting your assignment, please refer to the four key points below which are further
expanded on in the marking criteria (for this assignment).
A. Define paranoia and psychosis.
B. Briefly describe the intervention.
C. Describe the theory behind the intervention (e.g., cognitive behavioural model)
D. Provide an overview of any current research on the treatment that you have selected.
Some suggested search terms: Paranoia, psychosis, severe mental illness, schizophrenia, paranoid
personality disorder, randomised controlled trials, treatment, treatment outcomes, and clinical

Structure your assignment as answering each individual heading. Use well-defined headings for
each section of the assignment and Vancouver referencing. You do not need to format it in columns.
The assignment must be no longer than 4 pages. This includes any tables and figures. Pages
beyond the four-page limit will be ignored.
The page limit does not include a cover page and the reference list
You must use at least 12 point font and it must not be a narrow font (e.g. Arial Narrow), there
must be at least 2 cm margins all around, and it must be at least 1.5-spaced.
All tables must be included as MS Word tables not as a figure (i.e. not as a .jpg or .bmp)
otherwise they will not be detected in Turnitin. Any tables included as figures will be ignored.

A mixed-method study of hospital pharmacists’ perspective on working 24/7 shifts

Please read the attached paper.

I would like you to write a research proposal based on the paper, i.e. Pretend you were the writer, you are going to write a proposal, then get approved, and this paper published “Exploring_the_experiences_and_opinions_of_hospital_pharmacists_working_247_shifts_in_a_hospital_AAM_2_”  is your final product.

using mixed method analysis, which included quantitive (data collection by survey instead of the interview method used in the paper) and qualitative (similar to what the writer has done in the paper AFTER DATA COLLECTION).

Please strictly follow the structure in the “good example” document and refer to the assessment rubric document.

ideally we should have 20 references.

Chapter Introduction – Science (Nutrition) research

Please write the introduction section for my chapter. You must cover the following points:
1. The beneficial effect of dietary nitrate on blood pressure and endothelial function.
2. Importance role of oral bacteria in converting Nitrate (NO3) to Nitrite (NO2) then Nitric Oxide (NO).
3. Biological effect of (NO) on blood pressure.
4. Potential effect of (NO3) as a prebiotic treatment.

Please use attached papers (no. 1 & 2) only for writing the main points because they have all the information you need. However, I added 4 more references (no. 3 , 4 , 5 and 6) for more information and supporting ideas.

**Please write Doctoral Level and UK English language**


Health Disparity – Infant Mortality

Style Instructions
Title: Make it a short, memorable and directly to the point.
Use bullet points and bolded headers in your text.
Write short concise sentences.
Make it easy to read and find your content.
Use only professional literature, i.e. no use of popular press.
Your aim is to convince the reader that the health disparity needs to be addressed and explain the best recommendations.

The aim of the short report is to construct a concise, neutral summary of what is known on a health disparity and provide realistic recommendations on how to improve the health disparity. You can add photographs, charts or figures that explain your selected health disparity. Include reference to figures in Reference List. Page Count & References: Max 2 pages (700-800 words). 12-point font. Not included in your page/word count: References (must include at least 7), Appendix, figures and charts. Use Vancouver reference style. See link college/administration-and-support-services/library/public/vancouver.pdf

Main body of short report requirements:
1) In paragraph 1: Provide adequate background on a health disparity. You need to provide enough background so that a novice can understand the state of the health disparity.
In the paragraph explain: 1.) what is the health disparity, 2.) where it takes place, 3.) whom it affects, 4.) outline the current situation, 5.) give an example or provide evidence of the health disparity, 6.) outline what are the current effects of the health disparity, 7.) give an example or provide evidence to highlight the current effects. Use five keywords (terms) from your keyword assignments in your background statement. Underline the keyword (terms) in your text so that it is evident used correctly. Attach an Appendix to your short report listing the keyword (term) and its corresponding definition.

2) In paragraph 2: Briefly summarize what are social determinants of health. Using the SDH model as your guide provide background information on your selected country and explain the relationship between SDH and your selected health disparity.

3) In paragraph 3: Develop (3-6 max) recommendations to reduce the health disparity. a. Use bulletpoints or bold to make your recommendations easy to find.b. Create realistic and feasible recommendations.Forexample,look to another country and provide comparative evidence in the form of what other
countries are doing that works to support your recommendation.

4) In paragraph 4: If your hypnotized recommendations work discuss the expected outcome.

5) In paragraph 5: If your proposed recommendations do not work, discuss possible alternatives to modify and improve the approach?

6) In paragraph 6: Specify and highlight the human rights article linked to your health disparity. Explain how it is linked. Outline what health professionals and policy makers should do and give reasons behind engaging this group. Propose a useful funding source. End with your call to action.

Health Disparity: Infant Mortality

Country: United States

Comparison Group: Caucasians and African Americans