Category: Undergraduate

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):

MT219M1-1: Summarize the basic components of a marketing strategy.

Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items based on the Reading and Learning Activities.

Your instructor will assign a business type or industry to you.

Introduction: Examine the four marketing strategies and read about the importance of doing viable marketing research before you begin planning strategy. Based on what you learn, you will begin this assessment by examining the mission statement and then move on to address the situation analysis based on where you live. You will first address the background marketing research based on the business type that will be provided by your instructor.

Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items based on the reading and practice activities.

Scenario: Lee is the owner of Lees [business type assigned by your instructor], which is located in the city closest to where you live. Lee has now hired you to design the basic components of a marketing strategy for his business. You must use the industry assigned by your instructor.


Summarize a marketing strategy for Lees business, addressing each of the six parts.

Part 1 Mission:

Redefine Lees mission. Lees current mission is more of a product-oriented mission statement. For example, We sell flowers or We make pizza.

Write a marketing-oriented mission statement for Lees business.
Part 2 Situation Analysis:

Organization Strengths and Weaknesses:

Describe methods that Lee could use to identify his internal strengths and weaknesses information. For example, some businesses use secret shoppers to identify an organizations strengths and weaknesses. Explain your response.
Environmental Scan:

Who are the direct and indirect competitors for Lees business located in your area?
Using sources like the S. Census Bureau (go to Browse by Topic), describe the demographics affecting Lees business in your area.
How is technology being utilized in the industry assigned that might have a positive or negative impact on Lees business?
Identify Lees competitive advantage against his direct and non-direct competitors in the city nearest to where you live.
Define the term sustainable competitive advantage and explain what advice you would give to Lee in his quest to build a sustainable competitive advantage.
Part 3: Marketing Objectives

Set marketing plan objectives for Lees business (see page 25 of your text).
Identify at least two S.M.A.R.T. goals (i.e., specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and relevant to the mission, and time-bounded).
Part 4: Marketing Strategy

Describe the target market strategy for Lees business. Paint a very clear picture of who Lee will be targeting for his product. For example: Appealing to an entire market, concentrating on one particular segment, or multiple market segments.
Explain the four strategies for growth: market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification. How can Lee use market penetration to increase his sales? Explain.
Briefly describe your marketing mix strategy: product (size, colors, packaging, use, etc.), place or distribution method, pricing, and promotion.
Part 5: Implementation

Using the concepts from the text, explain how you will turn your plan into a reality. For example: Detailed job assignments and activity descriptions.
Part 6: Evaluation

Using the concepts from the text, describe how you will evaluate your marketing strategy.
Respond in a minimum total of 3 pages: 1 pages (350 words) for Parts 13 and 1 pages (350 words) for Parts 46 in a Microsoft Word document with additional title and reference pages using the current APA format and citation style. Your paper should include headings, an introduction, and a conclusion. Go to the reading area for help with APA.


U.S. Labor Department. (2018). Bureau of the census.

Latina Literature Argumentative Essay

DIRECTIONS: For this assignment, you will write a 1-page, single-spaced response where on the reading I provide. Your goal in the paper is to strike an argumentative claim,and reasonably prove your position through identifying and close reading textual evidence. Your thesis should be clear and precise and show that you are making an argumentative claim. Please read the directions below carefully for this assignment.

1.  You must have a single,fully developed, argumentative thesis where you make a claim about the text and attempt to prove your position in your response.

2. Evidence: Your essay must incorporate textual evidence and analysis to corroborate your claim. Make sure that you do not leave the quote to speak for itself but always extrapolate the passage and explain the relevance of the quote for your argument as a whole. Ask yourself: How is this passage advancing or proving my position to my reader? Afterwards, explain explicitly the answer to that question in your response. Above all, you must reasonably prove your claim with the evidence you select and the analyses and arguments you make.

3. Information on only summarizing: While you must inevitably summarize certain scenes to convey your point, your primary focus should be on analyzing scenes or quotes from the text. If your evidence only consists of identifying scenes and explaining what happens in that moment of the plot, then you are not analyzing or close reading, simply storytelling. In the end,make sure you are constructing an argumentative piece of writing that proves a claim, not regurgitates the narrative.

4. Be detailed! Do not be vagueboth in language and claims. Oftentimes, students may believe that the claims they are making are clear,understandable,and make sense. Although arguments are clear for the writer, readers are not in your head, and they are rarely thinking exactly what you are. To ensure your reader fully understands the point you are making, spell every component of your argument out, even if you believe what you are saying is implicit. You want to be sure that I am completely following every step of your argument, so please be as detailed as possible. However, with this recommendation in mind, you also want to avoid redundancy. Do not keep repeating a contention that you have already sufficiently proven.

5. Formatting: The paper must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins, and single-spaced.

The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Epic of Sunjata

The topic is “In the stories read, how do words (or narratives) contribute to bringing
about change or transformation in people or society? Are there any
limitations to the transformative power of words in those stories?”
The narratives are The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Epics of Sunjata.
It is supposed to be two pages, mla formatted, with one quote from each text.

Creative Assignment

Week 4 Creative Writing Assignment:

Write an epilogue to ” The Cask of Amontillado” in which a case against Montresor comes to trial.  In your epilogue, provide the prosecuting attorneys closing argument, reminding the jury of any evidence that proves Montresors guilt.  Then provide the defense attorneys closing argument and describe the jurys final verdict.

Assignment Requirements:

include a minimum of 400 words, written in paragraph form. APA format

be written in the third-person point of view (academic voice). You may write in the first-person point of view if you want to pretend you are Montresor.

be double spaced.  A title page, running head, and abstract are not required.

be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment on the submission page

Please note that each submitted writing assignment this term should be in MS Word format and Times New Roman 12 point font.

Essay assignments should be double spaced, and include indented paragraphs of 1 tab or 5 spaces. 

Always write your name, date, and class in the top left corner of the first page, and use 1 inch margins on all 4 sides of the page.  Review APA for correct citation formatting, and save your documents with your last name first followed by the assignment title.

No Research
There is a no-research policy in place for this class. No outside sources. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment.

world history

Quick Write #2 – Working with Evidence – Traveler’s Tales

Read pages 305-313. Answer the following questions in one or two paragraphs.

What are some of the accuracy issues with these sources? Do we really get a true picture of the societies being described?  If not, what do these sources tell us about their authors/creators – what can we learn about their views on other societies?

The Concept of Love as Portrayed in Jonah, Ruth, and Song of Songs

The Concept of Love as Portrayed in Jonah, Ruth, and Song of Songs.

The Book that needs to be used as one of the sources is, “The Five Megilloth and Jonah” The Five Megilloth and Jonah, Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1969 (ISBN: 978-0-8276-0-0454) and 2008 reedition (978-0-8276-0890-0).

The paper must include a bibliography of at least eight non-class sources and must use MLA, APA, Chicago, or SBL formatting.

Canadian Wildfire Access Model

Develop an Access model for the Canadian 2003 Kelowna wildfire.  Also, compare and contrast the components of the two frameworks. Please cite any references.

Please see the 2 attachments for more details on how to answer this question and what exactly an Access Model is.


Students have options for effective chapter discussions:

(1) Describe how different social problems are constructed as gendered issues (think about various social institutions, such as work, religion, education, etc.). Then relate these to the continued inequality in housework and child care that exists and how this perpetuates inequality in society in general. Take a position on whether social problems are constructed to perpetuate the status quo or whether they are simply social problems. Make sure you discuss both sides and how each impacts the larger societal issue of gender inequity

discussion post

1. How did this week’s assigned readings challenge or affirm your thinking? What did you agree or disagree with and explain why? Did you learn anything new? Is there anything you are curious about? Provide evidence to support your points. We all read the assigned readings, so do not repeat them for us. Give us a fresh take by including your critical analysis and perspective. Your response must be detailed and show deep, reflective, and critical thinking. Surface comments and descriptions will not suffice. I encourage you to use current events, lived experiences, and artifacts (videos, images, etc.) to support your response. Use APA in-text citations to show where your information is coming from. It must be clear that you read/watched and understood the material and can use it to support your perspectives.

2. Using the relational leadership model element of inclusive, why would a leader need to pay attention to the ideas brought up in this week’s assigned readings? In other words, how would this week’s learning material influence a leader who seeks to be inclusive? You will need to reference/use the appropriate part of the relational leadership model (found in the Week 2 module or here) and use it to frame your response.

3. Write at least one (no more than two) discussion question that will engage classmates. The question (s) you ask should not yield “yes or no” responses, or pedestrian/simple answers. Design questions to provoke deep and diverse responses.

Public Health

Responses and definition must be in your own words (plagiarism-free)
Citations must be cited for part A.

Part A
What is epidemiologic surveillance and why is it important for public health? (Length: 2-4 sentences.)

What makes the “who”, “when”, and “where” questions useful in determining causes of disease?  Provide an example. (Length: 5-6 sentences.)

Part B:
Define the following terms in your own words (length: one to two sentences for each one):

Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention

You were just appointed to the health promotion board at a University, the promotion focuses on student, employee, and community health promotion programs. The health promotion board is particularly concerned about an increase in cervical cancer in recent years. Identify a cervical cancer prevention strategy that would target each level of prevention and explain how each prevention program would affect population health.

NOTE: you must provide more than “The prevention program would help prevent cervical cancer. Take it a step or two beyond that and think about the target outcomes for each level of prevention. (length: three to four sentences for each one).
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention

Please separate your paper into two separate parts (PART A & PART B)