Category: Undergraduate

Case Study

Week 5 is a continuation of our discussions on market structures; however, we will also transition to a discussion on pricing strategies.

The most important characteristic in an oligopoly market structure is that there are only a small number of firms competing, and as such their behavior is mutually interdependent.  In perfect competition and monopolistic competition each firm does not need to consider the behavior of the others because there are so many of them. How managers respond to the strategies of other firms in an oligopoly is critical to whether or not they can successfully compete. To test or predict how strategies affect the interdependence several models have been developed. One of those models is referred to as the Game Theory. This is a mathematical tool designed to analyze outcomes when players employ different strategies, i.e., cooperate or compete. The best known game theory is Prisoners Dilemma.

1 – Visit the Prisoner’s Dilemma site ( )  and play Prisoners Dilemma at least twice, changing your strategy between attempts. Then, post your responses and explain how you think this strategy game helps managers make pricing decisions.

The differences in demand and elasticity are the primary factors that drive management decisions related to pricing strategies. One strategy that is prevalent in the U.S. markets is price discrimination. This practice charges a different price to different target groups without consideration of the differences in the costs of production, i.e., senior citizens receive discounted prices at movie theatres while those consumers under 65 pay the full price.

2 – Identify an industry or a company that practices price discrimination, then described the pricing strategy and finish by stating why you consider this an effective pricing strategy for the company or the industry.

Case Study

This week we are focused on the different environments in which companies operate and the market power related to each of these environments.

The environment in which a company operates is referred to as a market structure. There are four primary structures:  perfect competition; monopolistic competition; oligopoly; and, monopoly. A perfection competition has no market power to influence pricing while a monopoly has market power because it can set prices and in turn increase profits. The other two structures vary in degrees of market power based on combine characteristics of both competitive and monopolistic structures.

1 – Select one of the major market structures outlined on page 173 of the text (screenshot), and then identify two existing companies that you believe represent this structure and explain why.

The level, or degree, of a companys market power is directly related to the principle of barriers into the market. Barriers are defined as any structural, legal, or regulatory characteristics of the company and the market structure that prevent other companies from producing comparable products at the same costs. Firms with market power will use several strategies to create these barriers: pricing; cost reduction; and, new product development.

2 – Using the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index on pages 215-216 of the text (screenshot) identify the market power of at least two companies.

Are children exposed too young to social media more susceptible to identity development issues, mental illness, or a higher chance of developing depression?

Create and present your arguable thesis about one problem concerning the issue of identity in the age of social media. You will support your discussion of the problem and your proposed solutions with the texts we have read for the class, as well as 6 independently researched sources.

Goal of a Problem/Solution Essay
A Problem/Solution essay requires you to

investigate a problem,
examine alternative solutions, and
propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence.
There are two major things you need to do in a Problem/Solution essay
1. First, describe the problem and persuade your reader that the problem needs to be addressed.

2. Explain a possible solution(s) and provide support to show why the solution is a good choice.

Introduction: The introduction should introduce your topic and share the problem that you see.
introduce the topic to the reader
include a brief discussion of why this is a problem
At the end of the introduction, you should state your thesis, which should include your proposed solution to the problem.
EX: “The future of medicine and biomedical research should not rely on animals for testing. Instead, we should use alternative testing methods and work toward making different lifestyle choices.”

Discussing the Problem: Three reasons why your topic is a problem
Give the reader some background information on the problem
Discuss the first reason that your topic is a problem and
provide synthesized evidence to support this.
Discuss a second reason that your topic is a problem and again
provide synthesized evidence to support this.
Discuss a third reason that your topic is a problem.
Use synthesized evidence to support this
Discussing the Solution: Two solutions to the problem
Discuss your first solution to the problem.
Use several pieces of evidence to support your argument that this solution is viable.
Discuss your second proposed solution.
Use several pieces of evidence to support your argument that this solution is viable.
In the conclusion, summarize the main points made in your paper.
End your essay by stating why this is an important conversation to be having (what’s the “so what” factor? Why should we care?).

Length: 8-10 pages (2000-2500 words) persuasive research essay

Sources: At least 6 independently-researched sources (in addition to course readings that are helpful

Writing/Organization/Formatting Requirements
Your essay must demonstrate synthesis of textual evidence from at least 4 of the required readings from the course reading calendar on identity and social media, as well as 6 independently researched texts

Writer should demonstrate their  understanding of thesis-driven essay organization
Writer should demonstrate their proficiency in creating SQIE-format body paragraphs
Writer should demonstrate proficiency in synthesizing multiple sources
Writer should demonstrate proficiency in using in-text citations as well as creating a Works Cited page
Writer should demonstrate proficiency in editing and proofreading work for sentence-level errors.

identity in the age of social media

In your essay, you will utilize at least 6 independently-researched sources (in addition to course readings that are helpful) that will help you portray your argument.  These sources must be incorporated correctly, used appropriately, and cited thoroughly using MLA standards.,self-esteem%2C%20triggers%20depression%2C%20and%20enhances%20depression%20over%20time.
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Tracking Health Activity

Using the activity tracking worksheet on pages 69 – 70, track any and all activity over a three-day period this week.  Please use detail and specific information for each time period.  There should be no blank spaces in your tracking.  At the conclusion of the tracking activity, write a one page reflection of what you personally observed.  Were you more or less active than you thought you would be?  Can you match your stage of physical activity readiness to your activity tracking?  Please answer these two questions within your reflection. 

Remember, you must be detailed in your tracking, and include information for every time period.  Do not simply state “9-5 work”, as there would be time periods where you took a break, chatted with a colleague, possibly “goofed off”, or did other activities.  This must be a thoroughly completed tracking of your activities.


Read the attached synopsis of the ballet The Sleeping Beauty, then read the attached Characteristics of the Classical Style in Ballet. Then, using the link below, view the performance of the ballet danced by the Paris Opera Ballet in a version created by Rudolph Nureyev. Provide an analysis of the ballet in which you identify and give examples of the characteristics of this style of ballet as they appear in the performance.
This may be in narrative or bullet point format.

Writers Choice

Assignment Requirements:
1. Page one of this assignment should be a Letter to the Reader as outlined on page 194 of
Sandra Giles article, Reflective Writing and the Revision Process. You may have to tweak
your responses to her questions a bit. For example, when she asks How did you narrow the
assigned topic? you might explain how you chose the particular incident you did if you are
revising the first essay, or why you chose a particular ad or certain approach to that ad if you are
revising your second essay. (attached)
2. Your Letter to the Reader should begin with an MLA heading just like any other paper, but
you do not need a title here. Just give the greeting and go with it. The letter can also be single spaced.
3. After the letter, insert a page break, and on the new page, give another MLA header followed by
your newly revised, polished paper. The essay needs to be double-spaced as usual. The essay can be atopic of your choice.

Format of Senior Design Proposal and Final Report

only fix and write for Section VI: Marketing Plan ( 1 pp.)
a. 2 Short Paragraph Introducing the Content of Section VI
d. 2 Target Market (Characterize this market)
e. 2 Means of Accessing the Target Market (e.g., Website, Commercial Advertising, Trade Publications, etc.)
Section VII: Team Personnel (4-6 pp. or more depending on total # of students in team)
a. 2 Short Paragraph Introducing the Content of Section VII

i will upload the word file just write the highlighted with Yalow pints.



Corporate Performance Report
In the business world, it is imperative that each person be able to determine and make recommendations regarding the viability of any purchase, as well as justify the claims made to upper management. Whether the purchase is equipment, stock, or another company, the same techniques and skills are called into play.

The Corporate Performance Report will require you to apply pertinent business concepts to the analysis of a chosen company using data from the companys annual report as well as other sources. Using different business concepts and real-world techniques, you will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the company and write a report for upper management either recommending or not recommending purchase of the company stock. Just as you would in any business situation, you will be required to revise and improve the pieces of your report as you progress and your final product will be something that could be used in the real business world.

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The completed report must include the following sections and content.

Executive Summary (Completed in Week Five)**

Create an Executive Summary for your report that can be used as the first page of the final product to provide general information for upper management
Provide a synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and a rationale for whether or not to purchase stock from this company.
Introduction to and Background on the Company (Completed in Week One)**

Analyze your chosen companys current business and financial conditions and create a brief introduction to your company that includes the following.
The mission of the company
A descriptions of the companys current business operation, competitors, financial condition
General information that explains why the company interesting to you as an analyst.
Financial Statement Review (Completed in Week Two)**

Evaluate the financial performance of your company by creating a complete financial statement review.
Review all three accounting statements and compare each of these statements to previous statements for the past three years.
Describe any positive or negative trends that emerge from the accounting statement data and comparisons, providing a detailed explanation of the factors that lead to these trends.
Assess potential weaknesses in the financial statements for your company.
Market Summary and Value Calculation (Completed in Week Four)**

Summarize how your company compares to the overall market based on researched competitive market data.
Summarize what 3-5 market analysts are currently saying about the company.
Calculate the value of the companys financial assets by completing ratio analyses for the company for the last three fiscal years within the following bulleted categories. Provide a rationale as to whether each ratio is favorable or signals potential trouble for the company justifying your observations with evidence from the data and your findings.
(Note: Your report must include a minimum of 2 ratios from each bulleted category, with a minimum of 10 total analyses. The greater the number of relevant ratio analyses you can provide, the stronger your business case will be to either purchase or not purchase the stock.)

Categories for ratio analysis
Financial leverage
Asset management
Market value
Financial Returns and Capital Constraints (Completed in Week Three)**

Formulate the expected financial returns and associated risks by completing the following calculations.
Calculate the Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.
Calculate the Constant Growth Stock Valuation (CGSV) and compare it to the current stock price.
Research your companys industry and evaluate what type(s) of capital constraints your company must consider in order to be competitive in the market. Explain the appropriate financial techniques that would be used in this evaluation.
** Be sure to include any additional revisions based on the feedback you received from your instructor in the weekly mentorship exchanges and Waypoint submitted assignments.

The Corporate Performance Report

Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
Must use at least five scholarly and/or industry sources. These may include: the textbook, industry reports, and articles from the Ashford library.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review the related grading rubric.

For this assignment, you will complete the Chapter 8 Case: Control of thresholds for evaluation (TFEs) at Hallenvale Hospital and Chapter 9 Discussion Question 7, parts b, c, and g.

Control of TFEs at Hallenvale Hospital Case

This case requires you to assess the infection rate at the hospital and do the following:

Calculate the average percent of infections.
Create an appropriate control chart with upper and lower control limits, plot the data in a Control Chart (using Excel), and determine if the process is in control.
Determine what actions management should take.
Determine an appropriate TFE for management to use to monitor future data.

Question 7

These questions require that you evaluate different approaches to improving process performance and develop a recommendation on how to proceed. The question and its parts are listed below. Identify and discuss what would be the most appropriate tool (e.g., 7 QC Tools used for kaizen or others) to use to attack each of these problems:

B. The publication team for an engineering department wants to improve the accuracy of its user documentation but is unsure of why documents are not error free.

C. A rental car agency is getting numerous complaints about the length of time that customers have to wait to obtain a car. They need to get a better handle on the factors that relate to the wait time.

G. A travel agency is interested in gaining a better understanding of how call volume varies by time of year in order to adjust staffing schedules.

In your recommendations for each scenario, examine techniques (e.g., a Six Sigma technique, lean strategies, etc.) to improve input and supplier quality, and incorporate a customer-focused approach to Quality Management concepts.

Each conclusion should incorporate at least one scholarly reference supporting the recommendations made. Across the three recommendations, use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the text.

The Recommendations for Improvement paper

Must be two to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers APA Style (Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

organization theory (behavior) and Management

Base on the case of Political Behavior ( upload below).
1)  To what extent are power and politics already at play in this situation?

2)  How might one of the actors in the incident use power and politics to achieve advantage in the situation described?