Category: Undergraduate

Which multicultural factors in your view are most important to be considered during counseling? Discuss in detail with examples.

Essay question: Which multicultural factors in your view are most important to be considered during counseling? Discuss in detail with examples.
Discuss the multicultural factors that play its role in educational environment in your view and needs to be taken in to account by the counselors.
It should be of at least of 2 pages of word document with 1.5 line space.
Mention running references as well as at the end following APA.

Business summary and email

You receive the following email from your boss, Pat Paas:


I need some assistance looking through research about logging.

Im still trying to make a decision about our companys pulp and paper investments, but Im fairly busy this week. Could you please read and summarize Logging scars show impact of deforestation in Canada is worse than we know, research finds by Ivan Semeniuk for me, and then let me know what you think of the article? How strong would you say the information is?

Please send me a full response by email by the end of the day.


Compose an email in response to Pat. Your email should:

include an appropriate subject,
follow business email structure,
be detailed, clear, and concise,
use appropriate tone and correct spelling and grammar,
include a summary of the article,
use rhetorical devices to persuade.

Atlantic city Policing

Policing for the Prevention of Crime
Police Department in My Hometown — its based on Atlantic city
1.    Provide some basic demographic information about your hometown;
2.    Introduce your police department in terms of its size, its organizational structure, its policing style: community policing, incident-driven policing, law enforcement, peacekeeping, problem-oriented policing, or professional policing
3.    Interview the police chief or a police officer to learn his/her opinions about their relationship with the community.
4.    Discuss the residents satisfactions with the police department and your suggestions for their improvement.
5.    Develop a PPT with pictures/maps/bullet points.

Are children exposed too young to social media more susceptible to identity development issues, mental illness, or a higher chance of developing depression?

In this essay, you will create and present your arguable thesis about one problem concerning the issue of identity in the age of social media. You will support your discussion of the problem and your proposed solutions with the texts we have read for the class, as well as 6 independently researched sources.

Goal of a Problem/Solution Essay
A Problem/Solution essay requires you to

investigate a problem,
examine alternative solutions, and
propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence.
There are two major things you need to do in a Problem/Solution essay
1. First, describe the problem and persuade your reader that the problem needs to be addressed.

2. Explain a possible solution(s) and provide support to show why the solution is a good choice.

Introduction: The introduction should introduce your topic and share the problem that you see.
introduce the topic to the reader
include a brief discussion of why this is a problem
At the end of the introduction, you should state your thesis, which should include your proposed solution to the problem.
EX: “The future of medicine and biomedical research should not rely on animals for testing. Instead, we should use alternative testing methods and work toward making different lifestyle choices.”

Discussing the Problem: Three reasons why your topic is a problem
Give the reader some background information on the problem
Discuss the first reason that your topic is a problem and
provide synthesized evidence to support this.
Discuss a second reason that your topic is a problem and again
provide synthesized evidence to support this.
Discuss a third reason that your topic is a problem.
Use synthesized evidence to support this
Discussing the Solution: Two solutions to the problem
Discuss your first solution to the problem.
Use several pieces of evidence to support your argument that this solution is viable.
Discuss your second proposed solution.
Use several pieces of evidence to support your argument that this solution is viable.
In the conclusion, summarize the main points made in your paper.
End your essay by stating why this is an important conversation to be having (what’s the “so what” factor? Why should we care?).

Sources: At least 6 independently-researched sources (in addition to course readings that are helpful

Writing/Organization/Formatting Requirements
Your essay must demonstrate synthesis of textual evidence from at least 4 of the required readings from the course reading calendar on identity and social media, as well as 6 independently researched texts.

Writer should demonstrate their  understanding of thesis-driven essay organization
Writer should demonstrate their proficiency in creating SQIE-format body paragraphs
Writer should demonstrate proficiency in synthesizing multiple sources
Writer should demonstrate proficiency in using in-text citations as well as creating a Works Cited page
Writer should demonstrate proficiency in editing and proofreading work for sentence-level errors.

identity in the age of social media

In your essay, you will utilize at least 6 independently-researched sources (in addition to course readings that are helpful) that will help you portray your argument.  These sources must be incorporated correctly, used appropriately, and cited thoroughly using MLA standards.

The Essential Building Blocks of Research Writing
Do real research

Begin from a question to which you dont know the answer and that cant be answered just by going to the appropriate reference source.  That is, begin from a research question, not a homework question.
Decide what kind of information or data will be needed in order to build the answer to the question.
Gather information and/or collect data.
Work with the information/data to derive or construct your answer.
This is the research process, and it happens before you begin to write your paper.  No research = no research writing, so dont shortchange this part of the process.

Your introductory section including your thesis: your problem and proposed solutions

Your paragraphs discussing one of the three reasons why your chosen issue is a problem

Your paragraphs should demonstrate your synthesis of textual evidence–When asked to synthesize sources and research, many writers start to summarize individual sources. However, this is not the same as synthesis. In a summary, you share the key points from an individual source and then move on and summarize another source. In synthesis, you need to combine the information from those multiple sources and add your own analysis of the literature. This means that each of your paragraphs will include multiple sources and citations, as well as your own ideas and voice.

1st reason its a problem: How online presence effects identify
2nd reason t’s a problem: Causes identity development issues during childhood into adulthood
3rd reason it’s a problem: Lack of self-esteem and causes identity development issues.

First solution: Focused research on what type of social media affects identity and developing depression.
2nd solution: Parents becoming more involved in their children’s social media activity. Parents or the older generation educate themselves on how social media impacts their children so they can recognize the signs of depression or developmental health issues.

Nonprofit Management Research Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to research a topic that you think is important for effective nonprofit management. The paper should describe several perspectives concerning the topic based on your own research with references to at least five sources(not including the textbook).
The following sections are required within the paper:
(a) an overall description of the nonprofit management topic and why it is important from your perspective;
(b) several perspectives regarding the topic with support from journal articles, conference papers, technical reports, or other sources;
(c) your recommendations to executive directors or board members regarding the topic.

****5 SCHOLARLY ARTICLES******* you can use google scholar.
APA format is required for all direct quotations and references to paraphrased material from other sources. Failure to correctly cite all references to other sources is considered plagiarism, which will result in a failing grade. This paper must demonstrate your own analysis and, therefore, it should not include substantial quotes. A report will be generated by Turnitin, a software program that checks for references and similarities to other text, and is turned percentage from the report of anything greater than 15% generally indicates that the paper does not primarily represent your own work. Grading RubricDescribe the nonprofit management topic and its importance (10 points)Provide several perspectives on the topic with support from articles(20 points)Detail your recommendations to nonprofit managers(10 points)Fulfill the recommended paper length and required format (10 points


Watch this video. It might be a good idea to watch it twice.

After watching, please write a minimum of 100 words to answer the following question:

Question: Please assess the degree to which the data presented support modernization theory vs. dependency theory.  Be careful to explain your answer.

Critical Review of an article on Business Strategy

I have attached below the article in question(Cratfing Strategy), the assignment brief with the main instruction for the essay and the matrix with the marking criteria. There is also a checklist that explains exaclty how the essay should be written. The essay should be 1000 words not 1100.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

****************************************************************************************************************I have attached the first EBP Paper which should be used to complete this assignment.

The final version of the EBP Paper should include four basic sections: An introduction that provides the background information and states the thesis of the paper; A methods section that details the steps you took in finding information and data about the topic, population, and interventions; A findings section that details your results and presents your review of articles on the outcome and effectiveness of the interventions with the chosen population; and a Conclusion.  You will be submitting edited or perhaps re-written versions of your previous parts one and two for this paper.  This is the only time you will be submitting the conclusion portion. The paper should be submitted as one complete APA style research paper. Details for the conclusion section are included below. 

Conclusion: Make an argument for one intervention approach from those that you presented in Part II.  You will select the intervention that you think presents a supportable solution to your practice problem.  The intervention should be relevant to your target population, amenable to intervention in a clinical setting, and directly addresses your identified problem. 

Describe how and why this intervention is the most appropriate for your issue and population.
    What aspects of the supporting research have led you to believe that this intervention will be successful in practice?
    Assess and describe the fit of this intervention with your client(s).  Does it seem acceptable given what you know about your clients preference, culture, and values?  Does it require a realistic level of financial and time resources?  You are selecting the best intervention which still may not fit all of your needs so address how well or poorly the intervention fits. 

Conclude your paper by briefly restating your EBP question and your primary findings. Your conclusion will be strengthened by identifying gaps in the literature and suggesting areas for additional research 2-3 pages.

The completed Final EBP paper should be between 10 pages not including an APA title page and Reference page. There should be a minimum of 5 scholarly articles used as references for this paper.

Application questions

Answer the following questions in your text and submit the answers and any supporting spreadsheets.

Application Question 2, page 319

From the Bureau of Economic Analysis Web page (, compare real GDP for 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010. Show the percentage change in real GDP over each of those decades. Do the percentages of GDP spent on consumption (C), investment (I), government (G), exports (X), and imports (M) differ significantly among those years? Are there changes in the balance of trade over the period? Explain.

Application Question 1, page 359

Use the aggregate expenditure model developed in this chapter to explain the following statements:

A – Coming amid continued turmoil in the financial and credit markets, the report sent stocks lower, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling 146.70 points Friday to close at 11,893.69.

B – Administration officials said they were confident conditions would improve as tax rebates that are part of the recent $152 billion economic-stimulus package begin to reach consumers.

C – The Fed is expected to cut interest rates again to prop up the economy.

Application questions

Answer the following questions in your text and submit the answers and any supporting spreadsheets to the Week Five Dropbox.

Application Question 2, page 255

The following paragraphs provide a description of the competition between Home Depot and Lowes on selling flowering plants:41
41 Miguel Bustillo, The Garden Gloves Come OffBig Box Retailers Battle to Engineer Prettier, Sturdier, Longer-Lasting Blooms, Wall Street Journal (Online) April 27, 2011.

In the spring Home Depot and Lowes engage in an annual arms race to engineer and develop new scientifically altered versions of common flowering plants that are designed to bloom brighter or withstand neglect longer. The goal in particular is to sell something the other guy doesnt.
Home Depot is the worlds largest home-improvement chain with $68 billion in annual revenue, while Lowes is the second-largest with $49 billion in annual revenue. Although spring is the peak selling season for all merchandise, plants and trees are used to entice consumers into the stores. Analysts estimate that for every dollar customers spend on plants, they spend $3 on accessories such as hoses, shovels, and gloves. Both companies employ weather forecasters to advise them on when plants should appear in stores in different parts of the country.
Lowes uses a team of Ph.D. horticulturalists to choose among a thousand possible blooms developed by breeders around the world. After determining how the plants grow in different climates, the growers test mass production of hundreds and then thousands of plants. Both retailers try to secure exclusive rights to popular new varieties, although sometimes they are exclusive in name only.
Lowes uses a greenhouse complex in Huntersville, NC to grow plants and conduct consumer focus groups where customers can identify the flower varieties they most admire. Home Depot uses another greenhouse complex in Mills River, NC, two hours west, for the same purpose.

Discuss how the oligopoly models presented in this chapter apply to the behavior of Home Depot and Lowes.

Application Question 3 , page 287

The following discussion pertains to the pricing policies of Linear Technology Corp.:65

65 George Anders, In a Tech Backwater, a Profit Fortress Rises, Wall Street Journal, July 10, 2007.

The semiconductor industry Linear Technology Corp. has maintained strong profitability by operating at the fringes where competition is low and margins are high. This midsize company makes 7,500 arcane, unglamorous products that solve real-world problems for a long list of customers, including analog chips that are too cheap for customers to haggle over, but perform chores too important to ignore. Many of Linears chips cost less than 50 cents to build and sell for three to four times as much, but customers seldom complain about the markup.

Linear made a 39% profit on its $1.1 billion sales in 2006, more than five times the average for U.S. industrial companies. However, other bigger chip makers, including Texas Instruments Inc., Richtek Technology Corp. of Taiwan, and Freescale Semiconductor Inc. of Austin, Texas, are now moving into the market and others may follow suit. Unlike in the digital chip world, in which a single winning design bought by a few big customers can yield huge profits, Linear would rather see its order book packed with small to midsize orders from companies too busy to haggle over prices. Intermec Inc., which makes mobile data scanners, uses Linear chips to obtain extra life from its devices batteries. The chips total cost is less than 5% of the materials budget. Performance is crucial for this company; price is not.

Traditionally the dozen or so major analog chip companies have tiptoed around one anothers product lines, helping keep profit margins high. Each company established its strength decades ago, making it easy to extend existing product families and deepen relations with longtime customers. We chip away a little at each others specialties, says Jerald Fishman, chief executive of Analog Devices. But there isnt a lot of direct competition.

Discuss how price elasticity of demand influences the pricing strategies of Linear Technology Corp. What market model best describes this industry? Explain.