Category: Undergraduate

Dr. Martin Luther king’s Speech “The Other America”

In the second half of the 20th century, racial tensions rose in the United States as African Americans began to challenge unjust laws that supported discrimination and segregation. This movement found its leader in the patient and inspiring minister, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Explore how Kings deep-seated commitment to nonviolence contributed to the expansion of social justice, economic inequality, and racial injustice in the United States, particularly for African Americans.  Choose one of the two Dr. King’s speeches posted in this folder and write a 7-10 page position paper, excluding the title and reference pages, using the theories explored in the text. Utilize at least 3 peer reviewed articles to support your position. In your essay draw on the following concepts from your readings socioeconomic status, education and class, race and class, gender and class, globalization, meritocracy, class mobility, class consciousness, poverty, work ethic, functionalist and conflict views on class, inequality, etc.

The paper should be formated using APA style, 12 pt New Times Roman font, double spaced.

Due Date: November 22, 2020

Preservation and Restoration

Many feel that architecture, art, and design elements should decay naturally. Others feel that all efforts should be made to preserve and restore artworks and buildings of significant historical value. What do you think? Should we go to all lengths to clean, restore and/or maintain a piece of cultural history or should we let the items succumb to the limitations of their materials and disintegrate naturally? Who gets to decide?

Write your response in a minimum of two paragraphs and make sure to cite any sources in MLA format.

Here are some topics to get you started on research and to help you form your opinion: :

Winterthur Museum: furniture conservation
Restoring Michelangelos David
World Monuments Fund
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Journal of Architectural Conservation

Compare and Contrast

The spread of the Renaissance to Europe and England is further highlighted by an increase of national pride resulting regional interpretations and differences in the stylistic development of furniture items and interiors.  Select a furniture type: chair, table, bed, etc. and choose one French, one Spanish and one English example for which to conduct additional research.

Provide a three-paragraph minimum descriptive analysis of the stylistic characteristics and culture from which it originated using relevant terminology.  Include the following information:

– Artist, designer and/or patron (if known)
– Date of creation
– Medium/materials used
– Dimensions
– Important decorative elements
– Images of each furniture item

Why did you select these three examples?  Describe the stylistic link between your selection – what elements are similar, what are different?  Which do you feel best represents the overarching ideals of the Renaissance?  Why?

Remember to include a bibliography of your research and image sources.

I have attached an example for reference.. it does not need to be in the same format.

Airport Security pre & post 9/11

Minot International Airport, located in Minot, North Dakota has recently been approved for a terminal expansion due to increased annual enplanements.  You will assume the role of an Aviation Security Consultant. Your job is to review all of the available provided information about Minot International Airport. You will complete a security assessment report that includes all of the following information:

Potential Security Hazards (essentially a list of what if scenarios)
Security Vulnerabilities (identify potential holes in the airports security)
Recommended security procedures, practices, or equipment (TSA, Fencing, Access, screening equipment, etcbe creative)
Mutual aid partnerships with local agencies to enhance airport security or emergency response capability (police, fire, ambulance, hospital, HAZMAT, SWAT, etc)
Your report should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced, APA format.

SWOT Analysis

Select a public air carrier. Look up their Annual Report (also called Form 10-K filing).  Using this information, you will perform a SWOT analysis of your selected company.  A SWOT analysis includes an in-depth analysis of internal strengths and weaknesses, based on the characteristics of the company.  This may include business model, cost structure, route structure, capitalization, location, customer base, and other factors.  A SWOT analysis also includes an assessment of external opportunities and threats, based on an evaluation of characteristics of the environment in which the company is doing business.  These may include new potential markets, market factors, competition, economic conditions, cost of resources, recent events, reputation, regulatory actions, and other factors.

Begin by providing a basic overview of the company. Briefly describe:

The companys business model: carrier type (major feeder, commuter, cargo, etc) what customer base they serve, region or nations (if applicable), route structure (point to point or direct).
Review the companys economic factors:
Profitability? (net income)
Positive or negative cash flow?
Operating revenue trends, operating expense trends?
Assets vs. liabilities?
Load factors?
Debt/debt trends (long-term debt, capital leases, etc)? (able to meet interest payment obligations?)
New initiatives/strategy (if applicable)

For the SWOT analysis internal factors, consider the following:

Fuel hedging programs
Fares, rates, & fees
Frequent Flyer Programs
Employee/Labor relations (Collective bargaining, strikes, unionization)
Fleet (general typeswide body, narrow body, RJ, etc? owned, leased (capital or operating), pending manufacturer delivery? new/old? efficient/inefficient?
Company legal issues (if applicable)
Other factors, as applicable

For SWOT external factors, consider the following:

Costs: fuel, labor, aircraft, etc
Regulatory issues
Economic issues
Customer demand
Industry issues
Recent applicable current events (positive or negative)
Other factors, as applicable
Project Requirements:
5-7 pages (excluding cover page & references), double spaced, 12-point font size, Times New Roman or Arial font type, APA formatted with proper citations


1) Read the article by Jean Paul Sartre, Existentialism is a Humanism

(2) Watch the video


(1) after reading Existentialism is a Humanism formulate a thesis about the text that addresses one of the major philosophical themes, such as the idea that human beings are entirely free, existence precedes essence, and bad faith. For example, you can address questions such as:

–Are we free? What does it mean to be free?

–Does freedom mean we can do whatever we want? Do we still have moral responsibility?

(2) after exploring one of themes in Sartre’s Existentialism is a Humanism, you will need to compare Sartre to Kant. For example, if you took up the question of freedom, how would Sartre’s views on freedom compare with those of Kant?

(3) draw three conclusions and support them by the arguments you made in your paper


Paper should not just contain summaries of the text by Sartre, but a unique engagement with Sartre’s writing.

Paper must be 3-4 pages, times new roman, double spaced, 12 point font. Please only include the title in the paper. Do not include my name, your name, the date, or the name of the class.

(1) You will need 5 secondary sources for your research essay. They must come from a book; online sources will not work. Therefore, you will need to visit a library in order to write the essays.

(2) You will need to develop a thesis, and your paper must have an (1) introductory paragraph with thesis statement, (2) three body paragraphs, and (3) conclusion.

(3) You will need to quote the secondary sources and the text in MLA style. Do not use excessive quotations; however, quote the text when needed. All quotations should follow MLA style. Again, keep quotations to a minimum, but do quote the secondary sources when needed.

Here I’ve provided the links of sources that have more informations.

American Political System

One page paper on the topic of war in Afghanistan and if we agree or disagree with President Trump’s strategy in conducting the war and state their reasons for their position. I uploaded the directions to this paper. There are 5 major bullet points that need to be answered in order to complete the paper. So please make sure you answer every single one of them.

collect the data from 2007 to 2010 of current and future government spending(G OR G’) of the USA and then collect data of endogenous variables(Y;I;N;C)

get datas in an excel sheets.
we are asked to collect datas and description of exogenous(G and G’) in one spreadsheet and in an other spreadsheet endogenous variables(I;C;N;Y) of the USA.
the time period is from: 2007-2010 of the financial recession.
The format of the data (i.e. level, growth rate, index) must be chosen in such a way that is easily
related to the predictions of the theoretical model.
All data series must be well documented.
here below you will find an example on how to write on the excel pages, which means on one spreadsheet we will have the exogenous variables from 2007-2010 of the financial recession in the Us and on the other spreadsheet we will have the exogenous variables.

Explain how your Attitude can shape your academic and personal life?

–    Understand what the question/topic is about. Accordingly make your own main point and your view before you write anything.
–    Write an ESSAY with a clear introduction, body, conclusion. Avoid short points or summaries or synopses. Write sequential and connected paragraphs NOT short sentences.
–    Do not exceed the word count 400-500 words for each essay

Karatu Coffee Company In Tanzania: What Strategy Next?

“Karatu Tanzania pdf” is the case. “Advanced case analysis process slides” is an overview of how the case should be done, and “Microsoft word – b450 f2020” is the specific instructions for the case – you can see the format and what’s required in this file.

The remaining files are powerpoint slides that have some theories in them, it is recommended to use relevant theories in the case analysis.