Category: Undergraduate

The dream act

Write two pages involves the dream act which deals with global security.

This paper is a 10 pages paper. The task was “Choose a cultural topic, which deals with any of the following: Prejudice, stereotypes, racism, global health, global security and immigration”

The topic I chose was dream act.
I already finish stereotypes, racism, and immigration. The only thing left is global security.

The thesis is “The DREAM ACT has given individuals a new way of life, but has opened the doors to global security, stereotypes, racism and a new look on immigration.”

Only focus on global security with the dream act.

Site your sources,

legal research topic by locating, reading and summarizing a number of key resources.

You will have the opportunity to explore a legal research topic by locating, reading and summarizing a
number of key resources. This assignment is intended to help you develop foundational research,
interpretation and written communication skills.
For your research paper, you will be exploring a current issue in Canadian law. More specifically, you will
explore the history of this issue, present multiple perspectives on it, and conclude with your
recommendations for future research and/or a call to action. The paper needs to be well researched
with a suitable variety of reliable, high quality and properly documented sources. You will need to
reference at least two legal cases, three scholarly articles and any two other sources (textbook,
government/non profit report, etc). The research paper should be approximately 5 to 8 pages of content
(double spaced, 1-inch margin). It should also include a title page and a reference page indicating the
sources (so 7 to 10 pages in total).
Selecting a Research Topic:
You may select the topic for your research assignment. The only requirement is that your topic must
related to a specific LAW or LAWS. This is different than other courses in criminology where you might
write about deviance, criminal behaviours or social reactions to crime in general. In this class, your
research assignment will be about a specific LAW. If you are unsure of your research topic, please let me
know and we can schedule a quick call to discuss some options.
Scholarly article criteria:
Article is published in a peer-reviewed academic journal / book chapter is published in an
edited volume published by a scholarly press.
Article or book chapter relates to your topic.
Note that book reviews are not viable sources for this assignment.
Government or nonprofit organization report criteria:
Report is authored by a government body (a ministry, department, or agency) or report is
authored by a nonprofit / civil society organization.
Report relates to your topic. ( Use this linked library link for research reference for at least 1 and
rest can be based on internet as mentioned above in details)

Any topic (writer’s choice)


You and your colleagues at the Sierra Club have been asked to submit a report to the US. Senates Committee on Energy and Natural Resources who have been asked to spearhead a national task force on energy, minerals, and the federal lands. Your report to the Committee will consider a variety of issues, including national security (becoming energy self-sufficient and, if possible, self-sufficient for critical non-energy minerals), environmental sustainability (minimizing conventional air/water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and nuclear waste, as well as minimizing the volume of water needed for energy generation and mining), and economic efficiency. In cases where legislation already exists, you have been asked to re-examine and refine the current laws and policies.
What policy will you recommend? Be sure to consider the life cycle of energy and minerals, including extraction of raw materials, generation into usable forms of energy (generally, electricity), transmission to place of use, and disposal of any waste products.

Question: The role of federal land (and oceans): What role should the federal lands (including offshore lands) play in the national energy (and mining) policy?


Successes and Challenges faced by Tom Longboat

The essay is intended to provide you with the opportunity to summarize and critique the current academic literature that is
focused on a topic of your choice, which is related to one of the topics covered in this course. Regardless of the topic, you
will need to demonstrate a rich understanding by writing a well-thought-out, thoroughly researched, clear, concise, and
literature-informed paper. When doing the course readings, consider articles that you find especially appealing and
consider how you might incorporate readings into your essay.
Sample essay topics:
Recreation research that has ethically/respectfully engaged Indigenous peoples
Promotion of contemporary sport among Indigenous peoples
Teaching of Traditional games in Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities
Examination of the TRC’s Calls to Action pertaining to health and sport
Format: The paper should be a maximum of 8 pages, double-spaced (plus a maximum of 2 additional pages for
references and appendices). The paper must incorporate and reference a minimum of ten peer-reviewed journal articles.
Please follow APA guidelines for format.
All essays must be submitted in a “Word” document via eClass by Monday December 7, 2020.


Essay #1 Unit 1: Rhetorical Analysis Tools for Effective Argument
Rhetorical Analysis (SLO 1 support a thesis and topic sentences with textual evidence integrating quotes smoothly into the analysis that show rather than tell. SLO 2 analyze passages/texts from a source(s) and provide insightful analysis that looks at word choice, implications, connotations, and/or gaps in the text).

Prompt Write a rhetorical analysis assessing the effectiveness of an argument found in a piece of text (article, book, poem, image, speech, film, op-ed, etc.). In your analysis, you must use at least three assessments discussed in Chapters 1-6 of Everythings an Argument. You can choose to analyze the use of purpose, the who, appeal to audience, pathos, ethos, logos, Kairos, or fallacies in a piece of text. You are of course welcome to use more than three.

Option for Rhetorical Analysis:
    Analyze a texts effective use of rhetoric (assessments)

Is Globalisation in Crisis?


I have attached a template and a document consisting of notes (pulled quotes). I will link you some readings and references to study for this paper. I want a bibliography of 8 – 15 sources. The English must be to a very high standard, that is sophisticated and above all coherent.

Check the reading list I set out (attached)

Ethical Issues

Find an IT organisation, case study, of your choice. For the organisation write 2-3 paragraphs for each of the following:
    What is GDPR and how it is implemented in EU?
    How does the organisation implement the GDPR?
    What security measures does the organisation employ to safeguard personal data?
    How does the organisation address the issue of equality in terms of its IT/computers?
    How does the organisation address the issue of intellectual property rights (copyrights, patents and trademarks)?
IT organisation can be any for example Cisco, amazon, etc.

Why do revolutions fail?

Research Question:

Why do revolutions fail? 


Using your text and scholarly outside resources, research the following revolutions:
-French Revolution
-American Revolution
-Revolutions of 1848
-Russian Revolution
For each revolution provide a 2-3 paragraph overview of the revolution, and in an additional 2-3 paragraphs explain why the revolution was successful or why it failed. 
Cite 2 works of art for each revolution.  Include images in an appendix, NOT in the body of the paper.
Format your paper according to MLA or APA guidelines, including appropriate headings that differentiate between the three sections of your paper.
Include at least two sources in addition to the textbook.

For help with MLA formatting: (Links to an external site.)

For help with APA formatting: (Links to an external site.)

For help with citing, paraphrasing, and not plagiarism: (Links to an external site.)

For some good essay writing tips: (Note: the presenter speaks quickly, so turn on the closed captioning if you have a hard time understanding what she is saying)
5 Tips For Writing College Essays (Links to an external site.)
5 Tips For Writing College Essays

How to get an A:

Thoroughly address the prompt.
-Make sure your paper meets the minimum page length.
-Proofread for errors.
-Make sure your paper provides an in-depth analysis of why each revolution succeeded or failed.
-Make sure you provide a satisfactory background of each revolution.
-Make sure your paper makes sense!
-Write in an academic tone.
-Correctly cite all paraphrased and quoted material.
-Include your own analysis supported by the text and outside resources.
-Visit the writing center for help and tips on revising your work. 

Why Remote Learning should be continued at Nassau Community College


Many teachers and students argue that remote learning should be discontinued at NCC because teachers and students have too many distractions at home, students work multiple jobs and now even longer hours to help their families even more now during COVID, and the teaching and the learning are not as high quality. TRANSITION SENTENCE: But this is more myth than fact. [YOUR SIDE’S THESIS:] While it is true that there are many distractions at home, there are more distractions in school and even before and between classes that not only waste time but drain both teachers’ and students’ energy. In addition, while it may be true some students are working longer hours, the fact is community college students often work multiple jobs to support their families and themselves and avoid crushing student loan debt. Finally, its is pure nonsense to say quality of education is lower. In fact, in many ways it is higher.

COMMON GROUND (1-2 pages) must focus on the time span of COVID and the impact nationwide on education at all le3vels for about 2-3 paragraphs, then switch to impact on public colleges and then in particular community colleges. Talk about what “remote learning” means in terms of the range of technology used by schools and the range of technology required of students. Then talk about NCC remote learning technology and what students needs for classes — you can use your own classes BUT DON’T SAY “I take… and I use….” — make sure you talk in the third person (students, they, those enrolled in classes…)

Start with first topic — put the first reason into “Topic sentence” form and then you can give your own logic and DETAILED examples of what distractions could mean. Paragraphs must NOT exceed 5 sentences each. Add experts comments and any statistics to back up the ideas you wrote.

Then do the same for each reason for the opponent.

Then switch to your side and do the same.

It is better to knock down the opponent after letting the opponent speak, by following up with your side’s response, but it is okay to save time and simply split the paper.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This reflective journal includes a summary of your key learnings from each module throughout the semester.  A template for this assignment is included in Canvas.  This assignment should be submitted using the template provided in Canvas, but saved in a pdf (only accepted in pdf form) and uploaded in Canvas.