Category: Undergraduate

The Starry Night


View the videos provided in the links below. These videos teach you how to analyze a painting. Then, using the second set of links, select one painting out of the four provided and analyze it according to the criteria presented in the videos.
Based on the information presented in the videos, provide an analysis of one of the four paintings shown in the links provided.
The analysis can be in a narrative or bullet point format. Be sure to utilize the terminology presented in the videos such  as line, form, etc.
This analysis is 10% of your final grade, so be thorough.


Madonna of the Meadow by Giovanni Bellini
The Third of May by Francisco Goya
Number 1A 1938 by Jackson Pollock

The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh (ANALIZE)

learning journal

Critique Four (4) readings. In terms of content, your critique should not just consist of a summary of what you have read but represent your own thoughts on the readings, answering questions such as:  Does the author provide adequate support for the claims being made in the article? Is the evidence open to alternative interpretations?  Are there any interesting conceptual connections between the content of the article and something you have experienced or read about?

discussion board for history of photography class using only the attached links and pdf as sources

You are to COPY AND PASTE the links below (watch the first link, a 13 minutes long video, the attached pdf, and the second link, read the content) ONLY USE THESE TWO LINKS AND THE ATTACHED PDF AS SOURCES.
Then you are to answer/discuss the following questions highlighted in a discussion board format.
Constructed photos and world histories
Choose a portrait artist from the video, the second link or attached pdf and speak to how identity plays out in their work. What does the work say about them as an artist (psychologically) and what does it say about their subjects? Intertwine politics and/or identity politics within this short analysis.

Keep simple, one paragraph 7 to 10 sentences max.  If using content from the video say as mention in the video lecture no citation need. This is an assignment for a discussion board so keep simple and use simple words

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Having written about a given set of literacies and competencies and how these can manifest as professions and roles of cultural import in the public space, you must now make an argument that addresses the development of this skill in light of its challenges and reach. Should more people seek to undertake this type of literacy to develop this skill and ultimately fill this role? Should fewer? Will this profession change in the future, and will this change benefit any group? Does our school system adequately prepare people to undertake this literacy, and should it? This argument should not only communicate the ultimate importance of this competency, but its connection to your readers and peers. 

OBJECTIVE: Compose an essay that successfully argues for the importanceof your selected literacy.
1.Brainstorm unique reasons why this literacy and its implications are important for others to experience. You are invited to discuss the literacy as a skill, the various roles people with this literacy occupy, and how this literacy functions in formal education. You are also permitted to take an antagonistic perspective and look at the detrimental side of your chosen literacy.
2.Outline your argument based on your outcome of #1. Think of three or more reasons that support your argument and pay attention to possible counterarguments.
3.Identify a minimum of two secondary sources that support your claimsabout the value of this literacy.  Also, consider drawing upon your interview conducted for the previous assignment.
4.Compose an essay that (1) presents a thesis statement, (2) offers detailed support for your claim (and possibly addresses counter claims), (3) uses secondary sources as additional support for your claim, and (4) persuades readers to thoughtfully engage with your position.
For more information about this assignment and for student examples, see pp.305-315 of the Guide to First-Year Writing.

Requirements: A 3-4 page essay including
An instructor-approved subject or platform
Articulation of why your argument has validity
A thesis that helps orient readers to the purpose and major claims of your essay
Detailed evidence from the work that supports your evaluation (two or more secondary sources that offer additional evidence)
A coherent organizational structure that supports your thesis
MLA citation for all sources in an attached works cited page
Proofreading and MLA formatting

Any topic (writer’s choice)

OBJECTIVE: Compose a short piece that reports on your major findings from the interview and discusses how you will use the interview data in your Essay 3.
1.Identify someone to interview (which may be conducted via phone, email, or other non-physical means). It is important to contextualize this persons credentials in your eventual paper. Someone who has earned a degree in a given field as a result of their skillset or who is professionally employed due to their skills is your most reliable option, but how their skills manifest may differsomeone with a high level of computer literacy may be a software engineer or may apply their skill toward a different profession altogether, like management or teaching.  For those of you writing about cultural and hobby literacy, you may need to identify someone with community-established credentials, like those who run their own websites, own stores related to these literacies, or have some other visible presence.
2.Create an interview plan that includes a formal set of questions. Spend a good bit of time crafting questions that will get the best and most relevant information from the interviewee. Plan to record to conversation if possible (using your phone or another device) AND to take detailed notes as you interview. Conduct the interview.
3.After interviewing, listen back/review the interview and analyze your notes/data looking for patterns OR trends in responses, especially where the information from your interview coheres with (or deviates from) your own experiences. Generate a claim about your major findings.
4.Write a short report that presents this claim as a thesis statement. Use the information from your interview to support your claim. Make sure to include some information about how you will use this interview data in Essay 3. This report is not a narrative of your experience of interviewing. The essay uses details from the interview to present your findings and give readers a reason to accept your claims about this profession and its roots in a certain type of literacy

requirements: A 3 page essay that includes:An instructor-approved point of contact
A clear thesis statement that presents your major findings from the interview
Detailed evidence to support your claim that comes from your interview (e.g. direct quotes from interviewees, summaries of their stories/explanations)
A coherent organizational structure that supports your claim (includes introduction and conclusion)
MLA citation for all sources in attached Works Cited page
Proofreading and MLA formatting
A set of research questions as an appendix

Pop Culture. Gender, Race, sexuality

– Since this is a Women, Gender, and Sexualities Studies course, your focus should be on women or gender minority characters significantly challenging typical gendered norms/behaviors and witches.  In addition, you should also address intersectionality in some way-race, empire, ability, language, etc.
– need 6 academic, peer-reviewed sources analyzing a theme related to gender and film. Also, this paper needs 4 more academic journal article sources.
– MLA guidelines: 1″ margins, double spaced, 12-point font

Ghana Research Paper

Finish the 2 requirements I have left which are:

Health Beliefs (5 points)
    Discuss how your culture uses foods, herbs or supplements in healing.
    Discuss how the food or herb is used and give 2 examples and their uses.

History and Cultural Challenges in the United States (5 points)
    Discuss current demographics and socioeconomic status of your assigned cultural group in the United States.
    Describe the cultural challenges and some of the problems your assigned culture has in the US.

Week 7 Discussion: Rejection Region

Initial Post Instructions

After reviewing data from a sample, an inference can be made about the population.
For example,

Find a data set on the internet. Some suggested search terms: Free Data Sets, Medical Data Sets, Education Data Sets.

Introduce your Data Set and Cite the Source.
What trends do you notice in your data set?
Based on the trends and the history of your data set, make a claim. What kind of test (left, right, two tailed) would you have to complete?
Explain the steps needed to complete the Hypothesis Test. What is needed?

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Based on the claim presented by your peer, state the null and alternative hypothesis and process you would take to determine if you would Reject or Fail to Reject Ho.
Based on the data and history presented by your peer, state a new claim and explain why you think your claim is valid.
Writing Requirements

Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up)
APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Chain of Inquiry

The main instructions are on the PDF attached. The FaceBook article has been attached and the link to Ted Talk. For the third question in the instructions, my original question was “Are these types of advertisements still marketed to genders today?”, but I have also attached the previous assignment it was referring to.

Ted talk link –

Letter to a Legislator

In this exercise, you will write a two-page letter to your state or federal representative about a health-care issue currently being discussed/debated. Research where your representative stands on a current health-care issue as well as where the medical profession, such as professional organizations, practicing medical professionals, patients, and other advocates, stands on the issue. In your letter, you will state why you either agree or disagree with your representatives position on the issue and provide references to support your position. Provide a title page and a reference page. This does not count toward the total page count.

Identify a health-care issue that is currently being debated nationally or at the state level.
Write a two-page letter explaining why you agree with your representatives position or not.
Include data and evidence as appropriate to align your position with the current People goals.          a.  b. Include references to the appropriate government agencies.